Exemplo n.º 1
		IEnumerable<TreeNode> LazyGetChildNodes()
			foreach(DebugParameterInfo par in stackFrame.MethodInfo.GetParameters()) {
				string imageName;
				var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForParameter(out imageName);
				var expression = new ExpressionNode(image, par.Name, par.GetExpression());
				expression.ImageName = imageName;
				yield return expression;
			if (this.stackFrame.HasSymbols) {
				foreach(DebugLocalVariableInfo locVar in stackFrame.MethodInfo.GetLocalVariables(this.StackFrame.IP)) {
					string imageName;
					var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForLocalVariable(out imageName);
					var expression = new ExpressionNode(image, locVar.Name, locVar.GetExpression());
					expression.ImageName = imageName;
					yield return expression;
			} else {
				WindowsDebugger debugger = (WindowsDebugger)DebuggerService.CurrentDebugger;
				if (debugger.debuggerDecompilerService != null) {
					int typeToken = this.stackFrame.MethodInfo.DeclaringType.MetadataToken;
					int methodToken = this.stackFrame.MethodInfo.MetadataToken;
					foreach (var localVar in debugger.debuggerDecompilerService.GetLocalVariables(typeToken, methodToken)) {
						string imageName;
						var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForLocalVariable(out imageName);
						var expression = new ExpressionNode(image, localVar, ExpressionEvaluator.ParseExpression(localVar, SupportedLanguage.CSharp));
						expression.ImageName = imageName;
						yield return expression;
			if (stackFrame.Thread.CurrentException != null) {
				yield return new ExpressionNode(null, "__exception", new IdentifierExpression("__exception"));
Exemplo n.º 2
		IEnumerable<TreeNode> LazyGetChildNodes()
			foreach(DebugParameterInfo par in stackFrame.MethodInfo.GetParameters()) {
				string imageName;
				var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForParameter(out imageName);
				var expression = new ExpressionNode(image, par.Name, par.GetExpression());
				expression.ImageName = imageName;
				yield return expression;
			foreach(DebugLocalVariableInfo locVar in stackFrame.MethodInfo.GetLocalVariables(this.StackFrame.IP)) {
				string imageName;
				var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForLocalVariable(out imageName);
				var expression = new ExpressionNode(image, locVar.Name, locVar.GetExpression());
				expression.ImageName = imageName;
				yield return expression;
			if (stackFrame.Thread.CurrentException != null) {
				yield return new ExpressionNode(null, "__exception", new IdentifierExpression("__exception"));
Exemplo n.º 3
		public ITreeNode GetNode(string variable, string currentImageName = null)
			try {
				var expression = GetExpression(variable);
				string imageName;
				IImage image;
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentImageName)) {
					image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForLocalVariable(out imageName);
				else {
					image = new ResourceServiceImage(currentImageName);
					imageName = currentImageName;
				ExpressionNode expressionNode = new ExpressionNode(image, variable, expression);
				expressionNode.ImageName = imageName;
				return expressionNode;
			} catch (GetValueException) {
				return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the tooltip control that shows the value of given variable.
		/// Return null if no tooltip is available.
		/// </summary>
		public object GetTooltipControl(Location logicalPosition, string variableName)
			try {
				var tooltipExpression = GetExpression(variableName);
				string imageName;
				var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForLocalVariable(out imageName);
				ExpressionNode expressionNode = new ExpressionNode(image, variableName, tooltipExpression);
				expressionNode.ImageName = imageName;
				return new DebuggerTooltipControl(logicalPosition, expressionNode) { ShowPins = !IsInExternalCode };
			} catch (GetValueException) {
				return null;
Exemplo n.º 5
		public override void RefreshPad()
			if (debuggedProcess == null || debuggedProcess.IsRunning)
			using(new PrintTimes("Watch Pad refresh")) {
				try {
					List<TreeNode> nodes = new List<TreeNode>();
					foreach (var node in watchList.WatchItems) {
						try {
							LoggingService.Info("Evaluating: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Name) ? "is null or empty!" : node.Name));
							var nodExpression = debugger.GetExpression(node.Name);
							//Value val = ExpressionEvaluator.Evaluate(nod.Name, nod.Language, debuggedProcess.SelectedStackFrame);
							ExpressionNode valNode = new ExpressionNode(null, node.Name, nodExpression);
						catch (GetValueException) {
							string error = String.Format(StringParser.Parse("${res:MainWindow.Windows.Debug.Watch.InvalidExpression}"), node.Name);
							ErrorInfoNode infoNode = new ErrorInfoNode(node.Name, error);
					// rebuild list
					foreach (var node in nodes)
				catch(AbortedBecauseDebuggeeResumedException) { }
				catch(Exception ex) {
					if (debuggedProcess == null || debuggedProcess.HasExited) {
						// Process unexpectedly exited
					} else {
Exemplo n.º 6
		TreeNodeWrapper UpdateNode(TreeNodeWrapper node)
			try {
				LoggingService.Info("Evaluating: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Node.Name) ? "is null or empty!" : node.Node.Name));
				var nodExpression = debugger.GetExpression(node.Node.Name);
				//Value val = ExpressionEvaluator.Evaluate(nod.Name, nod.Language, debuggedProcess.SelectedStackFrame);
				ExpressionNode valNode = new ExpressionNode(null, null, node.Node.Name, nodExpression);
				return valNode.ToSharpTreeNode();
			} catch (GetValueException) {
				string error = String.Format(StringParser.Parse("${res:MainWindow.Windows.Debug.Watch.InvalidExpression}"), node.Node.Name);
				ErrorInfoNode infoNode = new ErrorInfoNode(node.Node.Name, error);
				return infoNode.ToSharpTreeNode();
Exemplo n.º 7
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the tooltip control that shows the value of given variable.
		/// Return null if no tooltip is available.
		/// </summary>
		public object GetTooltipControl(Location logicalPosition, string variableName)
			try {
				var tooltipExpression = GetExpression(variableName);
				string imageName;
				var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForLocalVariable(out imageName);
				ExpressionNode expressionNode = new ExpressionNode(null, image, variableName, tooltipExpression);
				expressionNode.ImageName = imageName;
				return new DebuggerTooltipControl(logicalPosition, expressionNode) { ShowPins = debuggedProcess.GetCurrentExecutingFrame().HasSymbols };
			} catch (System.Exception ex) {
				LoggingService.Error("Error on GetTooltipControl: " + ex.Message);
				return null;
Exemplo n.º 8
		public static IEnumerable<TreeNode> LazyGetMembersOfObject(TreeNode parent, Expression expression, MemberInfo[] members)
			List<TreeNode> nodes = new List<TreeNode>();
			foreach(MemberInfo memberInfo in members) {
				string imageName;
				var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForMember((IDebugMemberInfo)memberInfo, out imageName);
				var exp = new ExpressionNode(parent, image, memberInfo.Name, expression.AppendMemberReference((IDebugMemberInfo)memberInfo));
				exp.ImageName = imageName;
			return nodes;
Exemplo n.º 9
		public static IEnumerable<TreeNode> LazyGetItemsOfIList(TreeNode parent, Expression targetObject)
			// Add a cast, so that we are sure the expression has an indexer.
			// (The expression can be e.g. of type 'object' but its value is a List.
			// Without the cast, evaluating "expr[i]" would fail, because object does not have an indexer).
			targetObject = targetObject.CastToIList();
			int count = 0;
			GetValueException error = null;
			try {
				count = targetObject.GetIListCount();
			} catch (GetValueException e) {
				// Cannot yield a value in the body of a catch clause (CS1631)
				error = e;
			if (error != null) {
				yield return new TreeNode(null, "(error)", error.Message, null, null, null);
			} else if (count == 0) {
				yield return new TreeNode(null, "(empty)", null, null, null, null);
			} else {
				for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
					string imageName;
					var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForArrayIndexer(out imageName);
					var itemNode = new ExpressionNode(parent, image, "[" + i + "]", targetObject.AppendIndexer(i));
					itemNode.ImageName = imageName;
					yield return itemNode;
Exemplo n.º 10
		IEnumerable<TreeNode> LazyGetChildren()
			// The whole array is small - just add all elements as childs
			if (bounds.TotalElementCount <= MaxElementCount) {
				foreach(int[] indices in bounds.Indices) {
					string imageName;
					var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForArrayIndexer(out imageName);
					var expression = new ExpressionNode(this, image, GetName(indices), arrayTarget.AppendIndexer(indices));
					expression.ImageName = imageName;
					yield return expression;
				yield break;
			// Find a dimension of size at least 2
			int splitDimensionIndex = bounds.Count - 1;
			for(int i = 0; i < bounds.Count; i++) {
				if (bounds[i].Count > 1) {
					splitDimensionIndex = i;
			ArrayDimension splitDim = bounds[splitDimensionIndex];
			// Split the dimension
			int elementsPerSegment = 1;
			while (splitDim.Count > elementsPerSegment * MaxElementCount) {
				elementsPerSegment *= MaxElementCount;
			for(int i = splitDim.LowerBound; i <= splitDim.UpperBound; i += elementsPerSegment) {
				List<ArrayDimension> newDims = new List<ArrayDimension>(bounds);
				newDims[splitDimensionIndex] = new ArrayDimension(i, Math.Min(i + elementsPerSegment - 1, splitDim.UpperBound));
				yield return new ArrayRangeNode(this, arrayTarget, new ArrayDimensions(newDims), originalBounds);
			yield break;
Exemplo n.º 11
		public static IEnumerable<TreeNode> LazyGetItemsOfIList(Expression targetObject)
			// This is needed for expanding IEnumerable<T>
			targetObject = new CastExpression(
				new TypeReference(typeof(IList).FullName),
			int count = 0;
			GetValueException error = null;
			try {
				count = GetIListCount(targetObject);
			} catch (GetValueException e) {
				// Cannot yield a value in the body of a catch clause (CS1631)
				error = e;
			if (error != null) {
				yield return new TreeNode(null, "(error)", error.Message, null, null);
			} else if (count == 0) {
				yield return new TreeNode(null, "(empty)", null, null, null);
			} else {
				for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
					string imageName;
					var image = ExpressionNode.GetImageForArrayIndexer(out imageName);
					var expression = new ExpressionNode(image, "[" + i + "]", targetObject.AppendIndexer(i));
					expression.ImageName = imageName;
					yield return expression;