protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _mprocess, ref Result _result)
     AppDomainsResult appResult = _result as AppDomainsResult;
         foreach (CorDebugAppDomain appDomain in _mprocess.GetAppDomains()) {
         _result.CommadStatus = true;
         _result.Description = "Total number of AppDomains " + appResult.AppDomains.Count +
             "in process " + m_ProcessID ;
        protected override void CoreExecute(ref Result _result)
            Process debugee = Process.GetProcessById((int)m_ProcessID);
            ICorDebug icorDebug = CLRHelperMethods.GetDebugger(debugee.Handle);
            MProcess mprocess = new MProcess(m_ProcessID);
            ManagedCallback callback = new ManagedCallback(mprocess.Listner);
            ICorDebugProcess iCorProcess = null;
            icorDebug.DebugActiveProcess(m_ProcessID, 0, out iCorProcess);
            if (iCorProcess != null) {
                _result.CommadStatus = true;
                _result.Description = "Process " + m_ProcessID + " Attached";

            //Just to complete the Attach process completetly .
            //This a need to be fixed.
 internal static void Register(uint _pid, MProcess debugee)
     debugeeCache.Add(_pid, debugee);
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _mprocess, ref Result _result)
     ThreadsResult tresult = _result as ThreadsResult;
     foreach (CorDebugThread thread in _mprocess.GetThreads()) {
     _result.CommadStatus = true;
     _result.Description =
         "Total number of threads " + tresult.ThreadIDs.Count +
         "in process " + m_ProcessID ;
     if (m_Notification != null){
 protected abstract void InnerExec(MProcess _process, ref Result _result);
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _process, ref Result _result)
     BreakPointResult bpResult = _result as BreakPointResult;
     bpResult.Method = m_MethodName;
     bpResult.Module = m_ModuleName;
     bpResult.Class = m_ClassName;
     bpResult.Line = m_Line;
         bpResult.IsPending = false;
         bpResult.Description = "Break point enable.";
         bpResult.IsPending = true;
         bpResult.Description =  m_ModuleName + " yet to load in process memory";
     bpResult.CommadStatus = true;
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _process, ref Result _result)
     RemoveBreakPointResult bpResult = _result as RemoveBreakPointResult;
     bpResult.Method = m_MethodName;
     bpResult.Module = m_ModuleName;
     bpResult.Class = m_ClassName;
     bpResult.Line = m_Line;
     if (_process.DeleteBreakPoint(m_ModuleName, m_ClassName, m_MethodName)){
         bpResult.Description = "Break point disabled.";
         bpResult.CommadStatus = true;
         bpResult.Description = "break point is not found to disable";
        protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _mprocess, ref Result _result)
            AssembliesResult assmResult = _result as AssembliesResult;
            assmResult.AppDomainName = m_AppDomainName;
            CorDebugAppDomain desiredAppDomain = null;

            foreach (CorDebugAppDomain appDomain in _mprocess.GetAppDomains()){
                if (m_AppDomainName == appDomain.Name){
                    desiredAppDomain = appDomain;
            if (desiredAppDomain != null) {
                foreach(CorAssembly assm in desiredAppDomain.LoadedAssemblies){
                    _result.CommadStatus = true;
                    _result.Description = "Total number of Assemblies " + assmResult.Assemblies.Count +
                        "in AppDomain " + m_Name;
                _result.CommadStatus = true;
                _result.Description = "AppDomain " + m_Name + "not alive";
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _process, ref Result _result)
     _result.CommadStatus = true;
     _result.Description = "Process " + m_ProcessID + " Continue..";
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _process, ref Result _result)
     MemberValueResult result = _result as MemberValueResult;
     DEBUGPARAM param = m_Param as DEBUGPARAM;
     result.CommadStatus = false;
     if (param != null)
         if (!param.inValid)
             result.CommadStatus = true;
             MDbgValue value = param.corValue;
             if (!(value.IsArrayType || value.IsComplexType))
                 result.Value = CorValue2Text.GetCorValue2Text(value.CorValue.Raw, 0);
             else {
                 result.Description = "Value type is not primitive";
             result.Description = "Value not available. Optimized by JIT/CLR";
         result.Description = "Invalid input value";
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _process, ref Result _result)
     MembersResult result = _result as MembersResult;
     DEBUGPARAM param = m_Param as DEBUGPARAM;
     result.CommadStatus = false;
     if(param != null){
         if (!param.inValid){
             result.CommadStatus = true;
             MDbgValue value = param.corValue;
             //Needs a fix for property???
             result.Members = new List<PARAMETER>();
             foreach (MDbgValue mdgbVal in value.GetFields()) {
                 result.Description = mdgbVal.Name + "  " + mdgbVal.TypeName;
                 DEBUGPARAM debugParam = new DEBUGPARAM();
        = mdgbVal.Name;
                 debugParam.corValue = mdgbVal;
                 debugParam.isNull = mdgbVal.IsNull;
                 debugParam.isComplex = mdgbVal.IsComplexType;
                 debugParam.isArray = mdgbVal.IsArrayType;
                 debugParam.type = mdgbVal.TypeName;
             //result.Members = DebugEngine.Utilities.CorValue2Text.GetObjectMembers(param.corValue);
         } else {
             result.Description = "Value not available. Optimized by JIT/CLR";
          result.Description = "Invalid input value";
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _process, ref Result _result)
     ArgumentsResult argResults = _result as ArgumentsResult;
        CorDebugThread thread = _process.GetThread(m_ThreadID);
        IList<PARAMETER> args = thread.ActiveFrame.GetParamInfo();
        IList<PARAMETER> metaArgs = MetadataMgr.GetFunArguments(thread.ActiveFrame.Function);
        int index = 0;
        int hasThis = 0;
        if (args.Count == metaArgs.Count + 1){
        hasThis = 1;
        args[0].name = "this";
        for (; index < args.Count; index++){
        args[index].name = metaArgs[index - hasThis].name;
        if (((DEBUGPARAM)args[index]).inValid){
            args[index].type = metaArgs[index - hasThis].name;
        argResults.CommadStatus = true;
        argResults.Description = "Retrived the Arguments";
        argResults.Args = args;
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _process, ref Result _result)
     ExceptionResult expResult = _result as ExceptionResult;
     if (m_Notification != null){
         expResult.CommadStatus = true;
         expResult.Description = "Subscribed for Exception Watcher";
     else {
         expResult.CommadStatus = false;
         expResult.Description = "Failed to Subscribe : Notifier is null";
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _process, ref Result _result)
     AssemblyLoadResult expResult = _result as AssemblyLoadResult;
     if (m_Notification != null){
         expResult.CommadStatus = true;
         expResult.Description = "Subscribed for Assembly Load Notification";
     } else {
         expResult.CommadStatus = false;
         expResult.Description = "Failed to Subscribe : Notifier is null";
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _mprocess, ref Result _result)
     _mprocess = null;
     _result.CommadStatus = true;
     _result.Description = "Process " + m_ProcessID + " Detached";
 protected override void InnerExec(MProcess _process, ref Result _result)
     CorDebugThread debugThread = _process.GetThread(m_ThreadID);
     if(debugThread != null){
         CallStackResult callResult = _result as CallStackResult;
         List<string> stackTrace = new List<string>();
         foreach (CorFunctionFrame fnFrame in debugThread.CallStack){
             if (fnFrame.Function != null){
                 string funName = MetadataMgr.GetFullName(fnFrame.Function);
         if (stackTrace.Count == 0){
             _result.CommadStatus = false;
             _result.Description = debugThread.StackFailureReason;
         } else {
             _result.CommadStatus = true;
             callResult.CallStack = stackTrace;
             _result.Description = "Stack trace succefully retrived for the thread " + m_ThreadID;
         _result.CommadStatus = false;
         _result.Description = "Thread is not available [might be terminated] " + m_ThreadID;