Exemplo n.º 1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            int menu_bid = Common.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(Request["menubid"], 0);
            int menu_sid = Common.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(Request["menusid"], 0);
            if (menu_bid > 0 && Request.Cookies["iGroupId"] != null && Request.Cookies["iGroupId"].Value != "")
                int           gid      = Common.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(Request.Cookies["iGroupId"].Value, 0);
                DataTable     dt       = menudal.GetMenuListForSid(gid, menu_bid);
                StringBuilder menu_str = new StringBuilder();
                string        url      = "";
                string        sel      = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    sel = menu_sid == Common.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(dt.Rows[i]["MenuId"], 0) ? "2" : "";
                    url = dt.Rows[i]["MenuUrl"].ToString();
                    url = url.IndexOf('?') > -1 ?   url + "&menubid=" + menu_bid + "&menusid=" + dt.Rows[i]["MenuId"] + "":url + "?menubid=" + menu_bid + "&menusid=" + dt.Rows[i]["MenuId"] + "";

                    menu_str.AppendLine("<div class='leftmenu" + sel + "'><a   href='" + url + "'>" + dt.Rows[i]["MenuName"].ToString() + "</a></div>");
                this.menu.InnerHtml = menu_str.ToString();

                Db.MenuDal m = new Db.MenuDal();
                this.bname.Text = m.GetModel(menu_bid).MenuName;
Exemplo n.º 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            this.menuList.DataSource = dal.GetList(" and bid =0 order by orderid desc");

            this.ddlBid.DataSource     = dal.GetList(" and bid =0 order by orderid desc");
            this.ddlBid.DataTextField  = "MenuName";
            this.ddlBid.DataValueField = "MenuId";
            this.ddlBid.Items.Add(new ListItem("一级菜单", "0"));
            this.ddlBid.SelectedValue = "0";

            if (Request["action"] == "del")
                int id = Common.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(Request["id"], 0);
                if (dal.IsHave(id) > 0)
                    JScript.alert("p", "该菜单下有子菜单,不能删除", "admin_Menu.aspx?" + menuUrl, this.Page);
                    if (dal.Del(id) > 0)
                        JScript.Loction("p", "admin_Menu.aspx?" + menuUrl, this.Page);

            if (Request["action"] == "add")
                int bid = Common.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(Request["bid"], 0);
                this.ddlBid.SelectedValue = bid.ToString();


            if (Request["action"] == "update")
                int id = Common.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(Request["id"], 0);
                Model.MenuInfoModel model = dal.GetModel(id);
                this.txtMenuName.Text          = model.MenuName;
                this.txtMenuUrl.Text           = model.MenuUrl;
                this.txtOrderId.Text           = model.OrderId.ToString();
                this.ddlBid.SelectedValue      = model.Bid.ToString();
                this.radStatusId.SelectedValue = model.StatusId.ToString();
                this.hidId.Value = id.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 3
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string menu_list_id = Request["menu_select_id"];
        int    id           = Common.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(this.hidId.Value, 0);

        if (id > 0)
            Model.UserInfoGroupModel model = new Model.UserInfoGroupModel();
            model.GroupName = this.txtgroupName.Text;
            model.GroupId   = id;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(menu_list_id) == false)
                string[] menu_arr_list = menu_list_id.Split(',');

                Model.PermissionModel m = null;

                foreach (var item in menu_arr_list)
                    int mid  = Common.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(item, 0);
                    int mbid = dal.GetModel(mid).Bid;
                    m         = new Model.PermissionModel();
                    m.MenuId  = mid;
                    m.MenuBid = mbid;

            int j = group.Update(model);
            if (j > 0)
                JScript.alert("ok", "操作成功", "Admin_Group.aspx?id=" + id + "&action=update", this.Page);
                JScript.alert("ok", "出现异常", this.Page);

            if (menu_list_id == "")
                JScript.alertBack("ok", "请选择菜单", this.Page);
                Model.UserInfoGroupModel model = new Model.UserInfoGroupModel();
                model.GroupName = this.txtgroupName.Text;
                string[] menu_arr_list  = menu_list_id.Split(',');
                Model.PermissionModel m = null;
                foreach (var item in menu_arr_list)
                    int mid  = Common.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(item, 0);
                    int mbid = dal.GetModel(mid).Bid;
                    m         = new Model.PermissionModel();
                    m.MenuId  = mid;
                    m.MenuBid = mbid;


                int j = group.Add(model);
                if (j > 0)
                    JScript.alert("ok", "操作成功", "Admin_Group.aspx?", this.Page);
                    JScript.alert("ok", "出现异常", this.Page);