void FireEvent(TouchEffect touchEffect, int id, DayVsNight.TouchEffect.TouchActionType actionType, Point pointerLocation, bool isInContact)
            // Get the method to call for firing events
            Action <Element, DayVsNight.TouchEffect.TouchActionEventArgs> onTouchAction = touchEffect.libTouchEffect.OnTouchAction;

            // Get the location of the pointer within the view
            double x     = pointerLocation.X - twoIntArray[0];
            double y     = pointerLocation.Y - twoIntArray[1];
            Point  point = new Point(fromPixels(x), fromPixels(y));

            // Call the method
                          new DayVsNight.TouchEffect.TouchActionEventArgs(id, actionType, point, isInContact));
        void CheckForBoundaryHop(int id, Point pointerLocation)
            TouchEffect touchEffectHit = null;

            foreach (Android.Views.View view in viewDictionary.Keys)
                // Get the view rectangle
                catch // System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
                Rectangle viewRect = new Rectangle(twoIntArray[0], twoIntArray[1], view.Width, view.Height);

                if (viewRect.Contains(pointerLocation))
                    touchEffectHit = viewDictionary[view];

            if (touchEffectHit != idToEffectDictionary[id])
                if (idToEffectDictionary[id] != null)
                    FireEvent(idToEffectDictionary[id], id, DayVsNight.TouchEffect.TouchActionType.Exited, pointerLocation, true);
                if (touchEffectHit != null)
                    FireEvent(touchEffectHit, id, DayVsNight.TouchEffect.TouchActionType.Entered, pointerLocation, true);
                idToEffectDictionary[id] = touchEffectHit;