Exemplo n.º 1
 public void Start(bool console, string[] args)
     //--load configuration from json file;
     var cjson = File.ReadAllText("cached.config");
     Config = new CachedConfiguration();
     //-- create instance of local cache and bind network listener to it.
     Cache = new LocalCache(Config);
     var uri = new Uri(Config.Address);
     switch (uri.Scheme)
         case "tcp": _net = new SocketListener(); break;
         //--case "pipe": _net = new NamedPipeListener(); break;
         default: throw new ArgumentException("address:schema");
     _net.Start(uri, Cache.GetServiceProtocol);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public LocalCache(CachedConfiguration config)
     _config = config;
     _lock = new System.Threading.SpinLock(false);
     _tickTrac = Environment.TickCount;
     TimeOrigin = (uint)Pbs.DateToMsecs(DateTime.UtcNow);
     // init bitmasks for opcodes.
     QuietOps = new BitSet64(xGetQ, xSetQ, xGetKQ, xAddQ, xReplaceQ, xDeleteQ, xIncQ, xDecQ, xFlushQ, xAppendQ, xPrependQ, xQuitQ, xGatQ, xGatKQ);
     ReqsAdds = new BitSet64(xSet, xSetQ, xAdd, xAddQ, xAppend, xAppendQ, xPrepend, xPrependQ, xInc, xIncQ, xDec, xDecQ);
     ReqsSpecial = new BitSet64(xQuit, xQuitQ, xFlush, xVersion, xFlushQ, xStat, xNoop);
     RespWithExt = new BitSet64(xGet, xGetQ, xGetK, xGetKQ);
     RespWithKey = new BitSet64(xGetK, xGetKQ);
     IncDecOps = new BitSet64(xInc, xIncQ, xDec, xDecQ);
     // setup initial memory states.
     _virtual_memory = new WindowsVirtualMemory(config.UseLargePages);
     // calculate hash bits controls.
     _hashBits = 1; _hashMask = _config.HashTableSize - 1;
     for (var i = 1; i < _hashMask; i *= 2) _hashBits++;
     _hashBits -= 1;
     // sign for clock notifications.
     //todo:Clock.System.Append(OnClock, 1000);