public void HashCalculateTest()
            var objOne     = new TestObj1();
            var hashBefore = objOne.CreateHash();

            objOne.BoolValue = true;
            var hashAfter = objOne.CreateHash();

            Assert.IsFalse(hashBefore.SequenceEqual(hashAfter), "The hash value before and after a change on the object should be different.");
        public void CopyDifferentTypeTest()
            var objOne = new TestObj1();
            var objTwo = new TestObj2();

            byte[] objOneHash;
            byte[] objTwoHash;
            objOne.BoolNullableValue      = false;
            objOne.BoolValue              = true;
            objOne.CountEnumNullableValue = CountEnum.three;
            objOne.CountEnumValue         = CountEnum.two;
            objOne.IntNullableValue       = null;
            objOne.IntValue    = 42;
            objOne.StringValue = "Values from objOne.";
            objOneHash         = objOne.CreateHash();
            objTwoHash = objTwo.CreateHash();

            var result = objOne.IsEqualTo(objTwo);

            Assert.IsFalse(objOneHash.SequenceEqual(objTwoHash), "Since both objects are of different types the hash values should not be equal.");
            Assert.IsTrue(result, "Both objects should be considered equal after the copy operation when calling 'objOne.IsEqualTo(objTwo)'.");