Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the bGenerar control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void bGenerar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                var where = "";
                    _count = 0;
                    if (!ddlReporte.SelectedValue.Equals("0"))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbFechaInicial.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbFechaFinal.Text))
                            if (!Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaInicial.Text).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Equals("00010101") && !Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaFinal.Text).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Equals("00010101"))
                                if (Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaInicial.Text) <= Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaFinal.Text))
                                    _fecha         = Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaInicial.Text).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                                    _fechanom      = Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaFinal.Text).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                                    _fechacreacion = Localization.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                                    where         += " CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),g.FECHA,112) >= " + Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaInicial.Text).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + " AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),g.FECHA,112) <=" + Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaFinal.Text).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + " AND ";

                                    if (ddlPtoEmi.SelectedValue != "0")
                                        where += " g.serie='" + ddlPtoEmi.SelectedItem.Text + "' AND ";
                                    if (ddlEstado.SelectedValue != "0")
                                        where += " (g.tipo +g.estado) =  '" + ddlEstado.SelectedValue + "' AND ";
                                    if (ddlTipDoc.SelectedValue != "0")
                                        where += " g.codDoc='" + ddlTipDoc.SelectedValue + "' AND ";
                                    if (ddlEmisor.SelectedValue != "0" && ddlEmisor.SelectedValue != "Todos")
                                        where += " cem.RFCEMI='" + ddlEmisor.SelectedItem.Text + "' AND ";
                                    if (ddlReceptor.SelectedValue != "0" && ddlReceptor.SelectedValue != "Todos")
                                        where += " cr.RFCREC='" + ddlReceptor.SelectedItem.Text + "' AND ";
                                    where = where.Substring(0, where.Length - 5);
                                    if (!ddlReporte.SelectedValue.Equals("Contabilidad"))
                                        _virtualDir = @"docs\" + (Session["IDENTEMI"] != null ? Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString() : "CORE") + _fechacreacion + "_" + ddlReporte.SelectedValue + ".xlsx";
                                        if (Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString() == "HRP880129QX5")
                                            _virtualDir = @"docs\Conta\";
                                            //   _virtualDirConta = @"docs\" + "U" + new string((Session["IDENTEMI"] != null ? Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString() : "CORE").Take(3).ToArray()) + _fechacreacion + "_" + ddlReporte.SelectedValue + ".zip";
                                            _sesion = new string((Session["IDENTEMI"] != null ? Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString() : "CORE").Take(3).ToArray());
                                            _virtualDir = @"docs\Conta\" + "U" + new string((Session["IDENTEMI"] != null ? Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString() : "CORE").Take(3).ToArray()) + _fecha + ".txt";
                                    _dir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"reportes\" + _virtualDir;
                                    var periodo  = tbFechaInicial.Text + " - " + tbFechaFinal.Text;
                                    var informes = new Informes(_dir, _db.CadenaConexion, periodo, Session["IDGIRO"].ToString());
                                    if (ddlReporte.SelectedValue.Equals("General"))
                                        _db.CrearComando(@"SELECT  count(g.idComprobante)
                                            FROM            Dat_GENERAL g INNER JOIN
                                                Cat_Emisor cem ON g.id_Emisor = cem.IDEEMI LEFT OUTER JOIN
                                                Cat_RECEPTOR cr ON g.id_Receptor = cr.IDEREC
                                            WHERE " + where);

                                        var dr = _db.EjecutarConsulta();
                                        if (dr.Read())
                                            _count = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]);
                                        if (_count > 0)
                                            if (informes.General(where, Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString()))
                                                var js = "downloadFile('" + _virtualDir.Replace(@"\", "/") + "');";
                                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "downloadViaJS", js, true);
                                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('" + informes.Ex.Message + "', 4);", true);
                                            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('No hay registros de acuerdo a los criterios de busqueda', 4);", true);
                                    else if (ddlReporte.SelectedValue.Equals("Email"))
                                        _db.CrearComando(@"SELECT  COUNT(g.idComprobante)
                                              FROM   Cat_emailEnvio mail inner join
			                                       Dat_general g on g.idComprobante = mail.id_general INNER JOIN
                                                   Cat_Emisor cem ON g.id_Emisor = cem.IDEEMI LEFT OUTER JOIN
			                                       Cat_RECEPTOR cr ON cr.IDEREC = g.id_Receptor
                                             WHERE " + where);
                                        var dr = _db.EjecutarConsulta();
                                        if (dr.Read())
                                            _count = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]);
                                        if (_count > 0)
                                            if (informes.Mail(where, Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString()))
                                                var js = "downloadFile('" + _virtualDir.Replace(@"\", "/") + "');";
                                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "downloadViaJS", js, true);
                                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('" + informes.Ex.Message + "', 4);", true);
                                            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('No hay registros de acuerdo a los criterios de busqueda', 4);", true);
                                    else if (ddlReporte.SelectedValue.Equals("Conceptos"))
                                        _db.CrearComando(@"SELECT  COUNT(g.idComprobante)
                                              FROM   Dat_Detalles dd inner join
			                                       Dat_general g on g.idComprobante = dd.id_Comprobante INNER JOIN
                                                   Cat_Emisor cem ON g.id_Emisor = cem.IDEEMI LEFT OUTER JOIN
			                                       Cat_RECEPTOR cr ON cr.IDEREC = g.id_Receptor
                                             WHERE " + where);
                                        var dr = _db.EjecutarConsulta();
                                        if (dr.Read())
                                            _count = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]);
                                        if (_count > 0)
                                            if (informes.Conceptos(where, Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString()))
                                                var js = "downloadFile('" + _virtualDir.Replace(@"\", "/") + "');";
                                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "downloadViaJS", js, true);
                                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('" + informes.Ex.Message + "', 4);", true);
                                            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('No hay registros de acuerdo a los criterios de busqueda', 4);", true);
                                    else if (ddlReporte.SelectedValue.Equals("Contabilidad"))
                                        if (Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString() == "HRP880129QX5")
                                            //obtener rango

                                            var whereC = "";
                                            if (ddlPtoEmi.SelectedValue != "0")
                                                whereC += " g.serie='" + ddlPtoEmi.SelectedItem.Text + "' AND ";
                                            if (ddlEstado.SelectedValue != "0")
                                                whereC += " (g.tipo +g.estado) =  '" + ddlEstado.SelectedValue + "' AND ";
                                            if (ddlTipDoc.SelectedValue != "0")
                                                whereC += " g.codDoc='" + ddlTipDoc.SelectedValue + "' AND ";
                                            if (ddlEmisor.SelectedValue != "0")
                                                whereC += " cem.RFCEMI='" + ddlEmisor.SelectedItem.Text + "' AND ";
                                            if (ddlReceptor.SelectedValue != "0")
                                                whereC += " cr.RFCREC='" + ddlReceptor.SelectedItem.Text + "' AND ";

                                            var yearS    = Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaInicial.Text).ToString("yyyy");
                                            var yearE    = Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaInicial.Text).ToString("yyyy");
                                            var monthS   = Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaInicial.Text).ToString("MM");
                                            var monthE   = Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaInicial.Text).ToString("MM");
                                            int dayStart = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaInicial.Text).ToString("dd"));
                                            int dayEnd   = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaFinal.Text).ToString("dd"));
                                            var j        = dayStart - 1;
                                            for (var i = dayStart; i <= dayEnd; i++)
                                                where = "";
                                                j    += 1;
                                                var dateS = yearS + "/" + monthS + "/" + j;
                                                var dateE = yearE + "/" + monthE + "/" + i;
                                                where = " CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),g.FECHA,112) >= " + Convert.ToDateTime(dateS).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + " AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),g.FECHA,112) <=" + Convert.ToDateTime(dateE).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + " AND " + whereC;
                                                where = where.Substring(0, where.Length - 5);
                                                //fin repCon
                                                _db.CrearComando(@"SELECT  COUNT(g.idComprobante)
                                              FROM   Dat_Detalles inner join
			                                       Dat_general g on g.idComprobante = Dat_Detalles.id_Comprobante INNER JOIN
                                                   Cat_Emisor cem ON g.id_Emisor = cem.IDEEMI LEFT OUTER JOIN
			                                       Cat_RECEPTOR cr ON cr.IDEREC = g.id_Receptor
                                             WHERE " + where);
                                                var dr = _db.EjecutarConsulta();
                                                if (dr.Read())
                                                    _count = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]);

                                                if (_count > 0)
                                                    if (informes.ContabilidadC(where, _sesion))
                                                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('" + informes.Ex.Message + "', 4);", true);
                                            }//for reporte por dias
                                            _db.CrearComando(@"SELECT  COUNT(g.idComprobante)
                                              FROM   Dat_Detalles inner join
			                                       Dat_general g on g.idComprobante = Dat_Detalles.id_Comprobante INNER JOIN
                                                   Cat_Emisor cem ON g.id_Emisor = cem.IDEEMI LEFT OUTER JOIN
			                                       Cat_RECEPTOR cr ON cr.IDEREC = g.id_Receptor
                                             WHERE " + where);
                                            var dr = _db.EjecutarConsulta();
                                            if (dr.Read())
                                                _count = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]);

                                            if (_count > 0)
                                                if (informes.Contabilidad(where, "", Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString()))
                                                    var js = "downloadFile('" + _virtualDir.Replace(@"\", "/") + "');";
                                                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "downloadViaJS", js, true);
                                                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('" + informes.Ex.Message + "', 4);", true);
                                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('No hay registros de acuerdo a los criterios de busqueda', 4);", true);
                                    else if (ddlReporte.SelectedValue.Equals("Tickets"))
                                        var date      = Convert.ToDateTime(tbFechaInicial.Text);
                                        var year      = date.ToString("yyyy");
                                        var month     = date.ToString("MM");
                                        var serie     = "";
                                        var rfcEmisor = "";
                                        var count     = -1;
                                        if (!ddlPtoEmi.SelectedValue.Equals("0"))
                                            serie = ddlPtoEmi.SelectedItem.Text;
                                        if (!ddlEmisor.SelectedValue.Equals("0"))
                                            rfcEmisor = ddlEmisor.SelectedItem.Text;
                                        var Reptikets = new FacturaGlobalWeb.FacturaGlobalWeb();
                                        var RutBase   = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
                                        Reptikets.TicketsAsync(where, Session["CfdiVersion"].ToString(), month, year, serie, rfcEmisor, _dir, RutBase, Session["IDENTEMI"].ToString());
                                        (Master as SiteMaster).MostrarAlerta(this, "El reporte se esta generando", 4);
                                        //if (informes.Tickets(where, Session["CfdiVersion"].ToString(), month, year, serie, rfcEmisor, out count))
                                        //    if (count <= 0)
                                        //    {
                                        //        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('No hay registros de acuerdo a los criterios de busqueda', 4);", true);
                                        //        return;
                                        //    }
                                        //    var js = "downloadFile('" + _virtualDir.Replace(@"\", "/") + "');";
                                        //    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "downloadViaJS", js, true);
                                        //    Response.Redirect("~/download.aspx?file=" + "reportes/" + _virtualDir.Replace(@"\", "/"));
                                        //    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('" + informes.Ex.Message + "', 4);", true);
                                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('Selecciona fecha inicial y fecha final', 4);", true);
                                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('Tienes que seleccionar ambas fechas', 4);", true);
                            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('Tienes que seleccionar ambas fechas', 4);", true);
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('Tienes que seleccionar un tipo de Reporte', 4);", true);
                catch (Exception ea)
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('" + ea.Message + "', 4);", true);
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertBootBox", "alertBootBox('Verifique que los datos sean correctos', 4);", true);