Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void InitializeContext(IConnectionInfo cxInfo, object context, QueryExecutionManager executionManager)
            // This method gets called after a DataServiceContext has been instantiated. It gives us a chance to
            // perform further initialization work.
            // And as it happens, we have an interesting problem to solve! The typed data service context class
            // that Astoria's EntityClassGenerator generates handles the ResolveType delegate as follows:
            //   return this.GetType().Assembly.GetType (string.Concat ("<namespace>", typeName.Substring (19)), true);
            // Because LINQPad subclasses the typed data context when generating a query, GetType().Assembly returns
            // the assembly of the user query rather than the typed data context! To work around this, we must take
            // over the ResolveType delegate and resolve using the context's base type instead:

            var dsContext = (DataServiceContext)context;
            var typedDataServiceContextType = context.GetType ().BaseType;

            dsContext.ResolveType = name => typedDataServiceContextType.Assembly.GetType
                (typedDataServiceContextType.Namespace + "." + name.Split ('.').Last ());

            // The next step is to feed any supplied credentials into the Astoria service.
            // (This could be enhanced to support other authentication modes, too).
            var props = new AstoriaProperties (cxInfo);
            dsContext.Credentials = props.GetCredentials ();

            // Finally, we handle the SendingRequest event so that it writes the request text to the SQL translation window:
            dsContext.SendingRequest += (sender, e) => executionManager.SqlTranslationWriter.WriteLine (e.Request.RequestUri);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static XmlReader GetSchemaReader(AstoriaProperties props)
            var uri = new DataServiceContext (new Uri (props.Uri)).GetMetadataUri ();

            var settings = new XmlReaderSettings ();
            XmlResolver resolver = new XmlUrlResolver ();

            // If credentials have been supplied, feed these in as we're querying the schema:
            resolver.Credentials = props.GetCredentials ();

            settings.XmlResolver = resolver;

            return XmlReader.Create (uri.ToString (), settings);