/*  For graph of f(x)=sin(x) and f(x)=cos(x)
         *  where time = [0, 24]
         *  22-2: No sun
         *  2-7, 16-22: sun-rise, sun-set
         *  7-17: day
         *  -- -- --
         *  where time = [0, 2pi] (y-axis)
         *  sun-rise: [0, pi/4]
         *  day: [pi/4, 1.32]
         *  sun-set: [1.32, pi]
         *  night: [pi, 2pi]

        public SkyboxRenderer(MasterRenderer master)
            : base(master)
            cube   = new SimpleMesh(BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw, 3, VERTICES);
            skyMap = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/skyMap.png", TextureMinFilter.Nearest, TextureMagFilter.Nearest);
            shader = new SkyboxShader();
        public MasterRenderer(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, GraphicsOptions options = null)
            Instance    = this;
            GFXSettings = options ?? new GraphicsOptions();

            ScreenWidth  = screenWidth;
            ScreenHeight = screenHeight;

            if (GLVersion == 0)
                int major = GL.GetInteger(GetPName.MajorVersion);
                int minor = GL.GetInteger(GetPName.MinorVersion);
                GLVersion = major + minor * 0.1f;

                //if (major < 4)
                //    throw new Exception(string.Format("OpenGL 4.0 or later is required to run this game. This machine is running: {0}", GLVersion));
                if (major < 4)
                    DashCMD.WriteWarning("[OpenGL] OpenGL 4.0 or later is required to run this game properly!. This machine is running: {0}", GLVersion);
                    DashCMD.WriteLine("[OpenGL] Version: {0}", ConsoleColor.DarkGray, GLVersion);


            Camera camera = new Camera(this);


            Lights = new LightList();

            Texture.Blank = GLoader.LoadBlankTexture(Color.White);

            Renderer3Ds = new Dictionary <Type, Renderer3D>();
            Renderer2Ds = new Dictionary <Type, Renderer2D>();

            Gui     = new GuiRenderer(this);
            Sprites = new SpriteRenderer(this);
            Sky     = new SkyboxRenderer(this);


            activePipeline = new ForwardPipeline(this);



            ErrorCode mInitError = GLError.End();

            if (mInitError != ErrorCode.NoError)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Uncaught master renderer init opengl error: {0}", mInitError));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Shader(string vertexFilePath, string fragmentFilePath, string[] vertexLibs = null, string[] fragLibs = null)
            this.Name          = this.GetType().Name;
            uniforms           = new Dictionary <string, Uniform>();
            attributeLocations = new HashSet <int>();

            // Load shaders from file
            int numShaders = 2 + (vertexLibs != null ? vertexLibs.Length : 0) + (fragLibs != null ? fragLibs.Length : 0);

            GLShader[] shaders = new GLShader[numShaders];

            int shaderI = 0;

            // Main shaders
            shaders[shaderI++] = GLoader.LoadShader(vertexFilePath, ShaderType.VertexShader);
            shaders[shaderI++] = GLoader.LoadShader(fragmentFilePath, ShaderType.FragmentShader);

            // Libraries
            if (vertexLibs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < vertexLibs.Length; i++)
                    shaders[shaderI++] = GLoader.LoadShader(vertexLibs[i], ShaderType.VertexShader);
            if (fragLibs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < fragLibs.Length; i++)
                    shaders[shaderI++] = GLoader.LoadShader(fragLibs[i], ShaderType.FragmentShader);

            // Create program
            Program = GLoader.CreateProgram(shaders);

            // Bind attributes

            // Link Program

            int linkStatus = GL.GetProgram(Program.ProgramId, ProgramParameter.LinkStatus);

            if (linkStatus == 0)
                string programState = GL.GetProgramInfoLog(Program.ProgramId);
                throw new GPUResourceException(String.Format("Program Failed to Link. Vertex: {1}, Fragment: {2}, Reason: {0}",
                                                             programState, vertexFilePath, fragmentFilePath));

            // Validate the program

            int validateStatus = GL.GetProgram(Program.ProgramId, ProgramParameter.ValidateStatus);

            if (validateStatus == 0)
                string programState = GL.GetProgramInfoLog(Program.ProgramId);
                throw new GPUResourceException(String.Format("Program Failed to Validate. Vertex: {1}, Fragment: {2}, Reason: {0}",
                                                             programState, vertexFilePath, fragmentFilePath));

            // Connect texture units