/// <summary>
        /// Import custom texture and label settings for buttons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="button">Button</param>
        /// <param name="colorName">Name of texture</param>
        static public bool TryCustomizeButton(ref Button button, string colorName)
            Texture2D tex;

            if (!TryImportTexture(colorName, out tex))

            // Load texture
            button.BackgroundTexture            = tex;
            button.BackgroundTexture.filterMode = (FilterMode)DaggerfallUnity.Settings.GUIFilterMode;

            // Load settings from Xml
            XMLManager xml;

            if (XMLManager.TryReadXml(texturesPath, colorName, out xml))
                string value;
                if (xml.TryGetString("customtext", out value))
                    if (value == "true") // Set custom color for text
                        button.Label.TextColor = xml.GetColor(button.Label.TextColor);
                    else if (value == "notext") // Disable text. This is useful if text is drawn on texture
                        button.Label.Text = string.Empty;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a safe size for a control based on resolution of img.
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector2 GetSize(Texture2D texture, string textureName, bool allowXml = false)
            if (!DaggerfallUnity.Settings.AssetInjection)
                return(new Vector2(texture.width, texture.height));

            if (allowXml)
                // Get size from xml
                XMLManager xml;
                if (XMLManager.TryReadXml(imgPath, textureName, out xml))
                    Vector2 size;
                    if (xml.TryGetVector2("width", "height", out size))

            // Get size from Daggerfall image
            ImageData imageData = ImageReader.GetImageData(textureName, createTexture: false);

            return(new Vector2(imageData.width, imageData.height));
        /// <summary>
        /// Read configuration for a paperdoll item with custom rect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">Target item or null.</param>
        /// <param name="imageData">Source image data.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Rect for the item on paperdoll.</param>
        internal static void OverridePaperdollItemRect(DaggerfallUnityItem item, ImageData imageData, float paperdollScale, ref Rect rect)
            DyeColors dyeColor = item != null ? item.dyeColor : DyeColors.Unchanged;

            string     directory;
            string     name;
            XMLManager xml;

            if (MakeName(imageData, dyeColor, out directory, out name) && XMLManager.TryReadXml(directory, name, out xml))
                rect = xml.GetRect("rect", rect, paperdollScale);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void SetEnemyScale(int archive, int record, ref Vector2 size)
            if (!DaggerfallUnity.Settings.MeshAndTextureReplacement)

            XMLManager xml;

            if (XMLManager.TryReadXml(texturesPath, GetName(archive, record), out xml))
                Vector2 scale = xml.GetVector2("scaleX", "scaleY", Vector2.zero);
                size.x *= scale.x;
                size.y *= scale.y;
        /// <summary>
        /// Read scale from xml and apply to given vector.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SetBillboardScale(int archive, int record, ref Vector2 size)
            if (!DaggerfallUnity.Settings.AssetInjection)

            XMLManager xml;

            if (XMLManager.TryReadXml(texturesPath, GetName(archive, record), out xml))
                Vector2 scale = xml.GetVector2("scaleX", "scaleY", Vector2.zero);
                size.x *= scale.x;
                size.y *= scale.y;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Import textures and emission maps for all frames of this billboard. Also set other material properties from xml.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SetBillboardImportedTextures(GameObject go, ref DaggerfallBillboard.BillboardSummary summary)
            if (!DaggerfallUnity.Settings.MeshAndTextureReplacement)

            MeshRenderer meshRenderer = go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            int  archive    = summary.Archive;
            int  record     = summary.Record;
            int  frame      = 0;
            bool isEmissive = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.MaterialReader.TextureReader.IsEmissive(archive, record);

            // Check first frame
            Texture2D albedo, emission;
            bool      hasImportedTextures = LoadFromCacheOrImport(archive, record, frame, isEmissive, out albedo, out emission);

            if (summary.ImportedTextures.HasImportedTextures = hasImportedTextures)
                // Set texture on material
                meshRenderer.material.SetTexture(Uniforms.MainTex, albedo);
                if (isEmissive)
                    meshRenderer.material.SetTexture(Uniforms.EmissionMap, emission);

                // Import animation frames
                var albedoTextures   = new List <Texture2D>();
                var emissionTextures = new List <Texture2D>();
                    if (isEmissive)
                }while (LoadFromCacheOrImport(archive, record, ++frame, isEmissive, out albedo, out emission));

                // Set scale and uv
                Vector2    uv = Vector2.zero;
                XMLManager xml;
                if (XMLManager.TryReadXml(texturesPath, GetName(archive, record), out xml))
                    // Set billboard scale
                    Transform transform = go.GetComponent <Transform>();
                    transform.localScale = xml.GetVector3("scaleX", "scaleY", transform.localScale);
                    summary.Size.x      *= transform.localScale.x;
                    summary.Size.y      *= transform.localScale.y;

                    // Get UV
                    uv = xml.GetVector2("uvX", "uvY", uv);
                SetUv(go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(), uv.x, uv.y);

                // Save results
                summary.ImportedTextures.FrameCount = frame;
                summary.ImportedTextures.IsEmissive = isEmissive;
                summary.ImportedTextures.Albedo     = albedoTextures;
                summary.ImportedTextures.Emission   = emissionTextures;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a custom material for a mobile billboard with textures and configuration imported from mods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="archive">Archive index.</param>
        /// <param name="meshFilter">The MeshFilter of the billboard object.</param>
        /// <param name="importedTextures">All the imported textures for the archive.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Seek the texture for the first frame of the first record. If found, it imports the entire archive.
        /// If this texture has an emission map the material is considered emissive and all emission maps are imported.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>A material or null.</returns>
        public static Material GetMobileBillboardMaterial(int archive, MeshFilter meshFilter, ref MobileBillboardImportedTextures importedTextures)
            if (!DaggerfallUnity.Settings.AssetInjection)

            Texture2D tex, emission;

            if (importedTextures.HasImportedTextures = LoadFromCacheOrImport(archive, 0, 0, true, true, out tex, out emission))
                string renderMode = null;

                // Read xml configuration
                XMLManager xml;
                if (XMLManager.TryReadXml(ImagesPath, string.Format("{0:000}", archive), out xml))
                    xml.TryGetString("renderMode", out renderMode);
                    importedTextures.IsEmissive = xml.GetBool("emission");

                // Make material
                Material material = MakeBillboardMaterial(renderMode);

                // Enable emission
                ToggleEmission(material, importedTextures.IsEmissive |= emission != null);

                // Load texture file to get record and frame count
                string fileName    = TextureFile.IndexToFileName(archive);
                var    textureFile = new TextureFile(Path.Combine(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, fileName), FileUsage.UseMemory, true);

                // Import all textures in this archive
                importedTextures.Albedo       = new Texture2D[textureFile.RecordCount][];
                importedTextures.EmissionMaps = importedTextures.IsEmissive ? new Texture2D[textureFile.RecordCount][] : null;
                for (int record = 0; record < textureFile.RecordCount; record++)
                    int frames            = textureFile.GetFrameCount(record);
                    var frameTextures     = new Texture2D[frames];
                    var frameEmissionMaps = importedTextures.IsEmissive ? new Texture2D[frames] : null;

                    for (int frame = 0; frame < frames; frame++)
                        if (record != 0 || frame != 0)
                            LoadFromCacheOrImport(archive, record, frame, importedTextures.IsEmissive, true, out tex, out emission);

                        frameTextures[frame] = tex ?? ImageReader.GetTexture(fileName, record, frame, true);
                        if (frameEmissionMaps != null)
                            frameEmissionMaps[frame] = emission ?? frameTextures[frame];

                    importedTextures.Albedo[record] = frameTextures;
                    if (importedTextures.EmissionMaps != null)
                        importedTextures.EmissionMaps[record] = frameEmissionMaps;

                // Update UV map


        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a custom material for a static billboard with textures and configuration imported from mods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="go">The billboard object.</param>
        /// <param name="archive">Archive index.</param>
        /// <param name="record">Record index.</param>
        /// <param name="summary">Summary data of the billboard object.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Seek the texture for the first frame of the given record. If found, it imports all other frames.
        /// Always creates an emission map for textures marked as emissive by TextureReader, import emission maps for others only if available.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>A material or null.</returns>
        public static Material GetStaticBillboardMaterial(GameObject go, int archive, int record, ref DaggerfallBillboard.BillboardSummary summary)
            if (!DaggerfallUnity.Settings.AssetInjection)

            //MeshRenderer meshRenderer = go.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
            int frame = 0;

            Texture2D albedo, emission;

            if (summary.ImportedTextures.HasImportedTextures = LoadFromCacheOrImport(archive, record, frame, true, true, out albedo, out emission))
                bool isEmissive = emission || DaggerfallUnity.Instance.MaterialReader.TextureReader.IsEmissive(archive, record);

                // Read xml configuration
                Vector2    uv         = Vector2.zero;
                string     renderMode = null;
                XMLManager xml;
                if (XMLManager.TryReadXml(texturesPath, GetName(archive, record), out xml))
                    xml.TryGetString("renderMode", out renderMode);
                    isEmissive |= xml.GetBool("emission");

                    // Set billboard scale
                    Transform transform = go.GetComponent <Transform>();
                    transform.localScale = xml.GetVector3("scaleX", "scaleY", transform.localScale);
                    summary.Size.x      *= transform.localScale.x;
                    summary.Size.y      *= transform.localScale.y;

                    // Get UV
                    uv = xml.GetVector2("uvX", "uvY", uv);

                // Make material
                Material material = MakeBillboardMaterial(renderMode);
                summary.Rect = new Rect(uv.x, uv.y, 1 - 2 * uv.x, 1 - 2 * uv.y);

                // Set textures on material; emission is always overriden, with actual texture or null.
                material.SetTexture(Uniforms.MainTex, albedo);
                material.SetTexture(Uniforms.EmissionMap, isEmissive ? emission ?? albedo : null);
                ToggleEmission(material, isEmissive);

                // Import animation frames
                var albedoTextures   = new List <Texture2D>();
                var emissionTextures = isEmissive ? new List <Texture2D>() : null;
                    if (isEmissive)
                        emissionTextures.Add(emission ?? albedo);
                }while (LoadFromCacheOrImport(archive, record, ++frame, isEmissive, true, out albedo, out emission));

                // Save results
                summary.ImportedTextures.FrameCount = frame;
                summary.ImportedTextures.IsEmissive = isEmissive;
                summary.ImportedTextures.Albedo     = albedoTextures;
                summary.ImportedTextures.Emission   = emissionTextures;

