/// <summary>
        /// Gets Texture2D atlas from Daggerfall texture archive.
        /// Every record and frame in the archive will be added to atlas.
        /// An array of rects will be returned with sub-texture rect for each record index and frame.
        /// Currently supports one archive per atlas. Super-atlas packing (multiple archives) is in the works.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">Get texture settings.</param>
        /// <param name="alphaTextureFormat">Alpha TextureFormat.</param>
        /// <param name="nonAlphaFormat">Non-alpha TextureFormat.</param>
        /// <returns>GetTextureResults.</returns>
        public GetTextureResults GetTexture2DAtlas(
            GetTextureSettings settings,
            SupportedAlphaTextureFormats alphaTextureFormat = SupportedAlphaTextureFormats.RGBA32,
            SupportedNonAlphaTextureFormats nonAlphaFormat = SupportedNonAlphaTextureFormats.RGB24)
            GetTextureResults results = new GetTextureResults();

            // Individual textures must remain readable to pack into atlas
            bool stayReadable = settings.stayReadable;
            settings.stayReadable = true;

            // Assign texture file
            TextureFile textureFile;
            if (settings.textureFile == null)
                textureFile = new TextureFile(Path.Combine(Arena2Path, TextureFile.IndexToFileName(settings.archive)), FileUsage.UseMemory, true);
                settings.textureFile = textureFile;
                textureFile = settings.textureFile;

            // Create lists
            results.atlasSizes = new List<Vector2>(textureFile.RecordCount);
            results.atlasScales = new List<Vector2>(textureFile.RecordCount);
            results.atlasOffsets = new List<Vector2>(textureFile.RecordCount);
            results.atlasFrameCounts = new List<int>(textureFile.RecordCount);

            // Read every texture in archive
            bool hasNormalMaps = false;
            bool hasEmissionMaps = false;
            bool hasAnimation = false;
            List<Texture2D> albedoTextures = new List<Texture2D>();
            List<Texture2D> normalTextures = new List<Texture2D>();
            List<Texture2D> emissionTextures = new List<Texture2D>();
            List<RecordIndex> indices = new List<RecordIndex>();
            for (int record = 0; record < textureFile.RecordCount; record++)
                // Get record index and frame count
                settings.record = record;
                int frames = textureFile.GetFrameCount(record);
                if (frames > 1)
                    hasAnimation = true;

                // Get record information
                DFSize size = textureFile.GetSize(record);
                DFSize scale = textureFile.GetScale(record);
                DFPosition offset = textureFile.GetOffset(record);
                RecordIndex ri = new RecordIndex()
                    startIndex = albedoTextures.Count,
                    frameCount = frames,
                    width = size.Width,
                    height = size.Height,
                for (int frame = 0; frame < frames; frame++)
                    settings.frame = frame;
                    GetTextureResults nextTextureResults = GetTexture2D(settings, alphaTextureFormat, nonAlphaFormat);
                    if (nextTextureResults.normalMap != null)
                        hasNormalMaps = true;
                    if (nextTextureResults.emissionMap != null)
                        hasEmissionMaps = true;

                results.atlasSizes.Add(new Vector2(size.Width, size.Height));
                results.atlasScales.Add(new Vector2(scale.Width, scale.Height));
                results.atlasOffsets.Add(new Vector2(offset.X, offset.Y));
                results.textureFile = textureFile;

            // Pack albedo textures into atlas and get our rects
            Texture2D atlasAlbedoMap = new Texture2D(settings.atlasMaxSize, settings.atlasMaxSize, ParseTextureFormat(alphaTextureFormat), MipMaps);
            Rect[] rects = atlasAlbedoMap.PackTextures(albedoTextures.ToArray(), settings.atlasPadding, settings.atlasMaxSize, !stayReadable);

            // Pack normal textures into atlas
            Texture2D atlasNormalMap = null;
            if (hasNormalMaps)
                // Normals must be ARGB32
                atlasNormalMap = new Texture2D(settings.atlasMaxSize, settings.atlasMaxSize, TextureFormat.ARGB32, MipMaps);
                atlasNormalMap.PackTextures(normalTextures.ToArray(), settings.atlasPadding, settings.atlasMaxSize, !stayReadable);

            // Pack emission textures into atlas
            // TODO: Change this as packing not consistent
            Texture2D atlasEmissionMap = null;
            if (hasEmissionMaps)
                // Repacking to ensure correct mix of lit and unlit
                atlasEmissionMap = new Texture2D(settings.atlasMaxSize, settings.atlasMaxSize, ParseTextureFormat(alphaTextureFormat), MipMaps);
                atlasEmissionMap.PackTextures(emissionTextures.ToArray(), settings.atlasPadding, settings.atlasMaxSize, !stayReadable);

            // Add to results
            if (results.atlasRects == null) results.atlasRects = new List<Rect>(rects.Length);
            if (results.atlasIndices == null) results.atlasIndices = new List<RecordIndex>(indices.Count);

            // Shrink UV rect to compensate for internal border
            float ru = 1f / atlasAlbedoMap.width;
            float rv = 1f / atlasAlbedoMap.height;
            int finalBorder = settings.borderSize + settings.atlasShrinkUVs;
            for (int i = 0; i < results.atlasRects.Count; i++)
                Rect rct = results.atlasRects[i];
                rct.xMin += finalBorder * ru;
                rct.xMax -= finalBorder * ru;
                rct.yMin += finalBorder * rv;
                rct.yMax -= finalBorder * rv;
                results.atlasRects[i] = rct;

            // Store results
            results.albedoMap = atlasAlbedoMap;
            results.normalMap = atlasNormalMap;
            results.emissionMap = atlasEmissionMap;
            results.isAtlasAnimated = hasAnimation;
            results.isEmissive = hasEmissionMaps;

            return results;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads any Daggerfall image file to ImageData package.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Name of standalone file as it appears in arena2 folder.</param>
        /// <param name="record">Which image record to read for multi-image files.</param>
        /// <param name="frame">Which frame to read for multi-frame images.</param>
        /// <param name="hasAlpha">Enable this for image cutouts.</param>
        /// <param name="createTexture">Create a Texture2D.</param>
        /// <returns>ImageData. If result.type == ImageTypes.None then read failed.</returns>
        public static ImageData GetImageData(string filename, int record = 0, int frame = 0, bool hasAlpha = false, bool createTexture = true)
            // Check API ready
            DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            if (!dfUnity.IsReady)
                return new ImageData();

            // Parse image file type
            ImageTypes fileType;
                fileType = ParseFileType(filename);
                return new ImageData();

            // Create base image data
            ImageData imageData = new ImageData();
            imageData.type = fileType;
            imageData.filename = filename;
            imageData.record = record;
            imageData.frame = frame;
            imageData.hasAlpha = hasAlpha;

            // Read supported image files
            DFBitmap dfBitmap = null;
            switch (fileType)
                case ImageTypes.TEXTURE:
                    TextureFile textureFile = new TextureFile(Path.Combine(dfUnity.Arena2Path, filename), FileUsage.UseMemory, true);
                    textureFile.LoadPalette(Path.Combine(dfUnity.Arena2Path, textureFile.PaletteName));
                    dfBitmap = textureFile.GetDFBitmap(record, frame);
                    imageData.offset = textureFile.GetOffset(record);
                    imageData.scale = textureFile.GetScale(record);
                    imageData.size = textureFile.GetSize(record);

                case ImageTypes.IMG:
                    ImgFile imgFile = new ImgFile(Path.Combine(dfUnity.Arena2Path, filename), FileUsage.UseMemory, true);
                    imgFile.LoadPalette(Path.Combine(dfUnity.Arena2Path, imgFile.PaletteName));
                    dfBitmap = imgFile.GetDFBitmap();
                    imageData.offset = imgFile.ImageOffset;
                    imageData.scale = new DFSize();
                    imageData.size = imgFile.GetSize(0);

                case ImageTypes.CIF:
                case ImageTypes.RCI:
                    CifRciFile cifFile = new CifRciFile(Path.Combine(dfUnity.Arena2Path, filename), FileUsage.UseMemory, true);
                    cifFile.LoadPalette(Path.Combine(dfUnity.Arena2Path, cifFile.PaletteName));
                    dfBitmap = cifFile.GetDFBitmap(record, frame);
                    imageData.offset = cifFile.GetOffset(record);
                    imageData.scale = new DFSize();
                    imageData.size = cifFile.GetSize(record);

                    return new ImageData();

            // Store bitmap
            imageData.dfBitmap = dfBitmap;
            imageData.width = dfBitmap.Width;
            imageData.height = dfBitmap.Height;

            // Create Texture2D
            if (createTexture)
                // Get colors array
                Color32[] colors = GetColors(imageData);
                if (colors == null)
                    return new ImageData();

                // Create new Texture2D
                imageData.texture = GetTexture(colors, imageData.width, imageData.height);

            return imageData;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Unity textures from Daggerfall texture with all options.
        /// Returns all supported texture maps for Standard shader in one call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">Get texture settings.</param>
        /// <param name="alphaTextureFormat">Alpha TextureFormat.</param>
        /// <param name="nonAlphaFormat">Non-alpha TextureFormat.</param>
        /// <returns>GetTextureResults.</returns>
        public GetTextureResults GetTexture2D(
            GetTextureSettings settings,
            SupportedAlphaTextureFormats alphaTextureFormat = SupportedAlphaTextureFormats.RGBA32,
            SupportedNonAlphaTextureFormats nonAlphaFormat = SupportedNonAlphaTextureFormats.RGB24)
            GetTextureResults results = new GetTextureResults();

            // Check if window or auto-emissive
            bool isWindow = ClimateSwaps.IsExteriorWindow(settings.archive, settings.record);
            bool isEmissive = (settings.autoEmission) ? IsEmissive(settings.archive, settings.record) : false;

            // Assign texture file
            TextureFile textureFile;
            if (settings.textureFile == null)
                textureFile = new TextureFile(Path.Combine(Arena2Path, TextureFile.IndexToFileName(settings.archive)), FileUsage.UseMemory, true);
                textureFile = settings.textureFile;

            // Get starting DFBitmap and albedo Color32 array
            DFSize sz;
            DFBitmap srcBitmap = textureFile.GetDFBitmap(settings.record, settings.frame);
            Color32[] albedoColors = textureFile.GetColor32(srcBitmap, settings.alphaIndex, settings.borderSize, out sz);

            // Sharpen source image
            if (settings.sharpen)
                albedoColors = ImageProcessing.Sharpen(ref albedoColors, sz.Width, sz.Height);

            // Dilate edges
            if (settings.borderSize > 0 && settings.dilate && !settings.copyToOppositeBorder)
                ImageProcessing.DilateColors(ref albedoColors, sz);

            // Copy to opposite border
            if (settings.borderSize > 0 && settings.copyToOppositeBorder)
                ImageProcessing.WrapBorder(ref albedoColors, sz, settings.borderSize);

            // Create albedo texture
            Texture2D albedoMap = null;
            if (settings.alphaIndex < 0)
                albedoMap = new Texture2D(sz.Width, sz.Height, ParseTextureFormat(nonAlphaFormat), MipMaps);
                albedoMap = new Texture2D(sz.Width, sz.Height, ParseTextureFormat(alphaTextureFormat), MipMaps);
            albedoMap.Apply(true, !settings.stayReadable);

            // Create normal texture - must be ARGB32
            // Normal maps are bypassed for solid-colour textures
            Texture2D normalMap = null;
            if (settings.createNormalMap && textureFile.SolidType == TextureFile.SolidTypes.None)
                Color32[] normalColors;
                normalColors = ImageProcessing.GetBumpMap(ref albedoColors, sz.Width, sz.Height);
                normalColors = ImageProcessing.ConvertBumpToNormals(ref normalColors, sz.Width, sz.Height, settings.normalStrength);
                normalMap = new Texture2D(sz.Width, sz.Height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, MipMaps);
                normalMap.Apply(true, !settings.stayReadable);

            // Create basic emissive texture
            Texture2D emissionMap = null;
            bool resultEmissive = false;
            if (settings.createEmissionMap || (settings.autoEmission && isEmissive) && !isWindow)
                // Just reuse albedo map for basic colour emission
                emissionMap = albedoMap;
                resultEmissive = true;

            // Windows need special handling as only glass parts are emissive
            if ((settings.createEmissionMap || settings.autoEmissionForWindows) && isWindow)
                // Create custom emission texture for glass area of windows
                Color32[] emissionColors = textureFile.GetWindowColors32(srcBitmap);
                emissionMap = new Texture2D(sz.Width, sz.Height, ParseTextureFormat(alphaTextureFormat), MipMaps);
                emissionMap.Apply(true, !settings.stayReadable);
                resultEmissive = true;

            // Lights need special handling as this archive contains a mix of emissive and non-emissive flats
            // This can cause problems with atlas packing due to mismatch between albedo and emissive texture counts
            if ((settings.createEmissionMap || settings.autoEmission) && settings.archive == LightsTextureArchive)
                // For the unlit flats we create a null-emissive black texture
                if (!isEmissive)
                    Color32[] emissionColors = new Color32[sz.Width * sz.Height];
                    emissionMap = new Texture2D(sz.Width, sz.Height, ParseTextureFormat(alphaTextureFormat), MipMaps);
                    emissionMap.Apply(true, !settings.stayReadable);
                    resultEmissive = true;

            // Shrink UV rect to compensate for internal border
            float ru = 1f / sz.Width;
            float rv = 1f / sz.Height;
            results.singleRect = new Rect(
                settings.borderSize * ru,
                settings.borderSize * rv,
                (sz.Width - settings.borderSize * 2) * ru,
                (sz.Height - settings.borderSize * 2) * rv);

            // Store results
            results.albedoMap = albedoMap;
            results.normalMap = normalMap;
            results.emissionMap = emissionMap;
            results.isWindow = isWindow;
            results.isEmissive = resultEmissive;
            results.textureFile = textureFile;

            return results;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets specially packed tileset atlas for terrains.
        /// This needs to be improved to create each mip level manually to further reduce artifacts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="archive">Archive index.</param>
        /// <param name="stayReadable">Texture should stay readable.</param>
        /// <param name="nonAlphaFormat">Non-alpha TextureFormat.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GetTextureResults GetTerrainTilesetTexture(
            int archive,
            bool stayReadable = false,
            SupportedNonAlphaTextureFormats nonAlphaFormat = SupportedNonAlphaTextureFormats.RGB24)
            const int atlasDim = 2048;
            const int gutterSize = 32;

            GetTextureResults results = new GetTextureResults();

            // Load texture file and check count matches terrain tiles
            TextureFile textureFile = new TextureFile(Path.Combine(Arena2Path, TextureFile.IndexToFileName(archive)), FileUsage.UseMemory, true);
            if (textureFile.RecordCount != 56)
                return results;

            // Rollout tiles into atlas.
            // This is somewhat inefficient, but fortunately atlases only
            // need to be generated once and can be prepared offline where
            // startup time is critical.
            int x = 0, y = 0;
            Color32[] atlasColors = new Color32[atlasDim * atlasDim];
            for (int record = 0; record < textureFile.RecordCount; record++)
                // Create base image with gutter
                DFSize sz;
                Color32[] albedo = textureFile.GetColor32(record, 0, -1, gutterSize, out sz);

                // Wrap and clamp textures based on tile
                switch (record)
                    // Textures that do not tile in any direction
                    case 5:
                    case 7:
                    case 10:
                    case 12:
                    case 15:
                    case 17:
                    case 20:
                    case 22:
                    case 25:
                    case 27:
                    case 30:
                    case 32:
                    case 34:
                    case 35:
                    case 36:
                    case 37:
                    case 38:
                    case 39:
                    case 40:
                    case 41:
                    case 42:
                    case 43:
                    case 44:
                    case 45:
                    case 47:
                    case 48:
                    case 49:
                    case 50:
                    case 51:
                    case 52:
                    case 53:
                    case 55:
                        ImageProcessing.ClampBorder(ref albedo, sz, gutterSize);

                    // Textures that clamp horizontally and tile vertically
                    case 6:
                    case 11:
                    case 16:
                    case 21:
                    case 26:
                    case 31:
                        ImageProcessing.WrapBorder(ref albedo, sz, gutterSize, false);
                        ImageProcessing.ClampBorder(ref albedo, sz, gutterSize, true, false);

                    // Textures that tile in all directions
                        ImageProcessing.WrapBorder(ref albedo, sz, gutterSize);

                // Create variants
                Color32[] rotate = ImageProcessing.RotateColors(ref albedo, sz.Width, sz.Height);
                Color32[] flip = ImageProcessing.FlipColors(ref albedo, sz.Width, sz.Height);
                Color32[] rotateFlip = ImageProcessing.RotateColors(ref flip, sz.Width, sz.Height);

                // Insert into atlas
                ImageProcessing.InsertColors(ref albedo, ref atlasColors, x, y, sz.Width, sz.Height, atlasDim, atlasDim);
                ImageProcessing.InsertColors(ref rotate, ref atlasColors, x + sz.Width, y, sz.Width, sz.Height, atlasDim, atlasDim);
                ImageProcessing.InsertColors(ref flip, ref atlasColors, x + sz.Width * 2, y, sz.Width, sz.Height, atlasDim, atlasDim);
                ImageProcessing.InsertColors(ref rotateFlip, ref atlasColors, x + sz.Width * 3, y, sz.Width, sz.Height, atlasDim, atlasDim);

                // Increment position
                x += sz.Width * 4;
                if (x >= atlasDim)
                    y += sz.Height;
                    x = 0;

            // Create Texture2D
            Texture2D albedoAtlas = new Texture2D(atlasDim, atlasDim, ParseTextureFormat(nonAlphaFormat), MipMaps);
            albedoAtlas.Apply(true, !stayReadable);

            // Change settings for these textures
            albedoAtlas.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            albedoAtlas.anisoLevel = 8;

            // Store results
            results.albedoMap = albedoAtlas;

            return results;
        /// <summary>
        /// TEMP: Creates super-atlas populated with all archives in array.
        /// Currently does not support animated textures, normal map, or emission map.
        /// TODO: Integrate this feature fully with material system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="archives">Archive array.</param>
        /// <param name="borderSize">Number of pixels border to add around image.</param>
        /// <param name="dilate">Blend texture into surrounding empty pixels. Requires border.</param>
        /// <param name="maxAtlasSize">Maximum atlas size.</param>
        /// <param name="alphaTextureFormat">Alpha TextureFormat.</param>
        /// <param name="nonAlphaFormat">Non-alpha TextureFormat.</param>
        /// <returns>TextureAtlasBuilder.</returns>
        public TextureAtlasBuilder CreateTextureAtlasBuilder(
            int[] archives,
            int borderSize = 0,
            bool dilate = false,
            int maxAtlasSize = 2048,
            SupportedAlphaTextureFormats alphaTextureFormat = SupportedAlphaTextureFormats.RGBA32,
            SupportedNonAlphaTextureFormats nonAlphaFormat = SupportedNonAlphaTextureFormats.RGB24)
            // Iterate archives
            TextureFile textureFile = new TextureFile();
            TextureAtlasBuilder builder = new TextureAtlasBuilder();
            GetTextureSettings settings = TextureReader.CreateTextureSettings(0, 0, 0, 0, borderSize, dilate, maxAtlasSize);
            settings.stayReadable = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < archives.Length; i++)
                // Load texture file
                settings.archive = archives[i];
                textureFile.Load(Path.Combine(Arena2Path, TextureFile.IndexToFileName(settings.archive)), FileUsage.UseMemory, true);

                // Add all records for this archive - single frame only
                for (int record = 0; record < textureFile.RecordCount; record++)
                    settings.record = record;
                    GetTextureResults results = GetTexture2D(settings, alphaTextureFormat, nonAlphaFormat);
                    DFSize size = textureFile.GetSize(record);
                    DFSize scale = textureFile.GetScale(record);
                        0, 1,
                        new Vector2(size.Width, size.Height),
                        new Vector2(scale.Width, scale.Height));

            // Apply the builder

            return builder;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private bool ReadyCheck()
            // Ensure texture reader is ready
            if (textureFile == null)
                textureFile = new TextureFile();
                if (!textureFile.Palette.Load(Path.Combine(Arena2Path, textureFile.PaletteName)))
                    DaggerfallUnity.LogMessage("TextureReader: Failed to load palette file, is Arena2Path correct?", true);
                    textureFile = null;
                    return false;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Precalculate and cache billboard scale for every record.
        /// This will change based on animation state and orientation.
        /// Cache this to array so it only needs to be calculated once.
        /// Also store number of frames for state animations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dfUnity">DaggerfallUnity singleton. Required for content readers and settings.</param>
        /// <param name="archive">Texture archive index derived from type and gender.</param>
        private void CacheRecordSizesAndFrames(DaggerfallUnity dfUnity, int archive)
            // Open texture file
            string path = Path.Combine(dfUnity.Arena2Path, TextureFile.IndexToFileName(archive));
            TextureFile textureFile = new TextureFile(path, FileUsage.UseMemory, true);

            // Cache size and scale for each record
            summary.RecordSizes = new Vector2[textureFile.RecordCount];
            summary.RecordFrames = new int[textureFile.RecordCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < textureFile.RecordCount; i++)
                // Get size and scale of this texture
                DFSize size = textureFile.GetSize(i);
                DFSize scale = textureFile.GetScale(i);

                // Set start size
                Vector2 startSize;
                startSize.x = size.Width;
                startSize.y = size.Height;

                // Apply scale
                Vector2 finalSize;
                int xChange = (int)(size.Width * (scale.Width / BlocksFile.ScaleDivisor));
                int yChange = (int)(size.Height * (scale.Height / BlocksFile.ScaleDivisor));
                finalSize.x = (size.Width + xChange);
                finalSize.y = (size.Height + yChange);

                // Store final size and frame count
                summary.RecordSizes[i] = finalSize * MeshReader.GlobalScale;
                summary.RecordFrames[i] = textureFile.GetFrameCount(i);