Exemplo n.º 1
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txtFieldComment.TextLength <= 80)
                var dbDocsTableOutput = new StringBuilder();
                var outputFolder      = Application.ExecutablePath;

                // Strip the Executable name from the path
                outputFolder = outputFolder.Substring(0, outputFolder.LastIndexOf(@"\", StringComparison.Ordinal));

                var selectedField = lstFields.Text;

                // If the output folder doesnt exist, create it
                if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolder + @"\"))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFolder + @"\");

                if (fieldId == 0) // New Record
                    if (lstLangs.SelectedIndex != 0)
                        // If English, connect to main table
                        dbDocsTableOutput.AppendLine("-- WARNING: The default entry should really be in english --");

                    //insert  into `dbdocsfields`(`languageId`, `tableName`,`fieldName`,`tableNotes`) values (0,'creature','entry','xxxx');
                        "insert  into `dbdocsfields` (`languageId`,`tableName`,`fieldName`,`tableComments`,`tableNotes`) values (" +
                        lstLangs.SelectedIndex + ",'" + TableName + "','" + selectedField + "','" +
                        ProgSettings.PrepareSqlString(txtFieldComment.Text) + "','" +
                        ProgSettings.PrepareSqlString(ProgSettings.ConvertCrlfToBr(txtFieldNotes.Text)) + "');");

                    // Open the file for append and write the entries to it
                    using (
                        var outfile = new StreamWriter(outputFolder + @"\" + ProgSettings.DbName + "_dbdocsTable.SQL",

                    // Write the entry out to the Database directly

                    // For an insert, the record is always saved to the primary table, regardless of the language Since the system is English based, it should really have an English
                    // base record.

                    // Language Id Selected Table Field Notes
                    ProgSettings.FieldInsert(lstLangs.SelectedIndex, TableName, selectedField, txtFieldComment.Text,

                    blnTextChanged  = false;
                    btnSave.Enabled = false;
                    mnuSave.Enabled = btnSave.Enabled;
                else // Updated Record
                    if (lstLangs.SelectedIndex == 0)
                        // If English, connect to main table
                        //update `dbdocsfields` set `fieldnotes`= xxx where `fieldId`= xxx and languageId=yyy;
                        dbDocsTableOutput.AppendLine("update `dbdocsfields` set `FieldComment` = '" +
                                                     ProgSettings.PrepareSqlString(txtFieldComment.Text) +
                                                     "', `fieldNotes` = '" +
                                                         ProgSettings.ConvertCrlfToBr(txtFieldNotes.Text)) +
                                                     "' where `fieldId`= '" + fieldId + "' and `languageId`= " +
                                                     lstLangs.SelectedIndex + ";");

                        // Open the file for append and write the entries to it
                        using (
                            var outfile =
                                new StreamWriter(outputFolder + @"\" + ProgSettings.DbName + "_dbdocsTable.SQL", true))
                        dbDocsTableOutput.AppendLine("delete from `dbdocsfields_localised` where `fieldId`= '" +
                                                     fieldId + " and `languageId`= " + lstLangs.SelectedIndex + ";");
                            "insert into `dbdocsfields_localised` (`fieldId`,`languageId`,`FieldComment`,`fieldNotes`) values (" +
                            fieldId + ", " + lstLangs.SelectedIndex + ", '" +
                            ProgSettings.PrepareSqlString(txtFieldComment.Text) + "', '" +
                            ProgSettings.PrepareSqlString(ProgSettings.ConvertCrlfToBr(txtFieldNotes.Text)) + "');");

                        // Open the file for append and write the entries to it
                        using (
                            var outfile =
                                new StreamWriter(
                                    outputFolder + @"\" + ProgSettings.DbName + "_dbdocsTable_localised.SQL", true))

                    // Write the entry out to the Database directly For an update the logic to decide which table to update is in the Update function itself

                    // Field ID Language ID Notes
                    ProgSettings.FieldUpdate(fieldId, lstLangs.SelectedIndex, txtFieldComment.Text,

                    blnTextChanged  = false;
                    btnSave.Enabled = false;
                    mnuSave.Enabled = btnSave.Enabled;
                lblStatus.Text = DateTime.Now + Resources.Save_Complete_for + selectedField;
                //Report that the comment is too long for the db
                MessageBox.Show(this, Resources.Text_Too_Long, Resources.Error_Saving, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);