Exemplo n.º 1
        public static DataTable GetBallotReportData(string electionKey, string countyCode,
                                                    string district, string place, string elementary, string secondary, string unified,
                                                    string cityCouncil, string countySupervisors, string schoolDistrictDistrict, int commandTimeout = -1)
            var stateCode = Elections.GetStateCodeFromKey(electionKey);

            electionKey = Elections.GetStateElectionKeyFromKey(electionKey) + "%";

            var districtsClause = LocalIdsCodes.GetLocals(stateCode, countyCode, district, place,
                                                          elementary, secondary, unified, cityCouncil, countySupervisors, schoolDistrictDistrict)

            var cmdText = "SELECT r.ReferendumKey,r.ReferendumTitle,r.ReferendumDesc," +
                          " r.OrderOnBallot,r.CountyCode,r.LocalKey,r.ElectionKey,l.LocalDistrict" +
                          " FROM Referendums r" +
                          " LEFT JOIN LocalDistricts l ON l.StateCode=r.StateCode" +
                          "  AND l.LocalKey=r.LocalKey" +
                          " WHERE r.ElectionKey LIKE @ElectionKey" +
                          $"  AND (r.CountyCode='' AND r.LocalKey='' OR r.CountyCode=@CountyCode OR {districtsClause})" +
                          "  AND r.IsReferendumTagForDeletion=0 ORDER BY r.OrderOnBallot";

            var cmd   = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
            var table = new DataTable();

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKey", electionKey);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static DataTable GetBallotReportData(string electionKey,
                                                    string countyCode, int commandTimeout = -1)
            electionKey = Elections.GetStateElectionKeyFromKey(electionKey) + "%";

            const string cmdText = "SELECT r.ReferendumKey,r.ReferendumTitle,r.ReferendumDesc," +
                                   " r.OrderOnBallot,r.CountyCode,r.LocalCode,r.ElectionKey,l.LocalDistrict" +
                                   " FROM Referendums r" +
                                   " LEFT JOIN LocalDistricts l ON l.StateCode=r.StateCode" +
                                   "  AND l.CountyCode=r.CountyCode AND l.LocalCode=r.LocalCode" +
                                   " WHERE r.ElectionKey LIKE @ElectionKey" +
                                   "  AND (r.CountyCode='' OR r.CountyCode=@CountyCode)" +
                                   "  AND r.IsReferendumTagForDeletion=0 ORDER BY r.OrderOnBallot";

            var cmd   = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
            var table = new DataTable();

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKey", electionKey);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static DataTable GetSampleBallotIssues(string electionKey, string congress,
                                                      string stateSenate, string stateHouse, string countyCode, int commandTimeout = -1)
            electionKey = Elections.GetStateElectionKeyFromKey(electionKey) + "%";

            const string columnList =
                "a.Answer,a.IssueKey,a.QuestionKey,i.Issue,i.IssueLevel,i.IssueOrder," +

            var cmdText =
                    "SELECT {0}, ep.PoliticianKey, 0 AS IsRunningMate FROM ElectionsPoliticians ep" +
                    " INNER JOIN Offices o ON o.OfficeKey=ep.OfficeKey" +
                    " INNER JOIN Answers a ON a.PoliticianKey=ep.PoliticianKey" +
                    "  AND TRIM(a.Answer) <> ''" +
                    " INNER JOIN Issues i ON i.IssueKey=a.IssueKey AND i.IsIssueOmit=0" +
                    " INNER JOIN Questions q ON q.QuestionKey=a.QuestionKey" +
                    "  AND q.IsQuestionOmit=0" +
                    " WHERE ep.ElectionKey LIKE @ElectionKey" +
                    "  AND (o.OfficeLevel IN (1,2,4)" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=3 AND o.DistrictCode=@Congress" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=5 AND o.DistrictCode=@StateSenate" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=6 AND o.DistrictCode=@StateHouse" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel>=7)" +
                    "  AND (ep.CountyCode='' OR ep.CountyCode=@CountyCode)" +
                    " UNION SELECT {0},ep.RunningMateKey AS PoliticianKey, 1 AS IsRunningMate FROM ElectionsPoliticians ep" +
                    " INNER JOIN Offices o ON o.OfficeKey=ep.OfficeKey" +
                    " INNER JOIN Answers a ON a.PoliticianKey=ep.RunningMateKey" +
                    "  AND TRIM(a.Answer) <> ''" +
                    " INNER JOIN Issues i ON i.IssueKey=a.IssueKey AND i.IsIssueOmit=0" +
                    " INNER JOIN Questions q ON q.QuestionKey=a.QuestionKey" +
                    "  AND q.IsQuestionOmit=0" +
                    " WHERE ep.ElectionKey LIKE @ElectionKey" +
                    "  AND (o.OfficeLevel IN (1,2,4)" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=3 AND o.DistrictCode=@Congress" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=5 AND o.DistrictCode=@StateSenate" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=6 AND o.DistrictCode=@StateHouse" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel>=7)" +
                    "  AND (ep.CountyCode='' OR ep.CountyCode=@CountyCode)" +
                    " ORDER BY IssueLevel,IssueOrder,Issue,QuestionOrder,Question", columnList);

            var cmd   = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
            var table = new DataTable();

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKey", electionKey);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "Congress", congress);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StateSenate", stateSenate);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StateHouse", stateHouse);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static DataTable GetSampleBallotData(string electionKey,
                                                    string congress, string stateSenate, string stateHouse,
                                                    string countyCode, bool includeOptionalData = false, int commandTimeout = -1)
            var electionKeyToInclude = Elections.GetElectionKeyToInclude(electionKey);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(electionKeyToInclude))
                electionKeyToInclude += "%";
            electionKey = Elections.GetStateElectionKeyFromKey(electionKey) + "%";

            const string columnList =
                "ep.ElectionKey, ep.OfficeKey,ep.OrderOnBallot," +
                "ep.RunningMateKey,ep.CountyCode,ep.LocalCode,o.DistrictCode," +
                "o.IsRunningMateOffice,o.OfficeLevel,o.OfficeLine1,o.OfficeLine2," +
                "o.OfficeOrderWithinLevel,o.VoteForWording,o.WriteInLines," +
                "o.ElectionPositions,o.PrimaryPositions,o.PrimaryRunoffPositions,o.GeneralRunoffPositions," +
                "o.WriteInWording,p.AddOn,p.BallotPediaWebAddress,p.BloggerWebAddress,p.EmailAddr AS Email," +
                "p.FacebookWebAddress,p.FlickrWebAddress,p.FName AS FirstName," +
                "p.GooglePlusWebAddress," +
                "p.LinkedInWebAddress,p.LName AS LastName,p.MName AS MiddleName,p.Nickname,p.PartyKey," +
                "p.PinterestWebAddress,p.PoliticianKey,p.RSSFeedWebAddress," +
                "p.StateEmailAddr AS StateEmail,p.StateWebAddr AS StateWebAddress," +
                "p.Suffix,p.DateOfBirth,p.TwitterWebAddress,p.VimeoWebAddress," +
                "p.WebAddr AS WebAddress,p.WebstagramWebAddress,p.WikipediaWebAddress," +
                "p.YouTubeWebAddress,pt.PartyCode,pt.PartyName,pt.PartyUrl,pt.IsPartyMajor," +
                "bo.OfficeOrder,bo.DemographicClass,l.LocalDistrict," +
                "oo.PoliticianKey=ep.PoliticianKey AS IsIncumbent";

            const string columns = columnList;

            var cmdText =
                    "SELECT {0}, 0 AS IsRunningMate FROM ElectionsPoliticians ep" +
                    " INNER JOIN Politicians p ON p.PoliticianKey=ep.PoliticianKey" +
                    " INNER JOIN Offices o ON o.OfficeKey=ep.OfficeKey" +
                    " LEFT JOIN Parties pt ON pt.PartyKey = p.PartyKey" +
                    " INNER JOIN ElectionsBallotOrder bo ON bo.StateCode=ep.StateCode" +
                    "  AND bo.OfficeClass=o.OfficeLevel" +
                    " LEFT JOIN LocalDistricts l ON l.StateCode=ep.StateCode" +
                    "  AND l.CountyCode=ep.CountyCode AND l.LocalCode=ep.LocalCode" +
                    " LEFT JOIN OfficesOfficials oo ON oo.OfficeKey=ep.OfficeKey" +
                    "  AND oo.PoliticianKey=ep.PoliticianKey" +
                    " WHERE (ep.ElectionKey LIKE @ElectionKey OR ep.ElectionKey LIKE @ElectionKeyToInclude)" +
                    "  AND (o.OfficeLevel IN (1,2,4)" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=3 AND o.DistrictCode=@Congress" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=5 AND o.DistrictCode=@StateSenate" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=6 AND o.DistrictCode=@StateHouse" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel>=7)" +
                    "  AND (ep.CountyCode='' OR ep.CountyCode=@CountyCode)" +
                    " UNION SELECT {0}, 1 AS IsRunningMate FROM ElectionsPoliticians ep" +
                    " INNER JOIN Politicians p ON p.PoliticianKey=ep.RunningMateKey" +
                    " INNER JOIN Offices o ON o.OfficeKey=ep.OfficeKey" +
                    " LEFT JOIN Parties pt ON pt.PartyKey = p.PartyKey" +
                    " INNER JOIN ElectionsBallotOrder bo ON bo.StateCode=ep.StateCode" +
                    "  AND bo.OfficeClass=o.OfficeLevel" +
                    " LEFT JOIN LocalDistricts l ON l.StateCode=ep.StateCode" +
                    "  AND l.CountyCode=ep.CountyCode AND l.LocalCode=ep.LocalCode" +
                    " LEFT JOIN OfficesOfficials oo ON oo.OfficeKey=ep.OfficeKey" +
                    "  AND oo.PoliticianKey=ep.PoliticianKey" +
                    " WHERE ep.ElectionKey LIKE @ElectionKey" +
                    "  AND (o.OfficeLevel IN (1,2,4)" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=3 AND o.DistrictCode=@Congress" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=5 AND o.DistrictCode=@StateSenate" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel=6 AND o.DistrictCode=@StateHouse" +
                    "   OR o.OfficeLevel>=7)" +
                    "  AND (ep.CountyCode='' OR ep.CountyCode=@CountyCode)", columns);

            var cmd   = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
            var table = new DataTable();

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKey", electionKey);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKeyToInclude", electionKeyToInclude);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "Congress", congress);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StateSenate", stateSenate);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StateHouse", stateHouse);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
