Exemplo n.º 1
        public string getDataAll(int IDex, int IDexC, string casino, string time1, string time2, string enable)
            string json = string.Empty;
            string str  = SQL_SELECTALL + " where 1=1";

            if (casino != "0")
                str += " and casino=" + casino.Replace("'", "") + "";
            if (time1 != "" || time2 != "")
                time1 = time1 == "" ? time2 : time1;
                time2 = time2 == "" ? time1 : time2;
                str  += " and date(operationTime)>=date('" + DateTime.Parse(time1) + "')";
                str  += " and date(operationTime)<=date('" + DateTime.Parse(time2) + "')";
            if (enable != "-1")
                str += " and isEnable=" + enable + "";
            json = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(str + " limit " + IDex + "," + IDexC));
            return(json == "[]" ? "" : json);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public string SelectByWhere(string name, string casino, string isEnable)
            string json       = string.Empty;
            string SQL_SELECT = "select select ID,Name,AgentName,Password,casino,cookie,Address,Address2,isEnable,isLogin,operator,operationTime,status,ip from agentaccount where 1=1";

            if (name != "")
                SQL_SELECT += " and Name like %'" + name + "'%";
            if (casino != "")
                SQL_SELECT += " and casino='" + casino + "'";
            if (isEnable != "")
                SQL_SELECT += " and isEnable='" + isEnable + "'";
            using (MySqlDataReader reader = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECT))
                json = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(reader);
            return(json == "[]" ? "" : json);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public string GetJsnByWhere(string userName, string sn, string date1, string date2)
            userName = userName.Replace("'", "");
            sn       = sn.Replace("'", "");

            string subSql = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                subSql += " and UserName like '%" + userName + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sn))
                subSql += " and sn='" + sn + "' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(date1) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(date2))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(date1))
                    date1 = date2;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(date2))
                    date2 = date1;
                subSql += " and date(isdate)>='" + date1 + "' and date(isdate)<='" + date2 + "'";

            if (subSql == "")
            string sql = "select * from jsn where 1=1 " + subSql + " order by id desc";

 public string getDataAll(int IDex, int IDexC, string casino, string dali, string id, string enable, string webPoss, string Company)
     string where = "where";
     if (casino != "0")
         where += " casino=" + casino;
     if (dali != "")
         if (where == "where")
             where += " agent='" + dali + "'";
             where += " and agent='" + dali + "'";
     if (id != "")
         if (where == "where")
             where += " userid='" + id.Replace("'", "") + "'";
             where += " and userid='" + id.Replace("'", "") + "'";
     if (enable != "-1")
         if (where == "where")
             where += " enable=" + enable;
             where += " and enable=" + enable;
     if (webPoss != "")
         if (where == "where")
             where += " websitepossess=" + webPoss;
             where += " and websitepossess=" + webPoss;
     if (Company != "")
         if (where == "where")
             where += " selfpossess=" + Company;
             where += " and selfpossess=" + Company;
     if (where == "where")
         return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTALL + " limit " + IDex + "," + IDexC)));
         return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTALL + where + " limit " + IDex + "," + IDexC)));
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取所有服务器
 /// 编写时间: 2010-10-10 14:00
 /// 创建者:Mickey
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public System.Data.Common.DbDataReader GetServerAll()
     return(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTALL, null));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public string getDataAll222()
Exemplo n.º 7
        public string getDataAll_2()
            string strs = "select id,type,BigPric,samlPric,title,conent from yafa.pro_game where type = 1";

Exemplo n.º 8
 public string getDataAll(int IDex, int IDexC)
     return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTALL + " limit " + IDex + "," + IDexC)));
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// 查询方法
 /// 编写时间:2010-9-30 12:30:00
 /// 创建者:Mickey
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public MySqlDataReader GetConfigAll()
     return(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTALL, null));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public System.Data.Common.DbDataReader GetGrade(string lan)
            string SQL_SELECTLEVEL = "select distinct LevelName" + lan + " as b from yafa.grade ";

            return(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTLEVEL, null));
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// 返回所有数据(MySqlDataReader)
 /// By xzz
 /// time:2010-8-31 22:40
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public MySqlDataReader GetManagers()
     return(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_MANAGERROLE, null));
        public string GetRate(string type, string time1, string time2, string language, string user)
            string mysql = "";
            string types = "";
            string ifo   = "";

            if (language == "cn")
                mysql = "name_cn as name";
                types = "name_cn";
            if (language == "tw")
                mysql = "name_tw as name";
                types = "name_tw";
            if (language == "en")
                mysql = "name_en as name";
                types = "name_en";
            if (language == "th")
                mysql = "name_th as name";
                types = "name_th";
            if (language == "vn")
                mysql = "name_vn as name";
                types = "name_vn";

            if (type != "")
                ifo = " where " + types + "='" + type + "'";

            if (time1 != "")
                ifo = " where date(lasttime)= '" + time1 + "'";
            if (time2 != "")
                ifo = " where date(lasttime)= '" + time2 + "'";
            if (time1 != "" && time2 != "")
                ifo = "where date(lasttime)>= '" + time1 + "' and date(lasttime)<='" + time2 + "'";
            if (user != "")
                ifo = " where operator='" + user + "'";

            if (type != "" && time1 != "" && time2 == "")
                ifo = " where " + types + "='" + type + "' and date(lasttime)= '" + time1 + "'";

            if (type != "" && time1 == "" && time2 != "")
                ifo = " where " + types + "='" + type + "' and date(lasttime)<= '" + time2 + "'";

            if (type != "" && time1 != "" && time2 != "")
                ifo = " where " + types + "='" + type + "' and date(lasttime)>= '" + time1 + "' and date(lasttime)<= '" + time2 + "'";

            if (type != "" && user != "")
                ifo = " where " + types + "='" + type + "' and operator='" + user + "'";
            if (user != "" && time1 != "" && time2 == "")
                ifo = "where date(lasttime)= '" + time1 + "' and operator='" + user + "'";

            if (user != "" && time1 == "" && time2 != "")
                ifo = "where date(lasttime)<= '" + time2 + "' and operator='" + user + "'";

            if (type != "" && time1 != "" && time2 == "" && user != "")
                ifo = " where " + types + "='" + type + "' and date(lasttime)= '" + time1 + "' and operator='" + user + "'";

            if (type != "" && time1 == "" && time2 != "" && user != "")
                ifo = " where " + types + "='" + type + "' and date(lasttime)<= '" + time2 + "' and operator='" + user + "'";

            if (type != "" && time1 != "" && time2 != "" && user != "")
                ifo = " where " + types + "='" + type + "' and date(lasttime)>= '" + time1 + "' and date(lasttime)<='" + time2 + "' and operator='" + user + "'";

            string str = "select id," + mysql + ",rate,date(lasttime),lasttime,operator,ip from yafa.ratehistory " + ifo + " order by " + types + " ,lasttime desc";

Exemplo n.º 13
        public System.Data.Common.DbDataReader GetGradeId(string name, string lan)
            string SQL_SELECTLEVELID = "select ID from yafa.grade where LevelName" + lan + "='" + name + "'";

            return(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTLEVELID, null));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public System.Data.Common.DbDataReader GetGradeName(int id, string lan)
            string SQL_SELECTLEVELNAME = "select distinct LevelName" + lan + " as b from yafa.grade where ID='" + id + "'";

            return(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTLEVELNAME, null));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public List <Orderdetaillive> GetOrderAllByWhere(string whereSql)
            List <Orderdetaillive> order = new List <Orderdetaillive>();

            if (whereSql == "")
            string          str   = "select * from orderdetaillive where " + whereSql;
            MySqlDataReader reder = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(str);

            while (reder.Read())
                Orderdetaillive or = new Orderdetaillive();
                or.ID                   = Convert.ToInt32(reder.GetString("ID"));
                or.Agent                = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Agent"));
                or.AgentCommission      = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("AgentCommission"));
                or.AgentPercent         = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("AgentPercent"));
                or.Amount               = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("Amount"));
                or.Awaycn               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Awaycn"));
                or.Awayen               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Awayen"));
                or.Awayth               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Awayth"));
                or.Awaytw               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Awaytw"));
                or.Awayvn               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Awayvn"));
                or.BeginTime            = Convert.ToDateTime(reder.GetString("BeginTime"));
                or.BetItem              = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("BetItem"));
                or.BetType              = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("BetType"));
                or.Coefficient          = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("Coefficient"));
                or.CompanyCommission    = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("CompanyCommission"));
                or.CompanyPercent       = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("CompanyPercent"));
                or.Currency             = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Currency"));
                or.Gameid               = Convert.ToInt32(reder.GetString("gameid"));
                or.Handicap             = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Handicap"));
                or.Homecn               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Homecn"));
                or.Homeen               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Homeen"));
                or.Hometh               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Hometh"));
                or.Hometw               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Hometw"));
                or.Homevn               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Homevn"));
                or.IP                   = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("IP"));
                or.IsHalf               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("IsHalf"));
                or.Leaguecn             = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("leaguecn"));
                or.Leagueen             = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("leagueen"));
                or.Leagueth             = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("leagueth"));
                or.Leaguetw             = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("leaguetw"));
                or.Leaguevn             = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("leaguevn"));
                or.Odds                 = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("Odds"));
                or.OddsType             = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("OddsType"));
                or.OrderID              = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("OrderID"));
                or.Partner              = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Partner"));
                or.PartnerCommission    = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("PartnerCommission"));
                or.PartnerPercent       = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("PartnerPercent"));
                or.Proportion           = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("Proportion"));
                or.Reason               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Reason"));
                or.Score                = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Score"));
                or.Status               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("Status"));
                or.SubCompany           = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("SubCompany"));
                or.SubCompanyCommission = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("SubCompanyCommission"));
                or.SubCompanyPercent    = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("SubCompanyPercent"));
                or.Time                 = Convert.ToDateTime(reder.GetString("time"));
                or.UserLevel            = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("UserLevel"));
                or.UserName             = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("UserName"));
                or.ValidAmount          = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("ValidAmount"));
                or.WebSiteiID           = Convert.ToInt32(reder.GetString("WebSiteiID"));
                or.ZAgent               = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("ZAgent"));
                or.ZAgentCommission     = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("ZAgentCommission"));
                or.ZAgentPercent        = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("ZAgentPercent"));
                or.Betflag              = Convert.ToString(reder.GetString("betflag"));
                or.MemberPercent        = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("MemberPercent"));
                or.MemberCommission     = Convert.ToDecimal(reder.GetString("MemberCommission"));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static string GetRegIP(string regIP)
            string sql = "select username,regip,RegistrationTime from user where regip='" + regIP + "'  group by username order by id desc";

Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// 外调输赢网站列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lan">多语言</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetOrderGroupByWebsiteID(string stime, string etime, string lan, string yy, string websiteid, string agent, string webusername)
            stime = stime.Replace("'", "");
            etime = etime.Replace("'", "");
            yy    = yy.Replace("'", "");
            string sqlStr  = "";
            string subStr  = "";
            string subStr1 = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(websiteid))
                subStr1 += " and WebSiteiID=" + websiteid;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(agent))
                subStr1 += " and agent='" + agent + "' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webusername))
                subStr1 += " and WebUserName='******' ";
            switch (lan)
            case "zh-cn":
                subStr = "namecn";

            case "zh-tw":
                subStr = "nametw";

            case "en-us":
                subStr = "nameen";

            case "th-th":
                subStr = "nameth";

            case "vi-vn":
                subStr = "nametv";

                subStr = "namecn";
            if (yy == "WebSiteiID")
                sqlStr = "select (select " + subStr + " from casino where casino.id=orderotherhistory.WebSiteiID) as WebSiteName,WebSiteiID,agent,";
                sqlStr = "select " + yy + " as WebSiteName,WebSiteiID,agent,";
            sqlStr += "sum(Amount) as Amount,sum(ValidAmount) as ValidAmount,sum(Result) as Result,sum(MoreAmount) as MoreAmount ";
            sqlStr += " from orderotherhistory";
            sqlStr += " where BeginTime>='" + stime + "' and BeginTime<='" + etime + " 23:59:59' " + subStr1;
            sqlStr += " group by " + yy + " order by WebSiteiID,agent,WebUserName";

            string val = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sqlStr));

Exemplo n.º 18
        public string getJson(string lan)
            string str = "select ID as a,LevelName" + lan + " as b,LevelRemark as c from yafa.grade ";
