ExecuteQuery() public method

public ExecuteQuery ( string sql, string parameters, string values ) : DataSet
sql string
parameters string
values string
return System.Data.DataSet
    //table not ready yet
    protected void btnShipStatus_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DAL.DataAccess da = new DAL.DataAccess(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyPetStoreDB"].ConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient");

        //eventually going to need something like a 'where shipdate > datetime.now' for pending orders
        string sql = "select * from orders";

        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        string[] s = { };
        ds = da.ExecuteQuery(sql, s, s);
        gvShipStatus.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

        //code for tablesorter ready gridviews
        if (this.gvShipStatus.Rows.Count > 0)
            gvShipStatus.UseAccessibleHeader = true;
            gvShipStatus.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader;
            gvShipStatus.FooterRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableFooter;


        s = null;
        sql = null;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            DAL.DataAccess da = new DAL.DataAccess(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyPetStoreDB"].ConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient");
            string sql = "select * from categories;";
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string[] s = { };
            ds = da.ExecuteQuery(sql, s, s);
            repeater1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

            s = null;
            sql = null;
    protected void btnClickMe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DAL.DataAccess da = new DAL.DataAccess(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyPetStoreDB"].ConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient");

        string sql1 = "Update categories set CategoryName = @catname where categoryid = @catid";
        //the parameters must be in the order they appear in the sql above!
        string[] s1 = { "@catname", "@catid" };
        string[] r1 = { txtsearch.Text, "1" };
        da.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1, s1, r1);
        //Rob wrote all of this code....
        string sql = "select * from categories where categoryName = @categoryname";
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        string[] s = {"@categoryname"};
        string[] r = {txtsearch.Text};
        ds = da.ExecuteQuery(sql, s, r);
        repeater1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

        s = null;
        sql = null;
    private void GetOrderInfo()
        string Orders_OrderDate_Start = txtOrders_OrderDate_Start.Text;
        string Orders_OrderDate_End = txtOrders_OrderDate_End.Text;
        string Orders_NetTotal_Start = txtOrders_NetTotal_Start.Text;
        string Orders_NetTotal_End = txtOrders_NetTotal_End.Text;
        string Customer_CustomerID = txtCustomer_CustomerID.Text;
        string Customer_FName = txtCustomer_FName.Text;
        string Customer_LName = txtCustomer_LName.Text;
        string Customer_UserName = txtCustomer_UserName.Text;
        string Customer_City = txtCustomer_City.Text;
        string Customer_State = txtCustomer_State.Text;
        string Items_ProductName = txtItems_ProductName.Text;

        DAL.DataAccess da = new DAL.DataAccess(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyPetStoreDB"].ConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient");
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();

        string s1;
        string s2 = "";
        int fields = CountUsedFields();
        int p;
        string[] p1 = new string[fields];
        string[] v1 = new string[fields];

        s1 = "SELECT o.* FROM Orders o " +
            "RIGHT OUTER JOIN Customer c ON o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID ";
        if (Items_ProductName != "")
            s1 += "RIGHT OUTER JOIN OrderItems oi ON o.ORDERID = oi.OrderID " +
                "INNER JOIN Items i ON oi.ItemID = i.ItemID AND oi.VendorID = i.VendorID ";

        s1 += "WHERE ";

        if (Orders_OrderDate_Start != "")
            s2 += "AND o.OrderDate >= @OrderDate ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@OrderDate";
            v1[p] = Orders_OrderDate_Start;

        if (Orders_OrderDate_End != "")
            s2 += "AND o.OrderDate <= @OrderDate ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@OrderDate";
            v1[p] = Orders_OrderDate_End;

        if (Orders_NetTotal_Start != "")
            s2 += "AND o.NetTotal >= @NetTotal ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@NetTotal, ";
            v1[p] = Orders_NetTotal_Start + ", ";

        if (Orders_NetTotal_End != "")
            s2 += "AND o.NetTotal <= @NetTotal ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@NetTotal, ";
            v1[p] = Orders_NetTotal_End + ", ";

        if (Customer_CustomerID != "")
            s2 += "AND c.CustomerID = @CustomerID ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@CustomerID, ";
            v1[p] = Customer_CustomerID + ", ";

        if (Customer_FName != "")
            s2 += "AND c.FName = @FName ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@FName, ";
            v1[p] = Customer_FName + ", ";

        if (Customer_LName != "")
            s2 += "AND c.LName = @LName ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@LName, ";
            v1[p] = Customer_LName + ", ";

        if (Customer_UserName != "")
            s2 += "AND c.UserName = @UserName ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@UserName, ";
            v1[p] = Customer_UserName + ", ";

        if (Customer_City != "")
            s2 += "AND c.City = @City ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@City, ";
            v1[p] = Customer_City + ", ";

        if (Customer_State != "")
            s2 += "AND c.State = @State ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@State, ";
            v1[p] = Customer_State + ", ";

        if (Items_ProductName != "")
            s2 += "AND i.ProductName = @ProductName ";
            p = 0;
            while (p1[p] != "")
                p += 1;
            p1[p] = "@ProductName, ";
            v1[p] = Items_ProductName + ", ";

        s2 = s2.TrimStart('A', 'N', 'D', ' ');
        s1 += s2;

        ds = da.ExecuteQuery(s1, p1, v1);

        gvOrders1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

        if (this.gvOrders1.Rows.Count > 0)
            gvOrders1.UseAccessibleHeader = true;
            gvOrders1.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader;
            gvOrders1.FooterRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableFooter;
    private string txn_id; //unique transaction id

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Post back to either sandbox or live
        string strSandbox = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";
        string strLive = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(strSandbox);

        //Set values for the request back
        req.Method = "POST";
        req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        byte[] param = Request.BinaryRead(HttpContext.Current.Request.ContentLength);
        string strRequest = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(param);
        strRequest += "&cmd=_notify-validate";
        req.ContentLength = strRequest.Length;

        //for proxy
        //WebProxy proxy = new WebProxy(new Uri("http://*****:*****@orderID";

                DataSet ds6 = new DataSet();

                // make arrays for paramaters and input
                string[] s6 = { "@orderID" };
                string[] v6 = { orderID };
                ds6 = da6.ExecuteQuery(comm6, s6, v6);

                // returns a 1 if the item exists if not the transaction is a dummy
                grossTotal = decimal.Parse(ds6.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString());

                // subtract shipping to compare to gross total
               decimal total = decimal.Parse(grossTotal.ToString("n2")) - decimal.Parse(mc_shipping);

                s6 = null;
                v6 = null;

                // make sure customer paid the correct amount
                // total < 0 for reversals
                if (grossTotal.ToString("n2") == total.ToString("n2") || total < 0)

                    // check to see if email returned is ours
                    if (receiver_email == "*****@*****.**") // make sure the receiver email is ours

                        // count how many orderIDs that have not been verified exist in the orders table
                        DAL.DataAccess da5 =
                            new DAL.DataAccess(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyPetStoreDB"].ConnectionString,

                        // make command statement
                        string comm5 = "SELECT COUNT(OrderID) FROM Orders WHERE TXNID = @txnID";

                        DataSet ds5 = new DataSet();

                        // make arrays for paramaters and input
                        string[] s5 = { "@txnID" };
                        string[] v5 = { txn_id };
                        ds5 = da5.ExecuteQuery(comm5, s5, v5);

                        // returns one item
                        txnID = ds5.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0];

                        s5 = null;
                        v5 = null;

                        if (int.Parse(txnID.ToString()) == 0)
                            if (payment_status == "Completed")
                                // update total of orders table for the customer
                                DAL.DataAccess da2 =
                                    new DAL.DataAccess(

                                string comm2 =
                                    "UPDATE Orders SET TXNID = @txnID, PaymentStatus, Date = @date = @paymentStatus WHERE OrderID = @orderID";

                                // empty array
                                string[] p2 = { "@txnID", "@paymentStatus", "@orderID", "@date" };
                                string[] v2 = { txn_id, "Completed", orderID, datetime.ToString() };

                                da2.ExecuteNonQuery(comm2, p2, v2);

                                // clear
                                p2 = null;
                                v2 = null;


                            // if payment status is pending
                            if (payment_status == "Pending")
                                // update total of orders table for the customer
                                DAL.DataAccess da2 =
                                    new DAL.DataAccess(

                                string comm2 =
                                    "UPDATE Orders SET TXNID = @txnID, PaymentStatus = @paymentStatus, Date = @date WHERE OrderID = @orderID";

                                // empty array
                                string[] p2 = { "@txnID", "@paymentStatus", "@orderID", "@date" };
                                string[] v2 = { txn_id, "Pending", orderID, datetime.ToString() };

                                da2.ExecuteNonQuery(comm2, p2, v2);

                                // clear
                                p2 = null;
                                v2 = null;
                            // if payment status is Processed
                            if (payment_status == "Processed")
                                // update total of orders table for the customer
                                DAL.DataAccess da2 =
                                    new DAL.DataAccess(

                                string comm2 =
                                    "UPDATE Orders SET TXNID = @txnID, PaymentStatus = @paymentStatus, Date = @date WHERE OrderID = @orderID";

                                // empty array
                                string[] p2 = { "@txnID", "@paymentStatus", "@orderID", "@date" };
                                string[] v2 = { txn_id, "Processed", orderID, datetime.ToString() };

                                da2.ExecuteNonQuery(comm2, p2, v2);

                                // clear
                                p2 = null;
                                v2 = null;
                            // if payment status is Refunded
                            //  parent_txn_id = old txn_id
                            if (payment_status == "Refunded")
                                // update total of orders table for the customer
                                DAL.DataAccess da2 =
                                    new DAL.DataAccess(

                                string comm2 =
                                    "UPDATE Orders SET TXNID = @txnID, PaymentStatus = @paymentStatus, Date = @date WHERE OrderID = @orderID";

                                // empty array
                                string[] p2 = { "@txnID", "@paymentStatus", "@orderID", "@date" };
                                string[] v2 = { txn_id, "Refunded", orderID, datetime.ToString() };

                                da2.ExecuteNonQuery(comm2, p2, v2);

                                // clear
                                p2 = null;
                                v2 = null;
                            // if payment status is Reversed
                            //  parent_txn_id = old txn_id
                            if (payment_status == "Reversed")
                                // update total of orders table for the customer
                                DAL.DataAccess da2 =
                                    new DAL.DataAccess(

                                string comm2 =
                                    "UPDATE Orders SET TXNID = @txnID, PaymentStatus = @paymentStatus, Date = @date WHERE OrderID = @orderID";

                                // empty array
                                string[] p2 = { "@txnID", "@paymentStatus", "@orderID", "@date" };
                                string[] v2 = { txn_id, "Reversed", orderID, datetime.ToString() };

                                da2.ExecuteNonQuery(comm2, p2, v2);

                                // clear
                                p2 = null;
                                v2 = null;
                            // if payment status is Canceled_Reversal
                            //  parent_txn_id = old txn_id
                            if (payment_status == "Canceled_Reversal")
                                // update total of orders table for the customer
                                DAL.DataAccess da2 =
                                    new DAL.DataAccess(

                                string comm2 =
                                    "UPDATE Orders SET TXNID = @txnID, PaymentStatus = @paymentStatus, Date = @date WHERE OrderID = @orderID";

                                // empty array
                                string[] p2 = { "@txnID", "@paymentStatus", "@orderID", "@date" };
                                string[] v2 = { txn_id, "Canceled Reversal", orderID, datetime.ToString() };

                                da2.ExecuteNonQuery(comm2, p2, v2);

                                // clear
                                p2 = null;
                                v2 = null;
                            // if payment status is Voided
                            if (payment_status == "Voided")
                                // update total of orders table for the customer
                                DAL.DataAccess da2 =
                                    new DAL.DataAccess(

                                string comm2 =
                                    "UPDATE Orders SET TXNID = @txnID, PaymentStatus = @paymentStatus, Date = @date WHERE OrderID = @orderID";

                                // empty array
                                string[] p2 = { "@txnID", "@paymentStatus", "@orderID", "@date" };
                                string[] v2 = { txn_id, "Voided", orderID, datetime.ToString() };

                                da2.ExecuteNonQuery(comm2, p2, v2);

                                // clear
                                p2 = null;
                                v2 = null;
                            // if payment status is Denied
                            if (payment_status == "Denied")
                                // update total of orders table for the customer
                                DAL.DataAccess da2 =
                                    new DAL.DataAccess(

                                string comm2 =
                                    "UPDATE Orders SET TXNID = @txnID, PaymentStatus = @paymentStatus, Date = @date WHERE OrderID = @orderID";

                                // empty array
                                string[] p2 = { "@txnID", "@paymentStatus", "@orderID", "@date" };
                                string[] v2 = { txn_id, "Denied", orderID, datetime.ToString() };

                                da2.ExecuteNonQuery(comm2, p2, v2);

                                // clear
                                p2 = null;
                                v2 = null;


                        //abandon session

            } // end of try
            catch (SqlException)
                // nothing
            catch (Exception)
                // nothing
            //   string paymentStatus = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form["payment_status"].ToString());
        else if (strResponse == "INVALID")
            //log for manual investigation

    // check to see if item is on sale
    private bool isItemOnSale()

        // get the customerID of the user who is logged on
        DAL.DataAccess da4 = new DAL.DataAccess(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyPetStoreDB"].ConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient");

        // make command statement
        string comm4 = "SELECT DiscountedPrice FROM Items WHERE ItemID = @itemid";
        //"SELECT Count(*) FROM Orders"; //WHERE CustomerID = @customerID AND TXNID = @txnID";

        DataSet ds4 = new DataSet();

        // make arrays for paramaters and input
        string[] s4 = { "@itemID" };
        string[] v4 = { itemID.Text };
        ds4 = da4.ExecuteQuery(comm4, s4, v4);

        // returns one item
        object item = ds4.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0];

        s4 = null;
        v4 = null;

        // if the items discounted price
        // is blank the item is not discounted
        if (item.ToString() == "")
            return false;

        return true;
    protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string s1;
        string[] p1 = { "@VendorID" };
        string[] v1 = { txtVendorID.Text };

        DAL.DataAccess da = new DAL.DataAccess(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyPetStoreDB"].ConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient");
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();

        s1 = "SELECT VendorID,IsActive,VendorName,MainPhone,ContactName,ContactEmail, " +
            "ContactPhone, Website, Address, Address2, City, State, Zip, Country " +
            "FROM Vendor WHERE VendorID = @VendorID";

        ds = da.ExecuteQuery(s1, p1, v1);

        cboxIsActive.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["IsActive"].ToString());
        txtVendorName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VendorName"].ToString();
        txtMainPhone.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MainPhone"].ToString();
        txtContactName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ContactName"].ToString();
        txtContactEmail.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ContactEmail"].ToString();
        txtContactPhone.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ContactPhone"].ToString();
        txtWebsite.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Website"].ToString();
        txtAddress.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString();
        txtAddress2.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address2"].ToString();
        txtCity.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString();
        txtState.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["State"].ToString();
        txtZip.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Zip"].ToString();
        txtCountry.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Country"].ToString();

        txtVendorID.Enabled = false;
        cboxIsActive.Enabled = true;
        txtVendorName.Enabled = true;
        txtMainPhone.Enabled = true;
        txtContactName.Enabled = true;
        txtContactEmail.Enabled = true;
        txtContactPhone.Enabled = true;
        txtWebsite.Enabled = true;
        txtAddress.Enabled = true;
        txtAddress2.Enabled = true;
        txtCity.Enabled = true;
        txtState.Enabled = true;
        txtZip.Enabled = true;
        txtCountry.Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
    private void BindGridRepeater()
        if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated || Session["AnonymousUserName"] != null)

            // fill up gridview
            // instantiate class
            DAL.DataAccess da =
                new DAL.DataAccess(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyPetStoreDB"].ConnectionString,

            // sql command
            string comm =
                "SELECT Orders.OrderID, Orders.CustomerID, OrderItem.ItemID, OrderItem.Price, OrderItem.TotalPrice, OrderItem.Quantity, Items.ItemID, Items.ProductName, Items.Description, Items.PhotoLocation, Items.QuantityAvailable, Items.MinQuantity, Items.VendorID FROM Orders, OrderItem, Items WHERE Orders.OrderID = OrderItem.OrderID and OrderItem.ItemID = Items.ItemID and Orders.CustomerID = @customerID AND Orders.TXNID = @txnID";

            // data set
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            // empty array
            string[] p = { "@customerID", "@txnID" };
            string[] v = { GetCustomerID(), "" };

            ds = da.ExecuteQuery(comm, p, v);

            GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

            // clear
            p = null;
            v = null;

            // fill up repeater
            // instantiate class

            Order order = new Order();
            order.CustomerId = int.Parse(GetCustomerID());
            order.TxnId = "";
            OrderDA orderDA = new OrderDA();
            Collection<Order> getOrder = orderDA.Get(order);

            rptOne.DataSource = getOrder;

            // clear
            p = null;
            v = null;
            items.InnerHtml = "<h1>" + "Your Shopping Cart is Empty." + "</h1>";