public ActionResult Add(LightingDesign model)
         if (ModelState.IsValid)
             var insertedModel = uow.LightingDesignRepository.Insert(model);
             return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = insertedModel.Id });
     catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
         foreach (var error in ex.EntityValidationErrors)
             foreach (var innerError in error.ValidationErrors)
                 ModelState.AddModelError(innerError.PropertyName, innerError.ErrorMessage);
     return View(model);
 // GET: LPD/Add
 public ActionResult Add()
     LightingDesign model = new LightingDesign();
     model.Submitted = model.RequiredBy = DateTime.Now.Date;
     return View(model);
        public ActionResult Add(ProjectAddViewModel viewModel, bool ignoreSimilarProjects = false)
            Project model = viewModel.Project;
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (!ignoreSimilarProjects)
                    // Check for duplicate projects

                    // Manually load lazily loaded fields to create more accurate results
                    model.Sector = uow.SectorRepository.Get(s => s.Id.Equals(model.SectorId)).FirstOrDefault();
                    model.Type = uow.ProjectTypeRepository.Get(t => t.Id.Equals(model.TypeId)).FirstOrDefault();
                    model.Status = uow.ProjectStatusRepository.Get(s => s.Code.Equals(model.StatusCode)).FirstOrDefault();

                    var existingProjects = uow.ProjectRepository.Get(p => !p.StatusCode.Equals("D"));
                    var similarProjects = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, string>, double>();
                    foreach (var project in existingProjects)
                        var similarity = DistanceTo(model, project);
                        if (similarity > 0.7) //TODO: Need to find a good boundary, also make lazily loaded fields reliable in these results
                            similarProjects.Add(Tuple.Create(project.Id, project.Name), similarity);
                    if (similarProjects.Count > 0)
                        // Redirect to project comparison page if any are found
                        ModelState.AddModelError("PossibleDuplicate", "Similar projects found; review and then re-submit if appropriate.");
                        viewModel.SimilarProjects = similarProjects;
                        return View(viewModel);

                var insertedProject = uow.ProjectRepository.Insert(model);
                    model.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
                    if (insertedProject.LightingDesignRequired)
                        var lpd = new LightingDesign();
                        lpd.ProjectId = insertedProject.Id;
                        lpd.Submitted = DateTime.Now.Date;
                        lpd.RequiredBy = insertedProject.DesignRequiredBy ?? DateTime.Now.Date;
                        var insertedLpd = uow.LightingDesignRepository.Insert(lpd);
                    return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = insertedProject.Id });
                catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                    foreach (var error in ex.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var innerError in error.ValidationErrors)
                            ModelState.AddModelError(innerError.PropertyName, innerError.ErrorMessage);
            if (model.Types == null || model.StatusCodes == null || model.Reasons == null || model.Sector == null)
            return View(viewModel);