Exemplo n.º 1
        //                      MSICLASS FUNCTION DEFINITIONS

        public void Start(BackgroundWorker workerThread, int pStep, DoWorkEventArgs workEventArgs)
            string    msiName         = "Codeword_Installer.msi";
            int       progress        = 0;
            ArrayList FilesToAddToMsi = new ArrayList();
            string    tmpCabName      = "tmp.cab";

            //arguments passed in from GUI
            ArrayList args = (ArrayList)workEventArgs.Argument;
            bool      skipDotNetFxAssembly = (bool)args[0];
            ArrayList x509certs            = (ArrayList)args[1];
            ArrayList thirdPartyApps       = (ArrayList)args[2];

            //add any x509 certificates now
            if (x509certs.Count > 0)
                foreach (string x in x509certs)
                    if (x != "")

            //add any third party apps we should run post-scan
            if (thirdPartyApps.Count > 0)
                foreach (string filename in thirdPartyApps)
                    if (filename != "")

            //              EXTRACT DOTNETFX
            //while dotnetfx.exe (21mb) .NET 2.0 installer is included
            //in the Handler assembly itself, we do not always necessarily
            //write it to the generated MSI installer -- the only time
            //we DONT is when the user has checked the appropriate checkbox
            if (!skipDotNetFxAssembly)
                    CwUtilitiesHelperClass.ExtractInternalResource("CwHandler.Resources.dotnetfx.exe", "dotnetfx.exe");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    workEventArgs.Result = false;
                    throw new Exception("The .NET 2.0 Framework installer file (dotnetfx.exe) was not found.  If you do not want to deploy .NET, please select the appropriate checkbox on the Options tab.\n\nError text:  '" + ex.Message);


            //              EXTRACT TEMPLATE MSI
            //rather than create an MSI from scratch, we will use and build
            //upon the MSI created in Visual Studio for our tool (CwInstaller.msi).
            //this MSI is stored in our own internal assembly (in memory)
            //It initially contains:
            //      (1) CwAgent.exe - the actual program binary
            //      (2) Ionic.Utils.Zip.dll - zipping library needed
            //We will add to it:
            //      (1) CwAgentConfiguration.xml - the config file the admin just generated
            //      (2) dotnetfx.exe - .NET installer that setup.exe expects to be in same folder
            //      (3) any other files specified by the admin
            //  this MSI will wrap all these files into an installer database msi file
            //  which can be pushed out and executed on host systems using SMS or other distro system
                CwUtilitiesHelperClass.ExtractInternalResource("CwHandler.Resources.CwInstaller.msi", msiName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                workEventArgs.Result = false;
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);


            //              SET MSI PROPERTIES
            //setup projects are retarded.  one example of this retardedness
            //is that the setup project will not install over older versions
            //unless the version number has changed (this is set in the Setup Project's properties in VS)
            //a hack , as described here http://www.tech-archive.net/Archive/DotNet/microsoft.public.dotnet.framework/2009-01/msg00161.html
            //is to set the REINSTALLMODE to "amus" ...?
            IntPtr hProduct = IntPtr.Zero;

            CwMsiWin32.MsiOpenPackage(msiName, hProduct);
            CwMsiWin32.MsiSetProperty(hProduct, "REINSTALLMODE", "amus");
            //also, set the product code to a new version, so taht when the MSI is installed,
            //it removes the other version.  See:  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aafz9hx4(VS.80).aspx
            CwMsiWin32.MsiSetProperty(hProduct, "PRODUCTCODE", Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper());

            //              EXTRACT CABARC UTILITY
                CwUtilitiesHelperClass.ExtractInternalResource("CwHandler.Resources.CABARC.EXE", "CABARC.EXE");
            catch (Exception ex)
                workEventArgs.Result = false;
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);


            //manually add two files we know will exist at this point-
            //  -CwAgentConfiguration.xml - agent config
            //  -CwAgentSignatures.xml - signatures

            progress = 50;
            int progressPerFile = progress / FilesToAddToMsi.Count;

            foreach (string filename in FilesToAddToMsi)
                //process cancelation request?
                if (workerThread.CancellationPending)
                    workEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                        MsiAddFile(msiName, filename, tmpCabName);
                        progress += progressPerFile;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        workEventArgs.Result = false;
                        throw new Exception("Failed to add '" + filename + "' to the MSI database in '" + msiName + "'.  This MSI is most likely corrupt now.\n\n" + e.Message);
