Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void RdpRecursive(List <VECTOR> pts, FLOAT error, int first, int last, List <int> keepIndex)
            int nPts = last - first + 1;

            if (nPts < 3)

            VECTOR a       = pts[first];
            VECTOR b       = pts[last];
            FLOAT  abDist  = VectorHelper.Distance(a, b);
            FLOAT  aCrossB = VectorHelper.GetX(a) * VectorHelper.GetY(b) - VectorHelper.GetX(b) * VectorHelper.GetY(a);
            FLOAT  maxDist = error;
            int    split   = 0;

            for (int i = first + 1; i < last - 1; i++)
                VECTOR p     = pts[i];
                FLOAT  pDist = PerpendicularDistance(a, b, abDist, aCrossB, p);
                if (pDist > maxDist)
                    maxDist = pDist;
                    split   = i;

            if (split != 0)
                RdpRecursive(pts, error, first, split, keepIndex);
                RdpRecursive(pts, error, split, last, keepIndex);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of equally spaced points that lie on the path described by straight line segments between
        /// adjacent points in the source list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Source list of points.</param>
        /// <param name="md">Distance between points on the new path.</param>
        /// <returns>List of equally-spaced points on the path.</returns>
        public static List <VECTOR> Linearize(List <VECTOR> src, FLOAT md)
            if (src == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("src");
            if (md <= VectorHelper.EPSILON)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("md " + md + " is be less than epislon " + EPSILON);
            List <VECTOR> dst = new List <VECTOR>();

            if (src.Count > 0)
                VECTOR pp = src[0];
                FLOAT cd = 0;
                for (int ip = 1; ip < src.Count; ip++)
                    VECTOR p0 = src[ip - 1];
                    VECTOR p1 = src[ip];
                    FLOAT  td = VectorHelper.Distance(p0, p1);
                    if (cd + td > md)
                        FLOAT pd = md - cd;
                        dst.Add(VectorHelper.Lerp(p0, p1, pd / td));
                        FLOAT rd = td - pd;
                        while (rd > md)
                            rd -= md;
                            VECTOR np = VectorHelper.Lerp(p0, p1, (td - rd) / td);
                            if (!VectorHelper.EqualsOrClose(np, pp))
                                pp = np;
                        cd = rd;
                        cd += td;
                // last point
                VECTOR lp = src[src.Count - 1];
                if (!VectorHelper.EqualsOrClose(pp, lp))
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to fit single Bezier curve to the points in [first ... last]. Destroys anything in <see cref="_u"/> in the process.
        /// Assumes there are at least two points to fit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="first">Index of first point to consider.</param>
        /// <param name="last">Index of last point to consider (inclusive).</param>
        /// <param name="tanL">Tangent at teh start of the curve ("left").</param>
        /// <param name="tanR">Tangent on the end of the curve ("right").</param>
        /// <param name="curve">The fitted curve.</param>
        /// <param name="split">Point at which to split if this method returns false.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the fit was within error tolerence, false if the curve should be split. Even if this returns false, curve will contain
        /// a curve that somewhat fits the points; it's just outside error tolerance.</returns>
        protected bool FitCurve(int first, int last, VECTOR tanL, VECTOR tanR, out CubicBezier curve, out int split)
            using var _ = FitCurveMarker.Auto();
            List <VECTOR> pts  = _pts;
            int           nPts = last - first + 1;

            if (nPts < 2)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("INTERNAL ERROR: Should always have at least 2 points here");
            else if (nPts == 2)
                // if we only have 2 points left, estimate the curve using Wu/Barsky
                VECTOR p0    = pts[first];
                VECTOR p3    = pts[last];
                FLOAT  alpha = VectorHelper.Distance(p0, p3) / 3;
                VECTOR p1    = (tanL * alpha) + p0;
                VECTOR p2    = (tanR * alpha) + p3;
                curve = new CubicBezier(p0, p1, p2, p3);
                split = 0;
                split = 0;
                ArcLengthParamaterize(first, last); // initially start u with a simple chord-length paramaterization
                curve = default(CubicBezier);
                for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITERS + 1; i++)
                    if (i != 0)
                        Reparameterize(first, last, curve);                                  // use newton's method to find better parameters (except on first run, since we don't have a curve yet)
                    curve = GenerateBezier(first, last, tanL, tanR);                         // generate the curve itself
                    FLOAT error = FindMaxSquaredError(first, last, curve, out split);        // calculate error and get split point (point of max error)
                    if (error < _squaredError)
                        return(true);                                         // if we're within error tolerance, awesome!
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the arc length array using the points array. Assumes _pts has points and _arclen is empty.
        /// </summary>
        protected void InitializeArcLengths()
            List <VECTOR> pts    = _pts;
            List <FLOAT>  arclen = _arclen;
            int           count  = pts.Count;

            Debug.Assert(arclen.Count == 0);
            FLOAT  clen = 0;
            VECTOR pp   = pts[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
                VECTOR np = pts[i];
                clen += VectorHelper.Distance(pp, np);
                pp = np;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal arc length array for a curve. Expects the list to contain enough elements.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateArcLengths(int iCurve)
            CubicBezier  curve    = _curves[iCurve];
            int          nSamples = _samplesPerCurve;
            List <FLOAT> arclen   = _arclen;
            FLOAT        clen     = iCurve > 0 ? arclen[iCurve * nSamples - 1] : 0;
            VECTOR       pp       = curve.p0;

            Debug.Assert(arclen.Count >= ((iCurve + 1) * nSamples));
            for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < nSamples; iPoint++)
                int    idx = (iCurve * nSamples) + iPoint;
                FLOAT  t   = (iPoint + 1) / (FLOAT)nSamples;
                VECTOR np  = curve.Sample(t);
                FLOAT  d   = VectorHelper.Distance(np, pp);
                clen       += d;
                arclen[idx] = clen;
                pp          = np;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a data point to the curve builder. This doesn't always result in the generated curve changing immediately.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">The data point to add.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="AddPointResult"/> for info about this.</returns>
        public AddPointResult AddPoint(VECTOR p)
            using var _ = AddPointMarker.Auto();
            VECTOR        prev  = _prev;
            List <VECTOR> pts   = _pts;
            int           count = pts.Count;

            if (count != 0)
                FLOAT td = VectorHelper.Distance(prev, p);
                FLOAT md = _linDist;
                if (td > md)
                    int   first = int.MaxValue;
                    bool  add   = false;
                    FLOAT rd    = td - md;
                    // OPTIMIZE if we're adding many points at once, we could do them in a batch
                    VECTOR dir = VectorHelper.Normalize(p - prev);
                    using var marker = AddPointDoWhileLoopMarker.Auto();
                        VECTOR         np  = prev + dir * md;
                        AddPointResult res = AddInternal(np);
                        first = Math.Min(first, res.FirstChangedIndex);
                        add  |= res.WasAdded;
                        prev  = np;
                        rd   -= md;
                    } while(rd > md);
                    _prev = prev;
                    return(new AddPointResult(first, add));
                _prev = p;
                return(AddPointResult.NO_CHANGE); // no curves were actually added yet
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a bezier curve for the segment using a least-squares approximation. for the derivation of this and why it works,
        /// see http://read.pudn.com/downloads141/ebook/610086/Graphics_Gems_I.pdf page 626 and beyond. tl;dr: math.
        /// </summary>
        protected CubicBezier GenerateBezier(int first, int last, VECTOR tanL, VECTOR tanR)
            using var _ = GenerateBezierMarker.Auto();
                using (_pts.ViewAsNativeArray(out var pts))
                    using (_u.ViewAsNativeArray(out var u))
                        OptimizedHelpers.GenerateBezier(first, last, tanL, tanR, (VECTOR *)pts.GetUnsafePtr(), (FLOAT *)u.GetUnsafePtr(), out var bezier);
            using var _ = GenerateBezierMarker.Auto();
                using (_pts.ViewAsNativeArray(out var pts))
                    using (_u.ViewAsNativeArray(out var u))
                        OptimizedHelpers.OptimizedGenerateBezier(first, last, tanL, tanR, (VECTOR *)pts.GetUnsafePtr(), (FLOAT *)u.GetUnsafePtr(), out var bezier);
            using var _ = GenerateBezierMarker.Auto();
            List <VECTOR> pts = _pts;
            List <FLOAT>  u = _u;
            int           nPts = last - first + 1;
            VECTOR        p0 = pts[first], p3 = pts[last];           // first and last points of curve are actual points on data
            FLOAT         c00 = 0, c01 = 0, c11 = 0, x0 = 0, x1 = 0; // matrix members -- both C[0,1] and C[1,0] are the same, stored in c01
            for (int i = 1; i < nPts; i++)
                // Calculate cubic bezier multipliers
                FLOAT t  = u[i];
                FLOAT ti = 1 - t;
                FLOAT t0 = ti * ti * ti;
                FLOAT t1 = 3 * ti * ti * t;
                FLOAT t2 = 3 * ti * t * t;
                FLOAT t3 = t * t * t;

                // For X matrix; moving this up here since profiling shows it's better up here (maybe a0/a1 not in registers vs only v not in regs)
                VECTOR s = (p0 * t0) + (p0 * t1) + (p3 * t2) + (p3 * t3); // NOTE: this would be Q(t) if p1=p0 and p2=p3
                VECTOR v = pts[first + i] - s;

                // C matrix
                VECTOR a0 = tanL * t1;
                VECTOR a1 = tanR * t2;
                c00 += VectorHelper.Dot(a0, a0);
                c01 += VectorHelper.Dot(a0, a1);
                c11 += VectorHelper.Dot(a1, a1);

                // X matrix
                x0 += VectorHelper.Dot(a0, v);
                x1 += VectorHelper.Dot(a1, v);

            // determinents of X and C matrices
            FLOAT det_C0_C1 = c00 * c11 - c01 * c01;
            FLOAT det_C0_X  = c00 * x1 - c01 * x0;
            FLOAT det_X_C1  = x0 * c11 - x1 * c01;
            FLOAT alphaL    = det_X_C1 / det_C0_C1;
            FLOAT alphaR    = det_C0_X / det_C0_C1;

            // if alpha is negative, zero, or very small (or we can't trust it since C matrix is small), fall back to Wu/Barsky heuristic
            FLOAT linDist  = VectorHelper.Distance(p0, p3);
            FLOAT epsilon2 = EPSILON * linDist;
            if (Math.Abs(det_C0_C1) < EPSILON || alphaL < epsilon2 || alphaR < epsilon2)
                FLOAT  alpha = linDist / 3;
                VECTOR p1    = (tanL * alpha) + p0;
                VECTOR p2    = (tanR * alpha) + p3;
                return(new CubicBezier(p0, p1, p2, p3));
                VECTOR p1 = (tanL * alphaL) + p0;
                VECTOR p2 = (tanR * alphaR) + p3;
                return(new CubicBezier(p0, p1, p2, p3));