public override void Setup(TensorCollection bottom, TensorCollection top)
            base.Setup(bottom, top);

            this.n = Parameters.Outputs;
            this.m = bottom[0].Num;
            this.k = bottom[0].Count / bottom[0].Num;

            // Reshape the output
            top[0].Reshape(m, n, 1, 1);

            if (this.weights == null || this.bias == null)
                // Fill the weights
                this.weights = new Tensor(1, 1, n, k);
                var weightsFiller = FillerFactory.Create(Parameters.WeightsFiller);

                // If necessary, initialize and fill the bias term
                if (Parameters.UseBias)
                    this.bias = new Tensor(1, 1, 1, n);
                    var biasFiller = FillerFactory.Create(Parameters.BiasFiller);
                // LOG we are skipping the parameter initialization

            if (Parameters.UseBias)
                this.biasMultiplier = new Tensor(1, 1, 1, m);
                using (var biasMultiplierCpu = this.biasMultiplier.OnCpu())
                    biasMultiplierCpu.Data.Map(v => 1, biasMultiplierCpu.Data, Zeros.Include);
        public override void Setup(IList <Blob> bottom, IList <Blob> top)
            base.Setup(bottom, top);

            Guard.That(() => this.Parameters.Kernel.Width).IsGreaterThan(0);
            Guard.That(() => this.Parameters.Kernel.Height).IsGreaterThan(0);
            Guard.That(() => this.Parameters.Kernel.Depth).IsEqual(0);

            Guard.That(() => this.Parameters.NumberOfOutputs).IsGreaterThan(0);

            int num      = bottom[0].Num;
            int channels = bottom[0].Channels;
            int height   = bottom[0].Height;
            int width    = bottom[0].Width;

            foreach (var bottomBlob in bottom)
                Guard.That(() => bottomBlob.Num).IsEqual(num);
                Guard.That(() => bottomBlob.Channels).IsEqual(channels);
                Guard.That(() => bottomBlob.Height).IsEqual(height);
                Guard.That(() => bottomBlob.Width).IsEqual(width);

            Size padding = this.Parameters.Padding;
            Size stride  = this.Parameters.Stride;
            Size kernel  = this.Parameters.Kernel;

            if (this.IsScaleKernel)
                throw new NotSupportedException("1x1 kernels are not supported yet.");

            // Number of output should be multiples of group.
            Guard.That(() => this.Parameters.NumberOfOutputs % this.Parameters.Groups).IsEqual(0);
            // Number of channels should be multiples of group.
            Guard.That(() => channels % this.Parameters.Groups).IsEqual(0);

            // We are going to work 1 image at a time to avoid overly large memory usage.
            int outputHeight = (height + 2 * padding.Height - kernel.Height) / stride.Height + 1;
            int outputWidth  = (width + 2 * padding.Width - kernel.Width) / stride.Width + 1;

            this.imageBuffer = new Blob(1, channels * kernel.Height * kernel.Width, outputHeight, outputWidth);

            // Figure out the dimensions for individual multiplications.
            this.m = this.Parameters.NumberOfOutputs / this.Parameters.Groups;
            this.k = channels * kernel.Height * kernel.Width / this.Parameters.Groups;
            this.n = outputHeight * outputWidth;

            // Resize the output
            foreach (var topBlob in top)
                topBlob.Reshape(num, this.Parameters.NumberOfOutputs, outputHeight, outputWidth);

            // Initialize the weight
            this.weights = new Blob(this.Parameters.NumberOfOutputs, channels / this.Parameters.Groups, this.Parameters.Kernel.Height, this.Parameters.Kernel.Width);
            var weightsFiller = FillerFactory.Create(this.Parameters.WeightsFiller);

            this.SetPropagateDownForParameter(0, true);

            if (this.Parameters.UseBias)
                // Initialize the bias
                this.bias = new Blob(1, 1, 1, this.Parameters.NumberOfOutputs);
                var biasFiller = FillerFactory.Create(this.Parameters.BiasFiller);

                this.SetPropagateDownForParameter(1, true);

            this.biasMultiplier = new Blob(1, 1, 1, this.n);
            this.biasMultiplier.InitializeWith(1, 0);