// Use this for initialization
	void Start ()
		// We'll store a reference to the colored cubes volume so we can interact with it later.
		terrainVolume = gameObject.GetComponent<TerrainVolume>();
		if(terrainVolume == null)
			Debug.LogError("This 'ClickToCarveTerrainVolume' script should be attached to a game object with a TerrainVolume component");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void OnEnable()
            terrainVolume = target as TerrainVolume;

            brushTextures    = new Texture[NoOfBrushes];
            brushTextures[0] = Resources.Load("Icons/SoftBrush") as Texture;
            brushTextures[1] = Resources.Load("Icons/MediumSoftBrush") as Texture;
            brushTextures[2] = Resources.Load("Icons/MediumBrush") as Texture;
            brushTextures[3] = Resources.Load("Icons/MediumHardBrush") as Texture;
            brushTextures[4] = Resources.Load("Icons/HardBrush") as Texture;
		public void OnEnable()
		    terrainVolume = target as TerrainVolume;
			brushTextures = new Texture[NoOfBrushes];
			brushTextures[0] = Resources.Load("Icons/SoftBrush") as Texture;
			brushTextures[1] = Resources.Load("Icons/MediumSoftBrush") as Texture;
			brushTextures[2] = Resources.Load("Icons/MediumBrush") as Texture;
			brushTextures[3] = Resources.Load("Icons/MediumHardBrush") as Texture;
			brushTextures[4] = Resources.Load("Icons/HardBrush") as Texture;
        static void CreateTerrainVolume()
            int width  = 128;
            int height = 32;
            int depth  = 128;

            TerrainVolumeData data = VolumeDataAsset.CreateEmptyVolumeData <TerrainVolumeData>(new Region(0, 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, depth - 1));

            // Create some ground in the terrain so it shows up in the editor.
            // Soil as a base (mat 1) and then a couple of layers of grass (mat 2).
            TerrainVolumeGenerator.GenerateFloor(data, 6, (uint)1, 8, (uint)2);

            // Now create the terrain game object from the data.
            GameObject terrain = TerrainVolume.CreateGameObject(data, true, true);

            // And select it, so the user can get straight on with editing.
            Selection.activeGameObject = terrain;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// Picks a point on the surface of the terrain volume.

         * Note that the result may be slightly inaccurate due to the fixed step size.
        public static bool PickSurface(TerrainVolume volume, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, float distance, out PickSurfaceResult pickResult)

            // This 'out' value needs to be initialised even if we don't hit
            // anything (in which case it will be left at it's default value).
            pickResult = new PickSurfaceResult();

            // Can't hit it the volume if there's no data.
            if ((volume.data == null) || (volume.data.volumeHandle == null))

            // Cubiquity's picking code works in volume space whereas we expose an interface that works in world
            // space (for consistancy with other Unity functions). Therefore we apply the inverse of the volume's
            // volume-to-world transform to the ray, to bring it from world space into volume space.
            // Note that we do this by transforming the start and end points of the ray (rather than the direction
            // of the ray) as Unity's Transform.InverseTransformDirection method does not handle scaling.
            Vector3 target = origin + direction * distance;

            origin    = volume.transform.InverseTransformPoint(origin);
            target    = volume.transform.InverseTransformPoint(target);
            direction = target - origin;

            // Now call through to the Cubiquity dll to do the actual picking.
            uint hit = CubiquityDLL.PickTerrainSurface((uint)volume.data.volumeHandle,
                                                       origin.x, origin.y, origin.z,
                                                       direction.x, direction.y, direction.z,
                                                       out pickResult.volumeSpacePos.x, out pickResult.volumeSpacePos.y, out pickResult.volumeSpacePos.z);

            // The result is in volume space, but again it is more convienient for Unity users to have the result
            // in world space. Therefore we apply the volume's volume-to-world transform to the volume space position.
            pickResult.worldSpacePos = volume.transform.TransformPoint(pickResult.volumeSpacePos);

            // Return true if we hit a surface.
            return(hit == 1);
Exemplo n.º 6
		/// Picks a point on the surface of the terrain volume. 
		 * Note that the result may be slightly inaccurate due to the fixed step size.
		public static bool PickSurface(TerrainVolume volume, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, float distance, out PickSurfaceResult pickResult)
			// This 'out' value needs to be initialised even if we don't hit
			// anything (in which case it will be left at it's default value).
			pickResult = new PickSurfaceResult();
			// Can't hit it the volume if there's no data.
			if((volume.data == null) || (volume.data.volumeHandle == null))
				return false;
			// Cubiquity's picking code works in volume space whereas we expose an interface that works in world
			// space (for consistancy with other Unity functions). Therefore we apply the inverse of the volume's
			// volume-to-world transform to the ray, to bring it from world space into volume space.
			// Note that we do this by transforming the start and end points of the ray (rather than the direction
			// of the ray) as Unity's Transform.InverseTransformDirection method does not handle scaling.
			Vector3 target = origin + direction * distance;				
			origin = volume.transform.InverseTransformPoint(origin);
			target = volume.transform.InverseTransformPoint(target);			
			direction = target - origin;
			// Now call through to the Cubiquity dll to do the actual picking.
			uint hit = CubiquityDLL.PickTerrainSurface((uint)volume.data.volumeHandle,
				origin.x, origin.y, origin.z,
				direction.x, direction.y, direction.z,
				out pickResult.volumeSpacePos.x, out pickResult.volumeSpacePos.y, out pickResult.volumeSpacePos.z);
			// The result is in volume space, but again it is more convienient for Unity users to have the result
			// in world space. Therefore we apply the volume's volume-to-world transform to the volume space position.
			pickResult.worldSpacePos = volume.transform.TransformPoint(pickResult.volumeSpacePos);
			// Return true if we hit a surface.
			return hit == 1;
        /// Convinience method for creating a GameObject with a set of terrain components attached.

         * Adding a volume to a scene requires creating a GameObject and then attching the required Cubiquity components such a renderer and a
         * collider. This method simply automates the process and also attaches the provided volume data.
         * \param data The volume data which should be attached to the construced volume.
         * \param addRenderer Specifies whether a renderer component should be added so that the volume is displayed.
         * \param addCollider Specifies whether a collider component should be added so that the volume can participate in collisions.
        public static GameObject CreateGameObject(TerrainVolumeData data, bool addRenderer, bool addCollider)
            // Create our main game object representing the volume.
            GameObject terrainVolumeGameObject = new GameObject("Terrain Volume");

            //Add the required volume component.
            TerrainVolume terrainVolume = terrainVolumeGameObject.GetOrAddComponent <TerrainVolume>();

            // Set the provided data.
            terrainVolume.data = data;

            // Add the renderer and collider if desired.
            if (addRenderer)
                terrainVolumeGameObject.AddComponent <TerrainVolumeRenderer>();
            if (addCollider)
                terrainVolumeGameObject.AddComponent <TerrainVolumeCollider>();

            // Return the created object
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static void PaintTerrainVolume(TerrainVolume volume, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float brushInnerRadius, float brushOuterRadius, float amount, uint materialIndex)
     CubiquityDLL.PaintTerrainVolume((uint)volume.data.volumeHandle, centerX, centerY, centerZ, brushInnerRadius, brushOuterRadius, amount, materialIndex);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static void BlurTerrainVolume(TerrainVolume volume, Region region)
     CubiquityDLL.BlurTerrainVolumeRegion((uint)volume.data.volumeHandle, region.lowerCorner.x, region.lowerCorner.y, region.lowerCorner.z, region.upperCorner.x, region.upperCorner.y, region.upperCorner.z);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static void BlurTerrainVolume(TerrainVolume volume, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float brushInnerRadius, float brushOuterRadius, float amount)
     CubiquityDLL.BlurTerrainVolume((uint)volume.data.volumeHandle, centerX, centerY, centerZ, brushInnerRadius, brushOuterRadius, amount);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static void SculptTerrainVolume(TerrainVolume volume, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float brushInnerRadius, float brushOuterRadius, float amount)
     CubiquityDLL.SculptTerrainVolume((uint)volume.data.volumeHandle, centerX, centerY, centerZ, brushInnerRadius, brushOuterRadius, amount);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static void PaintTerrainVolume(TerrainVolume volume, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float brushInnerRadius, float brushOuterRadius, float amount, uint materialIndex)
     CubiquityDLL.PaintTerrainVolume((uint)volume.data.volumeHandle, centerX, centerY, centerZ, brushInnerRadius, brushOuterRadius, amount, materialIndex);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static void BlurTerrainVolume(TerrainVolume volume, Region region)
     CubiquityDLL.BlurTerrainVolumeRegion((uint)volume.data.volumeHandle, region.lowerCorner.x, region.lowerCorner.y, region.lowerCorner.z, region.upperCorner.x, region.upperCorner.y, region.upperCorner.z);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// Picks a point on the surface of the terrain volume.

         * Note that the result may be slightly inaccurate due to the fixed step size.
        public static bool PickSurface(TerrainVolume volume, Ray ray, float distance, out PickSurfaceResult pickResult)
            return(PickSurface(volume, ray.origin, ray.direction, distance, out pickResult));
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// Picks a point on the surface of the terrain volume. 
  * Note that the result may be slightly inaccurate due to the fixed step size.
 public static bool PickSurface(TerrainVolume volume, Ray ray, float distance, out PickSurfaceResult pickResult)
     return PickSurface(volume, ray.origin, ray.direction, distance, out pickResult);