Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void UpdateState(WordHintDbContext db, string source, Word word, TextWriter writer = null, bool doUseCommentAsKey = false)
            var wordText    = word.Value;
            var wordComment = word.Comment;
            var wordLength  = word.Value.Length; // use actual word length

            State stateEntity = null;

            if (doUseCommentAsKey)
                wordLength  = 0; // ignore using word Length - set to zero
                stateEntity = db.States
                                 // .AsNoTracking()
                              .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Source == source && item.Comment == wordComment);
                stateEntity = db.States
                              // .AsNoTracking()
                              .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Source == source && item.NumberOfLetters == wordLength);

            // Validate entity is not null
            if (stateEntity != null)
                stateEntity.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                stateEntity.Word        = wordText;

                // add state

                if (writer != null)
                    writer.WriteLine("Updated state with '{0}' as last processed word for '{1}' letters with  source '{2}'.", wordText, wordLength, source);
                stateEntity = new State
                    Word            = wordText,
                    NumberOfLetters = wordLength,
                    CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    Source          = source,
                    Comment         = wordComment

                // add new state

                if (writer != null)
                    writer.WriteLine("Added state with '{0}' as last processed word for '{1}' letters with  source '{2}'.", wordText, wordLength, source);

            // Save changes in database

            // detach in order to clean this from the db tracked cache
            db.Entry(stateEntity).State = EntityState.Detached;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void AddToDatabase(WordHintDbContext db, string source, Word word, IEnumerable <Word> relatedWords, TextWriter writer = null, bool doStoreState = true)
            // Note that  tracking should be disabled to speed things up
            // note that this doesn't load the virtual properties, but loads the object ids after a save
            // db.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking;

            if (word == null || word != null && word.Value == null)
            if (relatedWords == null || relatedWords != null && relatedWords.Count() == 0)

            // check if word already exists
            var existingWord = db.Words.Where(w => w.Value == word.Value).FirstOrDefault();

            if (existingWord != null)
                // update reference to existing word (i.e. reuse the word)
                word = existingWord;
                // add new word

            // update that we are processing this word
            if (doStoreState)
                UpdateState(db, source, word, writer);

            // Note! ensure related are all uppercase before this method is called
            var relatedValuesUpperCase = relatedWords.Select(x => x.Value);

            // find out which related words already exist in the database
            var existingRelatedWords = db.Words.Where(x => relatedValuesUpperCase.Contains(x.Value)).ToList();

            // which words need to be added?
            var newRelatedWords = relatedWords.Where(x => !existingRelatedWords.Any(a => a.Value == x.Value)).ToList();

            if (newRelatedWords.Count > 0)

                if (writer != null)
                    writer.WriteLine("Added '{0}'", string.Join(",", newRelatedWords.Select(i => i.Value).ToArray()));
                if (writer != null)
                    writer.WriteLine("Skipped adding '{0}'", string.Join(",", existingRelatedWords.Select(i => i.Value).ToArray()));

            // what relations needs to be added?
            var allRelatedWords      = existingRelatedWords.Concat(newRelatedWords);
            var allWordRelationsFrom = allRelatedWords.Select(hint =>
                                                              // only use the ids to speed things up
                                                              new WordRelation {
                WordFromId = word.WordId, WordToId = hint.WordId, Source = source, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now

            // add relation from each hint to word as well
            var allWordRelationsTo = allRelatedWords.Select(hint =>
                                                            // only use the ids to speed things up
                                                            new WordRelation {
                WordFromId = hint.WordId, WordToId = word.WordId, Source = source, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now

            // all relations
            var allWordRelations = allWordRelationsFrom.Concat(allWordRelationsTo).Distinct();

            // which relations need to be added?
            var newWordRelations = allWordRelations.Where(x => !db.WordRelations.Any(z => z.WordFromId == x.WordFromId && z.WordToId == x.WordToId)).ToList();

            // find out which relations already exist in the database
            var existingWordRelations = allWordRelations.Except(newWordRelations);

            if (newWordRelations.Count > 0)

                if (db.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior == QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking)
                    // without tracking we don't have the word value, so use only the wordids
                    if (writer != null)
                        writer.WriteLine("Related '{0}' to '{1}'", string.Join(",", newWordRelations.Select(i => i.WordToId).ToArray().Distinct()), word.Value);
                    // with tracking we can output the actual words
                    if (writer != null)
                        writer.WriteLine("Related '{0}' to '{1}'", string.Join(",", newWordRelations.Select(i => i.WordTo.Value).ToArray().Distinct()), word.Value);
                if (db.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior == QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking)
                    // without tracking we don't have the word value, so use only the wordids
                    if (writer != null)
                        writer.WriteLine("Skipped relating '{0}' to '{1}'", string.Join(",", existingWordRelations.Select(i => i.WordToId).ToArray().Distinct()), word.Value);
                    // with tracking we can output the actual words
                    if (writer != null)
                        writer.WriteLine("Skipped relating '{0}' to '{1}'", string.Join(",", existingWordRelations.Select(i => i.WordTo.Value).ToArray().Distinct()), word.Value);