public void ButtonSave(string filename)
            //Create new instance of SampleSaveFile if file is empty
            if (file == null)
                file = new SampleSaveFile();

            //Updates data of current file
            file.Clicks = clicks;
            //Calls SaveManager to save the file
            SaveManager.SaveDataToFile(file, filename);

            autoSave_display.text = "AutoSave file: " + filename;
        public void ButtonLoadFromActiveFile()
            //Loads current file from autosave
            file = (SampleSaveFile)SaveManager.LoadDataFromAutosave();

            if (file == null)
                autoSave_display.text = "AutoSave file: Null";
                clicks = file.Clicks;
                clicks_display.text = clicks.ToString();

                autoSave_display.text = "AutoSave file: " + SaveManager.CurrentSaveFile;
        void Start()
            // Creates a new instance of SampleSaveFile
            file = new SampleSaveFile();

            string p;

            // Displays current platform
            // Only for demonstration purpose
            if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
                p = "Android";
            else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer)
                p = "WebGL";
            else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer)
                p = "Windows";
            else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor)
                p = "Editor";
                p = Application.platform.ToString();
                Debug.LogWarning("Save System Test: Platform not Supported.");
            platform_display.text = string.Format("Current Platform: {0}", p);

            //Loads current file from autosave
            file = (SampleSaveFile)SaveManager.LoadDataFromAutosave();

            //If file exists, displays data
            //Not doing this will render NullReferenceException error messages
            if (file != null)
                clicks = file.Clicks;
                clicks_display.text = clicks.ToString();

                autoSave_display.text = "AutoSave file: " + SaveManager.CurrentSaveFile;
        public void ButtonLoad(string filename)
            //Loads file with given name
            file = (SampleSaveFile)SaveManager.LoadDataFromFile(filename);

            //Check if file is not null
            if (file == null)
                autoSave_display.text = "AutoSave file: Null";
                clicks = file.Clicks;
                clicks_display.text = clicks.ToString();

                autoSave_display.text = "AutoSave file: " + SaveManager.CurrentSaveFile;