Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void RunQueryBuilderTest(CrossLite.SQLiteContext context)
            // Quote keywords only with accents
            context.IdentifierQuoteKind = IdentifierQuoteKind.Accents;
            context.IdentifierQuoteMode = IdentifierQuoteMode.KeywordsOnly;

            // Start logging times
            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // Simple query test, using a reserved word for quote testing
            var query = new SelectQueryBuilder(context);

            query.From("table1")                                // Indicate table (can be done after select)
            .Select("col1", "col2", "plan")                     // Main table select
            .As("Id", "Name")                                   // Alias 2 of the 3 columns (zero-based index)
            .InnerJoin("table2").As("t2").On("col22").Equals("table1", "col1")
            .Select("col21", "col22")                           // Inner join a table, selecting 2 columns
            .Alias(1, "Type")                                   // Alias at zero-based index
            .CrossJoin("table3").As("t3").Using("Id")           // Cross Join another table!
            .SelectCount()                                      // I could specify the return alias here, but for testing reasons...
            .As("count")                                        // ...We are going to do this inefficiently for a testing reason!
            // Finally, a where clause
            var queryString = query.BuildQuery();

            // Log query builder time (14ms for me on an i7-950)
            long time = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Complicated QueryBuilder Test:");
            Console.WriteLine($"Query generated in {time}ms");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void RunQueryBuilderTests(CrossLite.SQLiteContext context)
            // No quotes
            context.IdentifierQuoteMode = IdentifierQuoteMode.None;

            // Run the queries, both plain and query builder
            double        timesToRun = 10000;
            StringBuilder builder    = new StringBuilder();

            // Write to console
            Console.WriteLine("Testing querybuilder against plain SQL ({0:N0} queries)", timesToRun);

            // Start logging times
            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (double i = timesToRun; i > 0; i--)
                // Clear buffer
                builder.Append("SELECT * FROM test WHERE Id BETWEEN 1 AND 4");
                var result = context.Query <Account>(builder.ToString());

            // Log time
            long time1 = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;


            for (double i = timesToRun; i > 0; i--)
                var query = new SelectQueryBuilder(context);
                //query.From("test").Select("Id", "Name", "AccountType", "Col1", "Col2", "Col3").Where("Id").Between(1, 4);
                query.From("test").SelectAll().Where("Id").Between(1, 4);
                var result2 = query.ExecuteQuery <Account>();

            // Log Time
            long time2 = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Plain Query:     {0}ms   ({1}ms per query)", time1, Math.Round(time1 / timesToRun, 6));
            Console.WriteLine("QueryBuilder:    {0}ms   ({1}ms per query)", time2, Math.Round(time2 / timesToRun, 6));