public string ReplaceCC(Match m)
        // Replace each Regex cc match with the number of the occurrence.
            ParejaPalabra y = ListValues.Find(x => x.key == m.Value);

            return(y != null ? y.value : m.Value);
 private void ObtenerListaStrings(DataTable _Tabla)
         ListValues = new List <ParejaPalabra>();
         ParejaPalabra Item;
         for (int Rows = 0; Rows < _Tabla.Rows.Count; Rows++)
             for (int Columns = 0; Columns < _Tabla.Columns.Count; Columns++)
                 Item       = new ParejaPalabra();
                 Item.key   = "[" + _Tabla.Columns[Columns].ColumnName + "]";
                 Item.value = _Tabla.Rows[Rows][Columns].ToString();
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;