Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void GuidelinesBasedEventChatServerDemo()
            GChatServer s1 = new GChatServer();

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nDemo start: Guidelines Based Event Chat Server. Server: {0}", s1.ToString());
            GChatClient cc1 = new GChatClient("1", s1);
            GChatClient cc2 = new GChatClient("2", s1);
            GChatClient cc3 = new GChatClient("3", s1);

            //s1.SendMsg("Hi to all clients");
            s1.SendMsg("Hi to all clients", null);
            s1.SendMsg("Hi to all clients except client 2", cc2);

            Console.WriteLine("Demo stop: Guidelines Based Event Chat Server.");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public GChatClient(string clientName, GChatServer gcs)
     this.clientName        = clientName;
     this.gcs               = gcs;
     gcs.MsgArrivedHandler += new GChatServer.MsgArrivedEventHandler(this.onMsgArrived);