Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void DoExecute(Cosmos.Assembler.Assembler Assembler, MethodInfo aMethod, ushort aParam)
            var xDisplacement = Ldarg.GetArgumentDisplacement(aMethod, aParam);
            var xType         = Ldarg.GetArgumentType(aMethod, aParam);

            XS.Comment("Arg idx = " + aParam);
            XS.Comment("Arg type = " + xType);

            XS.Set(XSRegisters.EAX, XSRegisters.EBP);
            XS.Set(XSRegisters.EBX, (uint)(xDisplacement));
            XS.Add(XSRegisters.EAX, XSRegisters.EBX);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void Execute(MethodInfo aMethod, ILOpCode aOpCode)
#if false
            var xOpVar = (OpVar)aOpCode;

            var xDisplacement = Ldarg.GetArgumentDisplacement(aMethod, xOpVar.Value);

             * The function GetArgumentDisplacement() does not give the correct displacement for the Ldarga opcode
             * we need to "fix" it subtracting the argSize and 4
            Type xArgType;
            if (aMethod.MethodBase.IsStatic)
                xArgType = aMethod.MethodBase.GetParameters()[xOpVar.Value].ParameterType;
                if (xOpVar.Value == 0u)
                    xArgType = aMethod.MethodBase.DeclaringType;
                    if (xArgType.IsValueType)
                        xArgType = xArgType.MakeByRefType();
                    xArgType = aMethod.MethodBase.GetParameters()[xOpVar.Value - 1].ParameterType;

            uint xArgRealSize = SizeOfType(xArgType);
            uint xArgSize     = Align(xArgRealSize, 4);
            XS.Comment("Arg type = " + xArgType.ToString());
            XS.Comment("Arg real size = " + xArgRealSize + " aligned size = " + xArgSize);

            xDisplacement -= (int)(xArgSize - 4);
            XS.Comment("Real displacement " + xDisplacement);

            XS.Set(XSRegisters.EBX, (uint)(xDisplacement));
            XS.Set(XSRegisters.EAX, XSRegisters.EBP);
            XS.Add(XSRegisters.EAX, XSRegisters.EBX);

            var xOpVar = (OpVar)aOpCode;
            DoExecute(Assembler, aMethod, xOpVar.Value);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void DoExecute(Cosmos.Assembler.Assembler Assembler, MethodInfo aMethod, ushort aParam)
            var xDisplacement = Ldarg.GetArgumentDisplacement(aMethod, aParam);
            //var xType = Ldarg.GetArgumentType(aMethod, aParam);

             * The function GetArgumentDisplacement() does not give the correct displacement for the Ldarga opcode
             * we need to "fix" it subtracting the argSize and 4
            Type xArgType;

            if (aMethod.MethodBase.IsStatic)
                xArgType = aMethod.MethodBase.GetParameters()[aParam].ParameterType;
                if (aParam == 0u)
                    xArgType = aMethod.MethodBase.DeclaringType;
                    if (xArgType.IsValueType)
                        xArgType = xArgType.MakeByRefType();
                    xArgType = aMethod.MethodBase.GetParameters()[aParam - 1].ParameterType;

            uint xArgRealSize = SizeOfType(xArgType);
            uint xArgSize     = Align(xArgRealSize, 4);

            XS.Comment("Arg idx = " + aParam);
            XS.Comment("Arg type = " + xArgType);
            XS.Comment("Arg real size = " + xArgRealSize + " aligned size = " + xArgSize);

            xDisplacement -= (int)(xArgSize - 4);
            XS.Comment("Real displacement " + xDisplacement);

            XS.Set(XSRegisters.EAX, XSRegisters.EBP);
            XS.Set(XSRegisters.EBX, (uint)(xDisplacement));
            XS.Add(XSRegisters.EAX, XSRegisters.EBX);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void DoExecute(Cosmos.Assembler.Assembler Assembler, MethodInfo aMethod, ushort aParam)
            var  xDisplacement = Ldarg.GetArgumentDisplacement(aMethod, aParam);
            Type xArgType;

            if (aMethod.MethodBase.IsStatic)
                xArgType = aMethod.MethodBase.GetParameters()[aParam].ParameterType;
                if (aParam == 0u)
                    xArgType = aMethod.MethodBase.DeclaringType;
                    if (xArgType.IsValueType)
                        xArgType = xArgType.MakeByRefType();
                    xArgType = aMethod.MethodBase.GetParameters()[aParam - 1].ParameterType;

            XS.Comment("Arg idx = " + aParam);
            uint xArgRealSize = SizeOfType(xArgType);
            uint xArgSize     = Align(xArgRealSize, 4);

            XS.Comment("Arg type = " + xArgType);
            XS.Comment("Arg real size = " + xArgRealSize + " aligned size = " + xArgSize);

            for (int i = (int)(xArgSize / 4) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                XS.Set(EBP, EAX, destinationIsIndirect: true, destinationDisplacement: xDisplacement - (i * 4));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void Execute(MethodInfo aMethod, ILOpCode aOpCode)
            var xOpVar        = (OpVar)aOpCode;
            var xDisplacement = Ldarg.GetArgumentDisplacement(aMethod, xOpVar.Value);

            new Mov {
                DestinationReg = RegistersEnum.EBX, SourceValue = (uint)(xDisplacement)
            XS.Set(XSRegisters.OldToNewRegister(RegistersEnum.EAX), XSRegisters.OldToNewRegister(RegistersEnum.EBP));
            new CPUx86.Add {
                DestinationReg = RegistersEnum.EAX, SourceReg = RegistersEnum.EBX
            new CPUx86.Push {
                DestinationReg = RegistersEnum.EAX

//            if (aMethod.MethodBase.DeclaringType.FullName == "Cosmos.Kernel.Plugs.Console"
//                && aMethod.MethodBase.Name == "Write"
//                && aMethod.MethodBase.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof(int))
//            {
//                Console.Write("");
//            }
//            Cosmos.IL2CPU.ILOpCodes.OpVar xOpVar = ( Cosmos.IL2CPU.ILOpCodes.OpVar )aOpCode;
//            var xMethodInfo = aMethod.MethodBase as System.Reflection.MethodInfo;
//            uint xReturnSize = 0;
//            if( xMethodInfo != null )
//            {
//                xReturnSize = Align( SizeOfType( xMethodInfo.ReturnType ), 4 );
//            }
//            uint xOffset = 8;
//            var xCorrectedOpValValue = xOpVar.Value;
//            if( !aMethod.MethodBase.IsStatic && xOpVar.Value > 0 )
//            {
//                // if the method has a $this, the OpCode value includes the this at index 0, but GetParameters() doesnt include the this
//                xCorrectedOpValValue -= 1;
//            }
//            var xParams = aMethod.MethodBase.GetParameters();
//            for( int i = xParams.Length - 1; i > xCorrectedOpValValue; i-- )
//            {
//                var xSize = Align( SizeOfType( xParams[ i ].ParameterType ), 4 );
//                xOffset += xSize;
//            }
//            var xCurArgSize = Align( SizeOfType( xParams[ xCorrectedOpValValue ].ParameterType ), 4 );
//            uint xArgSize = 0;
//            foreach( var xParam in xParams )
//            {
//                xArgSize += Align( SizeOfType( xParam.ParameterType ), 4 );
//            }
//            xReturnSize = 0;
//            uint xExtraSize = 0;
//            if( xReturnSize > xArgSize )
//            {
//                xExtraSize = xArgSize - xReturnSize;
//            }
//            xOffset += xExtraSize;
//#warning TODO: check this
//            new CPUx86.Push { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EBP };

//            for( int i = 0; i < ( xCurArgSize / 4 ); i++ )
//            {
//                new CPUx86.Push { DestinationValue = ( uint )( xCurArgSize - ( ( i + 1 ) * 4 ) ) };
//            }
//            Assembler.Stack.Push( ( int )xCurArgSize, xParams[ xCorrectedOpValValue ].ParameterType );

//            //for( int i = 0; i < ( mSize / 4 ); i++ )
//            //{
//            //    mVirtualAddresses[ i ] = ( mOffset + ( ( i + 1 ) * 4 ) + 4 );
//            //}
//            //mAddress = aMethodInfo.Arguments[ aIndex ].VirtualAddresses.First();

//            Assembler.Stack.Push( new StackContents.Item( 4, typeof( uint ) ) );

//            //new CPUx86.Push { DestinationValue = ( uint )mAddress };
//            //
//            Assembler.Stack.Push( new StackContents.Item( 4, typeof( uint ) ) );

//            new Add( Assembler ).Execute( aMethod, aOpCode );