Exemplo n.º 1
        // Called when the user submits the apply filters form to the view listings page
        public ActionResult ApplyListingsFilters(ViewListingsViewModel model)
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // check filters
            if (model.HasImageFilter == true && model.PostedTodayFilter == true)
                model.Listings = db.Listings.Where(l => l.CreatedDate == DateTime.Now && l.Images.Count() > 0 && l.CityID == model.CityId && l.SubCategoryID == model.SubCatId).ToList();
            else if (model.PostedTodayFilter == true)
                model.Listings = db.Listings.Where(l => l.CreatedDate == DateTime.Now && l.CityID == model.CityId && l.SubCategoryID == model.SubCatId).ToList();
            else if (model.HasImageFilter == true)
                model.Listings = db.Listings.Where(l => l.Images.Count() > 0 && l.CityID == model.CityId && l.SubCategoryID == model.SubCatId).ToList();
                model.Listings = db.Listings.Where(l => l.CityID == model.CityId && l.SubCategoryID == model.SubCatId).ToList();

            // return the filtered listings
            return View("ViewListings", model);
 // constructor for the model
 public StateSelectorViewModel(int stateId)
     // Get the selected state and the cites that belong to it
     CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
     this.Cities = db.Cities.Where(c => c.StateID == stateId).ToList();
     this.StateName = db.States.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StateID == stateId).StateName;
        // Constructor that excepts search result
        public DisplaySearchResultsViewModel(string searchTerm)
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // populate properties
            this.SearchTerm = searchTerm; 
            this.Listings = db.Listings.Where(l => l.Headline.Contains(searchTerm)
                || l.Description.Contains(searchTerm)).ToList();

            // instantiate lists of selectlistitems
            List<State> allStates = db.States.ToList();
            States = new List<SelectListItem>();
            Cities = new List<SelectListItem>();

            // assign values to slider filter
            PriceMaxFilter = 100000;
            PriceMinFilter = 0;

            // convert all the states into selectlistitems
            foreach (State s in allStates)
                SelectListItem castState = new SelectListItem();
                castState.Text = s.StateName;
                castState.Value = s.StateID.ToString();
        public DisplayListingViewModel(int listingId)
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // populate the listing being displayed 
            ListingToDisplay = db.Listings.FirstOrDefault(l => l.ListingID == listingId);
            SubCatId = ListingToDisplay.SubCategoryID;
            CityId = ListingToDisplay.CityID;
Exemplo n.º 5
 // constructor for the model
 public LocatorViewModel()
     // populate properties for page layout
     CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
     this.States1 = db.States.Where(c => c.StateID <= 120).OrderBy(c => c.StateName).ToList();
     this.States2 = db.States.Where(c => c.StateID > 120 && c.StateID <= 133).OrderBy(c => c.StateName).ToList();
     this.States3 = db.States.Where(c => c.StateID > 133 && c.StateID <= 146).OrderBy(c => c.StateName).ToList();
     this.States4 = db.States.Where(c => c.StateID > 146).OrderBy(c => c.StateName).ToList();
 public ViewListingsViewModel(int cityId, int subCategoryId)
     // populate the properties to display the listings
     CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
     this.Listings = db.Listings.Where(l => l.CityID == cityId && l.SubCategoryID == subCategoryId).ToList();
     this.SubCatHeader = db.SubCategories.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SubCategoryID == subCategoryId).SubCategoryName;
     this.SubCatId = subCategoryId; 
     this.CityName = db.Cities.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CityID == cityId).CityName;
     this.CityId = cityId;
     this.TabId = 0; 
        public EditListingImagesViewModel(int listingId)
            // check to make sure user is logged in
            if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"] != null)
                CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

                // retrieve the image ids matching the listing id
                ImageIds = db.Images.Where(i => i.ListingID == listingId).Select(i => i.ImageID).ToList();
                ListingId = listingId;
Exemplo n.º 8
 // constructor for the model
 public HomeIndexViewModel(int cityId)
     CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
     // populate properties for page layout
     this.Categories1 = db.Categories.Where(c => c.CategoryID <= 3).OrderBy(c => c.CategoryName).ToList();
     this.Categories2 = db.Categories.Where(c => c.CategoryID > 3 && c.CategoryID <= 6).OrderBy(c => c.CategoryName).ToList();
     this.Categories3 = db.Categories.Where(c => c.CategoryID > 6).OrderBy(c => c.CategoryName).ToList();
     this.States = db.States.OrderBy(s => s.StateName).ToList();
     this.TopCities = db.Cities.Where(c => c.MajorCity == true).OrderBy(c => c.CityName).ToList();
     this.CityName = db.Cities.Where(c => c.CityID == cityId).FirstOrDefault().CityName;
     this.CityId = cityId;
     this.SearchTerm = "";
Exemplo n.º 9
        // when the user submits signup 
        public ActionResult Create_Account(LoginViewModel model)
            // establish connection to database
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

                // Checking to see if the email entered already exist in database
                User testUser = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == model.Email);

                // if not create and add new user
                if (testUser == null)
                    User newUser = new User();
                    newUser.FirstName = model.FirstName;
                    newUser.LastName = model.LastName;
                    newUser.Email = model.Email;
                    newUser.PhoneNum = Convert.ToString(model.PhoneNumber.Replace("-", ""));
                    newUser.Password = model.Password;
                    newUser.CreatedBy = "Corey";
                    newUser.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;

                    // save the new user to the database

                    // set the new users information in session variables
                    Session["UserId"] = newUser.UserID;
                    Session["UserEmail"] = newUser.Email;

                    // send user to homepage
                    UserHomeViewModel userHomeModel = new UserHomeViewModel();
                    return View("UserHome", userHomeModel);
                    // else return error message informing user that email already is registered
                    model.CreateAccountErrorMessage = "Email already in use";
                    return View("Index", model);
            catch (Exception e)
                // exception connecting to database
                string error = e.Message;
                return View("Index", model);
Exemplo n.º 10
        // constructor for the model
        public UserHomeViewModel(int tabId = 0)
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // check to ensure user is logged in
            if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"] != null)
                // populate the listings containing their id
                int userId = Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"]);
                User user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserID == userId);
                UserName = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName;
                AllUserListings = user.Listings.ToList();
                ActiveUserListings = user.Listings.Where(u => u.IsActive == true).ToList();
                InactiveUserListings = user.Listings.Where(u => u.IsActive == false).ToList();
                TabId = tabId;
Exemplo n.º 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //connect to databas
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
            //get all cities
            List<City> allCities = db.Cities.OrderBy(c => c.CityName).ToList();

            //create a counter to track when to sleep thread due to api calls limit per sec
            int counter = 0;

            //for each city
            foreach (City c in allCities)
                //if api call = 5 sleep the thread
                if (counter == 5)
                    Console.WriteLine("---Waiting on API------");
                    counter = 0;

                //call the get postal code function
                string postalCode = GetPostalCode(c.CityName.Trim(), c.State.StateName);

                //get a reference for the correct city to update
                City updateCity = db.Cities.FirstOrDefault(u => u.CityID == c.CityID);

                //set the new value
                updateCity.PostalCode = postalCode;

                Console.WriteLine(c.CityName+ " " + c.State.StateName+ ": " + postalCode + " Record Updated");

            //pause application
            Console.WriteLine("Updates Finished.....");
Exemplo n.º 12
        public ActionResult GetCitiesByStateId(int stateid)
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // retreive the cities matching the state id
            List<City> cities = new List<City>();
            cities = db.Cities.Where(m => m.StateID == stateid).ToList();

            // create a stringbuilder and append the mark up for each city to add selectlist items
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("<option value = '0'>-- Select City --</option>");
            foreach (City city in cities)
                sb.Append("<option value = '" + city.CityID.ToString() + "'>" + city.CityName + "</option>");

            // return the stringbuilder appended content via json
            return Json(new { Success = true, SelectOptionsHtml = sb.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        // constructor for the model
        public DisplaySearchResultsViewModel() 
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // get all the states
            List<State> allStates = db.States.ToList();

            // instantiate lists of selectlistitems
            States = new List<SelectListItem>();
            Cities = new List<SelectListItem>();

            // convert all the states into selectlistitems
            foreach (State s in allStates)
                SelectListItem castState = new SelectListItem();
                castState.Text = s.StateName;
                castState.Value = s.StateID.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 14
        public EditListingViewModel(int listingId)
            // check to make sure user is logged in
            if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"] != null)
                CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

                // instantiate lists of selectlistitems
                this.States = new List<SelectListItem>();
                this.Categories = new List<SelectListItem>();
                this.Subcategories = new List<SelectListItem>();
                this.Cities = new List<SelectListItem>();

                // if the listing is a new listing
                if (listingId == -1)
                    // create the new listing
                    this.Listing = new Listing();
                    this.Listing.ListingID = -1;

                    // populate states property for dropdown list
                    List<State> states = db.States.OrderBy(c => c.StateName).ToList();

                    // add default value
                    SelectListItem stateItem1 = new SelectListItem { Text = "Select a State", Value = "" };

                    // convert the rest of the states into select list items and add them to list
                    foreach (State state in states)
                        SelectListItem stateItem = new SelectListItem { Text = state.StateName, Value = state.StateID.ToString() };

                    // get all the categories
                    List<Category> categories = db.Categories.OrderBy(c => c.CategoryName).ToList();

                    // add default item to select list
                    SelectListItem categoryItem1 = new SelectListItem { Text = "Select a Category", Value = "" };

                    // convert all the categories to select list items and add them to selectlist
                    foreach (Category category in categories)
                        SelectListItem categoryItem = new SelectListItem { Text = category.CategoryName, Value = category.CategoryID.ToString() };
                    // Else listing is existing and get the current listing
                    this.Listing = db.Listings.FirstOrDefault(l => l.ListingID == listingId);

                    // get all the states
                    List<State> states = db.States.OrderBy(c => c.StateName).ToList();

                    // for each state
                    foreach (State state in states)
                        // check to see if the state is the current state for the listing
                        bool selected = Listing.City.StateID == state.StateID ? true : false;

                        // convert to select list item and add selected attribute if true
                        SelectListItem stateItem = new SelectListItem { Text = state.StateName, Value = state.StateID.ToString(), Selected = selected };

                    // get all the cities where belonging to selected state
                    List<City> cities = db.Cities.Where(c => c.StateID == this.Listing.City.StateID).OrderBy(c => c.CityName).ToList();

                    foreach (City city in cities)
                        // check if the city is the current city for the listing
                        bool selected = Listing.CityID == city.CityID ? true : false;

                        // convert to selectlist item and set selected attribute
                        SelectListItem cityItem = new SelectListItem { Text = city.CityName, Value = city.CityID.ToString(), Selected = selected };

                    // get all the categories
                    List<Category> categories = db.Categories.OrderBy(c => c.CategoryName).ToList();

                    foreach (Category category in categories)
                        // check if category is the current category for the selected listing
                        bool selected = Listing.SubCategory.CategoryID == category.CategoryID ? true : false;

                        // convert to select list item and set selected attribte
                        SelectListItem categoryItem = new SelectListItem { Text = category.CategoryName, Value = category.CategoryID.ToString(), Selected = selected };

                    // get a list of subcategories belonging to the selected category
                    List<SubCategory> subcategories = db.SubCategories.Where(s => s.CategoryID == this.Listing.SubCategory.CategoryID).OrderBy(s => s.SubCategoryName).ToList();

                    foreach (SubCategory subcategory in subcategories)
                        // check to see if the subcategory is the current for the listing
                        bool selected = Listing.SubCategoryID == subcategory.SubCategoryID ? true : false;

                        // convert to select list item and set selected attribute
                        SelectListItem subcategoryItem  = new SelectListItem { Text = subcategory.SubCategoryName, Value = subcategory.SubCategoryID.ToString(), Selected = selected };
Exemplo n.º 15
 public ActionResult AccountUpdate()
    // gets the current users info using userid stored in session and returns the user
     CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
     int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]);
     User user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserID == userId);
     return View("AccountUpdate", user); 
Exemplo n.º 16
         public ActionResult AccountUpdate(User updatedUserInfo)
            // get the user from the database and update thier information
             CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
             User user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserID == updatedUserInfo.UserID);
             user.PhoneNum = updatedUserInfo.PhoneNum;
             user.FirstName = updatedUserInfo.FirstName;
             user.LastName = updatedUserInfo.LastName;
             user.Password = updatedUserInfo.Password;

            // save the changes made to the user

            // send the user to their homepage
             UserHomeViewModel userHomeModel = new UserHomeViewModel();
             return View("UserHome", userHomeModel);
Exemplo n.º 17
        // called when user clicks delete linke in editImages partial
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // get reference to image
            CoreysList.Entity.Image imgToDelete = db.Images.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ImageID == id);

            // get the listing associated with the image
            int listingId = imgToDelete.ListingID;

            // remove row from table and save

            // return partial 
            EditListingImagesViewModel editListingImagesViewModel = new EditListingImagesViewModel(listingId);
            return PartialView("~/views/Accounts/_EditListingImages.cshtml", editListingImagesViewModel);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public ActionResult GetThumb(int id)
            // if the image id is not = to -1 then there is a real image
            if (id != -1)
                int imageId = id;

                // retrieve image from database
                CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
                CoreysList.Entity.Image image = db.Images.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ImageID == imageId);

                // convert image data to byte array
                byte[] buffer = image.ThumbContent;

                // return byte[](content), type of image, image filename
                return File(buffer, image.ImageType, image.FileName);
                // return path to default image
                var dir = Server.MapPath("/Content/Images/defaultListingThumb.gif");
                var path = Path.Combine(dir);
                return base.File(path, "image/gif");
Exemplo n.º 19
        // called when a user uploads images recieving the listing id
        public ActionResult Upload(int id)
            int listingId = id;
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // for each of the requested files
            for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++)
                    // create a new [image] 
                    CoreysList.Entity.Image newImage = new CoreysList.Entity.Image();

                    // Uploaded file
                    HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[i];

                    // Get the size of the file
                    newImage.ImageSize = file.ContentLength;

                    // get the file name
                    newImage.FileName = file.FileName.Substring(file.FileName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);

                    // get the type of file .jpg .gif .png etc..
                    newImage.ImageType = file.ContentType;

                    // create a new byte array to fit the content size
                    byte[] imageData = new byte[file.ContentLength];

                    // read in the file withe the byte array and content size
                    file.InputStream.Read(imageData, 0, (int)file.ContentLength);

                    // reposition the input stream to the beginning
                    file.InputStream.Position = 0;

                    // stream the file again into a System.Drawing.Image
                    System.Drawing.Image sysImg = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(file.InputStream);

                    // assign the sizes from system image to coreyslist image
                    newImage.ImageHeight = sysImg.Height;
                    newImage.ImageWidth = sysImg.Width;
                    newImage.ImageContent = imageData;

                    // create encoding object to send image type
                    ImageEncoding imgResizerEnc = new ImageEncoding();

                    // set the values for thumb images
                    int thumbHeight = 75;
                    int thumbWidth = 75;

                    // switch statement to get the content type 
                    switch (file.ContentType)
                        case "image/jpeg":
                            imgResizerEnc = ImageEncoding.Jpg90;
                        case "image/gif":
                            imgResizerEnc = ImageEncoding.Gif;
                        case "image/png":
                            imgResizerEnc = ImageEncoding.Png;

                    // create a resizer and send the image content
                    ImageResizer resizer = new ImageResizer(imageData);

                    // call the resizer method along with the desired height, width and img type
                    byte[] thumbData = resizer.Resize(thumbHeight, thumbWidth, imgResizerEnc);

                    // save the new thumb data for the coreyslist image entity
                    newImage.ThumbContent = thumbData;
                    newImage.ThumbSize = thumbData.Length;
                    newImage.ThumbWidth = thumbWidth;
                    newImage.ThumbHeight = thumbHeight;

                    // connect image to the correct listing through listing ID
                    newImage.ListingID = listingId;
                    newImage.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    newImage.CreatedBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"].ToString();

                    // To save file, use SaveAs method
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;

            // Return partial view 
            EditListingImagesViewModel editListingImagesViewModel = new EditListingImagesViewModel(listingId);
            return PartialView("~/views/Accounts/_EditListingImages.cshtml", editListingImagesViewModel);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public ActionResult FilterSearchResults(DisplaySearchResultsViewModel model)
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // get a count of the cities
            int cityCount = model.Cities.Count();

            // populate cities dropdown with selected state
            List<City> citiesList = db.Cities.Where(c => c.StateID == model.SelectedStateIdFilter).ToList();
            foreach (City c in citiesList)
                SelectListItem newListItem = new SelectListItem();
                newListItem.Text = c.CityName;
                newListItem.Value = c.CityID.ToString();

            // first pull all the listings that still match the search term 
            model.Listings = db.Listings.Where(l => l.Headline.Contains(model.SearchTerm)
                || l.Description.Contains(model.SearchTerm)).ToList();
            // if a city was selected
            if (model.SelectedCityIdFilter > 0)
                model.Listings = model.Listings.Where(l => l.CityID == model.SelectedCityIdFilter
                                   && l.Price >= model.PriceMinFilter
                                   && l.Price <= model.PriceMaxFilter).ToList();
            else if (model.SelectedStateIdFilter > 0)
                // else if state was selected but no city
                model.Listings = model.Listings.Where(l => l.City.StateID == model.SelectedStateIdFilter
                                   && l.Price >= model.PriceMinFilter
                                   && l.Price <= model.PriceMaxFilter).ToList();
                // else just apply price range
                model.Listings = model.Listings.Where(l => l.Price >= model.PriceMinFilter
                                   && l.Price <= model.PriceMaxFilter).ToList();

            // return filtered model with view
            return View("DisplaySearchResults", model);
Exemplo n.º 21
        // called when the user wants to activate or deactivate a listing
        public ActionResult ListingActivation(int listingId)
            // establish connection to database
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // create variable to get the current activation status
            string activationStatus;

            // get the selected listing to update
            Listing listing = db.Listings.FirstOrDefault(l => l.ListingID == listingId);

                // change the active listing status
                listing.IsActive = listing.IsActive ? false : true;

                // save the changes 

                // get the new activation status
                activationStatus = listing.IsActive ? "active" : "notActive";

                // return json with the new status
                return Json(new { Success = true, ActivationStatus = activationStatus });
            catch (Exception e)
                // if there was a problem with the return send error
                return Json(new { Success = false, Error = "Activation or Deactivation Failed: " + e.Message });
Exemplo n.º 22
        // Called when a user selects category in cascading select list to populate subcategory select list
        public ActionResult GetSubCategories(int categoryId)
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
                // get a list of subcategories where category Id matches selected category ID
                List<SubCategory> subcategories = db.SubCategories.Where(s => s.CategoryID == categoryId)
                                                                  .OrderBy(s => s.SubCategoryName).ToList();

                // create a string builder and add the new markup for subcategory selectlist
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                // append first default select list item
                sb.Append("<option value = '0'>Please select an item</option>");

                // append a new selectlist item for each subcategory
                foreach (SubCategory subcategory in subcategories)
                    sb.Append("<option value = '" + subcategory.SubCategoryID.ToString() + "'>" + subcategory.SubCategoryName + "</option>");

                // return the stringbuilders appended string in json
                return Json(new { Success = true, SelectOptionsHtml = sb.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            catch (Exception e)
                return Json(new { Success = false, Error = "Activation or Deactivation Failed: " + e.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Exemplo n.º 23
        // called to populate sub select list for states
        public ActionResult GetCities(int stateId)
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
                // get a list of cities where state id matches
                List<City> cities = db.Cities.Where(s => s.StateID == stateId)
                                             .OrderBy(s => s.CityName).ToList();

                // create string builder to hold markup for new select list
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                // add default selectlist item to stringbuilder
                sb.Append("<option value = '0'>Please select an item</option>");

                // for each city with matching state id append markup to stringbuilder
                foreach (City city in cities)
                    sb.Append("<option value = '" + city.CityID.ToString() + "'>" + city.CityName + "</option>");

                // return new stringbuilder appended content using json
                return Json(new { Success = true, SelectOptionsHtml = sb.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            catch (Exception e)
                return Json(new { Success = false, Error = "Activation or Deactivation Failed: " + e.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Exemplo n.º 24
         public ActionResult EditListing(EditListingViewModel model)
             CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();
                 // if the listing ID is -1 then it is a new listing
                 if (model.Listing.ListingID == -1)
                     // add new listing
                     Listing listing = new Listing();
                     listing.CityID = model.Listing.CityID;
                     listing.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]);
                     listing.SubCategoryID = model.Listing.SubCategoryID;
                     listing.Headline = model.Listing.Headline;
                     listing.Location = model.Listing.Location;
                     listing.Description = model.Listing.Description;
                     listing.Price = model.Listing.Price;
                     listing.CreatedBy = "corey";
                     listing.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;

                     // get the listing being edited
                     Listing listing = db.Listings.FirstOrDefault(l => l.ListingID == model.Listing.ListingID);

                     // update all the fields and save 
                     listing.CityID = model.Listing.CityID;
                     listing.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]);
                     listing.SubCategoryID = model.Listing.SubCategoryID;
                     listing.Headline = model.Listing.Headline;
                     listing.Location = model.Listing.Location;
                     listing.Description = model.Listing.Description;
                     listing.Price = model.Listing.Price;
                     listing.ModifiedBy = listing.User.Email;
                     listing.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;

             catch (Exception e)
                 throw e;

            // return success and handle navigation in jquery
             return Json(new { Success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);