Exemplo n.º 1
        void TrainingLevel(string userName) //Introductory Level
            Blank ob = null;

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome " + userName + " I will be your teacher, Chiron.  My job here is to make sure you are ready to begin your great adventure.");
            Console.WriteLine("Firstly, every hero needs a weapon.  I will gift you a weapon now to start your adventure.");
            Console.WriteLine("But before that, I must ask, what style of adventurer are you?  Mage?  Rogue?  Or Warrior?");
            string playerClass = Console.ReadLine();

            //using a placeholder for the player class.  Chiron is going to give them a weapon depending on which class they use.

            if (playerClass.ToUpper() == "MAGE")
                ob = new Mage(userName);
                Console.WriteLine("Ah, a magican?  I've trained a few of those in my day.");
                Console.WriteLine("I think I have some weapons for you to choose lying around somewhere... ");

                Console.WriteLine("Take your pick, hero:  1: Wand.  2: Staff.  3: Tome.");
                int ans = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                    if (ans == 1)
                        string itemTemp = "Wand";
                        ob.inventory.inventory[0] = itemTemp;
                        Console.WriteLine("Item Added: " + itemTemp);
                    else if (ans == 2)
                        string itemTemp = "Staff";
                        ob.inventory.inventory[0] = itemTemp;
                        Console.WriteLine("Item Added: " + itemTemp);
                    else if (ans == 3)
                        string itemTemp = "Tome";
                        ob.inventory.inventory[0] = itemTemp;
                        Console.WriteLine("Item Added: " + itemTemp);

            if (playerClass.ToUpper() == "WARRIOR")
                ob = new Warrior(userName);
                Console.WriteLine("A Warrior, eh?  You may know a guy I trained back in the day, I think his name was Hercules");
                Console.WriteLine("I think I have some weapons for you to choose lying around somewhere... ");

                Console.WriteLine("Take your pick, hero:  1: Sword.  2: Axe.  3: Mace.");
                int ans = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                    if (ans == 1)
                        string itemTemp = "Sword";
                        ob.inventory.inventory[0] = itemTemp;
                        Console.WriteLine("Item Added: " + itemTemp);
                    else if (ans == 2)
                        string itemTemp = "Axe";
                        ob.inventory.inventory[0] = itemTemp;
                        Console.WriteLine("Item Added: " + itemTemp);
                    else if (ans == 3)
                        string itemTemp = "Mace";
                        ob.inventory.inventory[0] = itemTemp;
                        Console.WriteLine("Item Added: " + itemTemp);

            if (playerClass.ToUpper() == "ROGUE")
                ob = new Rogue(userName);
                Console.WriteLine("Ah, I haven't trained as many Rogues, but I'm sure I can still teach you a thing or two");
                Console.WriteLine("I think I have some weapons for you to choose lying around somewhere... ");

                Console.WriteLine("Take your pick, hero:  1: Dagger.  2: Bow.  3: Poisoned Sword.");
                int ans = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                    if (ans == 1)
                        string itemTemp = "Dagger";
                        ob.inventory.inventory[0] = itemTemp;
                        Console.WriteLine("Item Added: " + itemTemp);
                    else if (ans == 2)
                        string itemTemp = "Bow";
                        ob.inventory.inventory[0] = itemTemp;
                        Console.WriteLine("Item Added: " + itemTemp);
                    else if (ans == 3)
                        string itemTemp = "Poisoned Sword";
                        ob.inventory.inventory[0] = itemTemp;
                        Console.WriteLine("Item Added: " + itemTemp);

            Console.WriteLine("Every adventure starts with a trusty weapon.");
            Console.WriteLine("To Access your Inventory at any time, type in 'inv' ");
            Console.WriteLine("Try it now.");
            string userAns = Console.ReadLine();

            if (userAns == "inv")
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Ok but remember how to do this later.");
            Console.WriteLine("Excellent! You're a quick learner, I can already tell you'll be one of the best Dungeon Divers out there! ");
            Console.WriteLine("I'll explain two more things and you'll be on your way! Whenever you go through the dungeon you'll get the");
            Console.WriteLine("choice of picking one of three doors with three different outcomes, a monster, a hidden item, or nothing.");
            Console.WriteLine("Finally its time I tought you how to fight...");
            //start fight
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void master(Blank ob)

        /* Potential flaw in this method of monster creation is that a NEW monster is created at every battle.
         *  Possible solution - generate monsters at game beginning and call them during the battle. This allows monster
         *  stats to be updated during battles and follows the monster through the game. **Downside - Need to pass in player
         *  stats each battle to determine monster stats effectively making saving the monster stats pointless.
         *  Alternate solution - Leave as is and ganerate new monster each time sinch monster characteristics are based on
         *  player stats. Downside - Potentially LOTS of monsters created if a long game. However, no need to store monster
         *  stats if new ones are generated each time.
         *  Thoughts?
            // ******************************Determines which Monster
            Random r       = new Random();
            int    rNum    = r.Next(1, 6);
            Blank  monster = null;

            if (rNum == 1)
                monster = new Vampire(ob.level);
            if (rNum == 2)
                monster = new ShadowKnight(ob.level);
            if (rNum == 3)
                monster = new Imp(ob.level);
            if (rNum == 4)
                monster = new Goblin(ob.level);
            if (rNum == 5)
                monster = new DiamondDog(ob.level);
            if (rNum == 6)
                monster = new BugBear(ob.level);


            bool battle_over = false;
            bool turn        = false;

            //checking to see who's speed is higher
            if (ob.speed > monster.speed)
            {                                  //code for player to attack first
                monster.health -= ob.attack(); // need to make all monster attacks named "Attack()"
                turn            = false;

            if (ob.speed == monster.speed)
            { //code for speed being a tie
                Random num  = new Random();
                int    coin = num.Next(1, 2);
                if (coin == 1)
                    ob.health -= monster.attack();
                    turn       = false;
                    monster.health -= ob.attack();
                    turn            = true;

            { //code for enemy to go first
                ob.health -= monster.attack();
                turn       = true;
            while (battle_over != true)
                if (turn)
                    monster.health -= ob.attack(); // need to make all monster attacks named "Attack()"
                    turn            = false;
                    if (monster.health <= 0)
                        //end fight
                        battle_over = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("You win!");
                    ob.health -= monster.attack();
                    turn       = true;
                    if (ob.health <= 0)
                        //end fight
                        battle_over = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("You died");