Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main()                  //1. complier starts here.
                                            // Method: returns something. (this case it returns voild, nothing)

            var numberOfPets = 0;           //2.
                                            //outside of the loop acess
                                            // declare & initialize the fields.
                                            // assigning 0 to the numberOfPets.
                                            // implicit type var, declared at method scope.
                                            // var is used for storing a reference to an object of an anonymous type, because the name cannot be known in advance.
                                            // C# has a built in function to determine automatically the type of hte variable based on teh expression it is assigned to.
                                            // beaware, the variable is stor in static, so you can't simply use "new" to reasign it to another type of variable afterwards.
                                            // a local type.

            var pets = new Pet[10];         //3.

            // declaration of the array.
            // creates a space in the memory with 10 spots reserved, 10 is max.
            // complier will determine the explicit type of the variable based on usage.
            // this gives the variable of type Pet.
            // the keyword new is to call on its constructor.
            // new = allocate an inititialize.

            while (true)                    //4.    //J.from case A & a.    //H. from case D & d.   //B. or 7. from case L & l.     //.default break will take you here also.
                                            // looping.
                                            // while loop must have: while, if statements, breaks, continue & incrementor.
                                            // (true) is the condition, while the condition is true.
                                            // the following will run and keep going and looping.
                Console.Write("A)dd D)elete L)ist pets:");
                // ask the user to enter A for add, D for delete, L for list pets.
                var choice = Console.ReadLine();
                // read and store the input from the user to choice.

                switch (choice)                         //7.
                                                        // nested switch inside a while loop.
                                                        // switch statment: a C# exclusive tool.
                                                        // switch is a type, must be an integer, string or 1 char type.
                                                        // exclusive statement of (choice).
                                                        // (choice) must match with case type.
                                                        // each case must have a break and a default.
                {                                       // list all cases within brackets.
                case "A":
                case "a":                               // the choice A or a are combined with only 1 brackets and break.
                                                        // both will lead complier to generate the items within the brackets below.
                    Console.Write("Name :");            //A.
                                                        // ask user to enter a Name.
                    var name = Console.ReadLine();      //B.
                                                        // read and store the input of Name entered as name.

                    Console.Write("Type of pet :");     //C.
                                                        // ask the user to enter the Type of pet.
                    var typeOfPet = Console.ReadLine(); //D.
                                                        // read and store the input of Type of pet as typeOfPet

                    // Always add the pet at the end of the array
                    pets[numberOfPets].Name      = name;            //E. want the Name of the [numberOfPets] of the array.
                    pets[numberOfPets].TypeOfPet = typeOfPet;
                    //F. want the TypeOfPet of the [numberOfPets] of the array.

                    numberOfPets++; //G. incrementor of numberOfPets.
                    break;          //H. each case must have a break to exit.
                }                   // end of case A/a array.

                case "D":
                case "d":                             // the choice D or d, both will lead complier to generate the items within the brackets below.
                    if (numberOfPets == 0)            // boolean statment: result in true/false result.
                                                      // if numberOfPets is same as 0 = true, then the following will run.
                                                      // if false, then it will skip the brackets below, and jump to the next statment.
                        Console.WriteLine("No pets"); // this will only execute if the above if statement is true.
                                                      // console will write on the screen, "No pets".                                break;
                    }                                 // end of if loop

                    for (var index = 0; index < numberOfPets; index++)
                    // this for statement will only execute if the above if statement is false.
                    // statements: (initialize; condition; incrementor)
                    // do not skip incrementer in for loop, unlike while loop.
                    // 1. var index = 0;
                    // 2. check condition: index < numberOfPets;
                    // 3. execute statements below:
                    // 4. incremeter: index++; 0+1
                    // 5. check condition: index < numberOfPets;
                    // 6. execute statements below:

                        Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1,-10} {2}", index + 1, pets[index].Name, pets[index].TypeOfPet);
                        // 3.
                        // Console reports the information onto the screen.
                        // {0}: to show index + 1. Showing the index number of pet.
                        // {1, -10}: show pets[index].Name with 10 spaces from the left left justify.
                        // {2}: show pets[index].TypeOfPet.
                    }           // end of for loop 1.

                    Console.Write("Which pet to remove (1-{0})", numberOfPets);
                    // console ask "Which pet to remove", with the (1-{however many pet index number per pet has been entered}).

                    var petNumberToDelete = Console.ReadLine();                 // console read the input number and store it to petNumberToDelete
                    var indexToDelete     = int.Parse(petNumberToDelete);       // convert the string input number to an integer and store it to indexToDelete.

                    // Squish the array from index to the end

                    for (var index = indexToDelete - 1; index < numberOfPets; index++)
                    // A. indexToDelete - 1 is assigned to index.
                    // B. index < numberOfPets
                    // C. execute the statement below
                    // D. index++
                    // E. index < numberOfPets
                        // Just copy the pet from the next index into the current index
                        pets[index] = pets[index + 1]; // C. //F.keep going until the above conditions are not true.
                    }                                  // end of for loop 2.

                    // We have one less pet
                    numberOfPets--; //G.

                    break;          //H. back to top of while loop.
                }                   // end of case D/d nested for loop/.

                case "L":
                case "l":                                              // the choice L or l, both will lead complier to generate the items within the brackets below.
                    if (numberOfPets == 0)                             //A. is the numberOfPets same as 0? boolean type.
                        Console.WriteLine("No pets");                  // if it is then No Pets will be printed on the screen.
                    }                                                  // end of if statement

                    for (int index = 0; index < numberOfPets; index++) // if it is not, then these conditions will be checked.
                                                                       // 1. int index = 0;
                                                                       // 2. index < numberOfPets;
                                                                       // 3. statements below in brackets.
                                                                       // 4. index++ incrementor.
                                                                       // 5. index < numberOfPets

                        Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1,-10} {2}", index + 1, pets[index].Name, pets[index].TypeOfPet);
                        // 3. run this if above 1 & 2 conditions are okay.
                        // print to the screen
                        // {0}: index +1
                        // {1, -10}: pets name from index.
                        // {2}: the type of pet from index.
                        // 6.
                    }           // end of for loop

                    break;      // B.   //7. break. back to top of while loop.
                }               // end of case L/l.

                default:        // switch statements must have a default.
                                // for cases that does not match the above conditions/statments.
                                // default must happen and the following Line will be generated on the screen.
                    // it will say "Invalid option {whatever the user entered (choice) goes within these brackets}"
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid option [{0}]", choice);
                    break; // to exit, back to top of while loop.
                }          // end of default
                }          // end of switch statment
            }              // end of while loop   //will return to top of while loop.     //I.
        }                  // end of main
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            List <PersonDetails> persons = new List <PersonDetails>();

                Type = _Menu();
                PersonDetails personObj = new PersonDetails();
                Pet           petObj    = new Pet();
                switch (Type)
                case 1:

                    var getPerson = _Get();
                    if (getPerson.Item2 != DateTime.MinValue)
                        persons.Add(new PersonDetails(getPerson.Item1, getPerson.Item2));
                        Console.WriteLine("\nDetails Added\n");
                        Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid Date\n");

                case 2:

                    var    getPet   = _Get();
                    string petBreed = _GetPetBreed();
                    if (getPet.Item2 != DateTime.MinValue)
                        persons.Add(new Pet(getPet.Item1, petBreed, getPet.Item2));
                        Console.WriteLine("\nDetails Added\n");
                        Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid Date\n");

                case 3:

                    if (persons.Count != 0)
                        List <PersonDetails> sortedList = PersonDetails.SortPersons(persons);
                        Console.WriteLine("\nThe sorted list is :\n");
                        foreach (var item in sortedList)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nlist is empty\n");

                case 4:

                    var lists = _DivideList(persons);
                    if (lists.Item1.Count != 0)
                    if (lists.Item2.Count != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nWritten to File\n");

                case 5:

                    if (File.Exists(@"D:/PersonDetails.json"))
                        if (new FileInfo(@"D:/PersonDetails.json").Length != 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("File is Empty");
                    if (File.Exists(@"D:/Pets.xml"))
                        if (new FileInfo(@"D:/Pets.xml").Length != 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("File is Empty");

                case 6:

                    var lists1 = _DivideList(persons);
                    if (lists1.Item1.Count != 0)
                    if (lists1.Item2.Count != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nDatabase Updated\n");

                case 7:


                default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid Entry"); break;
                Console.WriteLine("Do you wish to continue(y/n)?");
            } while (Console.ReadLine() == "y");

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit");