/// <summary>
        /// Gets resizing options from query string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryString">The query string.</param>
        /// <returns>Resizing options</returns>
        private static ResizingOptions FromQueryString(NameValueCollection queryString)
            var result = new ResizingOptions();

            string str = queryString["w"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                result.Width = int.Parse(str);

            str = queryString["h"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                result.Height = int.Parse(str);

            str = queryString["mw"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                result.MaxWidth = int.Parse(str);

            str = queryString["mh"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                result.MaxHeight = int.Parse(str);

            str = queryString["q"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                result.QualityOverride = int.Parse(str);
                if (result.QualityOverride < 1)
                    result.QualityOverride = 1;
                if (result.QualityOverride > 100)
                    result.QualityOverride = 100;

            ResizingAction resizingAction;
            string         action = queryString["action"];

            if (!action.IsNullOrEmpty() && Enum.TryParse(action, true, out resizingAction))
                result.ResizingAction = resizingAction;
                result.ResizingAction = Media.ResizingAction.Stretch;

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <exclude />
        public string GetResizedImageUrl(string storeId, Guid mediaId, ResizingOptions resizingOptions)
            IMediaFile file = GetFileById(storeId, mediaId);
            if (file == null)
                return null;

            string pathToFile = UrlUtils.Combine(file.FolderPath, file.FileName);

            pathToFile = RemoveForbiddenCharactersAndNormalize(pathToFile);

            // IIS6 doesn't have wildcard mapping by default, so removing image extension if running in "classic" app pool
            if (!HttpRuntime.UsingIntegratedPipeline)
                int dotOffset = pathToFile.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (dotOffset >= 0)
                    pathToFile = pathToFile.Substring(0, dotOffset);

            string mediaStore = string.Empty;

            if (!storeId.Equals(DefaultMediaStore, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                mediaStore = storeId + "/";

            var url = new UrlBuilder(UrlUtils.PublicRootPath + "/media/" + mediaStore + /* UrlUtils.CompressGuid(*/ mediaId /*)*/)
                PathInfo = file.LastWriteTime != null
                    ? "/" + GetDateTimeHash(file.LastWriteTime.Value.ToUniversalTime())
                    : string.Empty

            if (pathToFile.Length > 0)
                url.PathInfo += pathToFile;

            if (resizingOptions != null && !resizingOptions.IsEmpty)
                return url + "?" + resizingOptions;

            return url.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a media url.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyPath">Image's KeyPath field value.</param>
        /// <param name="resizingOptions">The resizing options.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IHtmlString MediaUrl(string keyPath, ResizingOptions resizingOptions)
            string relativeUrl = "~/media(" + keyPath + ")";
            string absoluteUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(relativeUrl);

            string queryString = resizingOptions.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString))
                absoluteUrl += "?" + queryString.Replace("&", "&amp;");

            return _helper.Raw(absoluteUrl);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a media url.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">The image file.</param>
 /// <param name="resizingOptions">The resizing options.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IHtmlString MediaUrl(IImageFile image, ResizingOptions resizingOptions)
     return MediaUrl(image.KeyPath, resizingOptions);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a media url.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">The image file.</param>
 /// <param name="resizingOptions">The resizing options.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IHtmlString MediaUrl(DataReference<IImageFile> image, ResizingOptions resizingOptions)
     return MediaUrl((string) image.KeyValue, resizingOptions);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the resized image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpServerUtility">An instance of <see cref="System.Web.HttpServerUtility" />.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The media file.</param>
        /// <param name="resizingOptions">The resizing options.</param>
        /// <param name="targetImageFormat">The target image format.</param>
        /// <returns>A full file path to a resized image; null if there's no need to resize the image</returns>
        public static string GetResizedImage(HttpServerUtility httpServerUtility, IMediaFile file, ResizingOptions resizingOptions, ImageFormat targetImageFormat)
            Verify.ArgumentNotNull(file, "file");
            Verify.That(ImageFormatIsSupported(targetImageFormat), "Unsupported image format '{0}'", targetImageFormat);

            if (_resizedImagesDirectoryPath == null)
                _resizedImagesDirectoryPath = httpServerUtility.MapPath(ResizedImagesCacheDirectory);

                if (!C1Directory.Exists(_resizedImagesDirectoryPath))

            string imageKey = file.CompositePath;

            bool isNativeProvider = file is FileSystemFileBase;

            string imageSizeCacheKey = "ShowMedia.ashx image size " + imageKey;
            Size? imageSize = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(imageSizeCacheKey) as Size?;

            Bitmap bitmap = null;
            Stream fileStream = null;
                if (imageSize == null)
                    fileStream = file.GetReadStream();

                    Size calculatedSize;
                    if (!ImageSizeReader.TryGetSize(fileStream, out calculatedSize))
                        fileStream = file.GetReadStream();

                        bitmap = new Bitmap(fileStream);
                        calculatedSize = new Size { Width = bitmap.Width, Height = bitmap.Height };
                    imageSize = calculatedSize;

                    // We can provider cache dependency only for the native media provider
                    var cacheDependency = isNativeProvider ? new CacheDependency((file as FileSystemFileBase).SystemPath) : null;

                    HttpRuntime.Cache.Add(imageSizeCacheKey, imageSize, cacheDependency, DateTime.MaxValue, CacheExpirationTimeSpan, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);

                int newWidth, newHeight;
                bool centerCrop;
                bool needToResize = CalculateSize(imageSize.Value.Width, imageSize.Value.Height, resizingOptions, out newWidth, out newHeight, out centerCrop);

                needToResize = needToResize || resizingOptions.CustomQuality;

                if (!needToResize)
                    return null;

                int filePathHash = imageKey.GetHashCode();

                string centerCroppedString = centerCrop ? "c" : string.Empty;

                string fileExtension = _ImageFormat2Extension[targetImageFormat];
                string resizedImageFileName = string.Format("{0}x{1}_{2}{3}_{4}.{5}", newWidth, newHeight, filePathHash, centerCroppedString, resizingOptions.Quality, fileExtension);

                string imageFullPath = Path.Combine(_resizedImagesDirectoryPath, resizedImageFileName);

                if (!C1File.Exists(imageFullPath) || C1File.GetLastWriteTime(imageFullPath) != file.LastWriteTime)
                    if (bitmap == null)
                        fileStream = file.GetReadStream();
                        bitmap = new Bitmap(fileStream);

                    ResizeImage(bitmap, imageFullPath, newWidth, newHeight, centerCrop, targetImageFormat, resizingOptions.Quality);

                    if (file.LastWriteTime.HasValue)
                        C1File.SetLastWriteTime(imageFullPath, file.LastWriteTime.Value);

                return imageFullPath;
                if (bitmap != null)

                if (fileStream != null)
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static bool CalculateSize(int width, int height, ResizingOptions resizingOptions, out int newWidth, out int newHeight, out bool centerCrop)
            // Can be refactored to use System.Drawing.Size class instead of (width & height).

            if (width == 0 || height == 0)
                newHeight = newWidth = 0;
                centerCrop = false;
                return false;

            Verify.ArgumentCondition(width > 0, "width", "Negative values aren't allowed");
            Verify.ArgumentCondition(height > 0, "height", "Negative values aren't allowed");

            centerCrop = false;

            // If both height and width are defined - we have "scalling"
            if (resizingOptions.Height != null && resizingOptions.Width != null)
                newHeight = (int)resizingOptions.Height;
                newWidth = (int)resizingOptions.Width;

                // we do not allow scalling to a size, bigger than original one
                if (newHeight > height)
                    newHeight = height;

                if (newWidth > width)
                    newWidth = width;

                // If the target dimensions are bigger or the same size as of the image - no resizing is done
                if (newWidth == width && newHeight == height)
                    return false;

                switch (resizingOptions.ResizingAction)
                    case ResizingAction.Stretch:
                        // no additional logic

                    case ResizingAction.Crop:
                        centerCrop = true;

                    case ResizingAction.Fit:
                    case ResizingAction.Fill:
                        // No float point division for better precision
                        Int64 heightProportionArea = (Int64)newHeight * width;
                        Int64 widthProportionArea = (Int64)newWidth * height;

                        if (heightProportionArea == widthProportionArea)

                        if ((heightProportionArea > widthProportionArea)
                            //  (newHeight / height) > (newWidth / width) 
                              ^ (resizingOptions.ResizingAction == ResizingAction.Fit))
                            newWidth = (int)(heightProportionArea / height);
                            // newWidth = width * (newHeight / height)
                            newHeight = (int)(widthProportionArea / width);
                            // newHeight = height * (newWidth / width)


                return true;

            newWidth = width;
            newHeight = height;

            // If image doesn't fit to bondaries "maxWidth X maxHeight", downsizing it
            int? maxWidth = resizingOptions.Width;
            if (resizingOptions.MaxWidth != null && (maxWidth == null || resizingOptions.MaxWidth < maxWidth))
                maxWidth = resizingOptions.MaxWidth;

            int? maxHeight = resizingOptions.Height;
            if (resizingOptions.MaxHeight != null && (maxHeight == null || resizingOptions.MaxHeight < maxHeight))
                maxHeight = resizingOptions.MaxHeight;

            // Applying MaxHeight and MaxWidth limitations
            if (maxHeight != null && (int)maxHeight < newHeight)
                newHeight = (int)maxHeight;
                newWidth = (int)(width * (double)(int)maxHeight / height);

            if (maxWidth != null && (int)maxWidth < newWidth)
                newWidth = (int)maxWidth;
                newHeight = (int)(height * (double)(int)maxWidth / width);

            return newWidth != width || newHeight != height;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets resizing options from query string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryString">The query string.</param>
        /// <returns>Resizing options</returns>
        private static ResizingOptions FromQueryString(NameValueCollection queryString)
            var result = new ResizingOptions();

            string str = queryString["w"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                result.Width = int.Parse(str);

            str = queryString["h"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                result.Height = int.Parse(str);

            str = queryString["mw"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                result.MaxWidth = int.Parse(str);

            str = queryString["mh"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                result.MaxHeight = int.Parse(str);

            str = queryString["q"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                result.QualityOverride = int.Parse(str);
                if (result.QualityOverride < 1) result.QualityOverride = 1;
                if (result.QualityOverride > 100) result.QualityOverride = 100;

            ResizingAction resizingAction;
            string action = queryString["action"];
            if (!action.IsNullOrEmpty() && Enum.TryParse(action, true, out resizingAction))
                result.ResizingAction = resizingAction;
                result.ResizingAction = Media.ResizingAction.Stretch;

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the resized image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpServerUtility">An instance of <see cref="System.Web.HttpServerUtility" />.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The media file.</param>
        /// <param name="resizingOptions">The resizing options.</param>
        /// <param name="targetImageFormat">The target image format.</param>
        /// <returns>A full file path to a resized image; null if there's no need to resize the image</returns>
        public static string GetResizedImage(HttpServerUtility httpServerUtility, IMediaFile file, ResizingOptions resizingOptions, ImageFormat targetImageFormat)
            Verify.ArgumentNotNull(file, "file");
            Verify.That(ImageFormatIsSupported(targetImageFormat), "Unsupported image format '{0}'", targetImageFormat);

            if (_resizedImagesDirectoryPath == null)
                _resizedImagesDirectoryPath = httpServerUtility.MapPath(ResizedImagesCacheDirectory);

                if (!C1Directory.Exists(_resizedImagesDirectoryPath))

            string imageKey = file.CompositePath;

            bool isNativeProvider = file is FileSystemFileBase;

            string imageSizeCacheKey = "ShowMedia.ashx image size " + imageKey;
            Size?  imageSize         = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(imageSizeCacheKey) as Size?;

            Bitmap bitmap     = null;
            Stream fileStream = null;

                if (imageSize == null)
                    fileStream = file.GetReadStream();

                    Size calculatedSize;
                    if (!ImageSizeReader.TryGetSize(fileStream, out calculatedSize))
                        fileStream = file.GetReadStream();

                        bitmap         = new Bitmap(fileStream);
                        calculatedSize = new Size {
                            Width = bitmap.Width, Height = bitmap.Height
                    imageSize = calculatedSize;

                    // We can provider cache dependency only for the native media provider
                    var cacheDependency = isNativeProvider ? new CacheDependency((file as FileSystemFileBase).SystemPath) : null;

                    HttpRuntime.Cache.Add(imageSizeCacheKey, imageSize, cacheDependency, DateTime.MaxValue, CacheExpirationTimeSpan, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);

                int  newWidth, newHeight;
                bool centerCrop;
                bool needToResize = CalculateSize(imageSize.Value.Width, imageSize.Value.Height, resizingOptions, out newWidth, out newHeight, out centerCrop);

                needToResize = needToResize || resizingOptions.CustomQuality;

                if (!needToResize)

                int filePathHash = imageKey.GetHashCode();

                string centerCroppedString = centerCrop ? "c" : string.Empty;

                string fileExtension        = _ImageFormat2Extension[targetImageFormat];
                string resizedImageFileName = string.Format("{0}x{1}_{2}{3}_{4}.{5}", newWidth, newHeight, filePathHash, centerCroppedString, resizingOptions.Quality, fileExtension);

                string imageFullPath = Path.Combine(_resizedImagesDirectoryPath, resizedImageFileName);

                if (!C1File.Exists(imageFullPath) || C1File.GetLastWriteTime(imageFullPath) != file.LastWriteTime)
                    if (bitmap == null)
                        fileStream = file.GetReadStream();
                        bitmap     = new Bitmap(fileStream);

                    ResizeImage(bitmap, imageFullPath, newWidth, newHeight, centerCrop, targetImageFormat, resizingOptions.Quality);

                    if (file.LastWriteTime.HasValue)
                        C1File.SetLastWriteTime(imageFullPath, file.LastWriteTime.Value);

                if (bitmap != null)

                if (fileStream != null)
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static bool CalculateSize(int width, int height, ResizingOptions resizingOptions, out int newWidth, out int newHeight, out bool centerCrop)
            // Can be refactored to use System.Drawing.Size class instead of (width & height).

            if (width == 0 || height == 0)
                newHeight  = newWidth = 0;
                centerCrop = false;

            Verify.ArgumentCondition(width > 0, "width", "Negative values aren't allowed");
            Verify.ArgumentCondition(height > 0, "height", "Negative values aren't allowed");

            centerCrop = false;

            // If both height and width are defined - we have "scalling"
            if (resizingOptions.Height != null && resizingOptions.Width != null)
                newHeight = (int)resizingOptions.Height;
                newWidth  = (int)resizingOptions.Width;

                // we do not allow scalling to a size, bigger than original one
                if (newHeight > height)
                    newHeight = height;

                if (newWidth > width)
                    newWidth = width;

                // If the target dimensions are bigger or the same size as of the image - no resizing is done
                if (newWidth == width && newHeight == height)

                switch (resizingOptions.ResizingAction)
                case ResizingAction.Stretch:
                    // no additional logic

                case ResizingAction.Crop:
                    centerCrop = true;

                case ResizingAction.Fit:
                case ResizingAction.Fill:
                    // No float point division for better precision
                    Int64 heightProportionArea = (Int64)newHeight * width;
                    Int64 widthProportionArea  = (Int64)newWidth * height;

                    if (heightProportionArea == widthProportionArea)

                    if ((heightProportionArea > widthProportionArea)
                        //  (newHeight / height) > (newWidth / width)
                        ^ (resizingOptions.ResizingAction == ResizingAction.Fit))
                        newWidth = (int)(heightProportionArea / height);
                        // newWidth = width * (newHeight / height)
                        newHeight = (int)(widthProportionArea / width);
                        // newHeight = height * (newWidth / width)



            newWidth  = width;
            newHeight = height;

            // If image doesn't fit to bondaries "maxWidth X maxHeight", downsizing it
            int?maxWidth = resizingOptions.Width;

            if (resizingOptions.MaxWidth != null && (maxWidth == null || resizingOptions.MaxWidth < maxWidth))
                maxWidth = resizingOptions.MaxWidth;

            int?maxHeight = resizingOptions.Height;

            if (resizingOptions.MaxHeight != null && (maxHeight == null || resizingOptions.MaxHeight < maxHeight))
                maxHeight = resizingOptions.MaxHeight;

            // Applying MaxHeight and MaxWidth limitations
            if (maxHeight != null && (int)maxHeight < newHeight)
                newHeight = (int)maxHeight;
                newWidth  = (int)(width * (double)(int)maxHeight / height);

            if (maxWidth != null && (int)maxWidth < newWidth)
                newWidth  = (int)maxWidth;
                newHeight = (int)(height * (double)(int)maxWidth / width);

            return(newWidth != width || newHeight != height);