protected override void Orders_OrderUpdatedEvent(ITradeEntityManagement provider, AccountInfo account, Order[] orders, ActiveOrder.UpdateTypeEnum[] updatesType)
            base.Orders_OrderUpdatedEvent(provider, account, orders, updatesType);

            // Run in a separate thread since it takes time to request from server.
            //GeneralHelper.FireAndForget(new GeneralHelper.GenericReturnDelegate<bool>(Update));
        public void UnInitialize()
            if (_dataProvider != null)
                _dataProvider.QuoteUpdateEvent -= new QuoteProviderUpdateDelegate(_dataProvider_QuoteUpdateEvent);
                _dataProvider = null;

            _order = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Detailed constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public ModifyOrderControl(ModeEnum mode, Order order)
     _provider = order.OrderExecutionProvider;
     _mode = mode;
     _order = order;
     _dataProvider = order.QuoteProvider;
     _dataProvider.QuoteUpdateEvent += new QuoteProviderUpdateDelegate(_dataProvider_QuoteUpdateEvent);
     _session = order.SessionInfo.Value;
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected virtual void Orders_OrderUpdatedEvent(ITradeEntityManagement provider, AccountInfo account, Order[] orders, Order.UpdateTypeEnum[] updatesType)
        /// <summary>
        /// NON UI Thread.
        /// </summary>
        //protected void DoObtainAllOrders(bool showError)
        //foreach (ExpertSession session in _sessions.ToArray())
        //    if (session.OrderExecutionProvider == null ||
        //        session.OrderExecutionProvider.OperationalState != OperationalStateEnum.Operational)
        //    {
        //        continue;
        //    }
        //    string operationResultMessage;
        //    if (session.OrderExecutionProvider.DefaultAccount != null &&
        //        session.OrderExecutionProvider.DefaultAccount.SynchronizeOrders(null, out operationResultMessage) == false)
        //    {
        //        if (showError)
        //        {
        //            MessageBox.Show("Failed to obtain orders session [" + session.Info.Name + "] [" + operationResultMessage + "].", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            SystemMonitor.OperationError("Failed to obtain orders session [" + session.Info.Name + "] [" + operationResultMessage + "].");
        //        }
        //    }
        //WinFormsHelper.BeginFilteredManagedInvoke(this, new GeneralHelper.DefaultDelegate( delegate() { toolStripButtonObtainOrders.Enabled = true; }));
        protected ListViewItem SetItemAsOrder(ListViewItem item, Order order, AccountInfo account)
            if (item.Tag != order)
                item.Tag = order;

            if (item.UseItemStyleForSubItems != false)
                item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;

            OrderStateEnum orderState = order.State;
            string groupName = string.Format("{0} Orders, Server [{1}] Company [{2}] Account [{3} / {4}]", orderState.ToString().ToUpper(), account.Server, account.Company, account.Name, account.Id);

            ListViewGroup group = listViewOrders.Groups[groupName];
            if (group == null)
                group = new ListViewGroup(groupName, groupName);

                if (orderState == OrderStateEnum.Executed)
                {// Insert group at top of list.
                    listViewOrders.Groups.Insert(0, group);
                else if (orderState == OrderStateEnum.Submitted)
                {// ...
                    listViewOrders.Groups.Insert(0, group);

            if (item.Group != group)
                item.Group = group;

            if (order.IsBuy)
                int index = order.State == OrderStateEnum.Executed ? 0 : 2;
                if (item.ImageIndex != index)
                    item.ImageIndex = index;
                int index = order.State == OrderStateEnum.Executed ? 1 : 3;
                if (item.ImageIndex != index)
                    item.ImageIndex = index;

            while(item.SubItems.Count < 12)

            //if (order.Type == OrderTypeEnum.UNKNOWN)
            //{// Order type not established yet.
            //    item.SubItems[0].Text = "NA";
            //    return item;

            string id = order.Id;
            if (id == null)
                id = string.Empty;

            if (item.SubItems[0].Text != id)
                item.SubItems[0].Text = id;

            if (item.SubItems[1].Text != order.Symbol.Name)
                item.SubItems[1].Text = order.Symbol.Name;

            if (order.IsOpenOrPending)
                if (item.SubItems[2].Text != (GeneralHelper.GetShortDateTime(order.OpenTime)))
                    item.SubItems[2].Text = (GeneralHelper.GetShortDateTime(order.OpenTime));
                if (item.SubItems[2].Text != (GeneralHelper.GetShortDateTime(order.OpenTime) + " to " + GeneralHelper.GetShortDateTime(order.CloseTime)))
                    item.SubItems[2].Text = (GeneralHelper.GetShortDateTime(order.OpenTime) + " to " + GeneralHelper.GetShortDateTime(order.CloseTime));

            if (item.SubItems[3].Text != (order.Type.ToString()))
                item.SubItems[3].Text = (order.Type.ToString());

            if (item.SubItems[4].Text != (GeneralHelper.ToString(order.CurrentVolume)))
                item.SubItems[4].Text = GeneralHelper.ToString(order.CurrentVolume);

            if (item.SubItems[5].Text != GeneralHelper.ToString(order.OpenPrice))
                item.SubItems[5].Text = GeneralHelper.ToString(order.OpenPrice);

            string closePriceValue = GeneralHelper.ToString(order.ClosePrice);
            if (item.SubItems[6].Text != closePriceValue)
                item.SubItems[6].Text = closePriceValue;

            if (item.SubItems[7].Text != GeneralHelper.ToString(order.StopLoss))
                item.SubItems[7].Text = GeneralHelper.ToString(order.StopLoss);

            if (item.SubItems[8].Text != GeneralHelper.ToString(order.TakeProfit))
                item.SubItems[8].Text = GeneralHelper.ToString(order.TakeProfit);

            if (item.SubItems[9].Text != ("-"))
                item.SubItems[9].Text = ("-");

            decimal? currentResultPips = order.GetResult(Order.ResultModeEnum.Pips);
            decimal? currentResultBaseCurrency = order.GetResult(Order.ResultModeEnum.Currency);

            string resultString;

            if (currentResultBaseCurrency.HasValue == false ||
                currentResultBaseCurrency.HasValue == false)
                resultString = "NaN";
                resultString = currentResultPips.Value.ToString("0.#") + "p / " + currentResultBaseCurrency.Value.ToString("0.#");

            if (item.SubItems[10].Text != resultString)
                item.SubItems[10].Text = resultString;

            if (currentResultPips < 0)
                if (item.SubItems[10].BackColor != Color.MistyRose)
                    item.SubItems[10].BackColor = Color.MistyRose;
                if (item.SubItems[10].BackColor != Color.Transparent)
                    item.SubItems[10].BackColor = Color.Transparent;

            if (item.SubItems[11].Text != "-")
                item.SubItems[11].Text = ("-");

            return item;
 /// <summary>
 /// NON UI Thread.
 /// </summary>
 public void SelectOrder(Order order)
     if (this.IsHandleCreated)
         WinFormsHelper.BeginFilteredManagedInvoke(this, new GeneralHelper.GenericDelegate<Order>(DoSelectOrder), order);
        /// <summary>
        /// An order has been received an update containing critical modification of its information,
        /// so handle this here and show to user.
        /// </summary>
        void management_OrdersCriticalInformationChangedEvent(ITradeEntityManagement provider, AccountInfo account, Order order, OrderInfo updateInfo)
            // Compose the critical update message instantly, as otherwise it is wrong since the order gets instantly updated after this call.
            string criticalUpdateMessage = string.Empty;
            if (order.OpenPrice.HasValue && updateInfo.OpenPrice.HasValue && order.OpenPrice.Value != updateInfo.OpenPrice.Value)
                criticalUpdateMessage = string.Format("Open Price Difference [{0}], Existing [{1}], New [{2}].", order.OpenPrice - updateInfo.OpenPrice, order.OpenPrice.ToString(), updateInfo.OpenPrice) + Environment.NewLine;

            if (order.ClosePrice.HasValue && updateInfo.ClosePrice.HasValue && order.ClosePrice.Value != updateInfo.ClosePrice.Value)
                criticalUpdateMessage += string.Format("Close Price Difference [{0}], Existing [{1}], New [{2}].", order.ClosePrice - updateInfo.ClosePrice, order.ClosePrice.ToString(), updateInfo.ClosePrice) + Environment.NewLine;

            WinFormsHelper.BeginManagedInvoke(this, delegate()
                if (toolStripButtonPopupNotifications.Checked == false)

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(criticalUpdateMessage) == false)
                    string message = "Account [" + account.Name + "] Order Id[" + order.Id + "] Critical Information Updated" + Environment.NewLine + criticalUpdateMessage;
                    NotificationForm form = new NotificationForm();
                    form.labelMessage.Text = message;
                    form.Text = "Critical Order Update";
                    form.TopMost = true;

                    //MessageBox.Show("Critical Order Update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
 void executor_OrderUpdatedEvent(IOrderSink executor, AccountInfo account, string[] previousOrdersIds, OrderInfo[] orderInfos, Order.UpdateTypeEnum[] updatesType)
        public void UnInitialize()
            lock (this)
                GeneralHelper.FireAndForget(SelectedOrderChangedEvent, _selectedOrder, null);
                _selectedOrder = null;

                CurrentDataBarProvider = null;
                if (_dataProvider != null)
                    if (_dataProvider.Quotes != null)
                        _dataProvider.Quotes.QuoteUpdateEvent += new QuoteProviderUpdateDelegate(Quotes_QuoteUpdateEvent);

                    _dataProvider.CurrentDataBarProviderChangedEvent -= new DataProviderUpdateDelegate(_dataProvider_CurrentDataBarProviderChangedEvent);
                    _dataProvider = null;

                if (_orderExecutionProvider != null)
                    IOrderSink executor = _orderExecutionProvider;
                    ITradeEntityManagement management = _orderExecutionProvider.TradeEntities;

                    if (executor != null)
                        executor.OrdersUpdatedEvent -= new OrdersUpdateDelegate(executor_OrderUpdatedEvent);

                    if (management != null)
                        management.OrdersAddedEvent -= new OrderManagementOrdersUpdateDelegate(management_OrdersAddedEvent);
                        management.OrdersRemovedEvent -= new OrderManagementOrdersUpdateDelegate(management_OrdersRemovedEvent);
                        management.OrdersUpdatedEvent -= new OrderManagementOrdersUpdateTypeDelegate(management_OrderUpdatedEvent);

                    _orderExecutionProvider = null;

        public bool CancelPendingOrder(AccountInfo account, Order order, out string modifiedId, out string operationResultMessage)
            decimal closingPrice;
            DateTime closingDateTime;
            if (DoCloseOrder(account, order, -1, 0, out closingPrice, out closingDateTime, out modifiedId, out operationResultMessage))
                RaiseOrderUpdateEvent(account, string.Empty, order.Info, ActiveOrder.UpdateTypeEnum.Canceled);
                return true;

            return false;
 public void UpdateOrdersInfo(AccountInfo account, Order.UpdateTypeEnum[] updatesType, OrderInfo[] ordersInfo)
     lock (this)
     {// Will only add it once, the remaining will just return false.
         if (_subscribers.Count > 0)
             // Establish account subscribers and deliver them the update.
             this.SendRespondingToMany(_subscribers, new OrdersInformationUpdateResponseMessage(account, ordersInfo, updatesType, true));
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public void UpdateOrderInfo(AccountInfo account, Order.UpdateTypeEnum updateType, OrderInfo orderInfo)
     UpdateOrdersInfo(account, new Order.UpdateTypeEnum[] { updateType }, new OrderInfo[] { orderInfo });
        void _executor_OrderUpdatedEvent(IOrderSink providerSink, AccountInfo accountInfo, string[] previousOrdersIds, 
            OrderInfo[] ordersInfos, Order.UpdateTypeEnum[] updatesType)
            ISourceOrderExecution provider = _provider;

            if (providerSink != _provider)
                SystemMonitor.Warning("Provider mismatch.");

            List<Order> updatedOrders = new List<Order>();
            List<Order.UpdateTypeEnum> updatedOrdersUpdateTypes = new List<Order.UpdateTypeEnum>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ordersInfos.Length; i++)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ordersInfos[i].Id))
                    SystemMonitor.Warning("Order update of order with no ID.");

                if (previousOrdersIds.Length > i && previousOrdersIds[i] != ordersInfos[i].Id
                    && string.IsNullOrEmpty(previousOrdersIds[i]) == false)
                {// Order Id has changed, remove old order.
                    Order superceededOrder = GetOrderById(previousOrdersIds[i]);

                Order order = GetOrderById(ordersInfos[i].Id);
                if (order == null)
                {// Create new order based on incoming information.

                    if (provider.SupportsActiveOrderManagement)
                        order = new ActiveOrder(_manager, provider, _delivery.SourceId, true);
                        order = new PassiveOrder(_manager, _delivery.SourceId, provider.SourceId);


                    if (AddOrder(order) == false)
                        SystemMonitor.OperationError("Failed to add order to keeper (id [" + order.Id + "] already used for another order).", TracerItem.PriorityEnum.Medium);
                {// Existing order, to be updated.

                    OrderInfo info = ordersInfos[i];

                    // First, check for critical modifications (price changes).
                    if (order.Info.IsCriticalUpdate(info))
                        SystemMonitor.Report(string.Format("Order has received a critical data modication Id[{0}], Open[{1} / {2}], Close[{3} / {4}].", order.Id, order.OpenPrice.ToString(), info.OpenPrice.ToString(), order.ClosePrice.ToString(),
                            info.ClosePrice.ToString()), TracerItem.PriorityEnum.High);

                        if (OrdersCriticalInformationChangedEvent != null)
                            OrdersCriticalInformationChangedEvent(this, accountInfo, order, info);

                    if (order.UpdateInfo(info) == false)
                        SystemMonitor.OperationError("Failed to update order [" + order.Id + "].");

                    lock (this)
                        // Remove from any of the sub arrays it may be in.
                        foreach (OrderStateEnum state in Enum.GetValues(typeof(OrderStateEnum)))
                            if (_ordersByState.ContainsKey(state) && _ordersByState[state].Contains(order))



            if (updatedOrders.Count > 0 && OrdersUpdatedEvent != null)
                OrdersUpdatedEvent(this, accountInfo, updatedOrders.ToArray(), updatedOrdersUpdateTypes.ToArray() );
 void order_OrderUpdatedEvent(Order order, Order.UpdateTypeEnum updateType)
     if (OrdersUpdatedEvent != null)
         OrdersUpdatedEvent(this, _provider.DefaultAccount.Info, new Order[] { order }, new Order.UpdateTypeEnum[] { updateType });
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public bool RemoveOrder(Order order)
     RemoveOrders(new Order[] { order });
     return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper.
        /// </summary>
        bool DoCloseOrder(AccountInfo account, Order order, decimal? allowedSlippage, decimal? desiredPrice, out decimal closingPrice,
            out DateTime closingTime, out string modifiedId, out string operationResultMessage)

            closingPrice = decimal.MinValue;
            closingTime = DateTime.MinValue;
            modifiedId = order.Id;

            if (OperationalState != OperationalStateEnum.Operational)
                operationResultMessage = "Attempted operations on non operational order executioner.";
                return false;

            allowedSlippage = ProcessSlippage(allowedSlippage);

            CloseOrderVolumeMessage message = new CloseOrderVolumeMessage(account, order.Symbol, order.Id,
                order.Tag, desiredPrice, allowedSlippage);
            message.PerformSynchronous = true;

            ResponseMessage response = this.SendAndReceiveResponding<ResponseMessage>
                (SourceTransportInfo, message);

            if (response == null)
            {// Time out.
                operationResultMessage = "Failed receive result for order request. In this scenario inconsistency may occur!";
                return false;

            if (response.OperationResult)
                CloseOrderVolumeResponseMessage responseMessage = (CloseOrderVolumeResponseMessage)response;
                operationResultMessage = "Order closed.";
                closingPrice = responseMessage.ClosingPrice;
                closingTime = responseMessage.ClosingDateTime;

                SystemMonitor.CheckError(order.Id == responseMessage.OrderId.ToString(), "Order id mismatch [" + order.Id + " / " + responseMessage.OrderId + "].");

                modifiedId = responseMessage.OrderModifiedId.ToString();
                return true;

            operationResultMessage = response.OperationResultMessage;
            return false;
        public override bool TrySelect(System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix transformationMatrix, PointF drawingSpaceSelectionPoint, float absoluteSelectionMargin, bool canLoseSelection)
            if (base.TrySelect(transformationMatrix, drawingSpaceSelectionPoint, absoluteSelectionMargin, canLoseSelection))
                return true;

            ISourceOrderExecution provider = _orderExecutionProvider;

            List<Order> orders = new List<Order>();

            if (provider != null && provider.TradeEntities != null && _dataProvider != null)
            {// Try select orders.
                lock (provider.TradeEntities)

            lock (this)
                foreach (Order order in orders)
                    if (_ordersArrows.ContainsKey(order))
                        if (_ordersArrows[order].Contains(drawingSpaceSelectionPoint))
                            GeneralHelper.FireAndForget(SelectedOrderChangedEvent, _selectedOrder, order);
                            _selectedOrder = order;

            return false;
        public bool CloseOrder(AccountInfo account, Order order, decimal? allowedSlippage, decimal? desiredPrice, out decimal closingPrice, out DateTime closingTime, out string modifiedId, out string operationResultMessage)
            if (DoCloseOrder(account, order, allowedSlippage, desiredPrice, out closingPrice,
                out closingTime, out modifiedId, out operationResultMessage))
                RaiseOrderUpdateEvent(account, string.Empty, order.Info, ActiveOrder.UpdateTypeEnum.Closed);
                return true;

            return false;
        void DrawOrder(GraphicsWrapper g, ref PointF updatedImageDrawingPoint, Order order, float itemWidth, float itemMargin,
            float yToXScaling, DataBar orderBarData, float lastBarX, bool drawOpening)
            Image image = _imageUp;
            Brush brush = Brushes.Green;
            Pen dashedPen = _buyDashedPen;
            Pen pen = Pens.GreenYellow;
            if (order.IsBuy == false)
                image = _imageDown;
                brush = Brushes.Red;
                pen = Pens.Red;
                dashedPen = _sellDashedPen;

            if (drawOpening == false)
                image = _imageCross;

            if (order.OpenPrice.HasValue == false)
                SystemMonitor.OperationError("Order with no open price assigned for drawing.", TracerItem.PriorityEnum.Low);

            float price = (float)order.OpenPrice.Value;
            if (drawOpening == false)
                if (order.ClosePrice.HasValue == false)

                price = (float)order.ClosePrice.Value;

            if (drawOpening && _showPendingOrdersTracing &&
                (order is ActiveOrder && order.State == OrderStateEnum.Executed)
                && _dataProvider.Quotes.Bid.HasValue
                && _dataProvider.Quotes.Ask.HasValue)
            {// Open orders tracking line.
                PointF point1 = new PointF(updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + price);
                float sellPrice = (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Bid;
                if (order.IsBuy == false)
                    sellPrice = (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Ask;
                PointF point2 = new PointF(lastBarX - itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + sellPrice);
                g.DrawLine(dashedPen, point1, point2);

            //if (drawOpening && _showClosedOrdersTracing && order.IsOpen == false)
            //{// Closed order tracking.
            // Close order tracing is implemented in main draw function.

            if (_showOrderSpot)
                PointF basePoint = new PointF(updatedImageDrawingPoint.X, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + price);
                float height = (yToXScaling * itemWidth);
                if (order.IsBuy == false)
                    height = -height;

                if (drawOpening)
                    g.FillPolygon(brush, new PointF[] { basePoint, new PointF(basePoint.X + itemWidth, basePoint.Y),
                        new PointF(basePoint.X + (itemWidth / 2f), basePoint.Y + height) });
                    g.DrawPolygon(Pens.White, new PointF[] { basePoint, new PointF(basePoint.X + itemWidth, basePoint.Y),
                        new PointF(basePoint.X + (itemWidth / 2f), basePoint.Y + height) });

                    float drawToLeft = (float)(1.5 * itemWidth);
                    float drawToRight = (float)(2.5 * itemWidth);

                    // Take profit level.
                    if (order.TakeProfit.HasValue
                        && order.TakeProfit.Value != 0)
                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X - drawToLeft, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit,
                            updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + drawToRight, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit);

                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit,
                            updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit - height);

                    // Stop loss level.
                    if (order.StopLoss.HasValue
                        && order.StopLoss.Value != 0)
                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X - drawToLeft, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss,
                            updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + drawToRight, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss);

                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss,
                            updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss + height);
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, basePoint.X, basePoint.Y,
                        itemWidth, yToXScaling * itemWidth);


            float imageHeight = 2 * (yToXScaling * itemWidth);
            if (_showOrderArrow)
                float x = updatedImageDrawingPoint.X - (itemWidth / 2f);
                float y = updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)orderBarData.Low - (yToXScaling * itemWidth);
                float width = 2 * itemWidth;
                float height = -imageHeight;
                GraphicsWrapper.NormalizedRectangle(ref x, ref y, ref width, ref height);
                RectangleF rectange = new RectangleF(x, y, width, height);

                // Draw up image.
                g.DrawImage(image, rectange.X, rectange.Y, rectange.Width, rectange.Height);

                if (order == _selectedOrder)
                {// This is selected order.
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, rectange);

                _ordersArrows[order] = rectange;

                updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y -= 1.2f * imageHeight;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public bool DecreaseOrderVolume(AccountInfo account, Order order, decimal volumeDecreasal, decimal? allowedSlippage, 
            decimal? desiredPrice, out decimal decreasalPrice, out string modifiedId, out string operationResultMessage)
            modifiedId = order.Id;
            decreasalPrice = decimal.MinValue;

            if (OperationalState != OperationalStateEnum.Operational)
                operationResultMessage = "Attempted operations on non operational order executioner.";
                return false;

            allowedSlippage = ProcessSlippage(allowedSlippage);

            CloseOrderVolumeMessage message = new CloseOrderVolumeMessage(account, order.Symbol, order.Id,
                order.Tag, volumeDecreasal, desiredPrice, allowedSlippage);
            message.PerformSynchronous = true;

            ResponseMessage response = this.SendAndReceiveResponding<ResponseMessage>
                (SourceTransportInfo, message);

            if (response == null)
            {// Time out.
                operationResultMessage = "Failed receive result for order request. In this scenario inconsistency may occur!";
                return false;

            if (response.OperationResult == false)
                operationResultMessage = response.OperationResultMessage;
                return false;

            CloseOrderVolumeResponseMessage responseMessage = (CloseOrderVolumeResponseMessage)response;

            operationResultMessage = "Order volume decreased.";
            decreasalPrice = responseMessage.ClosingPrice;

            // When modified, order changes its Id.
            modifiedId = responseMessage.OrderModifiedId;

            RaiseOrderUpdateEvent(account, responseMessage.OrderId, order.Info, ActiveOrder.UpdateTypeEnum.VolumeChanged);

            return true;
 void management_OrderUpdatedEvent(ITradeEntityManagement provider, AccountInfo account, Order[] orders, Order.UpdateTypeEnum[] updatesType)
        public bool IncreaseOrderVolume(AccountInfo account, Order order, decimal volumeIncrease, decimal? allowedSlippage, decimal? desiredPrice, out decimal increasalPrice, out string modifiedId, out string operationResultMessage)
            operationResultMessage = "Remote Order Execution Provider does not support volume increase.";
            allowedSlippage = ProcessSlippage(allowedSlippage);

            increasalPrice = 0;
            modifiedId = string.Empty;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 23
 void management_OrderUpdatedEvent(ITradeEntityManagement provider, AccountInfo account, Order[] orders, Order.UpdateTypeEnum[] updateType)
     WinFormsHelper.BeginFilteredManagedInvoke(this, UpdateUI);
        public bool ModifyOrder(AccountInfo account, Order order, decimal? stopLoss, decimal? takeProfit, 
            decimal? targetOpenPrice, out string modifiedId, out string operationResultMessage)
            modifiedId = order.Id;

            if (OperationalState != OperationalStateEnum.Operational)
                operationResultMessage = "Attempted operations on non operational order executioner.";
                return false;

            ModifyOrderMessage message = new ModifyOrderMessage(account, order.Symbol, order.Id, stopLoss, takeProfit, targetOpenPrice, null);
            message.PerformSynchronous = true;

            ResponseMessage responseMessage = this.SendAndReceiveResponding<ResponseMessage>(
                SourceTransportInfo, message);

            if (responseMessage == null)
            {// Time out.
                operationResultMessage = "Timeout, failed receive result for order modification request. In this scenario inconsistency may occur!";
                return false;

            if (responseMessage.OperationResult == false)
                operationResultMessage = responseMessage.OperationResultMessage;
                return false;

            ModifyOrderResponseMessage castedResponseMessage = (ModifyOrderResponseMessage)responseMessage;
            SystemMonitor.CheckError(string.IsNullOrEmpty(castedResponseMessage.OrderModifiedId) == false, "Modified not assigned.");
            modifiedId = castedResponseMessage.OrderModifiedId;
            operationResultMessage = "Order modified.";

            RaiseOrderUpdateEvent(account, castedResponseMessage.OrderId, order.Info, ActiveOrder.UpdateTypeEnum.Modified);

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
 protected void DoSelectOrder(Order order)
     foreach (ListViewItem item in listViewOrders.Items)
         if (item.Tag == order)
             item.Selected = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public string SubmitOrder(AccountInfo account, Order order, Symbol symbol, OrderTypeEnum orderType,
            int volume, decimal? allowedSlippage, decimal? desiredPrice, decimal? takeProfit, decimal? stopLoss, 
            string comment, out string operationResultMessage)

            if (OperationalState != OperationalStateEnum.Operational)
                operationResultMessage = "Attempted operations on non operational order executioner.";
                return null;

            if (account.IsEmpty
                || string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.Id)
                || string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.Name))
                operationResultMessage = "Account info on order execution provider not properly assigned.";
                return null;

            allowedSlippage = ProcessSlippage(allowedSlippage);

            SubmitOrderMessage request = new SubmitOrderMessage(account,
                symbol, orderType, volume, desiredPrice, allowedSlippage, takeProfit, stopLoss, comment);

            request.RequestResponse = true;
            request.PerformSynchronous = true;

            ResponseMessage response = this.SendAndReceiveResponding<ResponseMessage>
                (SourceTransportInfo, request);

            if (response == null)
            {// Time out.
                operationResultMessage = "Failed receive result for order request. In this scenario inconsistency may occur!";
                return null;

            if (response.OperationResult == false)
                operationResultMessage = response.OperationResultMessage;
                return null;

            SubmitOrderResponseMessage responseMessage = (SubmitOrderResponseMessage)response;
            operationResultMessage = "Order submited.";

            //RaiseOrderUpdateEvent(account, order.Info, Order.UpdateTypeEnum.Submitted);

            return responseMessage.OrderId;
Exemplo n.º 27
        bool IsOrderVisible(Order order)
            if (_orderFilterStates.Count == 0)
                return true;

            foreach(OrderStateEnum state in _orderFilterStates)
                if (order.State == state)
                    return true;

            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Redefine for the operationTimeOut, by providing the DefaultTimeOut.
 /// </summary>
 public bool SynchronousExecute(AccountInfo account, Order order, Symbol symbol, OrderTypeEnum orderType,
     int volume, decimal? allowedSlippage, decimal? desiredPrice, decimal? takeProfit, decimal? stopLoss,
     string comment, out OrderInfo? info, out string operationResultMessage)
     return SynchronousExecute(account, order, symbol, orderType,
         volume, allowedSlippage, desiredPrice, takeProfit, stopLoss,
         comment, this.DefaultTimeOut, out info, out operationResultMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert history to order orderInfo.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OrderInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        OrderInfo? ConvertToOrderInfo(MbtOrderHistory pHist, out Order.UpdateTypeEnum updateType)
            updateType = Order.UpdateTypeEnum.Update;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pHist.Event))
                return null;

            OrderInfo info = new OrderInfo(pHist.Token);

            string eventInfo = pHist.Event.ToLower();

            if (eventInfo.Contains("enter") || (eventInfo.Contains("session") && eventInfo.Contains("open")))
            {// "Enter", "Session open" events skipped.
                return null;

            if (eventInfo.Contains("live"))
                info.State = OrderStateEnum.Submitted;
            else if (eventInfo.Contains("executed"))
                info.State = OrderStateEnum.Executed;
            else if (eventInfo.Contains("suspended"))
                info.State = OrderStateEnum.Suspended;
            else if (eventInfo == "cancel"
                    || (eventInfo.Contains("cancel") && eventInfo.Contains("reject"))
                    || (eventInfo.Contains("order") && eventInfo.Contains("reject"))
                    || (eventInfo.Contains("order") && eventInfo.Contains("cancel")))
            {// Order Reject or Cancel.
                info.State = OrderStateEnum.Canceled;
                updateType = Order.UpdateTypeEnum.Canceled;
            else if (eventInfo.Contains("suspended"))
            {// Suspended
                info.State = OrderStateEnum.Suspended;
                updateType = Order.UpdateTypeEnum.Modified;

            string eventMessage = pHist.Message;

            Symbol? symbol = TryObtainSymbol(pHist.Symbol);
            if (symbol.HasValue == false)
                return null;

            info.Tag = pHist.OrderNumber;
            info.OpenPrice = (decimal)pHist.Price;
            info.StopLoss = (decimal)pHist.StopLimit;
            info.TakeProfit = (decimal)pHist.StopLimit;
            info.OpenTime = ConvertDateTime(pHist.Date + " " + pHist.Time);
            info.Volume = pHist.Quantity;

            info.Symbol = symbol.Value;

            info.Type = ConvertFromMBTOrderType(pHist.OrderType, pHist.BuySell);
            if (info.Type == OrderTypeEnum.UNKNOWN)
                SystemMonitor.OperationWarning("Failed to recognize order type [" + pHist.OrderType.ToString() + "].");
                //return null;

            return info;
        /// <summary>
        /// Main SynchronousExecute method.
        /// </summary>
        public bool SynchronousExecute(AccountInfo account, Order order, Symbol symbol, OrderTypeEnum orderType, 
            int volume, decimal? allowedSlippage, decimal? desiredPrice, decimal? takeProfit, decimal? stopLoss, 
            string comment, TimeSpan operationTimeOut, out OrderInfo? info, out string operationResultMessage)

            info = null;
            operationResultMessage = string.Empty;

            if (OperationalState != OperationalStateEnum.Operational)
                operationResultMessage = "Attempted operations on non operational order executioner.";
                return false;

            if (account.IsEmpty
                || string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.Id)
                || string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.Name))
                operationResultMessage = "Account info on order execution provider not properly assigned.";
                return false;

            allowedSlippage = ProcessSlippage(allowedSlippage);

            ExecuteMarketOrderMessage request = new ExecuteMarketOrderMessage(account,
                symbol, orderType, volume, desiredPrice, allowedSlippage, takeProfit, stopLoss, comment);

            request.PerformSynchronous = true;

            ResponseMessage response = this.SendAndReceiveResponding<ResponseMessage>
                (SourceTransportInfo, request, operationTimeOut);

            if (response == null)
            {// Time out.
                operationResultMessage = "Failed receive result for order request. In this scenario inconsistency may occur!";
                return false;

            if (response.OperationResult == false)
                operationResultMessage = response.OperationResultMessage;
                return false;

            //if (orderType == OrderTypeEnum.BUY_MARKET
            //    || orderType == OrderTypeEnum.SELL_MARKET)
            //{// Immediate order.
            //    resultState = OrderStateEnum.Executed;
            //{// Delayed pending order.
            //    resultState = OrderStateEnum.Submitted;

            ExecuteMarketOrderResponseMessage responseMessage = (ExecuteMarketOrderResponseMessage)response;
            operationResultMessage = "Order opened.";

            info = responseMessage.Info;

            //RaiseOrderUpdateEvent(account, order.Info, ActiveOrder.UpdateTypeEnum.Submitted);

            return true;