Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SendDodge(Character self, float staminaCost, Vector3 _direction)
            float f = (float)At.GetValue(typeof(CharacterStats), self.Stats, "m_stamina");

            if (f >= staminaCost)
                At.SetValue(f - staminaCost, typeof(CharacterStats), self.Stats, "m_stamina");

                At.SetValue(0, typeof(Character), self, "m_dodgeAllowedInAction");

                if (self.CharacterCamera && self.CharacterCamera.InZoomMode)

                self.ForceCancel(false, true);

                (self as Photon.MonoBehaviour).photonView.RPC("SendDodgeTriggerTrivial", PhotonTargets.All, new object[] { _direction });

                At.Call(self, "ActionPerformed", new object[] { false });

                (self as MonoBehaviour).Invoke("ResetDodgeTrigger", 0.5f);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private IEnumerator StopBlockingCoroutine(Character character)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.05f)); // 50ms wait (1 or 2 frames)

            At.Call(character, "StopBlocking", null);
            At.SetValue(false, typeof(Character), character, "m_blockDesired");
Exemplo n.º 3
            public static bool Prefix(CharacterStats __instance, ref float _staminaConsumed, Character ___m_character)
                if ((bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Stamina_Burn_Offset))
                    Character m_character         = (Character)At.GetValue(typeof(CharacterStats), __instance, "m_character");
                    float     m_timeOfLastStamUse = (float)At.GetValue(typeof(CharacterStats), __instance, "m_timeOfLastStamUse");
                    float     beforeMultStamina;                 //1x stamina (before setting applied)
                    float     staminaCostMult = 0.01f * (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Weapon_Stamina_Cost_Stat);

                    if (staminaCostMult >= 1f)
                        beforeMultStamina = _staminaConsumed / (staminaCostMult);
                        beforeMultStamina = _staminaConsumed * staminaCostMult;

                    float m_stamina       = (float)At.GetValue(typeof(CharacterStats), __instance, "m_stamina");
                    float totalStaminaUse = (_staminaConsumed) - (beforeMultStamina);
                    if (m_character.IsPhotonPlayerLocal)
                        At.SetValue(m_stamina - totalStaminaUse, typeof(CharacterStats), __instance, "m_stamina");
                        _staminaConsumed = beforeMultStamina;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private IEnumerator DodgeLateFix(Character character)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.25f));

            while (!character.NextIsLocomotion)
                yield return(null);

            At.SetValue(false, typeof(Character), character, "m_dodging");
Exemplo n.º 5
            public static bool Prefix(Character __instance, int _type, int _id = 0)
                var self = __instance;

                if (self.IsLocalPlayer && (bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Attack_Cancels_Blocking) && !self.IsAI && self.Blocking)
                    At.Call(self, "StopBlocking", null);
                    At.SetValue(false, typeof(Character), self, "m_blockDesired");

Exemplo n.º 6
            public static bool Prefix(CharacterStats __instance)
                var self = __instance;

                if (At.GetValue(typeof(CharacterStats), self, "m_timeOfLastStamUse") is float timeOfLast && Time.time - timeOfLast > (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Stamina_Regen_Delay) &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(CharacterStats), self, "m_stamina") is float m_stamina &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(CharacterStats), self, "m_character") is Character character &&
                    float regen      = (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Extra_Stamina_Regen) * Time.deltaTime;
                    float newStamina = Mathf.Clamp(m_stamina + regen, 0, self.ActiveMaxStamina);
                    At.SetValue(newStamina, typeof(CharacterStats), self, "m_stamina");

Exemplo n.º 7
            public static bool Prefix(Character __instance, Vector3 _direction)
                var self = __instance;

                if (!(bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Custom_Bag_Burden))

                if (self.CurrentWeapon)
                    if (self.HasDodgeDirection)
                        self.Animator.SetFloat("DodgeBlend", !self.DodgeRestricted ? 0.0f : Instance.GetDodgeRestriction(self));

                if (self.CurrentlyChargingAttack)
                    At.Call(self, "SendCancelCharging", new object[0]);

                // get sound player with null coalescing operator
                (At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_dodgeSoundPlayer") as SoundPlayer)?.Play(false);

                //self.m_dodging = true;
                At.SetValue(true, typeof(Character), self, "m_dodging");

                At.Call(self, "StopBlocking", new object[0]);

                // null coalescing OnDodgeEvent invoke

                if (At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_characterSoundManager") is CharacterSoundManager charSounds)
                    Global.AudioManager.PlaySoundAtPosition(charSounds.GetDodgeSound(), self.transform, 0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);

                self.SendMessage("DodgeTrigger", _direction, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

        private void StaggerAttacker(Character self, Animator m_animator, Character _dealerChar)
            // Debug.Log(self.Name + " blocked the attack. Shield stability: " + m_shieldStability);
            At.SetValue(Character.HurtType.NONE, typeof(Character), self, "m_hurtType");
            if (self.InLocomotion)

            if ((bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Blocking_Staggers_Attacker))
                // Debug.Log("autoknocking " + _dealerChar.Name);
                if (_dealerChar.CurrentWeapon.Type != Weapon.WeaponType.Bow)
                    _dealerChar.AutoKnock(false, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
            public static bool Prefix(Character __instance)
                var self = __instance;

                if (At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_stability") is float m_stability &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_timeOfLastStabilityHit") is float m_timeOfLastStabilityHit &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_shieldStability") is float m_shieldStability &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_knockbackCount") is float m_knockbackCount)
                    // ----------- original method, unchanged other than to reflect custom values -------------
                    if ((bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.No_Stability_Regen_When_Blocking) && self.Blocking) // no stability regen while blocking! otherwise too op

                    float num = Time.time - m_timeOfLastStabilityHit;
                    if (num > (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Stability_Regen_Delay))
                        if (m_stability < 100f)
                            var num2 = Mathf.Clamp(m_stability + (self.StabilityRegen * (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Stability_Regen_Speed)) * Time.deltaTime, 0f, 100f);
                            At.SetValue(num2, typeof(Character), self, "m_stability");
                        else if (m_shieldStability < 50f)
                            var num2 = Mathf.Clamp(m_shieldStability + self.StabilityRegen * Time.deltaTime, 0f, 50f);
                            At.SetValue(num2, typeof(Character), self, "m_shieldStability");
                        if (num > (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Enemy_AutoKD_Reset_Time))
                            bool flag = m_knockbackCount > 0;
                            var  num2 = Mathf.Clamp(m_knockbackCount - Time.deltaTime, 0f, 4f);
                            At.SetValue(num2, typeof(Character), self, "m_knockbackCount");
                            if (flag && num2 <= 0)
                                // Debug.Log("Resetting AI stagger count for " + self.Name);

Exemplo n.º 10
        private void StaggerAttacker(Character self, Animator m_animator, Character _dealerChar)
            String m_nameLocKey = (String)At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_nameLocKey");
            String m_name       = (String)At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_name");

            // Debug.Log(self.Name + " blocked the attack. Shield stability: " + m_shieldStability);
            At.SetValue(Character.HurtType.NONE, typeof(Character), self, "m_hurtType");
            if (self.InLocomotion)

            if ((bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Blocking_Staggers_Attacker))
                // Debug.Log("autoknocking " + _dealerChar.Name);
                if (_dealerChar.CurrentWeapon.Type != Weapon.WeaponType.Bow)
                    bool ShouldBounce = true;

                    if (!(bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.BossShieldBounce))
                        ShouldBounce = (int)EnemyClass.getEnemyLevel(_dealerChar) < (int)EnemyLevel.MINIBOSS;
                    if ((bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.OneHBounceOnly))
                        if (_dealerChar.CurrentWeapon.TwoHanded && EnemyClass.getEnemyLevel(_dealerChar) != EnemyLevel.WEAKLING)
                            ShouldBounce = false; //2h weapons should not bounce off shields

                    if (ShouldBounce)
                        _dealerChar.AutoKnock(false, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
Exemplo n.º 11
        // actual function to set an enemy's stats
        private void SetEnemyMods(ModConfig _config, CharacterStats _stats, Character m_character)
            if (m_character == null || !m_character.IsAI || m_character.Faction == Character.Factions.Player)
                //Debug.Log("trying to set stats for a null character, or a non-AI character");

            if (FixedEnemies.Contains(m_character.UID))
                // Debug.Log("Fixed enemies already contains " + m_character.Name);

            var m_staminaUseModiifers = new Stat(1f);

            m_staminaUseModiifers.AddMultiplierStack(new StatStack("MyStat", -0.9f));

            if ((bool)_config.GetValue(Settings.Enemy_Balancing))
                string stackSource = "CombatOverhaul";

                if (!PhotonNetwork.isNonMasterClientInRoom)
                    // set health modifier
                    var healthTag   = TagSourceManager.Instance.GetTag("77"); // 77 = max health
                    var healthStack = new StatStack(stackSource, (float)_config.GetValue(Settings.Enemy_Health) - 1);
                    _stats.RemoveStatStack(healthTag, stackSource, true);
                    _stats.AddStatStack(healthTag, healthStack, true);
                    At.SetValue(_stats.CurrentHealth * (float)_config.GetValue(Settings.Enemy_Health), typeof(CharacterStats), _stats, "m_health");

                // set impact resistance
                var impactTag = TagSourceManager.Instance.GetTag("84"); // 84 = impact res
                _stats.RemoveStatStack(impactTag, stackSource, false);
                var impactStack = new StatStack(stackSource, (float)_config.GetValue(Settings.Enemy_ImpactRes));
                _stats.AddStatStack(impactTag, impactStack, false);

                // damage bonus
                var damageTag = TagSourceManager.Instance.GetTag("96"); // 96 = all damage bonus
                _stats.RemoveStatStack(damageTag, stackSource, true);
                var damageStack = new StatStack(stackSource, (float)_config.GetValue(Settings.Enemy_Damages) * 0.01f);
                _stats.AddStatStack(damageTag, damageStack, true);

                // impact modifier
                var impactModifier = At.GetValue(typeof(CharacterStats), _stats, "m_impactModifier") as Stat;
                impactModifier.RemoveStack(stackSource, true);
                impactModifier.AddStack(new StatStack(stackSource, (float)_config.GetValue(Settings.Enemy_ImpactDmg) * 0.01f), true);

                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    // damage resistance (Capped at 99, unless already 100)
                    float currentRes = m_character.Stats.GetDamageResistance((DamageType.Types)i);
                    if (currentRes < 100)
                        var valueToSet = (float)_config.GetValue(Settings.Enemy_Resistances);

                        if (currentRes + valueToSet >= 99)
                            valueToSet = 99 - currentRes;

                        int tag          = 113 + i; // 113 to 118 = damage resistance stats
                        var damageResTag = TagSourceManager.Instance.GetTag(tag.ToString());
                        _stats.RemoveStatStack(damageResTag, stackSource, true);
                        var resStack = new StatStack(stackSource, valueToSet);
                        _stats.AddStatStack(damageResTag, resStack, false);

            if ((bool)_config.GetValue(Settings.All_Enemies_Allied))
                m_character.TargetingSystem.AlliedToSameFaction = true;

                Character.Factions[] targets = new Character.Factions[] { Character.Factions.Player };
                At.SetValue(targets, typeof(TargetingSystem), m_character.TargetingSystem, "TargetableFactions");

                // fix skills
                foreach (var uid in m_character.Inventory.SkillKnowledge.GetLearnedActiveSkillUIDs())
                    if (ItemManager.Instance.GetItem(uid) is Skill skill)
                        foreach (Shooter shooter in skill.GetComponentsInChildren <Shooter>())
                            shooter.Setup(targets, shooter.transform.parent);

Exemplo n.º 12
        // called from RPC manager
        public void SetSyncInfo(bool modsEnabled, bool enemiesAllied, bool customStats, float healthModifier, float damageModifier, float impactRes, float damageRes, float impactDmg)
            m_currentHostUID = CharacterManager.Instance.GetWorldHostCharacter()?.UID;
            //Debug.Log("Received sync from host uid: " + m_currentHostUID);

            this.m_currentSyncInfos = new ModConfig
                ModName         = "CombatOverhaul_Sync",
                SettingsVersion = 1.0,
                Settings        = new List <BBSetting>
                    new BoolSetting
                        Name         = Settings.All_Enemies_Allied,
                        m_value      = enemiesAllied,
                        DefaultValue = false,
                    new BoolSetting
                        Name    = Settings.Enemy_Balancing,
                        m_value = customStats
                    new FloatSetting
                        Name    = Settings.Enemy_Health,
                        m_value = healthModifier
                    new FloatSetting
                        Name    = Settings.Enemy_Damages,
                        m_value = damageModifier
                    new FloatSetting
                        Name    = Settings.Enemy_Resistances,
                        m_value = damageRes
                    new FloatSetting
                        Name    = Settings.Enemy_ImpactRes,
                        m_value = impactRes
                    new FloatSetting
                        Name    = Settings.Enemy_ImpactDmg,
                        m_value = impactDmg

            // manually fix the settings dictionary since we are not using ModConfig.Register()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, BBSetting>();

            foreach (var setting in m_currentSyncInfos.Settings)
                dict.Add(setting.Name, setting);
            At.SetValue(dict, typeof(ModConfig), m_currentSyncInfos, "m_Settings");

            if (modsEnabled)
                //Debug.Log("Updating all current characters");
                foreach (Character c in CharacterManager.Instance.Characters.Values.Where(x => x.IsAI))
                    SetEnemyMods(m_currentSyncInfos, c.Stats, c);
Exemplo n.º 13
            public static bool Prefix(Character __instance, Vector3 _direction)
                var self = __instance;

                // only use this hook for local players. return orig everything else
                if (self.IsAI || !self.IsPhotonPlayerLocal)

                float staminaCost = (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Custom_Dodge_Cost);

                if (self.Inventory.SkillKnowledge.GetItemFromItemID(8205130)) // feather dodge
                    staminaCost *= 0.5f;

                // if dodge cancelling is NOT enabled, just do a normal dodge check.
                if (!(bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Dodge_Cancelling))
                    if (At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_currentlyChargingAttack") is bool m_currentlyChargingAttack &&
                        At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_preparingToSleep") is bool m_preparingToSleep &&
                        At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_nextIsLocomotion") is bool m_nextIsLocomotion &&
                        At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_dodgeAllowedInAction") is int m_dodgeAllowedInAction)
                        if (self.Stats.MovementSpeed > 0f &&
                            !m_preparingToSleep &&
                            (!self.LocomotionAction || m_currentlyChargingAttack) &&
                            (m_nextIsLocomotion || m_dodgeAllowedInAction > 0))
                            if (!self.Dodging)
                                Instance.SendDodge(self, staminaCost, _direction);
                else // cancelling enabled. check if we should allow the dodge
                    if (Instance.PlayerLastHitTimes.ContainsKey(self.UID) &&
                        Time.time - Instance.PlayerLastHitTimes[self.UID] < (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Dodge_DelayAfterHit))
                        //  Debug.Log("Player has hit within the last few seconds. Dodge not allowed!");

                    Character.HurtType hurtType = (Character.HurtType)At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_hurtType");

                    // manual fix (game sometimes does not reset HurtType to NONE when animation ends.
                    float timeout = (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Dodge_DelayAfterStagger);
                    if (hurtType == Character.HurtType.Knockdown)
                        timeout = (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Dodge_DelayAfterKD);

                    if ((float)At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_timeOfLastStabilityHit") is float lasthit && Time.time - lasthit > timeout)
                        hurtType = Character.HurtType.NONE;
                        At.SetValue(hurtType, typeof(Character), self, "m_hurtType");

                    // if we're not currently dodging or staggered, force an animation cancel dodge (provided we have enough stamina).
                    if (!self.Dodging && hurtType == Character.HurtType.NONE)
                        Instance.SendDodge(self, staminaCost, _direction);

                    // send a fix to force m_dodging to false after a short delay.
                    // this is a fix for if the player dodges while airborne, the game wont reset their m_dodging to true when they land.

            public static bool Prefix(Character __instance, float _knockValue, float _angle, bool _block, Character _dealerChar)
                var self  = __instance;
                var _base = self as Photon.MonoBehaviour;

                if (At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_impactImmune") is bool m_impactImmune &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_shieldStability") is float m_shieldStability &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_stability") is float m_stability &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_knockbackCount") is float m_knockbackCount &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_knockHurtAllowed") is bool m_knockHurtAllowed &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_currentlyChargingAttack") is bool m_currentlyChargingAttack &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_animator") is Animator m_animator)
                    // Begin actual stability hit function
                    var hit = _knockValue;
                    if (hit < 0)
                        hit = 0;

                    if (!m_impactImmune && hit > 0f)
                        //Debug.Log("--------- " + self.Name + " ---------");

                        // check stagger immunity dictionary (custom)
                        float lastStagger = -1;
                        if (Instance.LastStaggerTimes.ContainsKey(self.UID))
                            lastStagger = Instance.LastStaggerTimes[self.UID];

                        // if you run out of stamina and get hit, you will always get staggered. (unchanged, except to reflect custom stagger threshold)
                        if (self.Stats.CurrentStamina < 1f)
                            float hitToStagger = m_shieldStability + m_stability - (100 - (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Stagger_Threshold));
                            if (hit < hitToStagger)
                                hit = hitToStagger;
                            //Debug.LogError("Stamina autostagger called! hitToStagger: " + hitToStagger + ", hit: " + hit);

                        At.SetValue(Time.time, typeof(Character), self, "m_timeOfLastStabilityHit");
                        // Debug.Log("Set " + Time.time + " as character's last stability hit");

                        if (self.CharacterCamera != null && hit > 0f)
                            self.CharacterCamera.Hit(hit * 6f);

                        // check shield stability if blocking (unchanged)
                        if (_block && m_shieldStability > 0f)
                            if (hit > m_shieldStability)
                                var num2 = m_stability - (hit - m_shieldStability);
                                At.SetValue(num2, typeof(Character), self, "m_stability");
                                m_stability = num2;
                            var num3 = Mathf.Clamp(m_shieldStability - hit, 0f, 50f);
                            At.SetValue(num3, typeof(Character), self, "m_shieldStability");
                            m_shieldStability = num3;
                        // check non-blocking stability (unchanged)
                            var num2 = Mathf.Clamp(m_stability - hit, 0f, 100f);
                            At.SetValue(num2, typeof(Character), self, "m_stability");
                            m_stability = num2;
                        // if hit takes us below knockdown threshold, or if AI auto-knockdown stagger count was reached...
                        if (m_stability <= (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Knockdown_Threshold) ||
                            (self.IsAI && m_knockbackCount >= (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Enemy_AutoKD_Count)))
                            //Debug.LogError("Knockdown! Hit Value: " + _knockValue + ", current stability: " + m_stability);

                            if ((!self.IsAI && _base.photonView.isMine) || (self.IsAI && (_dealerChar == null || _dealerChar.photonView.isMine)))
                                _base.photonView.RPC("SendKnock", PhotonTargets.All, new object[]
                                At.Call(self, "Knock", new object[]
                            At.SetValue(0f, typeof(Character), self, "m_stability");
                            m_stability = 0f;
                            if (self.IsPhotonPlayerLocal)
                        // else if hit is a stagger...
                        else if (m_stability <= (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Stagger_Threshold) && (Time.time - lastStagger > (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Stagger_Immunity_Period)))
                            // Debug.LogWarning("Stagger! Hit Value: " + _knockValue + ", current stability: " + m_stability);

                            // update Stagger Immunity dictionary
                            if (!Instance.LastStaggerTimes.ContainsKey(self.UID))
                                Instance.LastStaggerTimes.Add(self.UID, Time.time);
                                Instance.LastStaggerTimes[self.UID] = Time.time;

                            if ((!self.IsAI && _base.photonView.isMine) || (self.IsAI && (_dealerChar == null || _dealerChar.photonView.isMine)))
                                _base.photonView.RPC("SendKnock", PhotonTargets.All, new object[]
                                At.Call(self, "Knock", new object[]
                            if (self.IsPhotonPlayerLocal && _block)
                        // else if we are not blocking...
                        else if (!_block)
                            // Debug.Log("Value: " + _knockValue + ", new stability: " + m_stability);
                            if (m_knockHurtAllowed)
                                At.SetValue(Character.HurtType.Hurt, typeof(Character), self, "m_hurtType");

                                if (m_currentlyChargingAttack)


                                MethodInfo  _knockhurtRoutine = self.GetType().GetMethod("KnockhurtRoutine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
                                IEnumerator _knockEnum        = (IEnumerator)_knockhurtRoutine.Invoke(self, new object[] { hit });

                            if (m_stability <= (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Stagger_Immunity_Period))
                                // Debug.LogError(self.Name + " would have staggered. Current delta: " + (Time.time - lastStagger));
                        else // hit was blocked and no stagger
                            Instance.StaggerAttacker(self, m_animator, _dealerChar);
                        m_animator.SetInteger("KnockAngle", (int)_angle);
                    else if (!m_impactImmune && _block) // hit dealt 0 impact and was blocked
                        Instance.StaggerAttacker(self, m_animator, _dealerChar);

Exemplo n.º 15
            public static bool Prefix(Character __instance)
                var self = __instance;

                if (At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_stability") is float m_stability &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_timeOfLastStabilityHit") is float m_timeOfLastStabilityHit &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_shieldStability") is float m_shieldStability &&
                    At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_knockbackCount") is float m_knockbackCount)
                    String m_nameLocKey = (String)At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_nameLocKey");
                    String m_name       = (String)At.GetValue(typeof(Character), self, "m_name");

                    // ----------- original method, unchanged other than to reflect custom values -------------
                    if ((bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.No_Stability_Regen_When_Blocking) && self.Blocking) // no stability regen while blocking! otherwise too op

                    float num = Time.time - m_timeOfLastStabilityHit;
                    if (num > (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Stability_Regen_Delay))
                        if (m_stability < 100f && !(bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Poise))
                            var num2 = Mathf.Clamp(m_stability + (self.StabilityRegen * (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Stability_Regen_Speed)) * Time.deltaTime, 0f, 100f);
                            At.SetValue(num2, typeof(Character), self, "m_stability");
                        else if (m_shieldStability < 50f)
                            var num2 = Mathf.Clamp(m_shieldStability + self.StabilityRegen * Time.deltaTime, 0f, 50f);
                            At.SetValue(num2, typeof(Character), self, "m_shieldStability");
                        if (num > (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Enemy_AutoKD_Reset_Time))
                            bool flag = m_knockbackCount > 0;
                            var  num2 = Mathf.Clamp(m_knockbackCount - Time.deltaTime, 0f, 4f);
                            if ((bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.BossPoise))
                                if ((int)EnemyClass.getEnemyLevel(self) < (int)EnemyLevel.MINIBOSS)
                                    At.SetValue(num2, typeof(Character), self, "m_knockbackCount");
                                At.SetValue(num2, typeof(Character), self, "m_knockbackCount");
                            if (flag && num2 <= 0)
                                // Debug.Log("Resetting AI stagger count for " + self.Name);

                    if ((bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.Poise))
                        if (num > (float)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.PoiseResetTime))
                            bool resetStability = false;

                            if ((bool)CombatOverhaul.config.GetValue(Settings.BossPoise))
                                //Minibosses do NOT regenerate stamina.
                                if ((int)EnemyClass.getEnemyLevel(self) < (int)EnemyLevel.MINIBOSS)
                                    resetStability = true;
                                resetStability = true;
                            //Initially for readability, allowing display of stability hurt on a stagger actually meant (even badly) coordinated strikes knocked down too much.
                            if (resetStability /*&& num > 0.25*/)
                                At.SetValue(100f, typeof(Character), self, "m_stability");