public void Update(WeatherObject wobject)
            tempSum += wobject.Temperature;

            if (wobject.Temperature > maxTemp)
                maxTemp = wobject.Temperature;
            if (wobject.Temperature < minTemp)
                minTemp = wobject.Temperature;

            Console.WriteLine("Avg/Max/Min temperature = {0}/{1}/{2}", (tempSum / numReadings), maxTemp, minTemp);
        public void Update(WeatherObject wobject)
            lastPressure    = currentPressure;
            currentPressure = wobject.Presure;

            Console.Write("Forcast: ");

            if (currentPressure > lastPressure)
                Console.WriteLine("Improving weather on the way!");
            else if (currentPressure == lastPressure)
                Console.WriteLine("More of the same");
                Console.WriteLine("Watch out for cooler, rainy weather");
 public void Update(WeatherObject wobject)
     Console.WriteLine("Current conditions: {0}F degrees and {1}% humility", wobject.Temperature, wobject.Humility);
 public void Update(WeatherObject wobject)
     Console.WriteLine("Heat Index is {0}", computeHeatIndex(wobject.Temperature, wobject.Humility));
 public void SetWeatherMeasurement(WeatherObject wobject)
     _weatherObject = wobject;