Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <int> Create(GarmentShippingDebitNoteViewModel viewModel)
            var model = MapToModel(viewModel);

            int Created = await _repository.InsertAsync(model);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private GarmentShippingNoteModel MapToModel(GarmentShippingDebitNoteViewModel viewModel)
            var items = (viewModel.items ?? new List <GarmentShippingNoteItemViewModel>()).Select(i =>
                i.currency = i.currency ?? new Currency();
                return(new GarmentShippingNoteItemModel(i.description, i.currency.Id.GetValueOrDefault(), i.currency.Code, i.amount)
                    Id = i.Id

            viewModel.buyer = viewModel.buyer ?? new Buyer();
            viewModel.bank  = viewModel.bank ?? new BankAccount {
                Currency = new Currency()
            viewModel.bank.Currency = viewModel.bank.Currency ?? new Currency();
            GarmentShippingNoteModel model = new GarmentShippingNoteModel(GarmentShippingNoteTypeEnum.DN, GenerateNo(), viewModel.date.GetValueOrDefault(), viewModel.buyer.Id, viewModel.buyer.Code, viewModel.buyer.Name, viewModel.bank.id, viewModel.bank.bankName, viewModel.bank.Currency.Code, viewModel.totalAmount, items);

        public MemoryStream GeneratePdfTemplate(GarmentShippingDebitNoteViewModel viewModel, int timeoffset)
            Font normal_font     = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.COURIER, 10, Font.NORMAL);
            Font underlined_font = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.COURIER, 10, Font.UNDERLINE);
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            Document     document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 20, 20, 20, 20);
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            cellHeadOffice.Phrase = new Phrase("Jl. Merapi No. 23, Kel. Banaran Kec. Grogol Kab. Sukoharjo\nTelp.(0271)714400, Fax.(0271)735222\ne-Mail:", normal_font);
            cellHeadOffice.Phrase.Add(new Chunk("*****@*****.**", underlined_font));
            Chunk chunkAddress = new Chunk("MESSRS :\n" + viewModel.buyer.Name + "\n" + viewModel.buyer.Address, normal_font);

            Phrase phraseBuyerHeader = new Phrase(chunkAddress);

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            //phraseBuyerHeader.Add(new Chunk("DEBIT NOTE", normal_font));

            phraseBuyerHeader.Add(new Chunk(new VerticalPositionMark()));
            phraseBuyerHeader.Add(new Chunk("DATE : " + viewModel.date.GetValueOrDefault().ToOffset(new TimeSpan(timeoffset, 0, 0)).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-EN")), normal_font));

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            document.Add(new Paragraph("DEBIT NOTE", big_font)
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            document.Add(new Paragraph(viewModel.noteNo, big_font)
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                Border = Rectangle.TOP_BORDER | Rectangle.LEFT_BORDER | Rectangle.BOTTOM_BORDER,
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            tableItemsContent.SetWidths(new float[] { 3f, 1f });

            tableItemsContent.AddCell(new PdfPCell
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            tableItemsContent.AddCell(new PdfPCell
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            foreach (var item in viewModel.items)
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                Phrase phraseAmount = new Phrase();
                phraseAmount.Add(new Chunk(viewModel.bank.Currency.Code, normal_font));
                phraseAmount.Add(new Chunk(new VerticalPositionMark()));
                phraseAmount.Add(new Chunk(item.amount.ToString("n"), normal_font));
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            Phrase phraseTotalAmount = new Phrase();

            phraseTotalAmount.Add(new Chunk(viewModel.bank.Currency.Code, normal_font));
            phraseTotalAmount.Add(new Chunk(new VerticalPositionMark()));
            phraseTotalAmount.Add(new Chunk(viewModel.totalAmount.ToString("n"), normal_font));
            tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
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            //tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
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            string amountToText = "";

            amountToText = CurrencyToText.ToWords(Convert.ToDecimal(viewModel.totalAmount));
            if (viewModel.bank.Currency.Code == "USD")
                tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
                    Colspan       = 2,
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                    //Phrase = new Phrase("SAY : US DOLLARS " + NumberToTextEN.toWords(viewModel.totalAmount).Trim().ToUpper() + " ONLY ///", normal_font)
                    Phrase = new Phrase("SAY : US DOLLARS " + amountToText.ToUpper() + " ONLY ///", normal_font)
                tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
                    Colspan       = 2,
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                    Phrase        = new Phrase("TERBILANG : " + NumberToTextIDN.terbilang(viewModel.totalAmount).Trim().ToUpper() + " RUPIAH ///", normal_font)

            //tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
            //    Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER,
            //    PaddingRight = 10f,
            //    Phrase = new Phrase("Please TT the above payment to our correspondence bank as follow :", normal_font)
            Phrase phraseSign = new Phrase();

            phraseSign.Add(new Chunk("S.E. & O\n" + viewModel.date.GetValueOrDefault().ToOffset(new TimeSpan(timeoffset, 0, 0)).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-EN")) + "\n\n\n\n", normal_font));
            Chunk chunkSignName = new Chunk("WAHYU PAMUNGKAS", normal_font);

            chunkSignName.SetUnderline(1, -1);
            phraseSign.Add(new Chunk("\nAUTHORIZED SIGNATURE", normal_font));

            string branch = "";

            if (viewModel.bank.bankName == "PT. CIMB NIAGA Tbk.")
                branch = "SOLO BRANCH OFFICE";
            else if (viewModel.bank.bankName == "PANIN BANK")
                branch = "SOLO BRANCH OFFICE";
                branch = "SRIWEDARI BRANCH OFFICE";

            tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
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            tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
                Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER,
                HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER,
                Rowspan             = 2,
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            byte[] byteInfo = stream.ToArray();
            stream.Write(byteInfo, 0, byteInfo.Length);
            stream.Position = 0;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public MemoryStream GeneratePdfTemplate(GarmentShippingDebitNoteViewModel viewModel)
            Font normal_font     = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.COURIER, 10, Font.NORMAL);
            Font underlined_font = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.COURIER, 10, Font.UNDERLINE);
            Font big_font        = FontFactory.GetFont(BaseFont.COURIER, 16, Font.BOLD);

            Document     document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 20, 20, 20, 20);
            MemoryStream stream   = new MemoryStream();
            PdfWriter    writer   = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);


            var chunkHeader = new Chunk("PT. DAN LIRIS", big_font);

            document.Add(new Paragraph(chunkHeader));

            PdfPTable tableHeadOffice = new PdfPTable(2);

            tableHeadOffice.SetWidths(new float[] { 1.5f, 6.5f });

            PdfPCell cellHeadOffice = new PdfPCell {
                Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER

            cellHeadOffice.Phrase = new Phrase("Head Office : ", normal_font);
            cellHeadOffice.Phrase = new Phrase("Jl. Merapi No. 23, Kel. Banaran Kec. Grogol Kab. Sukoharjo\nTelp.(0271)714400, Fax.(0271)735222\ne-Mail:", normal_font);
            cellHeadOffice.Phrase.Add(new Chunk("*****@*****.**", underlined_font));
            Chunk chunkAddress = new Chunk("MESSRS :\n" + viewModel.buyer.Name + "\n" + viewModel.buyer.Address, normal_font);

            Phrase phraseBuyerHeader = new Phrase(chunkAddress);

            //phraseBuyerHeader.Add(new Chunk(new VerticalPositionMark()));
            //phraseBuyerHeader.Add(new Chunk("DEBIT NOTE", normal_font));

            phraseBuyerHeader.Add(new Chunk(new VerticalPositionMark()));
            phraseBuyerHeader.Add(new Chunk("DATE : " + viewModel.date.GetValueOrDefault().ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"), normal_font));

            tableHeadOffice.AddCell(new PdfPCell
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            tableHeadOffice.SpacingAfter  = 5f;

            document.Add(new Paragraph("DEBIT NOTE", big_font)
                Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, SpacingAfter = 5f

            document.Add(new Paragraph(viewModel.noteNo, big_font)
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            PdfPTable tableItems = new PdfPTable(2);

            tableItems.SetWidths(new float[] { 3f, 1f });

            tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
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                Border = Rectangle.TOP_BORDER | Rectangle.LEFT_BORDER | Rectangle.BOTTOM_BORDER,
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            PdfPTable tableItemsContent = new PdfPTable(2);

            tableItemsContent.SetWidths(new float[] { 3f, 1f });

            foreach (var item in viewModel.items)
                tableItemsContent.AddCell(new PdfPCell
                    Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER,
                    Phrase = new Phrase(item.description, normal_font)
                Phrase phraseAmount = new Phrase();
                phraseAmount.Add(new Chunk(viewModel.bank.Currency.Code, normal_font));
                phraseAmount.Add(new Chunk(new VerticalPositionMark()));
                phraseAmount.Add(new Chunk(item.amount.ToString("n"), normal_font));
                tableItemsContent.AddCell(new PdfPCell
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                    Phrase = phraseAmount

            PdfPCell pdfPCellItemsContent = new PdfPCell
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                Phrase = new Phrase("TOTAL", normal_font)
            Phrase phraseTotalAmount = new Phrase();

            phraseTotalAmount.Add(new Chunk("US$", normal_font));
            phraseTotalAmount.Add(new Chunk(new VerticalPositionMark()));
            phraseTotalAmount.Add(new Chunk(viewModel.totalAmount.ToString("n"), normal_font));
            tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
                Border = Rectangle.TOP_BORDER | Rectangle.LEFT_BORDER | Rectangle.BOTTOM_BORDER,
                Phrase = phraseTotalAmount
            tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
                Colspan       = 2,
                PaddingBottom = 10f,
                Border        = Rectangle.NO_BORDER,
                Phrase        = new Phrase("SAY : US DOLLARS " + NumberToTextEN.toWords(viewModel.totalAmount).Trim().ToUpper() + " ONLY ///", normal_font)

            //tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
            //    Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER,
            //    PaddingRight = 10f,
            //    Phrase = new Phrase("Please TT the above payment to our correspondence bank as follow :", normal_font)
            Phrase phraseSign = new Phrase();

            phraseSign.Add(new Chunk("S.E. & O\n" + viewModel.date.GetValueOrDefault().ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy") + "\n\n\n\n", normal_font));
            Chunk chunkSignName = new Chunk("A M U M P U N I", normal_font);

            chunkSignName.SetUnderline(1, -1);
            phraseSign.Add(new Chunk("\nAUTHORIZED SIGNATURE", normal_font));
            tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
                Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER,
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            tableItems.AddCell(new PdfPCell
                Border       = Rectangle.NO_BORDER,
                PaddingLeft  = 20f,
                PaddingRight = 10f,
                Phrase       = new Phrase($"{viewModel.bank.bankName}\n{viewModel.bank.bankAddress}\nACC. No. {viewModel.bank.AccountNumber} ({viewModel.bank.Currency.Code})\nA/N {viewModel.bank.accountName}\nSWIFT CODE : {viewModel.bank.swiftCode}", normal_font)

            new PdfPCell(tableItems);
            tableItems.ExtendLastRow = false;
            tableItems.SpacingAfter  = 5f;

            byte[] byteInfo = stream.ToArray();
            stream.Write(byteInfo, 0, byteInfo.Length);
            stream.Position = 0;

Exemplo n.º 5
        private GarmentShippingDebitNoteViewModel MapToViewModel(GarmentShippingNoteModel model)
            GarmentShippingDebitNoteViewModel viewModel = new GarmentShippingDebitNoteViewModel
                Active            = model.Active,
                Id                = model.Id,
                CreatedAgent      = model.CreatedAgent,
                CreatedBy         = model.CreatedBy,
                CreatedUtc        = model.CreatedUtc,
                DeletedAgent      = model.DeletedAgent,
                DeletedBy         = model.DeletedBy,
                DeletedUtc        = model.DeletedUtc,
                IsDeleted         = model.IsDeleted,
                LastModifiedAgent = model.LastModifiedAgent,
                LastModifiedBy    = model.LastModifiedBy,
                LastModifiedUtc   = model.LastModifiedUtc,

                noteNo = model.NoteNo,
                date   = model.Date,
                buyer  = new Buyer
                    Id   = model.BuyerId,
                    Code = model.BuyerCode,
                    Name = model.BuyerName
                bank = new BankAccount
                    id       = model.BankId,
                    bankName = model.BankName,
                    Currency = new Currency
                        Code = model.BankCurrencyCode
                totalAmount = model.TotalAmount,

                items = (model.Items ?? new List <GarmentShippingNoteItemModel>()).Select(i => new GarmentShippingNoteItemViewModel
                    Active            = i.Active,
                    Id                = i.Id,
                    CreatedAgent      = i.CreatedAgent,
                    CreatedBy         = i.CreatedBy,
                    CreatedUtc        = i.CreatedUtc,
                    DeletedAgent      = i.DeletedAgent,
                    DeletedBy         = i.DeletedBy,
                    DeletedUtc        = i.DeletedUtc,
                    IsDeleted         = i.IsDeleted,
                    LastModifiedAgent = i.LastModifiedAgent,
                    LastModifiedBy    = i.LastModifiedBy,
                    LastModifiedUtc   = i.LastModifiedUtc,

                    description = i.Description,
                    currency    = new Currency
                        Id   = i.CurrencyId,
                        Code = i.CurrencyCode
                    amount = i.Amount

Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <int> Update(int id, GarmentShippingDebitNoteViewModel viewModel)
            var model = MapToModel(viewModel);

            return(await _repository.UpdateAsync(id, model));