Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CloneTaskRequest" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cloneViewParameters">Specifies settings for cloning an existing View. This field is required for a &#39;kCloneView&#39; Restore Task..</param>
 /// <param name="continueOnError">Specifies if the Restore Task should continue when some operations on some objects fail. If true, the Cohesity Cluster ignores intermittent errors and restores as many objects as possible..</param>
 /// <param name="glacierRetrievalType">Specifies the way data needs to be retrieved from the external target. This information will be filled in by Iris and Magneto will pass it along to the Icebox as it is to support bulk retrieval from Glacier. Specifies the type of Restore Task.  &#39;kStandard&#39; specifies retrievals that allow to access any of your archives within several hours. Standard retrievals typically complete within 3–5 hours.This is the default option for retrieval requests that do not specify the retrieval option. &#39;kBulk&#39; specifies retrievals that are Glacier’s lowest-cost retrieval option, which can be use to retrieve large amounts, even petabytes, of data inexpensively in a day. Bulk retrieval typically complete within 5–12 hours. &#39;kExpedited&#39; specifies retrievals that allows to quickly access your data when occasional urgent requests for a subset of archives are required. For all but the largest archives (250 MB+), data accessed using Expedited retrievals are typically made available within 1–5 minutes..</param>
 /// <param name="hypervParameters">hypervParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Specifies the name of the Restore Task. This field must be set and must be a unique name. (required).</param>
 /// <param name="newParentId">Specify a new registered parent Protection Source. If specified the selected objects are cloned or recovered to this new Protection Source. If not specified, objects are cloned or recovered to the original Protection Source that was managing them..</param>
 /// <param name="objects">Array of Objects.  Specifies a list of Protection Source objects or Protection Job objects (with specified Protection Source objects)..</param>
 /// <param name="targetViewName">Specifies the name of the View where the cloned VMs are stored. This field is required for a &#39;kCloneVMs&#39; Restore Task..</param>
 /// <param name="type">Specifies the type of Restore Task such as &#39;kCloneVMs&#39; or &#39;kCloneView&#39;. &#39;kCloneVMs&#39; specifies a Restore Task that clones VMs. &#39;kCloneView&#39; specifies a Restore Task that clones a View. (required).</param>
 /// <param name="vlanParameters">vlanParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="vmwareParameters">vmwareParameters.</param>
 public CloneTaskRequest(CloneViewRequest cloneViewParameters = default(CloneViewRequest), bool?continueOnError = default(bool?), GlacierRetrievalTypeEnum?glacierRetrievalType = default(GlacierRetrievalTypeEnum?), HypervCloneParameters hypervParameters = default(HypervCloneParameters), string name = default(string), long?newParentId = default(long?), List <RestoreObjectDetails> objects = default(List <RestoreObjectDetails>), string targetViewName = default(string), TypeEnum type = default(TypeEnum), VlanParameters vlanParameters = default(VlanParameters), VmwareCloneParameters vmwareParameters = default(VmwareCloneParameters))
     this.CloneViewParameters  = cloneViewParameters;
     this.ContinueOnError      = continueOnError;
     this.GlacierRetrievalType = glacierRetrievalType;
     this.Name                 = name;
     this.NewParentId          = newParentId;
     this.Objects              = objects;
     this.TargetViewName       = targetViewName;
     this.Type                 = type;
     this.CloneViewParameters  = cloneViewParameters;
     this.ContinueOnError      = continueOnError;
     this.GlacierRetrievalType = glacierRetrievalType;
     this.HypervParameters     = hypervParameters;
     this.NewParentId          = newParentId;
     this.Objects              = objects;
     this.TargetViewName       = targetViewName;
     this.VlanParameters       = vlanParameters;
     this.VmwareParameters     = vmwareParameters;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RecoverTaskRequest" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="acropolisParameters">acropolisParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="continueOnError">Specifies if the Restore Task should continue when some operations on some objects fail. If true, the Cohesity Cluster ignores intermittent errors and restores as many objects as possible..</param>
 /// <param name="deployVmsToCloud">deployVmsToCloud.</param>
 /// <param name="glacierRetrievalType">Specifies the way data needs to be retrieved from the external target. This information will be filled in by Iris and Magneto will pass it along to the Icebox as it is to support bulk retrieval from Glacier. Specifies the type of Restore Task.  &#39;kStandard&#39; specifies retrievals that allow to access any of your archives within several hours. Standard retrievals typically complete within 3–5 hours. This is the default option for retrieval requests that do not specify the retrieval option. &#39;kBulk&#39; specifies retrievals that are Glacier’s lowest-cost retrieval option, which can be used to retrieve large amounts, even petabytes, of data inexpensively in a day. Bulk retrieval typically complete within 5–12 hours. &#39;kExpedited&#39; specifies retrievals that allows to quickly access your data when occasional urgent requests for a subset of archives are required. For all but the largest archives (250 MB+), data accessed using Expedited retrievals are typically made available within 1–5 minutes..</param>
 /// <param name="hypervParameters">hypervParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="kubernetesParameters">kubernetesParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="mountParameters">mountParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Specifies the name of the Restore Task. This field must be set and must be a unique name. (required).</param>
 /// <param name="newParentId">Specify a new registered parent Protection Source. If specified the selected objects are cloned or recovered to this new Protection Source. If not specified, objects are cloned or recovered to the original Protection Source that was managing them..</param>
 /// <param name="objects">Array of Objects.  Specifies a list of Protection Source objects or Protection Job objects (with specified Protection Source objects)..</param>
 /// <param name="oneDriveParameters">oneDriveParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="outlookParameters">outlookParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="restoreViewParameters">restoreViewParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="type">Specifies the type of Restore Task such as &#39;kRecoverVMs&#39; or &#39;kMountVolumes&#39;. &#39;kRecoverVMs&#39; specifies a Restore Task that recovers VMs. &#39;kMountVolumes&#39; specifies a Restore Task that mounts volumes to mount points. &#39;kRecoverNamespaces&#39; specifies a Restore Task that recovers Kubernetes namespaces. &#39;kMountFileVolume&#39; specifies a Restore Task that mounts a file volume. (required).</param>
 /// <param name="viewName">Specifie target view into which the objects are to be cloned when doing recovery for NAS..</param>
 /// <param name="virtualDiskRestoreParameters">virtualDiskRestoreParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="vlanParameters">vlanParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="vmwareParameters">vmwareParameters.</param>
 public RecoverTaskRequest(AcropolisRestoreParameters acropolisParameters = default(AcropolisRestoreParameters), bool?continueOnError = default(bool?), DeployVmsToCloud deployVmsToCloud = default(DeployVmsToCloud), GlacierRetrievalTypeEnum?glacierRetrievalType = default(GlacierRetrievalTypeEnum?), HypervRestoreParameters hypervParameters = default(HypervRestoreParameters), KubernetesRestoreParameters kubernetesParameters = default(KubernetesRestoreParameters), MountVolumesParameters mountParameters = default(MountVolumesParameters), string name = default(string), long?newParentId = default(long?), List <RestoreObjectDetails> objects = default(List <RestoreObjectDetails>), OneDriveRestoreParameters oneDriveParameters = default(OneDriveRestoreParameters), OutlookRestoreParameters outlookParameters = default(OutlookRestoreParameters), UpdateViewParam restoreViewParameters = default(UpdateViewParam), TypeEnum type = default(TypeEnum), string viewName = default(string), VirtualDiskRestoreParameters virtualDiskRestoreParameters = default(VirtualDiskRestoreParameters), VlanParameters vlanParameters = default(VlanParameters), VmwareRestoreParameters vmwareParameters = default(VmwareRestoreParameters))
     this.ContinueOnError      = continueOnError;
     this.GlacierRetrievalType = glacierRetrievalType;
     this.Name                         = name;
     this.NewParentId                  = newParentId;
     this.Objects                      = objects;
     this.Type                         = type;
     this.ViewName                     = viewName;
     this.AcropolisParameters          = acropolisParameters;
     this.ContinueOnError              = continueOnError;
     this.DeployVmsToCloud             = deployVmsToCloud;
     this.GlacierRetrievalType         = glacierRetrievalType;
     this.HypervParameters             = hypervParameters;
     this.KubernetesParameters         = kubernetesParameters;
     this.MountParameters              = mountParameters;
     this.NewParentId                  = newParentId;
     this.Objects                      = objects;
     this.OneDriveParameters           = oneDriveParameters;
     this.OutlookParameters            = outlookParameters;
     this.RestoreViewParameters        = restoreViewParameters;
     this.ViewName                     = viewName;
     this.VirtualDiskRestoreParameters = virtualDiskRestoreParameters;
     this.VlanParameters               = vlanParameters;
     this.VmwareParameters             = vmwareParameters;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RegisteredSourceInfo" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="accessInfo">accessInfo.</param>
 /// <param name="authenticationErrorMessage">Specifies an authentication error message. This indicates the given credentials are rejected and the registration of the source is not successful..</param>
 /// <param name="authenticationStatus">Specifies the status of the authenticating to the Protection Source when registering it with Cohesity Cluster. If the status is &#39;kFinished&#39; and there is no error, registration is successful. Specifies the status of the authentication during the registration of a Protection Source. &#39;kPending&#39; indicates the authentication is in progress. &#39;kScheduled&#39; indicates the authentication is scheduled. &#39;kFinished&#39; indicates the authentication is completed. &#39;kRefreshInProgress&#39; indicates the refresh is in progress..</param>
 /// <param name="cassandraParams">cassandraParams.</param>
 /// <param name="couchbaseParams">couchbaseParams.</param>
 /// <param name="environments">Specifies a list of applications environment that are registered with this Protection Source such as &#39;kSQL&#39;. Supported environment types such as &#39;kView&#39;, &#39;kSQL&#39;, &#39;kVMware&#39;, etc. NOTE: &#39;kPuppeteer&#39; refers to Cohesity&#39;s Remote Adapter. &#39;kVMware&#39; indicates the VMware Protection Source environment. &#39;kHyperV&#39; indicates the HyperV Protection Source environment. &#39;kSQL&#39; indicates the SQL Protection Source environment. &#39;kView&#39; indicates the View Protection Source environment. &#39;kPuppeteer&#39; indicates the Cohesity&#39;s Remote Adapter. &#39;kPhysical&#39; indicates the physical Protection Source environment. &#39;kPure&#39; indicates the Pure Storage Protection Source environment. &#39;Nimble&#39; indicates the Nimble Storage Protection Source environment. &#39;kAzure&#39; indicates the Microsoft&#39;s Azure Protection Source environment. &#39;kNetapp&#39; indicates the Netapp Protection Source environment. &#39;kAgent&#39; indicates the Agent Protection Source environment. &#39;kGenericNas&#39; indicates the Generic Network Attached Storage Protection Source environment. &#39;kAcropolis&#39; indicates the Acropolis Protection Source environment. &#39;kPhsicalFiles&#39; indicates the Physical Files Protection Source environment. &#39;kIsilon&#39; indicates the Dell EMC&#39;s Isilon Protection Source environment. &#39;kGPFS&#39; indicates IBM&#39;s GPFS Protection Source environment. &#39;kKVM&#39; indicates the KVM Protection Source environment. &#39;kAWS&#39; indicates the AWS Protection Source environment. &#39;kExchange&#39; indicates the Exchange Protection Source environment. &#39;kHyperVVSS&#39; indicates the HyperV VSS Protection Source environment. &#39;kOracle&#39; indicates the Oracle Protection Source environment. &#39;kGCP&#39; indicates the Google Cloud Platform Protection Source environment. &#39;kFlashBlade&#39; indicates the Flash Blade Protection Source environment. &#39;kAWSNative&#39; indicates the AWS Native Protection Source environment. &#39;kO365&#39; indicates the Office 365 Protection Source environment. &#39;kO365Outlook&#39; indicates Office 365 outlook Protection Source environment. &#39;kHyperFlex&#39; indicates the Hyper Flex Protection Source environment. &#39;kGCPNative&#39; indicates the GCP Native Protection Source environment. &#39;kAzureNative&#39; indicates the Azure Native Protection Source environment. &#39;kKubernetes&#39; indicates a Kubernetes Protection Source environment. &#39;kElastifile&#39; indicates Elastifile Protection Source environment. &#39;kAD&#39; indicates Active Directory Protection Source environment. &#39;kRDSSnapshotManager&#39; indicates AWS RDS Protection Source environment..</param>
 /// <param name="hbaseParams">hbaseParams.</param>
 /// <param name="hdfsParams">hdfsParams.</param>
 /// <param name="hiveParams">hiveParams.</param>
 /// <param name="isDbAuthenticated">Specifies if application entity dbAuthenticated or not. ex: oracle database..</param>
 /// <param name="minimumFreeSpaceGB">Specifies the minimum free space in GiB of the space expected to be available on the datastore where the virtual disks of the VM being backed up. If the amount of free space(in GiB) is lower than the value given by this field, backup will be aborted. Note that this field is applicable only to &#39;kVMware&#39; type of environments..</param>
 /// <param name="mongodbParams">mongodbParams.</param>
 /// <param name="nasMountCredentials">Specifies the credentials required to mount directories on the NetApp server if given..</param>
 /// <param name="office365CredentialsList">Office365 Source Credentials.  Specifies credentials needed to authenticate &amp; authorize user for Office365..</param>
 /// <param name="password">Specifies password of the username to access the target source..</param>
 /// <param name="refreshErrorMessage">Specifies a message if there was any error encountered during the last rebuild of the Protection Source tree. If there was no error during the last rebuild, this field is reset..</param>
 /// <param name="refreshTimeUsecs">Specifies the Unix epoch time (in microseconds) when the Protection Source tree was most recently fetched and built..</param>
 /// <param name="registeredAppsInfo">Specifies information of the applications registered on this protection source..</param>
 /// <param name="registrationTimeUsecs">Specifies the Unix epoch time (in microseconds) when the Protection Source was registered..</param>
 /// <param name="throttlingPolicy">throttlingPolicy.</param>
 /// <param name="throttlingPolicyOverrides">Array of Throttling Policy Overrides for Datastores.  Specifies a list of Throttling Policy for datastores that override the common throttling policy specified for the registered Protection Source. For datastores not in this list, common policy will still apply..</param>
 /// <param name="useOAuthForExchangeOnline">Specifies whether OAuth should be used for authentication in case of Exchange Online..</param>
 /// <param name="useVmBiosUuid">Specifies if registered vCenter is using BIOS UUID to track virtual machines..</param>
 /// <param name="username">Specifies username to access the target source..</param>
 /// <param name="vlanParams">vlanParams.</param>
 /// <param name="warningMessages">Specifies a list of warnings encountered during registration. Though the registration may succeed, warning messages imply the host environment requires some cleanup or fixing..</param>
 public RegisteredSourceInfo(ConnectorParameters accessInfo = default(ConnectorParameters), string authenticationErrorMessage = default(string), AuthenticationStatusEnum?authenticationStatus = default(AuthenticationStatusEnum?), CassandraConnectParams cassandraParams = default(CassandraConnectParams), CouchbaseConnectParams couchbaseParams = default(CouchbaseConnectParams), List <EnvironmentsEnum> environments = default(List <EnvironmentsEnum>), HBaseConnectParams hbaseParams = default(HBaseConnectParams), HdfsConnectParams hdfsParams = default(HdfsConnectParams), HiveConnectParams hiveParams = default(HiveConnectParams), bool?isDbAuthenticated = default(bool?), long?minimumFreeSpaceGB = default(long?), MongoDBConnectParams mongodbParams = default(MongoDBConnectParams), NasMountCredentialParams nasMountCredentials = default(NasMountCredentialParams), List <Office365Credentials> office365CredentialsList = default(List <Office365Credentials>), string password = default(string), string refreshErrorMessage = default(string), long?refreshTimeUsecs = default(long?), List <RegisteredAppInfo> registeredAppsInfo = default(List <RegisteredAppInfo>), long?registrationTimeUsecs = default(long?), ThrottlingPolicyParameters throttlingPolicy = default(ThrottlingPolicyParameters), List <ThrottlingPolicyOverride> throttlingPolicyOverrides = default(List <ThrottlingPolicyOverride>), bool?useOAuthForExchangeOnline = default(bool?), bool?useVmBiosUuid = default(bool?), string username = default(string), VlanParameters vlanParams = default(VlanParameters), List <string> warningMessages = default(List <string>))
     this.AuthenticationErrorMessage = authenticationErrorMessage;
     this.AuthenticationStatus       = authenticationStatus;
     this.Environments             = environments;
     this.IsDbAuthenticated        = isDbAuthenticated;
     this.MinimumFreeSpaceGB       = minimumFreeSpaceGB;
     this.NasMountCredentials      = nasMountCredentials;
     this.Office365CredentialsList = office365CredentialsList;
     this.Password                   = password;
     this.RefreshErrorMessage        = refreshErrorMessage;
     this.RefreshTimeUsecs           = refreshTimeUsecs;
     this.RegisteredAppsInfo         = registeredAppsInfo;
     this.RegistrationTimeUsecs      = registrationTimeUsecs;
     this.ThrottlingPolicyOverrides  = throttlingPolicyOverrides;
     this.UseOAuthForExchangeOnline  = useOAuthForExchangeOnline;
     this.UseVmBiosUuid              = useVmBiosUuid;
     this.Username                   = username;
     this.WarningMessages            = warningMessages;
     this.AccessInfo                 = accessInfo;
     this.AuthenticationErrorMessage = authenticationErrorMessage;
     this.AuthenticationStatus       = authenticationStatus;
     this.CassandraParams            = cassandraParams;
     this.CouchbaseParams            = couchbaseParams;
     this.Environments               = environments;
     this.HbaseParams                = hbaseParams;
     this.HdfsParams                 = hdfsParams;
     this.HiveParams                 = hiveParams;
     this.IsDbAuthenticated          = isDbAuthenticated;
     this.MinimumFreeSpaceGB         = minimumFreeSpaceGB;
     this.MongodbParams              = mongodbParams;
     this.NasMountCredentials        = nasMountCredentials;
     this.Office365CredentialsList   = office365CredentialsList;
     this.Password                   = password;
     this.RefreshErrorMessage        = refreshErrorMessage;
     this.RefreshTimeUsecs           = refreshTimeUsecs;
     this.RegisteredAppsInfo         = registeredAppsInfo;
     this.RegistrationTimeUsecs      = registrationTimeUsecs;
     this.ThrottlingPolicy           = throttlingPolicy;
     this.ThrottlingPolicyOverrides  = throttlingPolicyOverrides;
     this.UseOAuthForExchangeOnline  = useOAuthForExchangeOnline;
     this.UseVmBiosUuid              = useVmBiosUuid;
     this.Username                   = username;
     this.VlanParams                 = vlanParams;
     this.WarningMessages            = warningMessages;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ApplicationsRestoreTaskRequest" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="applicationEnvironment">Specifies the Environment of the Application to restore like &#39;kSQL&#39;, or &#39;kExchange&#39;. overrideDescription: true Supported environment types such as &#39;kView&#39;, &#39;kSQL&#39;, &#39;kVMware&#39;, etc. NOTE: &#39;kPuppeteer&#39; refers to Cohesity&#39;s Remote Adapter. &#39;kVMware&#39; indicates the VMware Protection Source environment. &#39;kHyperV&#39; indicates the HyperV Protection Source environment. &#39;kSQL&#39; indicates the SQL Protection Source environment. &#39;kView&#39; indicates the View Protection Source environment. &#39;kPuppeteer&#39; indicates the Cohesity&#39;s Remote Adapter. &#39;kPhysical&#39; indicates the physical Protection Source environment. &#39;kPure&#39; indicates the Pure Storage Protection Source environment. &#39;Nimble&#39; indicates the Nimble Storage Protection Source environment. &#39;kAzure&#39; indicates the Microsoft&#39;s Azure Protection Source environment. &#39;kNetapp&#39; indicates the Netapp Protection Source environment. &#39;kAgent&#39; indicates the Agent Protection Source environment. &#39;kGenericNas&#39; indicates the Generic Network Attached Storage Protection Source environment. &#39;kAcropolis&#39; indicates the Acropolis Protection Source environment. &#39;kPhsicalFiles&#39; indicates the Physical Files Protection Source environment. &#39;kIsilon&#39; indicates the Dell EMC&#39;s Isilon Protection Source environment. &#39;kGPFS&#39; indicates IBM&#39;s GPFS Protection Source environment. &#39;kKVM&#39; indicates the KVM Protection Source environment. &#39;kAWS&#39; indicates the AWS Protection Source environment. &#39;kExchange&#39; indicates the Exchange Protection Source environment. &#39;kHyperVVSS&#39; indicates the HyperV VSS Protection Source environment. &#39;kOracle&#39; indicates the Oracle Protection Source environment. &#39;kGCP&#39; indicates the Google Cloud Platform Protection Source environment. &#39;kFlashBlade&#39; indicates the Flash Blade Protection Source environment. &#39;kAWSNative&#39; indicates the AWS Native Protection Source environment. &#39;kO365&#39; indicates the Office 365 Protection Source environment. &#39;kO365Outlook&#39; indicates Office 365 outlook Protection Source environment. &#39;kHyperFlex&#39; indicates the Hyper Flex Protection Source environment. &#39;kGCPNative&#39; indicates the GCP Native Protection Source environment. &#39;kAzureNative&#39; indicates the Azure Native Protection Source environment. &#39;kKubernetes&#39; indicates a Kubernetes Protection Source environment. &#39;kElastifile&#39; indicates Elastifile Protection Source environment. &#39;kAD&#39; indicates Active Directory Protection Source environment. &#39;kRDSSnapshotManager&#39; indicates AWS RDS Protection Source environment. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="applicationRestoreObjects">Specifies the Application Server objects whose data should be restored and the restore parameters for each of them. This field will be deprecated. Use the field ProtectionSourceAndApplicationRestoreObjects. deprecated: true.</param>
        /// <param name="hostingProtectionSource">hostingProtectionSource (required).</param>
        /// <param name="name">Specifies a name for the new task to be created. This field has to be set, and it needs to be unique across all restore tasks. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="password">Specifies password of the username to access the target source..</param>
        /// <param name="protectionSourceAndApplicationObjects">Specifies the list of hosting protection source and Application restore objects tuple..</param>
        /// <param name="username">Specifies username to access the target source..</param>
        /// <param name="vlanParameters">vlanParameters.</param>
        public ApplicationsRestoreTaskRequest(ApplicationEnvironmentEnum applicationEnvironment = default(ApplicationEnvironmentEnum), List <ApplicationRestoreObject> applicationRestoreObjects = default(List <ApplicationRestoreObject>), RestoreObjectDetails hostingProtectionSource = default(RestoreObjectDetails), string name = default(string), string password = default(string), List <ProtectionSourceAndApplicationRestoreObjects> protectionSourceAndApplicationObjects = default(List <ProtectionSourceAndApplicationRestoreObjects>), string username = default(string), VlanParameters vlanParameters = default(VlanParameters))
            this.ApplicationEnvironment    = applicationEnvironment;
            this.ApplicationRestoreObjects = applicationRestoreObjects;
            // to ensure "hostingProtectionSource" is required (not null)
            if (hostingProtectionSource == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException("hostingProtectionSource is a required property for ApplicationsRestoreTaskRequest and cannot be null");
                this.HostingProtectionSource = hostingProtectionSource;

            this.Name     = name;
            this.Password = password;
            this.ProtectionSourceAndApplicationObjects = protectionSourceAndApplicationObjects;
            this.Username = username;
            this.ApplicationRestoreObjects = applicationRestoreObjects;
            this.Password = password;
            this.ProtectionSourceAndApplicationObjects = protectionSourceAndApplicationObjects;
            this.Username       = username;
            this.VlanParameters = vlanParameters;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UpdateProtectionSourceParameters" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="agentEndpoint">Specifies the agent endpoint if it is different from the source endpoint..</param>
 /// <param name="awsCredentials">awsCredentials.</param>
 /// <param name="azureCredentials">azureCredentials.</param>
 /// <param name="endpoint">Specifies the network endpoint of the Protection Source where it is reachable. It could be an URL or hostname or an IP address of the Protection Source..</param>
 /// <param name="exchangeDagProtectionPreference">exchangeDagProtectionPreference.</param>
 /// <param name="forceRegister">ForceRegister is applicable to Physical Environment. By default, the agent running on a physical host will fail the registration, if it is already registered as part of another cluster. By setting this option to true, agent can be forced to register with the current cluster. This is a hidden parameter and should not be documented externally..</param>
 /// <param name="gcpCredentials">gcpCredentials.</param>
 /// <param name="hostType">Specifies the optional OS type of the Protection Source (such as kWindows or kLinux). overrideDescription: true &#39;kLinux&#39; indicates the Linux operating system. &#39;kWindows&#39; indicates the Microsoft Windows operating system. &#39;kAix&#39; indicates the IBM AIX operating system. &#39;kSolaris&#39; indicates the Oracle Solaris operating system. &#39;kSapHana&#39; indicates the Sap Hana database system developed by SAP SE. &#39;kOther&#39; indicates the other types of operating system..</param>
 /// <param name="kubernetesCredentials">kubernetesCredentials.</param>
 /// <param name="minimumFreeSpaceGB">Specifies the minimum space in GB after which backup jobs will be canceled due to low space..</param>
 /// <param name="nasMountCredentials">Specifies the server credentials to connect to a NetApp server. This field is required for mounting SMB volumes on NetApp servers..</param>
 /// <param name="office365CredentialsList">Office365 Source Credentials.  Specifies credentials needed to authenticate &amp; authorize user for Office365 using MS Graph APIs..</param>
 /// <param name="password">Specifies password of the username to access the target source..</param>
 /// <param name="sourceSideDedupEnabled">This controls whether to use source side dedup on the source or not. This is only applicable to sources which support source side dedup (e.g., Linux physical servers)..</param>
 /// <param name="sslVerification">sslVerification.</param>
 /// <param name="throttlingPolicy">Specifies the throttling policy that should be applied to this Source..</param>
 /// <param name="throttlingPolicyOverrides">Array of Throttling Policy Overrides for Datastores.  Specifies a list of Throttling Policy for datastores that override the common throttling policy specified for the registered Protection Source. For datastores not in this list, common policy will still apply..</param>
 /// <param name="useOAuthForExchangeOnline">Specifies whether OAuth should be used for authentication in case of Exchange Online..</param>
 /// <param name="username">Specifies username to access the target source..</param>
 /// <param name="vlanParams">vlanParams.</param>
 public UpdateProtectionSourceParameters(string agentEndpoint = default(string), AwsCredentials awsCredentials = default(AwsCredentials), AzureCredentials azureCredentials = default(AzureCredentials), string endpoint = default(string), ExchangeDAGProtectionPreference exchangeDagProtectionPreference = default(ExchangeDAGProtectionPreference), bool?forceRegister = default(bool?), GcpCredentials gcpCredentials = default(GcpCredentials), HostTypeEnum?hostType = default(HostTypeEnum?), KubernetesCredentials kubernetesCredentials = default(KubernetesCredentials), long?minimumFreeSpaceGB = default(long?), NasMountCredentialParams nasMountCredentials = default(NasMountCredentialParams), List <Office365Credentials> office365CredentialsList = default(List <Office365Credentials>), string password = default(string), bool?sourceSideDedupEnabled = default(bool?), SslVerification sslVerification = default(SslVerification), ThrottlingPolicyParameters throttlingPolicy = default(ThrottlingPolicyParameters), List <ThrottlingPolicyOverride> throttlingPolicyOverrides = default(List <ThrottlingPolicyOverride>), bool?useOAuthForExchangeOnline = default(bool?), string username = default(string), VlanParameters vlanParams = default(VlanParameters))
     this.AgentEndpoint                   = agentEndpoint;
     this.Endpoint                        = endpoint;
     this.ForceRegister                   = forceRegister;
     this.HostType                        = hostType;
     this.MinimumFreeSpaceGB              = minimumFreeSpaceGB;
     this.NasMountCredentials             = nasMountCredentials;
     this.Office365CredentialsList        = office365CredentialsList;
     this.Password                        = password;
     this.SourceSideDedupEnabled          = sourceSideDedupEnabled;
     this.ThrottlingPolicy                = throttlingPolicy;
     this.ThrottlingPolicyOverrides       = throttlingPolicyOverrides;
     this.UseOAuthForExchangeOnline       = useOAuthForExchangeOnline;
     this.Username                        = username;
     this.AgentEndpoint                   = agentEndpoint;
     this.AwsCredentials                  = awsCredentials;
     this.AzureCredentials                = azureCredentials;
     this.Endpoint                        = endpoint;
     this.ExchangeDagProtectionPreference = exchangeDagProtectionPreference;
     this.ForceRegister                   = forceRegister;
     this.GcpCredentials                  = gcpCredentials;
     this.HostType                        = hostType;
     this.KubernetesCredentials           = kubernetesCredentials;
     this.MinimumFreeSpaceGB              = minimumFreeSpaceGB;
     this.NasMountCredentials             = nasMountCredentials;
     this.Office365CredentialsList        = office365CredentialsList;
     this.Password                        = password;
     this.SourceSideDedupEnabled          = sourceSideDedupEnabled;
     this.SslVerification                 = sslVerification;
     this.ThrottlingPolicy                = throttlingPolicy;
     this.ThrottlingPolicyOverrides       = throttlingPolicyOverrides;
     this.UseOAuthForExchangeOnline       = useOAuthForExchangeOnline;
     this.Username                        = username;
     this.VlanParams                      = vlanParams;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RestoreTask" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="acropolisParameters">acropolisParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="archiveTaskUid">Specifies the uid of the Restore Task that retrieves objects from an archive. This field is only populated when objects must be retrieved from an archive before being restored..</param>
 /// <param name="cloneViewParameters">Specifies the View settings used when cloning a View..</param>
 /// <param name="continueOnError">Specifies if the Restore Task should continue when some operations on some objects fail. If true, the Cohesity Cluster ignores intermittent errors and restores as many objects as possible..</param>
 /// <param name="datastoreId">Specifies the datastore where the object&#39;s files are recovered to. This field is populated when objects are recovered to a different resource pool or to a different parent source. This field is not populated when objects are recovered to their original datastore locations in the original parent source..</param>
 /// <param name="endTimeUsecs">Specifies the end time of the Restore Task as a Unix epoch Timestamp (in microseconds). This field is only populated if the Restore Task completes..</param>
 /// <param name="error">Specifies the error reported by the Restore Task (if any) after the Task has finished..</param>
 /// <param name="fullViewName">Specifies the full name of a View..</param>
 /// <param name="hypervParameters">hypervParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="id">Specifies the id of the Restore Task assigned by Cohesity Cluster..</param>
 /// <param name="mountVolumesState">mountVolumesState.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Specifies the name of the Restore Task. This field must be set and must be a unique name. (required).</param>
 /// <param name="newParentId">Specify a new registered parent Protection Source. If specified the selected objects are cloned or recovered to this new Protection Source. If not specified, objects are cloned or recovered to the original Protection Source that was managing them..</param>
 /// <param name="objects">Array of Objects.  Specifies a list of Protection Source objects or Protection Job objects (with specified Protection Source objects)..</param>
 /// <param name="outlookParameters">outlookParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="restoreObjectState">Array of Object States.  Specifies the states of all the objects for the &#39;kRecoverVMs&#39; and &#39;kCloneVMs&#39; Restore Tasks..</param>
 /// <param name="startTimeUsecs">Specifies the start time for the Restore Task as a Unix epoch Timestamp (in microseconds)..</param>
 /// <param name="status">Specifies the overall status of the Restore Task. &#39;kReadyToSchedule&#39; indicates the Restore Task is waiting to be scheduled. &#39;kProgressMonitorCreated&#39; indicates the progress monitor for the Restore Task has been created. &#39;kRetrievedFromArchive&#39; indicates that the objects to restore have been retrieved from the specified archive. A Task will only ever transition to this state if a retrieval is necessary. &#39;kAdmitted&#39; indicates the task has been admitted. After a task has been admitted, its status does not move back to &#39;kReadyToSchedule&#39; state even if it is rescheduled. &#39;kInProgress&#39; indicates that the Restore Task is in progress. &#39;kFinishingProgressMonitor&#39; indicates that the Restore Task is finishing its progress monitoring. &#39;kFinished&#39; indicates that the Restore Task has finished. The status indicating success or failure is found in the error code that is stored with the Restore Task. &#39;kInternalViewCreated&#39; indicates that internal view for the task has been created. &#39;kZipFileRequested&#39; indicates that request has been sent to create zip files for the files to be downloaded. This state is only going to be present for kDownloadFiles Task. &#39;kCancelled&#39; indicates that task or jb has been cancelled..</param>
 /// <param name="targetViewCreated">Is true if a new View was created by a &#39;kCloneVMs&#39; Restore Task. This field is only set for a &#39;kCloneVMs&#39; Restore Task..</param>
 /// <param name="type">Specifies the type of Restore Task.  &#39;kRecoverVMs&#39; specifies a Restore Task that recovers VMs. &#39;kCloneVMs&#39; specifies a Restore Task that clones VMs. &#39;kCloneView&#39; specifies a Restore Task that clones a View. &#39;kMountVolumes&#39; specifies a Restore Task that mounts volumes. &#39;kRestoreFiles&#39; specifies a Restore Task that recovers files and folders. &#39;kRecoverApp&#39; specifies a Restore Task that recovers app. &#39;kCloneApp&#39; specifies a Restore Task that clone app. &#39;kRecoverSanVolume&#39; specifies a Restore Task that recovers SAN volumes. &#39;kConvertAndDeployVMs&#39; specifies a Restore Task that converts and deploy VMs to a target environment. &#39;kMountFileVolume&#39; specifies a Restore Task that mounts a file volume. &#39;kSystem&#39; specifies a Restore Task that recovers a system. &#39;kRecoverVolumes&#39; specifies a Restore Task that recovers volumes via the physical agent. &#39;kDeployVolumes&#39; specifies a Restore Task that deployes volumes to a target environment. &#39;kDownloadFiles&#39; specifies a Restore Task that downloads the requested files and folders in zip format. &#39;kRecoverEmails&#39; specifies a Restore Task that recovers the mailbox/email items. &#39;kRecoverDisks&#39; specifies a Restore Task that recovers the virtual disks..</param>
 /// <param name="username">Specifies the Cohesity user who requested this Restore Task..</param>
 /// <param name="viewBoxId">Specifies the id of the Domain (View Box) where the View is stored..</param>
 /// <param name="virtualDiskRestoreState">virtualDiskRestoreState.</param>
 /// <param name="vlanParameters">vlanParameters.</param>
 /// <param name="vmwareParameters">vmwareParameters.</param>
 public RestoreTask(AcropolisRestoreParameters acropolisParameters = default(AcropolisRestoreParameters), UniversalId archiveTaskUid = default(UniversalId), UpdateViewParam cloneViewParameters = default(UpdateViewParam), bool?continueOnError = default(bool?), long?datastoreId = default(long?), long?endTimeUsecs = default(long?), RequestError error = default(RequestError), string fullViewName = default(string), HypervRestoreParameters hypervParameters = default(HypervRestoreParameters), long?id = default(long?), MountVolumesState mountVolumesState = default(MountVolumesState), string name = default(string), long?newParentId = default(long?), List <RestoreObjectDetails> objects = default(List <RestoreObjectDetails>), OutlookRestoreParameters outlookParameters = default(OutlookRestoreParameters), List <RestoreObjectState> restoreObjectState = default(List <RestoreObjectState>), long?startTimeUsecs = default(long?), StatusEnum?status = default(StatusEnum?), bool?targetViewCreated = default(bool?), TypeEnum?type = default(TypeEnum?), string username = default(string), long?viewBoxId = default(long?), VirtualDiskRecoverTaskState virtualDiskRestoreState = default(VirtualDiskRecoverTaskState), VlanParameters vlanParameters = default(VlanParameters), VmwareRestoreParameters vmwareParameters = default(VmwareRestoreParameters))
     this.ArchiveTaskUid      = archiveTaskUid;
     this.CloneViewParameters = cloneViewParameters;
     this.ContinueOnError     = continueOnError;
     this.DatastoreId         = datastoreId;
     this.EndTimeUsecs        = endTimeUsecs;
     this.Error                   = error;
     this.FullViewName            = fullViewName;
     this.Id                      = id;
     this.Name                    = name;
     this.NewParentId             = newParentId;
     this.Objects                 = objects;
     this.RestoreObjectState      = restoreObjectState;
     this.StartTimeUsecs          = startTimeUsecs;
     this.Status                  = status;
     this.TargetViewCreated       = targetViewCreated;
     this.Type                    = type;
     this.Username                = username;
     this.ViewBoxId               = viewBoxId;
     this.AcropolisParameters     = acropolisParameters;
     this.ArchiveTaskUid          = archiveTaskUid;
     this.CloneViewParameters     = cloneViewParameters;
     this.ContinueOnError         = continueOnError;
     this.DatastoreId             = datastoreId;
     this.EndTimeUsecs            = endTimeUsecs;
     this.Error                   = error;
     this.FullViewName            = fullViewName;
     this.HypervParameters        = hypervParameters;
     this.Id                      = id;
     this.MountVolumesState       = mountVolumesState;
     this.NewParentId             = newParentId;
     this.Objects                 = objects;
     this.OutlookParameters       = outlookParameters;
     this.RestoreObjectState      = restoreObjectState;
     this.StartTimeUsecs          = startTimeUsecs;
     this.Status                  = status;
     this.TargetViewCreated       = targetViewCreated;
     this.Type                    = type;
     this.Username                = username;
     this.ViewBoxId               = viewBoxId;
     this.VirtualDiskRestoreState = virtualDiskRestoreState;
     this.VlanParameters          = vlanParameters;
     this.VmwareParameters        = vmwareParameters;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CloneRefreshRequest" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cloneTaskId">Specifies the ID of the clone task. This is required to determine the details of the clone to be refreshed as clone task contains the details of the clone..</param>
 /// <param name="continueOnError">Specifies if the Restore Task should continue when some operations on some objects fail. If true, the Cohesity Cluster ignores intermittent errors and restores as many objects as possible..</param>
 /// <param name="name">Specifies the name of the Restore Task. This field must be set and must be a unique name. (required).</param>
 /// <param name="newParentId">Specify a new registered parent Protection Source. If specified the selected objects are cloned or recovered to this new Protection Source. If not specified, objects are cloned or recovered to the original Protection Source that was managing them..</param>
 /// <param name="objects">Array of Objects.  Specifies a list of Protection Source objects or Protection Job objects (with specified Protection Source objects)..</param>
 /// <param name="refreshTimeSecs">Specifies a point in time (unix epoch) to which the database needs to be refreshed. This helps granular refresh of the database. If this is set, relevant archive logs (redo logs) will also be re-played to match with the specified time. For this, the log backup should be enabled in the backup policy. If this is not set, then only the incremental backup data will be used to refresh the target database..</param>
 /// <param name="sourceDatabaseId">Specifies the ID of the source database in the backup job snapshot. This is the entity ID of the database, which needs to be used as a source during the refresh process..</param>
 /// <param name="vlanParameters">vlanParameters.</param>
 public CloneRefreshRequest(long?cloneTaskId = default(long?), bool?continueOnError = default(bool?), string name = default(string), long?newParentId = default(long?), List <RestoreObjectDetails> objects = default(List <RestoreObjectDetails>), long?refreshTimeSecs = default(long?), long?sourceDatabaseId = default(long?), VlanParameters vlanParameters = default(VlanParameters))
     this.CloneTaskId      = cloneTaskId;
     this.ContinueOnError  = continueOnError;
     this.Name             = name;
     this.NewParentId      = newParentId;
     this.Objects          = objects;
     this.RefreshTimeSecs  = refreshTimeSecs;
     this.SourceDatabaseId = sourceDatabaseId;
     this.CloneTaskId      = cloneTaskId;
     this.ContinueOnError  = continueOnError;
     this.NewParentId      = newParentId;
     this.Objects          = objects;
     this.RefreshTimeSecs  = refreshTimeSecs;
     this.SourceDatabaseId = sourceDatabaseId;
     this.VlanParameters   = vlanParameters;