Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task ProcessChildDirectories(Dictionary <string, DocumentationNode> resultNodes, DocumentationNode parentNode, string directoryPath)
            foreach (var childDirectoryPath in Directory.GetDirectories(directoryPath))
                var directory = new DirectoryInfo(childDirectoryPath);
                var slug      = SlugFormatter.ToSlug(directory.Name);

                var childNode = new DocumentationNode()
                    Title = directory.Name,
                    Url   = FilePathHelper.CombineVirtualPath(parentNode.Url, slug)

                childNode.UpdateDate = Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(childDirectoryPath);

                await _fileWriterService.EnsureDirectoryExistsAsync(childNode.Url);
                await ProcessDirectory(childDirectoryPath, childNode);

                // Only add the node if it represents something in the document tree
                // i.e. skip static resource directories.
                if (childNode.Children.Any() ||
                    childNode.DocumentFilePath != null ||
                    childNode.RedirectTo != null)
                    resultNodes.Add(slug, childNode);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task ProcessFiles(
            Dictionary <string, DocumentationNode> resultNodes,
            DocumentationNode parentNode,
            string[] allFilePaths,
            Dictionary <string, string> redirects)
            foreach (var filePath in allFilePaths)
                // slug path
                var fileExtension                = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
                var fileNameWithoutExtension     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
                var sluggedFileName              = SlugFormatter.ToSlug(fileNameWithoutExtension);
                var sluggedFileNameWithExtension = Path.ChangeExtension(sluggedFileName, fileExtension);

                // skip the file if there's already a redirect
                if (redirects.Any(r => SlugFormatter.ToSlug(r.Key) == sluggedFileName))

                if (fileExtension == MARKDOWN_FILE_EXTENSION)
                    var destinationFilePath = FilePathHelper.CombineVirtualPath(parentNode.Url, sluggedFileNameWithExtension);
                    var updateDate          = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(filePath);

                    // if we have a custom index file, map this to the container directory
                    if (sluggedFileName == "index")
                        parentNode.DocumentFilePath = destinationFilePath;
                        parentNode.UpdateDate       = updateDate;
                        var node = new DocumentationNode()
                            Title            = fileNameWithoutExtension,
                            Url              = FilePathHelper.CombineVirtualPath(parentNode.Url, sluggedFileName),
                            DocumentFilePath = destinationFilePath,
                            UpdateDate       = updateDate

                        resultNodes.Add(sluggedFileName, node);

                    await _fileWriterService.CopyFile(filePath, destinationFilePath);
                else if (fileExtension != ".json")
                    // static files are served out of a separate directory
                    var destinationDirectory = FilePathHelper.CombineVirtualPath(STATIC_FOLDER_NAME, parentNode.Url);
                    var destinationPath      = FilePathHelper.CombineVirtualPath(destinationDirectory, sluggedFileNameWithExtension);

                    await _fileWriterService.EnsureDirectoryExistsAsync(destinationDirectory);

                    await _fileWriterService.CopyFile(filePath, destinationPath);

                // json files ignore, they are assumed to be config
Exemplo n.º 3
        private async Task ProcessDirectory(string directoryPath, DocumentationNode parentNode)
            var allFilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath);

            if (allFilePaths.Length == 0)

            var resultNodes = new Dictionary <string, DocumentationNode>();

            // Read the redirects.json file if exists and map the contents
            var redirects = await ProcessRedirects(resultNodes, parentNode, allFilePaths);

            // if a directory level redirect was assigned, return.
            if (parentNode.RedirectTo != null)

            await ProcessFiles(resultNodes, parentNode, allFilePaths, redirects);
            await ProcessChildDirectories(resultNodes, parentNode, directoryPath);

            // Set ordering, set root file
            string[] tableOfContents     = null;
            var      tableOfContentsFile = allFilePaths.SingleOrDefault(f => Path.GetFileName(f) == "toc.json");

            if (tableOfContentsFile != null)
                tableOfContents = await DeserializeJsonFile <string[]>(tableOfContentsFile);

            // If we have a toc file use it to filter out unwanted items and set ordering
            // otherwise order by title
            if (tableOfContents != null)
                var redirectNodes = resultNodes
                                    .Where(n => n.Value.RedirectTo != null)
                                    .Select(n => n.Value);

                parentNode.Children = resultNodes
                parentNode.Children = resultNodes
                                      .Select(r => r.Value)
                                      .OrderBy(r => r.Title)
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static async Task <Dictionary <string, string> > ProcessRedirects(
            Dictionary <string, DocumentationNode> resultNodes,
            DocumentationNode parentNode,
            string[] allFilePaths
            Dictionary <string, string> redirects = null;
            var      redirectsFile = allFilePaths.SingleOrDefault(f => Path.GetFileName(f) == "redirects.json");
            DateTime updateDate;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirectsFile))
                redirects = await DeserializeJsonFile <Dictionary <string, string> >(redirectsFile);

                updateDate = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(redirectsFile);
                redirects = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var directoryRedirectRule = redirects.GetOrDefault("*");

            if (directoryRedirectRule != null)
                // If we have a directory level redirect rule, assign it to the
                // the directory node and return
                parentNode.RedirectTo = directoryRedirectRule;
                parentNode.UpdateDate = updateDate;


            foreach (var redirect in redirects)
                var slug       = SlugFormatter.ToSlug(redirect.Key);
                var path       = FilePathHelper.CombineVirtualPath(parentNode.Url, slug);
                var redirectTo = FilePathHelper.CombineVirtualPath(parentNode.Url, redirect.Value);
                var node       = new DocumentationNode()
                    Title      = redirect.Key,
                    Url        = path,
                    RedirectTo = redirectTo,
                    UpdateDate = updateDate

                resultNodes.Add(slug, node);

            return(redirects ?? new Dictionary <string, string>());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task GenerateAsync()
            var version    = _docGeneratorSettings.Version;
            var sourcePath = _docGeneratorSettings.SourcePath;

            var staticFileFolder = FilePathHelper.CombineVirtualPath(STATIC_FOLDER_NAME, version);

            await _fileWriterService.EnsureDirectoryExistsAsync(version);

            await _fileWriterService.EnsureDirectoryExistsAsync(staticFileFolder);

            if (_docGeneratorSettings.CleanDestination)
                await _fileWriterService.ClearDirectoryAsync(version);

                await _fileWriterService.ClearDirectoryAsync(staticFileFolder);

            var rootNode = new DocumentationNode()
                Title      = "Docs",
                Url        = "/" + version,
                UpdateDate = DateTime.UtcNow

            // Copy files/directories recursively
            await ProcessDirectory(sourcePath, rootNode);

            // Write the completed table of contents file
            var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rootNode, GetJsonSetting());
            await _fileWriterService.WriteText(serialized, FilePathHelper.CombineVirtualPath(rootNode.Url, "toc.json"));

            // update the version manifest file in the root
            await UpdateVersionsAsync();

            await PublishWebHook();