Exemplo n.º 1
        public MirGoodsCell()
            Size         = new Size(205, 32);
            BorderColour = Color.Lime;

            NameLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Location   = new Point(44, 0),

            CountLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize           = true,
                Parent             = this,
                NotControl         = true,
                DrawControlTexture = true,
                Location           = new Point(23, 17),
                ForeColour         = Color.Yellow,

            PriceLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Location   = new Point(44, 14),

            BeforeDraw += (o, e) => Update();
            AfterDraw  += (o, e) => DrawItem();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void CreateNPCLabel(string word, int wordOrder)
            TempLabel = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < LabelList.Count; i++)
                if (LabelList[i].Text != word || LabelList[i].ForeColour != (wordOrder == 0 ? NameColour : Color.White)) continue;
                TempLabel = LabelList[i];

            if (TempLabel != null && !TempLabel.IsDisposed) return;

            TempLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                ForeColour = wordOrder == 0 ? NameColour : Color.White,
                OutLine = true,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Text = word,

            TempLabel.Disposing += (o, e) => LabelList.Remove(TempLabel);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

            if (!disposing)

            Label        = null;
            OKButton     = null;
            CancelButton = null;
            NoButton     = null;
            YesButton    = null;
            Buttons      = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Program.Form.Controls.Count; i++)
                TextBox T = (TextBox)Program.Form.Controls[i];
                if (T != null && T.Tag != null)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public bool usePearls = false;//pearl currency

        public MirGoodsCell()
            Size = new Size(205, 32);
            BorderColour = Color.Lime;

            NameLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    Parent = this,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Location = new Point(44, 0),

            CountLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,
                DrawControlTexture = true,
                Location = new Point(23, 17),
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,

            PriceLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    Parent = this,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Location = new Point(44, 14),

            BeforeDraw += (o, e) => Update();
            AfterDraw += (o, e) => DrawItem();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Draw(Point displayLocation)
            long timeRemaining = ExpireTime - CMain.Time;

            if (DamageLabel == null)
                DamageLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                    ForeColour = Colour,
                    OutLine = true,
                    OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                    Text = Text,
                    Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10F, FontStyle.Bold)
                DamageLabel.Disposing += label_Disposing;


            displayLocation.Offset((int)(15 - (Text.Length * 3)), (int)(((int)((double)timeRemaining / Factor)) - Distance) - 75 - Offset);

            DamageLabel.Location = displayLocation;
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void DisposeCountLabel()
     if (CountLabel != null && !CountLabel.IsDisposed)
     CountLabel = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public MirButton()
            HoverIndex = -1;
            PressedIndex = -1;
            Sound = SoundList.ButtonB;

            _label = new MirLabel
                    NotControl = true,
                    Parent = this,
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

            if (!disposing)

            if (_label != null && !_label.IsDisposed)
            _label = null;

            if (_DropDownButton != null && !_DropDownButton.IsDisposed)
            _DropDownButton = null;

            if (_ScrollBar != null && !_ScrollBar.IsDisposed)
            _ScrollBar = null;

            if (_ScrollDown != null && !_ScrollDown.IsDisposed)
            _ScrollDown = null;

            if (_ScrollPosition != null && !_ScrollPosition.IsDisposed)
            _ScrollPosition = null;

            if (_ScrollUp != null && !_ScrollUp.IsDisposed)
            _ScrollUp = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < _Option.Length; i++)
                if (_Option[i] != null && !_Option[i].IsDisposed)
                _Option[i] = null;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public MirButton()
            HoverIndex   = -1;
            PressedIndex = -1;
            Sound        = SoundList.ButtonB;

            _label = new MirLabel
                NotControl = true,
                Parent     = this,
Exemplo n.º 10
        public MirInputBox(string message)
            Modal   = true;
            Movable = false;

            Index   = 660;
            Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse;

            Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width) / 2, (Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height) / 2);

            CaptionLabel = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.WordBreak,
                Location   = new Point(25, 25),
                Size       = new Size(235, 40),
                Parent     = this,
                Text       = message,

            InputTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Parent       = this,
                Border       = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Lime,
                Location     = new Point(23, 86),
                Size         = new Size(240, 19),
                MaxLength    = 50,
            InputTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress += MirInputBox_KeyPress;

            OKButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 201,
                Index        = 200,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location     = new Point(60, 123),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 202,

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 204,
                Index        = 203,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location     = new Point(160, 123),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 205,
            CancelButton.Click += DisposeDialog;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public MirInputBox(string message)
            Modal = true;
            Movable = false;

            Index = 660;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;

            Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width) / 2, (Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height) / 2);

            CaptionLabel = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.WordBreak,
                Location = new Point(25, 25),
                Size = new Size(235, 40),
                Parent = this,
                Text = message,

            InputTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Parent = this,
                Border = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Lime,
                Location = new Point(23, 86),
                Size = new Size(240, 19),
                MaxLength = 50,
            InputTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress += MirInputBox_KeyPress;

            OKButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 201,
                Index = 200,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(60, 123),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 202,

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 204,
                Index = 203,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(160, 123),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 205,
            CancelButton.Click += DisposeDialog;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public MirButton()
            _HoverIndex   = -1;
            _PressedIndex = -1;
            _Sound        = SoundList.ClickB;

            Label = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter,
                NotControl = true,
                Parent     = this,
Exemplo n.º 13
        public LoginScene()
            SoundManager.PlaySound(SoundList.IntroMusic, true);
            Disposing += (o, e) => SoundManager.StopSound(SoundList.IntroMusic);

            _background = new MirAnimatedControl
                    Animated = false,
                    AnimationCount = 19,
                    AnimationDelay = 100,
                    Index = 0,
                    Library = Libraries.ChrSel,
                    Loop = false,
                    Parent = this,

            _login = new LoginDialog {Parent = _background, Visible = false};
            _login.AccountButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                    _account = new NewAccountDialog { Parent = _background };
                    _account.Disposing += (o1, e1) => _login.Show();
            _login.PassButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                    _password = new ChangePasswordDialog { Parent = _background };
                    _password.Disposing += (o1, e1) => _login.Show();

            Version = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(200, 50, 50, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Black,
                    Location = new Point(5, 580),
                    Parent = _background,
                    Text = string.Format("Version: {0}", Application.ProductVersion),

            _connectBox = new MirMessageBox("Attempting to connect to the server.", MirMessageBoxButtons.Cancel);
            _connectBox.CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Program.Form.Close();
            Shown += (sender, args) =>
Exemplo n.º 14
        public MirButton()
            HoverIndex   = -1;
            PressedIndex = -1;
            Sound        = SoundList.ButtonB;

            _label = new MirLabel
                NotControl = true,
                Parent     = this,
                //Font = new Font("Constantia", 8, FontStyle.Italic),
                //OutLine = true,
                //OutLineColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 70, 50, 30),
Exemplo n.º 15
        public ChatNoticeDialog()
            Index = 1361;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Movable = false;
            Sort = false;
            Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth / 2 - Size.Width / 2, Settings.ScreenHeight / 6 - Size.Height / 2);
            Opacity = 0.7F;

            TextLabel1 = new MirLabel
                Text = "",
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10F),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Location = new Point(0, -6),
                Size = new Size(660, 40),
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,

            TextLabel2 = new MirLabel
                Text = "",
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 15F),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Location = new Point(0, 0),
                Size = new Size(660, 40),
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,

            Layout = new MirImageControl
                Index = 1360,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(0, 0),
                Parent = this

            AfterDraw += ChatNotice_AfterDraw;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public MirCheckBox()
            TickedIndex   = -1;
            UnTickedIndex = -1;
            Index         = -1;
            HoverIndex    = -1;
            PressedIndex  = -1;
            Sound         = SoundList.ButtonB;
            Click        += MirCheckBox_Click;

            _label = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                NotControl = true,
                Location   = new Point(15, -2),
                Parent     = this
Exemplo n.º 17
        public MirGoodsCell()
            Size         = new Size(205, 32);
            BorderColour = Color.Lime;

            NameLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Location   = new Point(44, 0),

            CountLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize           = true,
                Parent             = this,
                NotControl         = true,
                DrawControlTexture = true,
                Location           = new Point(23, 17),
                ForeColour         = Color.Yellow,

            PriceLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Location   = new Point(44, 14),

            NewIcon = new MirImageControl
                Index      = 550,
                Library    = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent     = this,
                Location   = new Point(190, 5),
                NotControl = true,
                Visible    = false

            BeforeDraw += (o, e) => Update();
            AfterDraw  += (o, e) => DrawItem();
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void NewColour(string text, string colour, Point p)
            Color textColour = Color.FromName(colour);

            MirLabel temp = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Visible    = true,
                Parent     = this,
                Location   = p,
                Text       = text,
                ForeColour = textColour,
                Font       = Font

            //temp.MouseWheel += NPCDialog_MouseWheel;

Exemplo n.º 19
        protected override void Dispose(bool Disposing)
            if (Disposing)
                HoverIndexChanged = null;
                _HoverIndex       = 0;

                if (Label != null && !Label.IsDisposed)
                Label = null;

                PressedIndexChanged = null;
                _PressedIndex       = 0;

Exemplo n.º 20
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

            if (!disposing)

            HoverIndexChanged = null;
            _hoverIndex       = 0;

            if (_label != null && !_label.IsDisposed)
            _label = null;

            PressedIndexChanged = null;
            _pressedIndex       = 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void CreateDisposeLabel()
            if (Item.Info.StackSize < 1)

            if (CountLabel == null || CountLabel.IsDisposed)
                CountLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize   = true,
                    ForeColor  = Color.Yellow,
                    NotControl = true,
                    OutLine    = false,
                    Parent     = this,

            CountLabel.Text     = Item.Amount.ToString("###0");
            CountLabel.Location = new Point(Size.Width - CountLabel.Size.Width, Size.Height - CountLabel.Size.Height);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private void CreateDisposeLabel()
            if (Count <= 1)

            if (CountLabel == null || CountLabel.IsDisposed)
                CountLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    NotControl = true,
                    OutLine = false,
                    Parent = this,

            CountLabel.Text = Count.ToString("###0");
            CountLabel.Location = new Point(Size.Width - CountLabel.Size.Width + 8, Size.Height - CountLabel.Size.Height);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public GuestTradeDialog()
            Index = 390;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Movable = true;
            Size = new Size(204, 152);
            Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth / 2) + 10, Settings.ScreenHeight - 350);
            Sort = true;

            #region Host labels
            GuestNameLabel = new MirLabel
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(0, 10),
                Size = new Size(204, 14),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                NotControl = true,

            GuestGoldLabel = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Location = new Point(35, 123),
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(90, 15),
                Sound = SoundList.Gold,
                NotControl = true,

            #region Grids
            GuestGrid = new MirItemCell[5 * 2];

            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                    GuestGrid[2 * x + y] = new MirItemCell
                        ItemSlot = 2 * x + y,
                        GridType = MirGridType.GuestTrade,
                        Parent = this,
                        Location = new Point(x * 36 + 10 + x, y * 32 + 39 + y),
Exemplo n.º 24
        public TradeDialog()
            Index = 389;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Movable = true;
            Size = new Size(204, 152);
            Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth / 2) - Size.Width - 10, Settings.ScreenHeight - 350);
            Sort = true;

            #region Buttons
            ConfirmButton = new MirButton
                Index = 520,
                HoverIndex = 521,
                Location = new Point(135, 120),
                Size = new Size(48, 25),
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 522,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            ConfirmButton.Click += (o, e) => { ChangeLockState(!GameScene.User.TradeLocked); };

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 361,
                Index = 360,
                Location = new Point(Size.Width - 23, 3),
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) =>


            #region Host labels
            NameLabel = new MirLabel
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(20, 10),
                Size = new Size(150, 14),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                NotControl = true,

            GoldLabel = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Location = new Point(35, 123),
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(90, 15),
                Sound = SoundList.Gold,
            GoldLabel.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.SelectedCell == null && GameScene.Gold > 0)
                    MirAmountBox amountBox = new MirAmountBox("Trade Amount:", 116, GameScene.Gold);

                    amountBox.OKButton.Click += (c, a) =>
                        if (amountBox.Amount > 0)
                            GameScene.User.TradeGoldAmount += amountBox.Amount;
                            Network.Enqueue(new C.TradeGold { Amount = amountBox.Amount });


                    GameScene.PickedUpGold = false;

            #region Grids
            Grid = new MirItemCell[5 * 2];

            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                    Grid[2 * x + y] = new MirItemCell
                        ItemSlot = 2 * x + y,
                        GridType = MirGridType.Trade,
                        Parent = this,
                        Location = new Point(x * 36 + 10 + x, y * 32 + 39 + y),
Exemplo n.º 25
        public QuestSingleQuestItem(ClientQuestProgress quest)
            Quest = quest;
            Size = new Size(250, 15);
            TrackQuest = GameScene.Scene.QuestTrackingDialog.TrackedQuestsIds.Contains(quest.Id);

            string name = Quest.QuestInfo.Name;
            string level = string.Format("Lv{0}", Quest.QuestInfo.MinLevelNeeded);
            string state = quest.Completed ? "(Complete)" : "(In Progress)";

            bool lowLevelQuest = (MapObject.User.Level - quest.QuestInfo.MinLevelNeeded) > 10;

            BeforeDraw += QuestTaskSingleItem_BeforeDraw;
            AfterDraw += QuestTaskSingleItem_AfterDraw;

            _selectedImage = new MirImageControl
                Index = 956,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(-10, 0),
                Parent = this,
                Visible = false

            _questLabel = new MirLabel
                Text = string.Format("{0,-4} {1}", level, name),
                AutoSize = true,
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                ForeColour = lowLevelQuest ? Color.Gray : quest.New ? Color.Yellow : Color.White,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(0, 0),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA

            _questLabel.Click += (o, e) =>
                MouseEventArgs me = e as MouseEventArgs;

                if (me == null) return;

                switch (me.Button)
                    case MouseButtons.Left:
                    case MouseButtons.Right:
                            if (TrackQuest)
                                if (GameScene.Scene.QuestTrackingDialog.TrackedQuestsIds.Count >= 5) return;


                            TrackQuest = !TrackQuest;


            _stateLabel = new MirLabel
                Text = string.Format("{0}", state),
                AutoSize = true,
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                ForeColour = lowLevelQuest ? Color.Gray : quest.New ? Color.Yellow : Color.White,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(185, 0),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA
Exemplo n.º 26
        public QuestRow()
            Sound = SoundList.ButtonA;
            Size = new Size(200, 17);

            BeforeDraw += QuestRow_BeforeDraw;

            SelectedImage = new MirImageControl
                Index = 956,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(25, 0),
                Parent = this,
                Visible = false

            IconImage = new MirImageControl
                Index = 0,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(3, 0),
                Parent = this,
                Visible = false

            RequirementLabel = new MirLabel
                Location = new Point(20, 0),
                Size = new Size(178, 17),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,

            NameLabel = new MirLabel
                Location = new Point(60, 0),
                Size = new Size(140, 17),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Parent = this,
                NotControl = true,

Exemplo n.º 27
        private void NewText(List<string> lines, bool resetIndex = true)
            if (resetIndex)
                TopLine = 0;
                CurrentLines = lines;

            foreach (MirLabel t in _textButtons.Where(t => t != null))

            foreach (MirLabel t in _textLabel.Where(t => t != null))
                t.Text = "";


            int adjust = 0;

            BottomLine = lines.Count > LineCount ? ((LineCount + TopLine) > lines.Count ? lines.Count : (LineCount + TopLine)) : lines.Count;

            for (int i = TopLine; i < BottomLine; i++)
                Font font = Font;
                Color fontColor = Color.White;
                bool title = false;

                if (i == 0 || lines[i] == TaskTitle || lines[i] == ProgressTitle)
                    font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10F, FontStyle.Bold);
                    title = true;

                    if (i == 0)
                        fontColor = Color.Yellow;

                _textLabel[i - TopLine] = new MirLabel
                    Font = font,
                    ForeColour = fontColor,
                    DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.WordBreak,
                    Visible = true,
                    Parent = this,
                    Size = new Size(Size.Width, 20),
                    Location = new Point(title ? 15 : 0, 0 + (i - TopLine) * 15 + adjust),
                    NotControl = true

                if (title)
                    adjust += 5;

                if (i >= lines.Count)
                    _textLabel[i - TopLine].Text = string.Empty;

                string currentLine = lines[i];

                List<Match> matchList = C.Matches(currentLine).Cast<Match>().ToList();

                int oldLength = currentLine.Length;

                foreach (Match match in matchList.OrderBy(o => o.Index).ToList())
                    int offSet = oldLength - currentLine.Length;

                    Capture capture = match.Groups[1].Captures[0];
                    string[] values = capture.Value.Split('/');
                    currentLine = currentLine.Remove(capture.Index - 1 - offSet, capture.Length + 2).Insert(capture.Index - 1 - offSet, values[0]);
                    string text = currentLine.Substring(0, capture.Index - 1 - offSet) + " ";
                    Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(CMain.Graphics, text, _textLabel[i - TopLine].Font, _textLabel[i - TopLine].Size, TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl);

                    if (C.Match(match.Value).Success)
                        NewColour(values[0], values[1], _textLabel[i - TopLine].Location.Add(new Point(size.Width - 10, 0)));

                _textLabel[i - TopLine].Text = currentLine;
                _textLabel[i - TopLine].MouseWheel += QuestMessage_MouseWheel;
Exemplo n.º 28
            public CharacterButton()
                Index = 44; //45 locked
                Library = Libraries.Prguse;
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA;

                NameLabel = new MirLabel
                    Location = new Point(107, 9),
                    Parent = this,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Size = new Size(170, 18)

                LevelLabel = new MirLabel
                    Location = new Point(107, 28),
                    Parent = this,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Size = new Size(30, 18)

                ClassLabel = new MirLabel
                    Location = new Point(178, 28),
                    Parent = this,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Size = new Size(100, 18)
Exemplo n.º 29
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                Background = null;
                _character = null;

                ServerLabel = null;
                CharacterDisplay = null;
                StartGameButton = null;
                NewCharacterButton = null;
                DeleteCharacterButton = null; 
                CreditsButton = null;
                ExitGame = null;
                CharacterButtons = null;
                LastAccessLabel = null;LastAccessLabelLabel = null;
                Characters  = null;
                _selected = 0;

Exemplo n.º 30
        public MirAmountBox(string title, int image, uint max, uint min = 0)
            ImageIndex = image;
            MaxAmount  = max;
            MinAmount  = min;
            Amount     = max;
            Modal      = true;
            Movable    = false;

            Index   = 660;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;

            Location = new Point((800 - Size.Width) / 2, (600 - Size.Height) / 2);

            TitleLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(19 + 2, 8 + 15 + 3),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = title

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(180, 23),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible      = false,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            ItemImage = new MirControl
                Location = new Point(15, 34),
                Size     = new Size(38, 34),
                Parent   = this,
                Visible  = false,
            ItemImage.AfterDraw += (o, e) => DrawItem();

            OKButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 383,
                Index        = 382,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(23 + 120, 76 + 47),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 384,
            OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 386,
                Index        = 385,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Location     = new Point(110 + 100, 76 + 47),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 387,
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            InputTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Parent       = this,
                Border       = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Lime,
                Location     = new Point(59 - 37 + 2, 43 + 40 + 4),
                Size         = new Size(238, 19),
            //InputTextBox.Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10);
            InputTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress    += MirInputBox_KeyPress;
            InputTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += TextBox_TextChanged;
            InputTextBox.Text = MaxAmount.ToString();
            InputTextBox.TextBox.SelectionStart  = 0;
            InputTextBox.TextBox.SelectionLength = InputTextBox.Text.Length;
Exemplo n.º 31
        public MirDropDownBox()
            BackColour = Color.FromArgb(0x0F, 0x0F, 0x42);
            ForeColour = Color.White;
            Enabled    = false;
            _label     = new MirLabel
                Parent     = this,
                Location   = new Point(0, 0),
                ForeColour = ForeColour,
                BackColour = BackColour,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 7F),
                Visible    = true,
            _label.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (_DropDownButton.Enabled)
            _label.BeforeDraw += (o, e) =>
                if ((Items.Count > 0) && (Items.Count >= SelectedIndex))
                    if (SelectedIndex == -1)
                        _label.Text = " ";
                        _label.Text = Items[SelectedIndex];
                    _label.Text = "None";
            for (int i = 0; i < _Option.Length; i++)
                _Option[i] = new MirLabel
                    Parent     = this,
                    Visible    = false,
                    Location   = new Point(0, 15 + (i * 13)),
                    ForeColour = ForeColour,
                    BackColour = Color.MidnightBlue,
                    Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 7F)
                int index = i;
                _Option[index].MouseEnter += (o, e) => _Option[index].BackColour = Color.Blue;
                _Option[index].MouseLeave += (o, e) => _Option[index].BackColour = Color.MidnightBlue;
                _Option[index].MouseDown  += (o, e) => _Option[index].BackColour = Color.MidnightBlue;
                _Option[index].MouseUp    += (o, e) => _Option[index].BackColour = Color.MidnightBlue;
                _Option[index].Click      += (o, e) => SelectOption(index);

                _Option[index].BeforeDraw += (o, e) =>
                    if (Items.Count > (ScrollIndex + index + MinimumOption))
                        _Option[index].Text = _Items[ScrollIndex + index + MinimumOption];
            _DropDownButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 314,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 16, 0),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 315,
                Visible      = false,
            _DropDownButton.Click += (o, e) => DropDownClick();
            _ScrollUp              = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 2022,
                Index        = 2021,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 12, 14),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 2023,
                Visible      = false
            _ScrollUp.Click += (o, e) => ScrollUp();
            _ScrollDown      = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 2025,
                Index        = 2024,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 12, 52),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 2026,
                Visible      = false
            _ScrollDown.Click += (o, e) => ScrollDown();
            _ScrollBar         = new MirImageControl
                Index    = 2012,
                Library  = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(Size.Width - 8, 22),
                Parent   = this,
                Visible  = false
            _ScrollPosition = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 2016,
                Index        = 2015,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location     = new Point(Size.Width - 11, 22),
                Movable      = true,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 2017,
                Visible      = false
            _ScrollPosition.OnMoving += ScrollPosition;
            BeforeDraw += MirDropDownBox_BeforeDraw;
Exemplo n.º 32
        private void NewColour(string text, string colour, Point p)
            Color textColour = Color.FromName(colour);

            MirLabel temp = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Visible = true,
                Parent = this,
                Location = p,
                Text = text,
                ForeColour = textColour,
                Font = Font
            temp.MouseWheel += QuestMessage_MouseWheel;

Exemplo n.º 33
 private void DisposeCountLabel()
     if (CountLabel != null && !CountLabel.IsDisposed)
     CountLabel = null;
Exemplo n.º 34
        private static void CreateDebugLabel()
            if (!Settings.DebugMode) return;

            if (DebugBaseLabel == null || DebugBaseLabel.IsDisposed)
                DebugBaseLabel = new MirControl
                        BackColour = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50),
                        Border = true,
                        BorderColour = Color.Black,
                        DrawControlTexture = true,
                        Location = new Point(5, 5),
                        NotControl = true,
                        Opacity = 0.5F

            if (DebugTextLabel == null || DebugTextLabel.IsDisposed)
                DebugTextLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                    ForeColour = Color.White,
                    Parent = DebugBaseLabel,

                DebugTextLabel.SizeChanged += (o, e) => DebugBaseLabel.Size = DebugTextLabel.Size;

            string text;
            if (MirControl.MouseControl != null)
                text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS);

                if (MirControl.MouseControl is MapControl)
                    text += string.Format(", Co Ords: {0}", MapControl.MapLocation);

                if (MirScene.ActiveScene is GameScene)
                    text += string.Format(", Objects: {0}", MapControl.Objects.Count);

                text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS);

            DebugTextLabel.Text = text;
Exemplo n.º 35
        public QuestRewards()
            _expLabel = new MirLabel
                Size = new Size(75, 20),
                Location = new Point(40, 0),
                Parent = this

            _goldLabel = new MirLabel
                Size = new Size(75, 20),
                Parent = this

            _creditLabel = new MirLabel
                Size = new Size(75, 20),
                Location = new Point(60, 0),
                Parent = this

            BeforeDraw += QuestReward_BeforeDraw;
Exemplo n.º 36
        public void DisplayQuests()
            foreach (MirLabel label in TaskLines)

            List<ClientQuestProgress> questsToTrack = new List<ClientQuestProgress>();


            questsToTrack.AddRange(from quest in MapObject.User.CurrentQuests from id in TrackedQuestsIds.Where(id => quest.Id == id) select quest);

            if (questsToTrack.Count < 1)

            int y = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < questsToTrack.Count; i++)
                _questNameLabel = new MirLabel
                    Text = questsToTrack[i].QuestInfo.Name,
                    AutoSize = true,
                    BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                    Font = QuestFont,
                    ForeColour = Color.LimeGreen,
                    Location = new Point(5, 20 + y),
                    OutLine = true,
                    Parent = this,
                    Visible = true,


                foreach (string questToTrack in questsToTrack[i].TaskList)
                    y += 15;

                    string trackedQuest = questToTrack;

                    _questTaskLabel = new MirLabel
                        Text = trackedQuest,
                        AutoSize = true,
                        BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                        Font = QuestFont,
                        ForeColour = Color.White, //trackedQuest.Contains("(Completed)") ? Color.LimeGreen :
                        Location = new Point(25, 20 + y),
                        OutLine = true,
                        Parent = this,
                        Visible = true,


                if (i >= 5) break;

                y += 30;

Exemplo n.º 37
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

            Quest = null;
            NameLabel = null;
            RequirementLabel = null;
            SelectedImage = null;
            IconImage = null;

            Selected = false;
Exemplo n.º 38
        public QuestGroupQuestItem(string group, List<ClientQuestProgress> quests, bool expanded)
            Group = group;
            Quests = quests;
            Expanded = expanded;

            _expandButton = new MirButton
                Index = Expanded ? 917 : 918,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(16, 14),
                Location = new Point(0, 0),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA
            _expandButton.Click += (o, e) => ChangeExpand();

            _groupLabel = new MirLabel
                Text = Group,
                AutoSize = true,
                Parent = this,
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                ForeColour = Color.LimeGreen,
                Location = new Point(18, 0),
                Visible = true,

            for (int i = 0; i < Quests.Count; i++)
                QuestSingleQuestItem singleQuest = new QuestSingleQuestItem(Quests[i])
                    Parent = this,
                    Location = new Point(18, (15 * (i + 1))),
                    Size = new Size(280, 15),
                    Visible = Expanded
                singleQuest.SelectedQuestChanged += (o, e) => OnSelectedQuestChanged(o);


                if (Expanded)
                    SizeY += 15;

            Size = new Size(280, SizeY);
Exemplo n.º 39
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

            Quest = null;
            _questLabel = null;
Exemplo n.º 40
        public void NewText(List <string> lines, bool resetIndex = true)
            if (resetIndex)
                Index        = 0;
                CurrentLines = lines;

            foreach (MirLabel t in _textButtons)

            foreach (MirLabel t in _textLabel.Where(t => t != null))
                t.Text = "";


            int lastLine = lines.Count > VisibleLines ? ((VisibleLines + Index) > lines.Count ? lines.Count : (VisibleLines + Index)) : lines.Count;

            for (int i = Index; i < lastLine; i++)
                _textLabel[i - Index] = new MirLabel
                    Font       = Font,
                    DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.WordBreak,
                    Visible    = true,
                    Parent     = this,
                    Size       = new Size(Size.Width, 20),
                    Location   = new Point(0, 0 + (i - Index) * 15),
                    NotControl = true

                if (i >= lines.Count)
                    _textLabel[i - Index].Text = string.Empty;

                string currentLine = lines[i];

                List <Match> matchList = R.Matches(currentLine).Cast <Match>().ToList();
                matchList.AddRange(C.Matches(currentLine).Cast <Match>());

                int oldLength = currentLine.Length;

                foreach (Match match in matchList.OrderBy(o => o.Index).ToList())
                    int offSet = oldLength - currentLine.Length;

                    Capture  capture = match.Groups[1].Captures[0];
                    string[] values  = capture.Value.Split('/');
                    currentLine = currentLine.Remove(capture.Index - 1 - offSet, capture.Length + 2).Insert(capture.Index - 1 - offSet, values[0]);
                    string text = currentLine.Substring(0, capture.Index - 1 - offSet) + " ";
                    Size   size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(CMain.Graphics, text, _textLabel[i - Index].Font, _textLabel[i - Index].Size, TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl);

                    //if (R.Match(match.Value).Success)
                    //    NewButton(values[0], values[1], TextLabel[i].Location.Add(new Point(size.Width - 10, 0)));

                    if (C.Match(match.Value).Success)
                        NewColour(values[0], values[1], _textLabel[i - Index].Location.Add(new Point(size.Width - 10, 0)));

                _textLabel[i - Index].Text = currentLine;
                //TextLabel[i].MouseWheel += NPCDialog_MouseWheel;
Exemplo n.º 41
        public QuestDiaryDialog()
            Index = 961;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Movable = true;
            Sort = true;
            Location = new Point(Settings.ScreenWidth / 2 - 300 - 20, 60);

            MirImageControl TitleLabel = new MirImageControl
                Index = 15,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(18, 5),
                Parent = this

            _takenQuestsLabel = new MirLabel
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Parent = this,
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(210, 7)

            _closeButton = new MirButton
                Index = 193,
                HoverIndex = 194,
                PressedIndex = 195,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(200, 437),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            _closeButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();

            MirButton closeButton = new MirButton
                Index = 360,
                HoverIndex = 361,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(289, 3),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            closeButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();
Exemplo n.º 42
        public MainDialog()
            Index = Settings.Resolution == 800 ? 0 : Settings.Resolution == 1024 ? 1 : 2;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Location = new Point(((Settings.ScreenWidth / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)), Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height);
            PixelDetect = true;

            LeftCap = new MirImageControl
                Index = 12,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(-67, this.Size.Height - 96),
                Parent = this,
                Visible = false
            RightCap = new MirImageControl
                Index = 13,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(1024, this.Size.Height - 104),
                Parent = this,
                Visible = false

            if (Settings.Resolution > 1024)
                LeftCap.Visible = true;
                RightCap.Visible = true;

            InventoryButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1904,
                Index = 1903,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 96, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1905,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint = "Inventory (I)"
            InventoryButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.Scene.InventoryDialog.Visible)

            CharacterButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1901,
                Index = 1900,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 119, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1902,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint = "Character (C)"
            CharacterButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Visible && GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.CharacterPage.Visible)

            SkillButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1907,
                Index = 1906,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 73, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1908,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint = "Skills (S)"
            SkillButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Visible && GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.SkillPage.Visible)

            QuestButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1910,
                Index = 1909,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 50, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1911,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint = "Quests (Q)"
            QuestButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (!GameScene.Scene.QuestLogDialog.Visible)
                else GameScene.Scene.QuestLogDialog.Hide();

            OptionButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1913,
                Index = 1912,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 27, 76),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1914,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Hint = "Options (O)"
            OptionButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (!GameScene.Scene.OptionDialog.Visible)
                else GameScene.Scene.OptionDialog.Hide();

            MenuButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 1961,
                Index = 1960,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 55, 35),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 1962,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonC,
                Hint = "Menu"
            MenuButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (!GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Visible) GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Show();
                else GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Hide();

            GameShopButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 827,
                Index = 826,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 105, 35),
                Parent = this,
                PressedIndex = 828,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonC,
                Hint = "Game Shop"
            GameShopButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (!GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Visible) GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Show();
                else GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Hide();

            HealthOrb = new MirControl
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(0, 30),
                NotControl = true,

            HealthOrb.BeforeDraw += HealthOrb_BeforeDraw;

            HealthLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(0, 27),
                Parent = HealthOrb
            HealthLabel.SizeChanged += Label_SizeChanged;

            ManaLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(0, 42),
                Parent = HealthOrb
            ManaLabel.SizeChanged += Label_SizeChanged;

            TopLabel = new MirLabel
                Size = new Size(85, 30),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Location = new Point(9, 20),
                Parent = HealthOrb,

            BottomLabel = new MirLabel
                Size = new Size(85, 30),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Location = new Point(9, 50),
                Parent = HealthOrb,

            LevelLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(5, 108)

            CharacterName = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(6, 120),
                Size = new Size(90, 16)

            ExperienceBar = new MirImageControl
                Index = Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 8 : 7,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(9, 143),
                Parent = this,
                DrawImage = false,
                NotControl = true,
            ExperienceBar.BeforeDraw += ExperienceBar_BeforeDraw;

            ExperienceLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                Parent = ExperienceBar,
                NotControl = true,

            GoldLabel = new MirLabel
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 105, 119),
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(99, 13),
                Sound = SoundList.Gold,
            GoldLabel.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (GameScene.SelectedCell == null)
                    GameScene.PickedUpGold = !GameScene.PickedUpGold && GameScene.Gold > 0;

            WeightBar = new MirImageControl
                Index = 76,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 105, 103),
                Parent = this,
                DrawImage = false,
                NotControl = true,
            WeightBar.BeforeDraw += WeightBar_BeforeDraw;

            WeightLabel = new MirLabel
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 30, 101),
                Size = new Size(26, 14),

            AModeLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 899 : 675, Settings.Resolution != 800 ? -448 : -280),

            PModeLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Orange,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(230, 125),
                Visible = false

            SModeLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                ForeColour = Color.LimeGreen,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 899 : 675, Settings.Resolution != 800 ? -463 : -295),
Exemplo n.º 43
        public QuestListDialog()
            Index = 950;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;
            Movable = true;
            Sort = true;
            Location = new Point(GameScene.Scene.NPCDialog.Size.Width + 47, 0);

            MirImageControl TitleLabel = new MirImageControl
                Index = 14,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(18, 5),
                Parent = this

            #region QuestSelection

            MirButton upQuestButton = new MirButton
                Index = 951,
                HoverIndex = 952,
                PressedIndex = 953,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(291, 35),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            upQuestButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (SelectedQuest != null)
                    SelectedIndex = FindSelectedIndex();

                    if (SelectedIndex > 0)


            MirButton downQuestButton = new MirButton
                Index = 957,
                HoverIndex = 958,
                PressedIndex = 959,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(291, 83),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            downQuestButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (SelectedQuest != null)
                    SelectedIndex = FindSelectedIndex();

                    if (SelectedIndex < Rows.Length - 1)


            #region Buttons

            _acceptButton = new MirButton
                Index = 270,
                HoverIndex = 271,
                PressedIndex = 272,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(40, 437),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            _acceptButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (Reward == null || SelectedQuest.Taken) return;

                Network.Enqueue(new C.AcceptQuest { NPCIndex = SelectedQuest.QuestInfo.NPCIndex, QuestIndex = SelectedQuest.QuestInfo.Index });

            _finishButton = new MirButton
                Index = 273,
                HoverIndex = 274,
                PressedIndex = 275,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(40, 437),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible = false
            _finishButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (Reward == null || !SelectedQuest.Completed) return;

                if (Reward.SelectedItemIndex < 0 && SelectedQuest.QuestInfo.RewardsSelectItem.Count > 0)
                    MirMessageBox messageBox = new MirMessageBox("You must select a reward item.");

                Network.Enqueue(new C.FinishQuest { QuestIndex = SelectedQuest.QuestInfo.Index, SelectedItemIndex = Reward.SelectedItemIndex });

            MirButton leaveButton = new MirButton
                Index = 276,
                HoverIndex = 277,
                PressedIndex = 278,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(205, 437),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            leaveButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();


            #region Message Area

            MirButton upButton = new MirButton
                Index = 197,
                HoverIndex = 198,
                PressedIndex = 199,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(16, 14),
                Location = new Point(292, 136),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible = true

            MirButton downButton = new MirButton
                Index = 207,
                HoverIndex = 208,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                PressedIndex = 209,
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(16, 14),
                Location = new Point(292, 282),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible = true

            MirButton positionBar = new MirButton
                Index = 205,
                HoverIndex = 206,
                PressedIndex = 206,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Location = new Point(292, 149),
                Parent = this,
                Movable = true,
                Sound = SoundList.None,
                Visible = false

            Message = new QuestMessage(upButton, downButton, positionBar, 10)
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9F),
                Parent = this,
                Size = new Size(280, 160),
                Location = new Point(10, 135),
                PosMinY = 149,
                PosMaxY = 263


            #region Rewards

            Reward = new QuestRewards
                Parent = this,
                Visible = false,
                Size = new Size(313, 130),
                Location = new Point(5, 307)


            _availableQuestLabel = new MirLabel
                Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
                Parent = this,
                AutoSize = true,
                Location = new Point(210, 8)

            MirButton closeButton = new MirButton
                Index = 360,
                HoverIndex = 361,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(289, 3),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            closeButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();

            MirButton helpButton = new MirButton
                Index = 257,
                HoverIndex = 258,
                PressedIndex = 259,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(266, 3),
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            helpButton.Click += (o, e) => GameScene.Scene.HelpDialog.DisplayPage("Quests");
Exemplo n.º 44
        public override void CreateLabel()
            NameLabel = null;
            GuildLabel = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < LabelList.Count; i++)
                if (LabelList[i].Text != Name || LabelList[i].ForeColour != NameColour) continue;
                NameLabel = LabelList[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < LabelList.Count; i++)
                if (LabelList[i].Text != GuildName || LabelList[i].ForeColour != NameColour) continue;
                GuildLabel = LabelList[i];

            if (NameLabel != null && !NameLabel.IsDisposed && GuildLabel != null && !GuildLabel.IsDisposed) return;

            NameLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                ForeColour = NameColour,
                OutLine = true,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Text = Name,
            NameLabel.Disposing += (o, e) => LabelList.Remove(NameLabel);

            GuildLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = true,
                BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                ForeColour = NameColour,
                OutLine = true,
                OutLineColour = Color.Black,
                Text = GuildName,
            GuildLabel.Disposing += (o, e) => LabelList.Remove(GuildLabel);
Exemplo n.º 45
        public SelectScene(List<SelectInfo> characters)
            SoundManager.PlaySound(SoundList.SelectMusic, true);
            Disposing += (o, e) => SoundManager.StopSound(SoundList.SelectMusic);

            Characters = characters;

            KeyPress +=SelectScene_KeyPress;

            Background = new MirImageControl
                Index = 64,
                Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent = this,

            Title = new MirImageControl
                Index = 40,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Parent = this,
                Location = new Point(364, 12)

            ServerLabel = new MirLabel
                    Location = new Point(322, 44),
                    Parent = Background,
                    Size = new Size(155, 17),
                    Text = "Legend of Mir 2",
                    DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter
            StartGameButton = new MirButton
                Enabled = false,
                HoverIndex = 341,
                Index = 340,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(110, 568),
                Parent = Background,
                PressedIndex = 342
            StartGameButton.Click += (o, e) => StartGame();

            NewCharacterButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex = 344,
                    Index = 343,
                    Library = Libraries.Title,
                    Location = new Point(230, 568),
                    Parent = Background,
                    PressedIndex = 345,
                    GrayScale = true
            NewCharacterButton.Click += (o, e) => _character = new NewCharacterDialog { Parent = this };

            DeleteCharacterButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 347,
                Index = 346,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(350, 568),
                Parent = Background,
                PressedIndex = 348
            DeleteCharacterButton.Click += (o, e) => DeleteCharacter();

            CreditsButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 350,
                Index = 349,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(470, 568),
                Parent = Background,
                PressedIndex = 351

            ExitGame = new MirButton
                HoverIndex = 353,
                Index = 352,
                Library = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(590, 568),
                Parent = Background,
                PressedIndex = 354
            ExitGame.Click += (o, e) => Program.Form.Close();

            CharacterDisplay = new MirAnimatedControl
                Animated = true,
                AnimationCount = 16,
                AnimationDelay = 250,
                FadeIn = true,
                FadeInDelay = 75,
                FadeInRate = 0.1F,
                Index = 220,
                Library = Libraries.ChrSel,
                Location = new Point(200, 300),
                Parent = Background,
                UseOffSet = true,
                Visible = false
            CharacterDisplay.AfterDraw += (o, e) =>
               // if (_selected >= 0 && _selected < Characters.Count && characters[_selected].Class == MirClass.Wizard)
                    Libraries.ChrSel.DrawBlend(CharacterDisplay.Index + 560, CharacterDisplay.DisplayLocationWithoutOffSet, Color.White, true);
            CharacterButtons = new CharacterButton[4];

            CharacterButtons[0] = new CharacterButton
                Location = new Point(447, 122),
                Parent = Background,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CharacterButtons[0].Click += (o,e) =>
                if (characters.Count <= 0) return;

                _selected = 0;

            CharacterButtons[1] = new CharacterButton
                Location = new Point(447, 226),
                Parent = Background,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CharacterButtons[1].Click += (o, e) =>
                if (characters.Count <= 1) return;
                _selected = 1;

            CharacterButtons[2] = new CharacterButton
                Location = new Point(447, 330),
                Parent = Background,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CharacterButtons[2].Click += (o, e) =>
                if (characters.Count <= 2) return;

                _selected = 2;

            CharacterButtons[3] = new CharacterButton
                Location = new Point(447, 434),
                Parent = Background,
                Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CharacterButtons[3].Click += (o, e) =>
                if (characters.Count <= 3) return;

                _selected = 3;

            LastAccessLabel = new MirLabel
                Location = new Point(140, 509),
                Parent = Background,
                Size = new Size(180, 21),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Border = true,
            LastAccessLabelLabel = new MirLabel
                    Location = new Point(-80, -1),
                    Parent = LastAccessLabel,
                    Text = "Last Online:",
                    Size = new Size(100, 21),
                    DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                    Border = true,
Exemplo n.º 46
        public MirAmountBox(string title, int image, uint max, uint min = 0, uint defaultAmount = 0)
            ImageIndex = image;
            MaxAmount  = max;
            MinAmount  = min;
            Amount     = max;
            Modal      = true;
            Movable    = false;

            Index   = 238;
            Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse;

            Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width) / 2, (Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height) / 2);

            TitleLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(19, 8),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = title

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(180, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            ItemImage = new MirControl
                Location = new Point(15, 34),
                Size     = new Size(38, 34),
                Parent   = this,
            ItemImage.AfterDraw += (o, e) => DrawItem();

            OKButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 201,
                Index        = 200,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location     = new Point(23, 76),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 202,
            OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 204,
                Index        = 203,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location     = new Point(110, 76),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 205,
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            InputTextBox = new MirTextBox
                Parent       = this,
                Border       = true,
                BorderColour = Color.Lime,
                Location     = new Point(58, 43),
                Size         = new Size(132, 19),
            InputTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress    += MirInputBox_KeyPress;
            InputTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += TextBox_TextChanged;
            InputTextBox.Text = (defaultAmount > 0 && defaultAmount <= MaxAmount) ? defaultAmount.ToString() : MaxAmount.ToString();
            InputTextBox.TextBox.SelectionStart  = 0;
            InputTextBox.TextBox.SelectionLength = InputTextBox.Text.Length;
Exemplo n.º 47
            public NewCharacterDialog()
                Index = 73;
                Library = Libraries.Prguse;
                Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width)/2, (Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height)/2);
                Modal = true;

                TitleLabel = new MirImageControl
                        Index = 20,
                        Library = Libraries.Title,
                        Location = new Point(206, 11),
                        Parent = this,

                CancelButton = new MirButton
                        HoverIndex = 281,
                        Index = 280,
                        Library = Libraries.Title,
                        Location = new Point(425, 425),
                        Parent = this,
                        PressedIndex = 282
                CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

                OKButton = new MirButton
                        Enabled = false,
                        HoverIndex = 361,
                        Index = 360,
                        Library = Libraries.Title,
                        Location = new Point(160, 425),
                        Parent = this,
                        PressedIndex = 362,
                OKButton.Click += (o, e) => CreateCharacter();

                NameTextBox = new MirTextBox
                        Location = new Point(325, 268),
                        Parent = this,
                        Size = new Size(240, 20),
                        MaxLength = Globals.MaxCharacterNameLength
                NameTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress;
                NameTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += CharacterNameTextBox_TextChanged;

                CharacterDisplay = new MirAnimatedControl
                        Animated = true,
                        AnimationCount = 16,
                        AnimationDelay = 250,
                        Index = 20,
                        Library = Libraries.ChrSel,
                        Location = new Point(120, 250),
                        Parent = this,
                        UseOffSet = true,
                CharacterDisplay.AfterDraw += (o, e) =>
                        if (_class == MirClass.Wizard)
                            Libraries.ChrSel.DrawBlend(CharacterDisplay.Index + 560, CharacterDisplay.DisplayLocationWithoutOffSet, Color.White, true);

                WarriorButton = new MirButton
                        HoverIndex = 2427,
                        Index = 2427,
                        Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                        Location = new Point(323, 296),
                        Parent = this,
                        PressedIndex = 2428,
                        Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                WarriorButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                        _class = MirClass.Warrior;

                WizardButton = new MirButton
                        HoverIndex = 2430,
                        Index = 2429,
                        Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                        Location = new Point(373, 296),
                        Parent = this,
                        PressedIndex = 2431,
                        Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                WizardButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                        _class = MirClass.Wizard;

                TaoistButton = new MirButton
                        HoverIndex = 2433,
                        Index = 2432,
                        Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                        Location = new Point(423, 296),
                        Parent = this,
                        PressedIndex = 2434,
                        Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                TaoistButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                        _class = MirClass.Taoist;

                AssassinButton = new MirButton
                        HoverIndex = 2436,
                        Index = 2435,
                        Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                        Location = new Point(473, 296),
                        Parent = this,
                        PressedIndex = 2437,
                        Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                AssassinButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                        _class = MirClass.Assassin;

                ArcherButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex = 2439,
                    Index = 2438,
                    Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                    Location = new Point(523, 296),
                    Parent = this,
                    PressedIndex = 2440,
                    Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                ArcherButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                    _class = MirClass.Archer;

                MaleButton = new MirButton
                        HoverIndex = 2421,
                        Index = 2421,
                        Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                        Location = new Point(323, 343),
                        Parent = this,
                        PressedIndex = 2422,
                        Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                MaleButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                        _gender = MirGender.Male;

                FemaleButton = new MirButton
                        HoverIndex = 2424,
                        Index = 2423,
                        Library = Libraries.Prguse,
                        Location = new Point(373, 343),
                        Parent = this,
                        PressedIndex = 2425,
                        Sound = SoundList.ButtonA,
                FemaleButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                        _gender = MirGender.Female;

                Description = new MirLabel
                        Border = true,
                        Location = new Point(279, 70),
                        Parent = this,
                        Size = new Size(278, 170),
                        Text = WarriorDescription,
Exemplo n.º 48
        public MirAmountBox(string title, int image, string message)
            ImageIndex = image;

            Modal   = true;
            Movable = false;

            Index   = 238;
            Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse;

            Location = new Point((800 - Size.Width) / 2, (600 - Size.Height) / 2);

            TitleLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(19, 8),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = title

            TextLabel = new MirLabel
                AutoSize   = true,
                Location   = new Point(60, 43),
                ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Text       = message

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(180, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomPrguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            ItemImage = new MirControl
                Location = new Point(15, 34),
                Size     = new Size(38, 34),
                Parent   = this,
            ItemImage.AfterDraw += (o, e) => DrawItem();

            OKButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 201,
                Index        = 200,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location     = new Point(23, 76),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 202,
            OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            CancelButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 204,
                Index        = 203,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Location     = new Point(110, 76),
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 205,
            CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
Exemplo n.º 49
        public MirMessageBox(string message, MirMessageBoxButtons b = MirMessageBoxButtons.OK, bool allowKeys = true)
            DrawImage     = true;
            ForeColour    = Color.White;
            Buttons       = b;
            Modal         = true;
            Movable       = false;
            AllowKeyPress = allowKeys;

            Index   = 360;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;

            Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width) / 2, (Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height) / 2);

            Label = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = false,
                // DrawFormat = StringFormatFlags.FitBlackBox,
                Location = new Point(35, 35),
                Size     = new Size(390, 110),
                Parent   = this,
                Text     = message

            switch (Buttons)
            case MirMessageBoxButtons.OK:
                OKButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 201,
                    Index        = 200,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(360, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 202,
                OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            case MirMessageBoxButtons.OKCancel:
                OKButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 201,
                    Index        = 200,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(260, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 202,
                OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
                CancelButton    = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 204,
                    Index        = 203,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(360, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 205,
                CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            case MirMessageBoxButtons.YesNo:
                YesButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 207,
                    Index        = 206,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(260, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 208,
                YesButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
                NoButton         = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 211,
                    Index        = 210,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(360, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 212,
                NoButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            case MirMessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel:
                YesButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 207,
                    Index        = 206,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(160, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 208,
                YesButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
                NoButton         = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 211,
                    Index        = 210,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(260, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 212,
                NoButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
                CancelButton    = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 204,
                    Index        = 203,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(360, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 205,
                CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            case MirMessageBoxButtons.Cancel:
                CancelButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 204,
                    Index        = 203,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(360, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 205,
                CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
Exemplo n.º 50
        public GameShopCell()
            Size        = new Size(125, 146);
            Index       = 750;
            Library     = Libraries.CustomTitle;
            MouseLeave += (o, e) =>
                GameScene.HoverItem = null;
                ShowItem            = null;

            nameLabel = new MirLabel
                Size       = new Size(125, 15),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Location   = new Point(0, 13),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),

            goldLabel = new MirLabel
                Size       = new Size(95, 20),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.RightToLeft | TextFormatFlags.Right,
                Location   = new Point(2, 102),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F)

            gpLabel = new MirLabel
                Size       = new Size(95, 20),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.RightToLeft | TextFormatFlags.Right,
                Location   = new Point(2, 81),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F)

            StockLabel = new MirLabel
                Size       = new Size(40, 20),
                Location   = new Point(53, 37),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                ForeColour = Color.Gray,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 7F),
                Text       = "STOCK:"

            stockLabel = new MirLabel
                Size       = new Size(20, 20),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter,
                Location   = new Point(93, 37),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 7F),

            countLabel = new MirLabel
                Size       = new Size(30, 20),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Right,
                Location   = new Point(16, 60),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 7F),

            BuyItem = new MirButton
                Index        = 778,
                HoverIndex   = 779,
                PressedIndex = 780,
                Location     = new Point(42, 122),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Parent       = this,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            BuyItem.Click += (o, e) =>

            PreviewItem = new MirButton
                Index        = 781,
                HoverIndex   = 782,
                PressedIndex = 783,
                Location     = new Point(8, 122),
                Library      = Libraries.CustomTitle,
                Parent       = this,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible      = false,
            PreviewItem.Click += (o, e) =>
                GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Viewer = new GameShopViewer
                    Parent   = GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog,
                    Visible  = true,
                    Location = this.Location.X < 350 ? new Point(416, 115) : new Point(151, 115),
                GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Viewer.ViewerItem = Item;

            quantityUp = new MirButton
                Index        = 243,
                HoverIndex   = 244,
                PressedIndex = 245,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomPrguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Location     = new Point(97, 56),
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            quantityUp.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (CMain.Shift)
                    Quantity += 10;

                if (((decimal)(Quantity * Item.Count) / Item.Info.StackSize) > 5)
                    Quantity = ((5 * Item.Info.StackSize) / Item.Count) > 99 ? Quantity = 99 : Quantity = (byte)((5 * Item.Info.StackSize) / Item.Count);
                if (Quantity >= 99)
                    Quantity = 99;
                if (Item.Stock != 0 && Quantity > Item.Stock)
                    Quantity = (byte)Item.Stock;

            quantityDown = new MirButton
                Index        = 240,
                HoverIndex   = 241,
                PressedIndex = 242,
                Library      = Libraries.CustomPrguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Location     = new Point(55, 56),
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            quantityDown.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (CMain.Shift)
                    Quantity -= 10;

                if (Quantity <= 1 || Quantity > 99)
                    Quantity = 1;

            quantity = new MirLabel
                Size       = new Size(20, 13),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Location   = new Point(74, 56),
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F),
Exemplo n.º 51
        private static void CreateHintLabel()
            if (HintBaseLabel == null || HintBaseLabel.IsDisposed)
                HintBaseLabel = new MirControl
                    BackColour = Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 50),
                    Border = true,
                    DrawControlTexture = true,
                    BorderColour = Color.Yellow,
                    ForeColour = Color.Yellow,
                    Parent = MirScene.ActiveScene,
                    NotControl = true,
                    Opacity = 0.5F

            if (HintTextLabel == null || HintTextLabel.IsDisposed)
                HintTextLabel = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                    ForeColour = Color.White,
                    Parent = HintBaseLabel,

                HintTextLabel.SizeChanged += (o, e) => HintBaseLabel.Size = HintTextLabel.Size;

            if (MirControl.MouseControl == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(MirControl.MouseControl.Hint))
                HintBaseLabel.Visible = false;

            HintBaseLabel.Visible = true;

            HintTextLabel.Text = MirControl.MouseControl.Hint;

            Point point = MPoint.Add(-HintTextLabel.Size.Width, 20);

            if (point.X + HintBaseLabel.Size.Width >= Settings.ScreenWidth)
                point.X = Settings.ScreenWidth - HintBaseLabel.Size.Width - 1;
            if (point.Y + HintBaseLabel.Size.Height >= Settings.ScreenHeight)
                point.Y = Settings.ScreenHeight - HintBaseLabel.Size.Height - 1;

            if (point.X < 0)
                point.X = 0;
            if (point.Y < 0)
                point.Y = 0;

            HintBaseLabel.Location = point;
Exemplo n.º 52
        public MirMessageBox1(string message, MirMessageBoxButtons1 b = MirMessageBoxButtons1.OK)
            DrawImage  = true;
            ForeColour = Color.White;
            Buttons    = b;
            Modal      = true;
            Movable    = false;

            Index   = 990;
            Library = Libraries.Prguse;

            Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width) / 2, (Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height) / 2);

            Label = new MirLabel
                AutoSize = false,
                // DrawFormat = StringFormatFlags.FitBlackBox,
                Location = new Point(35 - 20, 35 - 16),
                Size     = new Size(390, 110),
                Parent   = this,
                Text     = message

            switch (Buttons)
            case MirMessageBoxButtons1.OK:
                OKButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 201,
                    Index        = 200,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(340, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 202,
                OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            case MirMessageBoxButtons1.OKCancel:
                OKButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 201,
                    Index        = 200,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(250, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 202,
                OKButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
                CancelButton    = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 204,
                    Index        = 203,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(340, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 205,
                CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            case MirMessageBoxButtons1.YesNo:     // 116
                YesButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 117,
                    Index        = 116,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(250 - 30 - 50 - 15, 157 - 50 - 15 + 4),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 118,
                YesButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
                NoButton         = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 184,
                    Index        = 183,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(340 - 30 - 50 - 25 - 10, 157 - 50 - 15 + 4),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 185,
                NoButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            case MirMessageBoxButtons1.YesNoCancel:
                YesButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 207,
                    Index        = 206,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(160, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 208,
                YesButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
                NoButton         = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 211,
                    Index        = 210,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(250, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 212,
                NoButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();
                CancelButton    = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 204,
                    Index        = 203,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(340, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 205,
                CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();

            case MirMessageBoxButtons1.Cancel:
                CancelButton = new MirButton
                    HoverIndex   = 204,
                    Index        = 203,
                    Library      = Libraries.Title,
                    Location     = new Point(340, 157),
                    Parent       = this,
                    PressedIndex = 205,
                CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose();