Exemplo n.º 1
 public bool sameProps(HtmlText other)
     if (other == null)
     return(this.top == other.top &&
            this.fontSize == other.fontSize &&
            this.fontColor == other.fontColor &&
            this.italic == other.italic &&
            this.bold == other.bold &&
            this.underline == other.underline &&
            this.fontFamily == other.fontFamily);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void DrawText(StringBuilder shapeBuilder)
            int top = getTopForCurrentAnchoring(this.Shape.VerticalAlign, this.Shape.Texts);

            foreach (var par in Shape.Texts)
                //If top add spacing before - otherwise not (I think)
                int paragraphTop = this.top + (this.Shape.VerticalAlign.Equals(DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.TextAnchoringTypeValues.Top) ? par.getSpaceBeforePoints() : 0);

                string htmlStyle = par.Invisible ? "DC0" : "DC1";
                if (par.Animatable)
                    shapeBuilder.Append("<div id=\"" + id + "p" + par.Paragraph + "\" style=\"top:" + paragraphTop + "px;left:" + this.left.ToString() +
                                        "px;height:" + height.ToString() + "px;width:" + width.ToString() + "px;\">");
                    shapeBuilder.Append("<div class=\"" + htmlStyle + "\" id=\"" + id + "p" + par.Paragraph + "c" + "\">");
                    shapeBuilder.Append("<div id=\"" + id + "p" + par.Paragraph + "\" style=\"top:" + (this.top).ToString() + "px;left:" + this.left.ToString() +
                                        "px;height:" + height.ToString() + "px;width:" + width.ToString() + "px;\">");

                int newTop = par.getSpaceBeforePoints();
                int left   = 0;

                List <HtmlText> textElements = new List <HtmlText>();
                if (par.RunPropList == null || par.RunPropList.Count == 0 && par.defaultRunProperties != null)  //Only paragraph!
                    float points = float.Parse(par.defaultRunProperties.FontSize.ToString()) * 72.0F / 96.0F;
                    Font  font   = new System.Drawing.Font(par.defaultRunProperties.FontFamily.ToString(), points);
                    newTop = font.Height;
                List <HtmlText> processedElements = new List <HtmlText>();
                foreach (var text in breakTextsToShape(par))
                    float points = float.Parse(text.FontSize.ToString()) * 72.0F / 96.0F;
                    Font  font   = new System.Drawing.Font(text.FontFamily.ToString(), points);
                    if (text.Bold)
                        font = new System.Drawing.Font(text.FontFamily.ToString(), points, FontStyle.Bold);
                    else if (text.Italic)
                        font = new System.Drawing.Font(text.FontFamily.ToString(), points, FontStyle.Italic);
                    else if (text.Underline != null && text.Underline.Equals("Single"))
                        font = new System.Drawing.Font(text.FontFamily.ToString(), points, FontStyle.Underline);
                    newTop = font.Height > newTop ? font.Height : newTop;
                    newTop = par.getLineSpacingInPointsFromFont(newTop);

                    if (text.isBreak)
                        top += newTop;
                        left = 0;
                        fixLeftSpacingForAlignment(processedElements, par, font);
                    String currentString = text.Text.TrimEnd() + getStringFromTextElements(processedElements);
                    //Text must already be broken to lines
                    //Size size = MeasureString(currentString, font);
//                     if (size.Width > this.width - par.Indent - par.marginLeft - par.marginRight)
//                     {
//                         top += newTop;
//                         left = 0;
//                         fixLeftSpacingForAlignment(processedElements, par, font);
//                         processedElements.Clear();
//                     }

                    HtmlText t1 = new HtmlText(left: left,
                                               top: top,
                                               fontFamily: text.FontFamily,
                                               fontColor: text.FontColor,
                                               fontSize: text.FontSize,
                                               isBullet: text.isBullet,
                                               bold: text.Bold,
                                               italic: text.Italic,
                                               underline: text.Underline,
                                               id: id,
                                               slideIndex: slideIndex)
                        Rotate = Rotate

                    t1.width = MeasureString(text.Text, font);

                    if (text.isBullet && text.Text != null && text.Text.Contains("rId"))
                        t1.PictureBullet = true;
                        t1.width         = text.bulletSize;
                        t1.bulletSize    = text.bulletSize;
                        newTop           = text.bulletSize;
                    t1.Text = text.Text;
                fixLeftSpacingForAlignment(processedElements, par);

                HtmlText        lastTxt            = null;
                List <HtmlText> mergedTextElements = new List <HtmlText>();
                foreach (HtmlText textElement in textElements)
                    if (lastTxt == null || !lastTxt.sameProps(textElement))
                        mergedTextElements[mergedTextElements.Count - 1].Text += textElement.Text;

                    lastTxt = textElement;

                foreach (HtmlText textElement in mergedTextElements)
                top += newTop;
                top += par.getSpaceAfterPoints(newTop);
                top += par.getSpaceBeforePoints(newTop);

                if (par.Animatable)