Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>
        /// Creates a NSObject representing the given .NET Object.
        /// </para><para>
        /// Numerics of type <see cref="bool"/>, <see cref="int"/>, <see cref="long"/>, <see cref="short"/>, <see cref="byte"/>, <see cref="float"/> or <see cref="double"/> are wrapped as NSNumber objects.
        /// </para><para>
        /// Strings are wrapped as <see cref="NSString"/> objects and byte arrays as <see cref="NSData"/> objects.
        /// </para><para>
        /// DateTime objects are wrapped as <see cref="NSDate"/> objects.
        /// </para><para>
        /// Serializable classes are serialized and their data is stored in <see cref="NSData"/> objects.
        /// </para><para>
        /// Arrays and Collection objects are converted to <see cref="NSArray"/> where each array member is wrapped into a <see cref="NSObject"/>.
        /// </para><para>
        /// Dictionaries are converted to <see cref="NSDictionary"/>. Each key is converted to a string and each value wrapped into a <see cref="NSObject"/>.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">The object to represent.</param>
        ///<returns>A NSObject equivalent to the given object.</returns>
        public static NSObject Wrap(Object o)
            if (o == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("A null object cannot be wrapped as a NSObject");

            if (o is NSObject)
                return (NSObject)o;

            Type c = o.GetType();
            if (typeof(bool).Equals(c))
                return Wrap((bool)o);
            if (typeof(Byte).Equals(c))
                return Wrap((int)(Byte)o);
            if (typeof(short).Equals(c))
                return Wrap((int)(short)o);
            if (typeof(int).Equals(c))
                return Wrap((int)(int)o);
            if (typeof(long).IsAssignableFrom(c))
                return Wrap((long)o);
            if (typeof(float).Equals(c))
                return Wrap((double)(float)o);
            if (typeof(double).IsAssignableFrom(c))
                return Wrap((double)o);
            if (typeof(string).Equals(c))
                return new NSString((string)o);
            if (typeof(DateTime).Equals(c))
                return new NSDate((DateTime)o);
            if (c.IsArray)
                Type cc = c.GetElementType();
                if (cc.Equals(typeof(byte)))
                    return Wrap((byte[])o);
                if (cc.Equals(typeof(bool)))
                    bool[] array = (bool[])o;
                    NSArray nsa = new NSArray(array.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                        nsa.SetValue(i, Wrap(array[i]));
                    return nsa;
                if (cc.Equals(typeof(float)))
                    float[] array = (float[])o;
                    NSArray nsa = new NSArray(array.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                        nsa.SetValue(i, Wrap(array[i]));
                    return nsa;
                if (cc.Equals(typeof(double)))
                    double[] array = (double[])o;
                    NSArray nsa = new NSArray(array.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                        nsa.SetValue(i, Wrap(array[i]));
                    return nsa;
                if (cc.Equals(typeof(short)))
                    short[] array = (short[])o;
                    NSArray nsa = new NSArray(array.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                        nsa.SetValue(i, Wrap(array[i]));
                    return nsa;
                if (cc.Equals(typeof(int)))
                    int[] array = (int[])o;
                    NSArray nsa = new NSArray(array.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                        nsa.SetValue(i, Wrap(array[i]));
                    return nsa;
                if (cc.Equals(typeof(long)))
                    long[] array = (long[])o;
                    NSArray nsa = new NSArray(array.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                        nsa.SetValue(i, Wrap(array[i]));
                    return nsa;
                    return Wrap((Object[])o);
            if (typeof(Dictionary<string,Object>).IsAssignableFrom(c))
                Dictionary<string,Object> netDict = (Dictionary<string,Object>)o;
                NSDictionary dict = new NSDictionary();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Object> kvp in netDict)
                    dict.Add(kvp.Key, Wrap(kvp.Value));
                return dict;
            if (typeof(List<Object>).IsAssignableFrom(c))
                return Wrap(((List<Object>)o).ToArray());
            return WrapSerialized(o);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void AddBundleURLType(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string PlistPath, string NewURLScheme)
            if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, File.Exists(PlistPath), "Plist " + PlistPath + " doesn't exist!"))
                FileInfo PlistFileInfo = new FileInfo(PlistPath);

                NSObject PlistRoot = PropertyListParser.Parse(PlistFileInfo);

                if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, PlistRoot != null, "Plist " + PlistPath + " could not be parsed!"))
                    if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(PlistRoot.GetType()), "Plist " + PlistPath + " root object is not a dictionary."))
                        NSDictionary RootDictionary = (NSDictionary)PlistRoot;

                        if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, RootDictionary != null, "Plist root is not a dictionary."))
                            NSSet BundleURLTypes = null;

                                NSObject BundleURLTypesObj = RootDictionary.Get("CFBundleURLTypes");

                                if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, BundleURLTypesObj != null, "CFBundleURLTypes wasn't found in the root dictionary even though the key exists."))
                                    if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSArray).IsAssignableFrom(BundleURLTypesObj.GetType()), "CFBundleURLTypes isn't an NSArray."))
                                        BundleURLTypes = new NSSet(((NSArray)BundleURLTypesObj).GetArray());

                            if(BundleURLTypes == null)
                                BundleURLTypes = new NSSet();

                            bool bAlreadyExists = false;

                            foreach(NSObject CurrentURLType in BundleURLTypes)

                                if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(CurrentURLType.GetType()), "One of the CFBundleURLTypes isn't an NSDictionary."))
                                    NSDictionary CurrentURLTypeDict = (NSDictionary)CurrentURLType;

                                    if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentURLTypeDict != null, "One of the CFBundleURLTypes didn't cast to NSDictionary correctly."))
                                            NSObject CurrentURLSchemesArrayObj = CurrentURLTypeDict.Get("CFBundleURLSchemes");

                                            if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSArray).IsAssignableFrom(CurrentURLSchemesArrayObj.GetType()), "A CFBundleURLSchemes key exists for a given CFBundleURLType, but it's not an NSArray type."))
                                                NSArray CurrentURLSchemesArray = (NSArray)CurrentURLSchemesArrayObj;

                                                if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentURLSchemesArray != null, "The CFBundleURLSchemes object didn't cast to NSDictionary correctly."))
                                                    NSSet CurrentURLSchemesSet = new NSSet(CurrentURLSchemesArray.GetArray());

                                                    foreach(NSObject CurrentURLSchemeObj in CurrentURLSchemesSet)
                                                        if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(NSString).IsAssignableFrom(CurrentURLSchemeObj.GetType()), "One of the CFBundleURLSchemes is not an NSString."))
                                                            NSString CurrentURLScheme = (NSString)CurrentURLSchemeObj;

                                                            if(IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentURLScheme != null, "A CFBundleURLScheme entry didn't cast to NSString correctly."))
                                                                if(CurrentURLScheme.GetContent() == NewURLScheme)
                                                                    bAlreadyExists = true;

                                                                    IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "URL scheme " + NewURLScheme + " is already in " + PlistPath);


                                NSString NewSchemeString = new NSString(NewURLScheme);

                                NSArray NewSchemeArray = new NSArray(1);

                                NewSchemeArray.SetValue(0, NewSchemeString);

                                NSDictionary NewTypeDictionary = new NSDictionary();

                                NewTypeDictionary.Add("CFBundleURLSchemes", NewSchemeArray);


                                NSArray BundleURLTypesArray = new NSArray(BundleURLTypes.AllObjects());

                                    RootDictionary["CFBundleURLTypes"] = BundleURLTypesArray;

                                    IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Updated CFBundleURLTypes to add " + NewURLScheme + ".");
                                    RootDictionary.Add("CFBundleURLTypes", BundleURLTypesArray);

                                    IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added CFBundleURLTypes to add " + NewURLScheme + ".");


                                PropertyListParser.SaveAsXml(RootDictionary, PlistFileInfo);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a NSArray with the contents of the given array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value to represent as a NSObject.</param>
 /// <returns>A NSObject representing the given value.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="SystemException">When one of the objects contained in the array cannot be represented by a NSObject.</exception>
 public static NSArray Wrap(Object[] value)
     NSArray arr = new NSArray(value.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
         arr.SetValue(i, Wrap(value[i]));
     return arr;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private NSArray GetManagedUpdates(string condition = null)
            var managedUpdates = new List<Models.MunkiManifestManagedUpdate>();
            foreach (var templateId in _templateIds)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
                            .Where(x => x.Condition == condition));
                        .Where(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Condition)));

            var orderedManagedUpdates = managedUpdates.GroupBy(x => x.Name).Select(g => g.First()).OrderBy(x => x.Name);

            NSArray plManagedUpdates = new NSArray(orderedManagedUpdates.Count());
            var counter = 0;
            foreach (var managedUninstall in orderedManagedUpdates)
                plManagedUpdates.SetValue(counter, managedUninstall.Name);

            return plManagedUpdates;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private NSArray GetOptionlInstalls(string condition = null)
            var optionalInstalls = new List<Models.MunkiManifestOptionInstall>();
            foreach (var templateId in _templateIds)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
                            .Where(x => x.Condition == condition));
                        .Where(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Condition)));

            var orderedOptionalInstalls = optionalInstalls.GroupBy(x => x.Name).Select(g => g.OrderByDescending(x => x.Version).First()).OrderBy(x => x.Name);

            NSArray plOptionalInstalls = new NSArray(orderedOptionalInstalls.Count());
            var counter = 0;
            foreach (var optionalInstall in orderedOptionalInstalls)
                if (optionalInstall.IncludeVersion == 1)
                    plOptionalInstalls.SetValue(counter, optionalInstall.Name + "-" + optionalInstall.Version);
                    plOptionalInstalls.SetValue(counter, optionalInstall.Name);

            return plOptionalInstalls;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private NSArray GetIncludedManifests(string condition = null)
            var includedManifests = new List<Models.MunkiManifestIncludedManifest>();
            foreach (var templateId in _templateIds)
                    .Where(x => x.Condition == condition));
                   .Where(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Condition)));


            var orderedManifests = includedManifests.GroupBy(x => x.Name).Select(s => s.First()).OrderBy(x => x.Name);

            NSArray plIncludedManifests = new NSArray(orderedManifests.Count());
            var counter = 0;
            foreach (var includedManifest in orderedManifests)
                plIncludedManifests.SetValue(counter, includedManifest.Name);

            return plIncludedManifests;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private NSArray GetConditionals()
            var uniqueConditions = GetAllUniqueConditions();
            NSArray conditionalItems = new NSArray(uniqueConditions.Count);
            var uniqueConditionsCounter = 0;
            foreach (var uniqueCondition in uniqueConditions)
                NSDictionary condition = new NSDictionary();
                condition.Add("condition", uniqueCondition);
                conditionalItems.SetValue(uniqueConditionsCounter, condition);

                NSArray plIncludedManifests = GetIncludedManifests(uniqueCondition);
                NSArray plManagedInstalls = GetManagedInstalls(uniqueCondition);
                NSArray plManagedUninstalls = GetManagedUninstalls(uniqueCondition);
                NSArray plManagedUpdates = GetManagedUpdates(uniqueCondition);
                NSArray plOptionalInstalls = GetOptionlInstalls(uniqueCondition);

                if (plIncludedManifests.Count > 0)
                    condition.Add("included_manifests", plIncludedManifests);
                if (plManagedInstalls.Count > 0)
                    condition.Add("managed_installs", plManagedInstalls);
                if (plManagedUninstalls.Count > 0)
                    condition.Add("managed_uninstalls", plManagedUninstalls);
                if (plManagedUpdates.Count > 0)
                    condition.Add("managed_updates", plManagedUpdates);
                if (plOptionalInstalls.Count > 0)
                    condition.Add("optional_installs", plOptionalInstalls);

            return conditionalItems;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private NSArray GetCatalogs()
            var catalogs = new List<Models.MunkiManifestCatalog>();
            foreach (var templateId in _templateIds)

            var orderedCatalogs = catalogs.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x.Priority).ThenBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
            orderedCatalogs = orderedCatalogs.GroupBy(x => x.Name).Select(s => s.First()).ToList();
            NSArray plCatalogs = new NSArray(orderedCatalogs.Count);
            var counter = 0;
            foreach (var catalog in orderedCatalogs)
                plCatalogs.SetValue(counter, catalog.Name);

            return plCatalogs;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a node in the XML structure and returns the corresponding NSObject
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The corresponding NSObject.</returns>
        /// <param name="n">The XML node.</param>
        static NSObject ParseObject(XmlNode n)
            if (n.Name.Equals("dict"))
                NSDictionary dict = new NSDictionary();
                List<XmlNode> children = FilterElementNodes(n.ChildNodes);
                for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i += 2)
                    XmlNode key = children[i];
                    XmlNode val = children[i + 1];

                    string keyString = GetNodeTextContents(key);

                    dict.Add(keyString, ParseObject(val));
                return dict;
            if (n.Name.Equals("array"))
                List<XmlNode> children = FilterElementNodes(n.ChildNodes);
                NSArray array = new NSArray(children.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                    array.SetValue(i, ParseObject(children[i]));
                return array;
            if (n.Name.Equals("true"))
                return new NSNumber(true);
            if (n.Name.Equals("false"))
                return new NSNumber(false);
            if (n.Name.Equals("integer"))
                return new NSNumber(GetNodeTextContents(n));
            if (n.Name.Equals("real"))
                return new NSNumber(GetNodeTextContents(n));
            if (n.Name.Equals("string"))
                return new NSString(GetNodeTextContents(n));
            if (n.Name.Equals("data"))
                return new NSData(GetNodeTextContents(n));
            return n.Name.Equals("date") ? new NSDate(GetNodeTextContents(n)) : null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses an object inside the currently parsed binary property list.
        /// For the format specification check
        /// <a href="http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/CF/CF-855.17/CFBinaryPList.c">
        /// Apple's binary property list parser implementation</a>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The parsed object.</returns>
        /// <param name="obj">The object ID.</param>
        /// <exception cref="PropertyListFormatException">When the property list's format could not be parsed.</exception>
        NSObject ParseObject(int obj)
            int offset = offsetTable[obj];
            byte type = bytes[offset];
            int objType = (type & 0xF0) >> 4; //First  4 bits
            int objInfo = (type & 0x0F);      //Second 4 bits
            switch (objType)
                case 0x0:
                        switch (objInfo)
                            case 0x0:
                                    //null object (v1.0 and later)
                                    return null;
                            case 0x8:
                                    return new NSNumber(false);
                            case 0x9:
                                    return new NSNumber(true);
                            case 0xC:
                                    //URL with no base URL (v1.0 and later)
                                    //TODO Implement binary URL parsing (not yet even implemented in Core Foundation as of revision 855.17)
                            case 0xD:
                                    //URL with base URL (v1.0 and later)
                                    //TODO Implement binary URL parsing (not yet even implemented in Core Foundation as of revision 855.17)
                            case 0xE:
                                    //16-byte UUID (v1.0 and later)
                                    //TODO Implement binary UUID parsing (not yet even implemented in Core Foundation as of revision 855.17)
                            case 0xF:
                                    //filler byte
                                    return null;
                case 0x1:
                        int length = (int)Math.Pow(2, objInfo);
                        return new NSNumber(CopyOfRange(bytes, offset + 1, offset + 1 + length), NSNumber.INTEGER);
                case 0x2:
                        int length = (int)Math.Pow(2, objInfo);
                        return new NSNumber(CopyOfRange(bytes, offset + 1, offset + 1 + length), NSNumber.REAL);
                case 0x3:
                        if (objInfo != 0x3)
                            throw new PropertyListFormatException("The given binary property list contains a date object of an unknown type (" + objInfo + ")");
                        return new NSDate(CopyOfRange(bytes, offset + 1, offset + 9));
                case 0x4:
                        int[] lengthAndOffset = ReadLengthAndOffset(objInfo, offset);
                        int length = lengthAndOffset[0];
                        int dataoffset = lengthAndOffset[1];

                        return new NSData(CopyOfRange(bytes, offset + dataoffset, offset + dataoffset + length));
                case 0x5:
                        //ASCII String
                        int[] lengthAndOffset = ReadLengthAndOffset(objInfo, offset);
                        int length = lengthAndOffset[0]; //Each character is 1 byte
                        int stroffset = lengthAndOffset[1];

                        return new NSString(CopyOfRange(bytes, offset + stroffset, offset + stroffset + length), "ASCII");
                case 0x6:
                        //UTF-16-BE String
                        int[] lengthAndOffset = ReadLengthAndOffset(objInfo, offset);
                        int length = lengthAndOffset[0];
                        int stroffset = lengthAndOffset[1];

                        //UTF-16 characters can have variable length, but the Core Foundation reference implementation
                        //assumes 2 byte characters, thus only covering the Basic Multilingual Plane
                        length *= 2;
                        return new NSString(CopyOfRange(bytes, offset + stroffset, offset + stroffset + length), "UTF-16BE");
                case 0x7:
                        //UTF-8 string (v1.0 and later)
                        int[] lengthAndOffset = ReadLengthAndOffset(objInfo, offset);
                        int strOffset = lengthAndOffset[1];
                        int characters = lengthAndOffset[0];
                        //UTF-8 characters can have variable length, so we need to calculate the byte length dynamically
                        //by reading the UTF-8 characters one by one
                        int length = CalculateUtf8StringLength(bytes, offset + strOffset, characters);
                        return new NSString(CopyOfRange(bytes, offset + strOffset, offset + strOffset + length), "UTF-8");
                case 0x8:
                        //UID (v1.0 and later)
                        int length = objInfo + 1;
                        return new UID(obj.ToString(), CopyOfRange(bytes, offset + 1, offset + 1 + length));
                case 0xA:
                        int[] lengthAndOffset = ReadLengthAndOffset(objInfo, offset);
                        int length = lengthAndOffset[0];
                        int arrayOffset = lengthAndOffset[1];

                        NSArray array = new NSArray(length);
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            int objRef = (int)ParseUnsignedInt(CopyOfRange(bytes,
                                             offset + arrayOffset + i * objectRefSize,
                                             offset + arrayOffset + (i + 1) * objectRefSize));
                            array.SetValue(i, ParseObject(objRef));
                        return array;

                case 0xB:
                        //Ordered set (v1.0 and later)
                        int[] lengthAndOffset = ReadLengthAndOffset(objInfo, offset);
                        int length = lengthAndOffset[0];
                        int contentOffset = lengthAndOffset[1];

                        NSSet set = new NSSet(true);
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            int objRef = (int)ParseUnsignedInt(CopyOfRange(bytes,
                                             offset + contentOffset + i * objectRefSize,
                                             offset + contentOffset + (i + 1) * objectRefSize));
                        return set;
                case 0xC:
                        //Set (v1.0 and later)
                        int[] lengthAndOffset = ReadLengthAndOffset(objInfo, offset);
                        int length = lengthAndOffset[0];
                        int contentOffset = lengthAndOffset[1];

                        NSSet set = new NSSet();
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            int objRef = (int)ParseUnsignedInt(CopyOfRange(bytes,
                                             offset + contentOffset + i * objectRefSize,
                                             offset + contentOffset + (i + 1) * objectRefSize));
                        return set;
                case 0xD:
                        int[] lengthAndOffset = ReadLengthAndOffset(objInfo, offset);
                        int length = lengthAndOffset[0];
                        int contentOffset = lengthAndOffset[1];

                        //System.out.println("Parsing dictionary #"+obj);
                        NSDictionary dict = new NSDictionary();
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            int keyRef = (int)ParseUnsignedInt(CopyOfRange(bytes,
                                             offset + contentOffset + i * objectRefSize,
                                             offset + contentOffset + (i + 1) * objectRefSize));
                            int valRef = (int)ParseUnsignedInt(CopyOfRange(bytes,
                                             offset + contentOffset + (length * objectRefSize) + i * objectRefSize,
                                             offset + contentOffset + (length * objectRefSize) + (i + 1) * objectRefSize));
                            NSObject key = ParseObject(keyRef);
                            NSObject val = ParseObject(valRef);
                            dict.Add(key.ToString(), val);
                        return dict;
                        Console.WriteLine("WARNING: The given binary property list contains an object of unknown type (" + objType + ")");
            return null;