void RenderTranslucentBatchDepthPass(int batch)
            for (int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++)
                ChunkInfo info = chunks[i];
                                #if OCCLUSION
                if (info.TranslucentParts == null || !info.Visible || info.Occluded)
                if (info.TranslucentParts == null || !info.Visible)

                ChunkPartInfo part = info.TranslucentParts[batch];
                if (part.IndicesCount == 0)
                usedTranslucent[batch] = true;
                DrawTranslucentPart(info, ref part);
        void DrawTranslucentPart(ChunkInfo info, ref ChunkPartInfo part, int m)
            bool drawLeft   = (inTranslucent || info.DrawLeft) && part.LeftCount > 0;
            bool drawRight  = (inTranslucent || info.DrawRight) && part.RightCount > 0;
            bool drawBottom = (inTranslucent || info.DrawBottom) && part.BottomCount > 0;
            bool drawTop    = (inTranslucent || info.DrawTop) && part.TopCount > 0;
            bool drawFront  = (inTranslucent || info.DrawFront) && part.FrontCount > 0;
            bool drawBack   = (inTranslucent || info.DrawBack) && part.BackCount > 0;

            if (drawLeft && drawRight)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, part.LeftIndex);
                game.Vertices += m * (part.LeftCount + part.RightCount);
            else if (drawLeft)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount, part.LeftIndex);
                game.Vertices += m * part.LeftCount;
            else if (drawRight)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.RightCount, part.RightIndex);
                game.Vertices += m * part.RightCount;

            if (drawFront && drawBack)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, part.FrontIndex);
                game.Vertices += m * (part.FrontCount + part.BackCount);
            else if (drawFront)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount, part.FrontIndex);
                game.Vertices += m * part.FrontCount;
            else if (drawBack)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BackCount, part.BackIndex);
                game.Vertices += m * part.BackCount;

            if (drawBottom && drawTop)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, part.BottomIndex);
                game.Vertices += m * (part.BottomCount + part.TopCount);
            else if (drawBottom)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount, part.BottomIndex);
                game.Vertices += m * part.BottomCount;
            else if (drawTop)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount, part.TopIndex);
                game.Vertices += m * part.TopCount;
        void RenderNormalBatch(int batch)
            for (int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++)
                ChunkInfo info = chunks[i];
                                #if OCCLUSION
                if (info.NormalParts == null || !info.Visible || info.Occluded)
                if (info.NormalParts == null || !info.Visible)

                ChunkPartInfo part = info.NormalParts[batch];
                if (part.IndicesCount == 0)
                usedNormal[batch] = true;
                if (part.IndicesCount > maxIndices)
                    DrawBigPart(info, ref part);
                    DrawPart(info, ref part);

                if (part.SpriteCount > 0)
                    int groupCount = part.SpriteCount / 4;
                    api.FaceCulling = true;
                    if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawFront)
                        api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(groupCount, 0);
                    if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawBack)
                        api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(groupCount, groupCount);
                    if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawFront)
                        api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(groupCount, groupCount * 2);
                    if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawBack)
                        api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(groupCount, groupCount * 3);
                    api.FaceCulling = false;
                game.Vertices += part.IndicesCount;
        void DrawPart(ChunkInfo info, ref ChunkPartInfo part)
            bool drawLeft   = info.DrawLeft && part.LeftCount > 0;
            bool drawRight  = info.DrawRight && part.RightCount > 0;
            bool drawBottom = info.DrawBottom && part.BottomCount > 0;
            bool drawTop    = info.DrawTop && part.TopCount > 0;
            bool drawFront  = info.DrawFront && part.FrontCount > 0;
            bool drawBack   = info.DrawBack && part.BackCount > 0;

            if (drawLeft && drawRight)
                api.FaceCulling = true;
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, part.LeftIndex);
                api.FaceCulling = false;
            else if (drawLeft)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount, part.LeftIndex);
            else if (drawRight)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.RightCount, part.RightIndex);

            if (drawFront && drawBack)
                api.FaceCulling = true;
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, part.FrontIndex);
                api.FaceCulling = false;
            else if (drawFront)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount, part.FrontIndex);
            else if (drawBack)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BackCount, part.BackIndex);

            if (drawBottom && drawTop)
                api.FaceCulling = true;
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, part.BottomIndex);
                api.FaceCulling = false;
            else if (drawBottom)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount, part.BottomIndex);
            else if (drawTop)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount, part.TopIndex);
        void RenderNormalBatch(int batch)
            for (int i = 0; i < renderCount; i++)
                ChunkInfo info = renderChunks[i];
                if (info.NormalParts == null)

                ChunkPartInfo part = info.NormalParts[batch];
                if (part.IndicesCount == 0)
                usedNormal[batch] = true;
                if (part.IndicesCount > maxIndices)
                    DrawBigPart(info, ref part);
                    DrawPart(info, ref part);

                if (part.SpriteCount > 0)
                    int count = part.SpriteCount / 4;                     // 4 per sprite
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawFront)
                        gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, 0); game.Vertices += count;
                    if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawBack)
                        gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count); game.Vertices += count;
                    if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawFront)
                        gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count * 2); game.Vertices += count;
                    if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawBack)
                        gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count * 3); game.Vertices += count;
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
        void DrawTranslucentPart(ChunkInfo info, ref ChunkPartInfo part)
            bool drawLeft   = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawLeft) && part.LeftCount > 0;
            bool drawRight  = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawRight) && part.RightCount > 0;
            bool drawBottom = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawBottom) && part.BottomCount > 0;
            bool drawTop    = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawTop) && part.TopCount > 0;
            bool drawFront  = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawFront) && part.FrontCount > 0;
            bool drawBack   = (drawAllFaces || info.DrawBack) && part.BackCount > 0;

            if (drawLeft && drawRight)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, part.LeftIndex);
            else if (drawLeft)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount, part.LeftIndex);
            else if (drawRight)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.RightCount, part.RightIndex);

            if (drawFront && drawBack)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, part.FrontIndex);
            else if (drawFront)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount, part.FrontIndex);
            else if (drawBack)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BackCount, part.BackIndex);

            if (drawBottom && drawTop)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, part.BottomIndex);
            else if (drawBottom)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount, part.BottomIndex);
            else if (drawTop)
                api.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount, part.TopIndex);
        void RenderTranslucentBatch(int batch)
            for (int i = 0; i < renderCount; i++)
                ChunkInfo info = renderChunks[i];
                if (info.TranslucentParts == null)
                ChunkPartInfo part = info.TranslucentParts[batch];

                if (part.IndicesCount == 0)
                DrawTranslucentPart(info, ref part, 1);
        void DrawBigPart(ChunkInfo info, ref ChunkPartInfo part)
            bool drawLeft   = info.DrawLeft && part.LeftCount > 0;
            bool drawRight  = info.DrawRight && part.RightCount > 0;
            bool drawBottom = info.DrawBottom && part.BottomCount > 0;
            bool drawTop    = info.DrawTop && part.TopCount > 0;
            bool drawFront  = info.DrawFront && part.FrontCount > 0;
            bool drawBack   = info.DrawBack && part.BackCount > 0;

            if (drawLeft && drawRight)
                gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, part.LeftIndex);
                gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                game.Vertices  += part.LeftCount + part.RightCount;
            else if (drawLeft)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount, part.LeftIndex);
                game.Vertices += part.LeftCount;
            else if (drawRight)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.RightCount, part.RightIndex);
                game.Vertices += part.RightCount;

            if (drawFront && drawBack)
                gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, part.FrontIndex);
                gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                game.Vertices  += part.FrontCount + part.BackCount;
            else if (drawFront)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount, part.FrontIndex);
                game.Vertices += part.FrontCount;
            else if (drawBack)
                gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BackCount, part.BackIndex);
                game.Vertices += part.BackCount;

            // Special handling for top and bottom as these can go over 65536 vertices and we need to adjust the indices in this case.
            if (drawBottom && drawTop)
                gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                if (part.IndicesCount > maxIndices)
                    int part1Count = maxIndices - part.BottomIndex;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part1Count, part.BottomIndex);
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount + part.TopCount - part1Count, maxVertex, 0);
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, part.BottomIndex);
                gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                game.Vertices  += part.TopCount + part.BottomCount;
            else if (drawBottom)
                int part1Count;
                if (part.IndicesCount > maxIndices &&
                    (part1Count = maxIndices - part.BottomIndex) < part.BottomCount)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part1Count, part.BottomIndex);
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount - part1Count, maxVertex, 0);
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount, part.BottomIndex);
                game.Vertices += part.BottomCount;
            else if (drawTop)
                int part1Count;
                if (part.IndicesCount > maxIndices &&
                    (part1Count = maxIndices - part.TopIndex) < part.TopCount)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part1Count, part.TopIndex);
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount - part1Count, maxVertex, 0);
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount, part.TopIndex);
                game.Vertices += part.TopCount;
        void RenderTranslucentBatch(int batch)
            IGraphicsApi gfx = game.Graphics;

            for (int i = 0; i < renderCount; i++)
                ChunkInfo info = renderChunks[i];
                if (info.TranslucentParts == null)

                ChunkPartInfo part = info.TranslucentParts[batch];
                if (part.VerticesCount == 0)
                usedTranslucent[batch] = true;

                bool drawLeft   = (inTranslucent || info.DrawLeft) && part.LeftCount > 0;
                bool drawRight  = (inTranslucent || info.DrawRight) && part.RightCount > 0;
                bool drawBottom = (inTranslucent || info.DrawBottom) && part.BottomCount > 0;
                bool drawTop    = (inTranslucent || info.DrawTop) && part.TopCount > 0;
                bool drawFront  = (inTranslucent || info.DrawFront) && part.FrontCount > 0;
                bool drawBack   = (inTranslucent || info.DrawBack) && part.BackCount > 0;

                int offset = 0;
                if (drawLeft && drawRight)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += (part.LeftCount + part.RightCount);
                else if (drawLeft)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.LeftCount;
                else if (drawRight)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.RightCount, offset + part.LeftCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.RightCount;
                offset += part.LeftCount + part.RightCount;

                if (drawFront && drawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += (part.FrontCount + part.BackCount);
                else if (drawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.FrontCount;
                else if (drawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BackCount, offset + part.FrontCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.BackCount;
                offset += part.FrontCount + part.BackCount;

                if (drawBottom && drawTop)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += (part.BottomCount + part.TopCount);
                else if (drawBottom)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.BottomCount;
                else if (drawTop)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount, offset + part.BottomCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.TopCount;
        void RenderLiquidBatch(int batch)
            IGraphicsApi gfx = game.Graphics;

            for (int i = 0; i < renderCount; i++)
                ChunkInfo info = renderChunks[i];
                if (info.LiquidParts == null)

                ChunkPartInfo part = info.LiquidParts[batch];
                if (part.VerticesCount == 0)
                usedLiquid[batch] = true;

                bool drawLeft   = (inLiquid || info.DrawLeft) && part.LeftCount > 0;
                bool drawRight  = (inLiquid || info.DrawRight) && part.RightCount > 0;
                bool drawBottom = (inLiquid || info.DrawBottom) && part.BottomCount > 0;
                bool drawTop    = (inLiquid || info.DrawTop) && part.TopCount > 0;
                bool drawFront  = (inLiquid || info.DrawFront) && part.FrontCount > 0;
                bool drawBack   = (inLiquid || info.DrawBack) && part.BackCount > 0;

                int offset = 0;
                if (drawLeft && drawRight)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.LeftCount + part.RightCount;
                else if (drawLeft)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.LeftCount;
                else if (drawRight)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.RightCount, offset + part.LeftCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.RightCount;
                offset += part.LeftCount + part.RightCount;

                if (drawFront && drawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.FrontCount + part.BackCount;
                else if (drawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.FrontCount;
                else if (drawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BackCount, offset + part.FrontCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.BackCount;
                offset += part.FrontCount + part.BackCount;

                if (drawBottom && drawTop)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.TopCount + part.BottomCount;
                else if (drawBottom)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.BottomCount;
                else if (drawTop)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount, offset + part.BottomCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.TopCount;

                /*if (part.SpriteCount == 0) continue;
                 * int count = part.SpriteCount / 4; // 4 per sprite
                 * gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                 * if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawFront) {
                 *      gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, 0); game.Vertices += count;
                 * }
                 * if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawBack) {
                 *      gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count); game.Vertices += count;
                 * }
                 * if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawFront) {
                 *      gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count * 2); game.Vertices += count;
                 * }
                 * if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawBack) {
                 *      gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count * 3); game.Vertices += count;
                 * }
                 * gfx.FaceCulling = false;*/
        void RenderNormalBatch(int batch)
            IGraphicsApi gfx = game.Graphics;

            for (int i = 0; i < renderCount; i++)
                ChunkInfo info = renderChunks[i];
                if (info.NormalParts == null)

                ChunkPartInfo part = info.NormalParts[batch];
                if (part.VerticesCount == 0)
                usedNormal[batch] = true;

                bool drawLeft   = info.DrawLeft && part.LeftCount > 0;
                bool drawRight  = info.DrawRight && part.RightCount > 0;
                bool drawBottom = info.DrawBottom && part.BottomCount > 0;
                bool drawTop    = info.DrawTop && part.TopCount > 0;
                bool drawFront  = info.DrawFront && part.FrontCount > 0;
                bool drawBack   = info.DrawBack && part.BackCount > 0;

                bool camCloseX = Math.Abs(info.CentreX - game.CurrentCameraPos.X) < 8;
                bool camCloseY = Math.Abs(info.CentreY - game.CurrentCameraPos.Y) < 8;
                bool camCloseZ = Math.Abs(info.CentreZ - game.CurrentCameraPos.Z) < 8;

                //camCloseX = true;
                //camCloseY = true;
                //camCloseZ = true;

                int offset = part.SpriteCount;
                if (drawLeft && drawRight)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, offset);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.LeftCount + part.RightCount;
                else if (drawLeft && camCloseX)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount, offset);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.LeftCount;
                else if (drawRight && camCloseX)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.RightCount, offset + part.LeftCount);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.RightCount;
                else if (drawLeft)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.LeftCount;
                else if (drawRight)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.RightCount, offset + part.LeftCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.RightCount;
                offset += part.LeftCount + part.RightCount;

                if (drawFront && drawBack)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, offset);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.FrontCount + part.BackCount;
                else if (drawFront && camCloseZ)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount, offset);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.FrontCount;
                else if (drawBack && camCloseZ)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BackCount, offset + part.FrontCount);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.BackCount;
                else if (drawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.FrontCount;
                else if (drawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BackCount, offset + part.FrontCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.BackCount;
                offset += part.FrontCount + part.BackCount;

                if (drawBottom && drawTop)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, offset);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.TopCount + part.BottomCount;
                else if (drawBottom && camCloseY)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount, offset);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.BottomCount;
                else if (drawTop && camCloseY)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount, offset + part.BottomCount);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.TopCount;
                else if (drawBottom)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.BottomCount;
                else if (drawTop)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount, offset + part.BottomCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.TopCount;

                if (part.SpriteCount == 0)
                int count = part.SpriteCount / 4;                 // 4 per sprite
                gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, 0); game.Vertices += count;
                if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count); game.Vertices += count;
                if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count * 2); game.Vertices += count;
                if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count * 3); game.Vertices += count;
                gfx.FaceCulling = false;
Exemplo n.º 12
        void RenderNormalBatch(int batch)
            for (int i = 0; i < renderCount; i++)
                ChunkInfo info = renderChunks[i];
                if (info.NormalParts == null)

                ChunkPartInfo part = info.NormalParts[batch];
                if (part.VerticesCount == 0)
                usedNormal[batch] = true;

                bool drawLeft   = info.DrawLeft && part.LeftCount > 0;
                bool drawRight  = info.DrawRight && part.RightCount > 0;
                bool drawBottom = info.DrawBottom && part.BottomCount > 0;
                bool drawTop    = info.DrawTop && part.TopCount > 0;
                bool drawFront  = info.DrawFront && part.FrontCount > 0;
                bool drawBack   = info.DrawBack && part.BackCount > 0;

                if (drawLeft && drawRight)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, part.LeftIndex);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.LeftCount + part.RightCount;
                else if (drawLeft)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount, part.LeftIndex);
                    game.Vertices += part.LeftCount;
                else if (drawRight)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.RightCount, part.RightIndex);
                    game.Vertices += part.RightCount;

                if (drawFront && drawBack)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, part.FrontIndex);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.FrontCount + part.BackCount;
                else if (drawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount, part.FrontIndex);
                    game.Vertices += part.FrontCount;
                else if (drawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BackCount, part.BackIndex);
                    game.Vertices += part.BackCount;

                if (drawBottom && drawTop)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, part.BottomIndex);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.TopCount + part.BottomCount;
                else if (drawBottom)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount, part.BottomIndex);
                    game.Vertices += part.BottomCount;
                else if (drawTop)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount, part.TopIndex);
                    game.Vertices += part.TopCount;

                if (part.SpriteCount == 0)
                int count = part.SpriteCount / 4;                 // 4 per sprite
                gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, 0); game.Vertices += count;
                if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count); game.Vertices += count;
                if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count * 2); game.Vertices += count;
                if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, count * 3); game.Vertices += count;
                gfx.FaceCulling = false;
Exemplo n.º 13
        void RenderNormalBatch(int batch)
            IGraphicsApi gfx = game.Graphics;

            for (int i = 0; i < renderCount; i++)
                ChunkInfo info = renderChunks[i];
                if (info.NormalParts == null)

                ChunkPartInfo part = info.NormalParts[batch];
                if (part.Offset < 0)
                usedNormal[batch] = true;

                                #if !GL11
                bool drawLeft   = info.DrawLeft && part.LeftCount > 0;
                bool drawRight  = info.DrawRight && part.RightCount > 0;
                bool drawBottom = info.DrawBottom && part.BottomCount > 0;
                bool drawTop    = info.DrawTop && part.TopCount > 0;
                bool drawFront  = info.DrawFront && part.FrontCount > 0;
                bool drawBack   = info.DrawBack && part.BackCount > 0;

                int offset = part.Offset + part.SpriteCount;
                if (drawLeft && drawRight)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount + part.RightCount, offset);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.LeftCount + part.RightCount;
                else if (drawLeft)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.LeftCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.LeftCount;
                else if (drawRight)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.RightCount, offset + part.LeftCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.RightCount;
                offset += part.LeftCount + part.RightCount;

                if (drawFront && drawBack)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount + part.BackCount, offset);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.FrontCount + part.BackCount;
                else if (drawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.FrontCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.FrontCount;
                else if (drawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BackCount, offset + part.FrontCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.BackCount;
                offset += part.FrontCount + part.BackCount;

                if (drawBottom && drawTop)
                    gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount + part.TopCount, offset);
                    gfx.FaceCulling = false;
                    game.Vertices  += part.TopCount + part.BottomCount;
                else if (drawBottom)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.BottomCount, offset);
                    game.Vertices += part.BottomCount;
                else if (drawTop)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(part.TopCount, offset + part.BottomCount);
                    game.Vertices += part.TopCount;

                if (part.SpriteCount == 0)
                offset = part.Offset;
                int count = part.SpriteCount / 4;                 // 4 per sprite

                gfx.FaceCulling = true;
                if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, offset); game.Vertices += count;
                offset += count;

                if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, offset); game.Vertices += count;
                offset += count;

                if (info.DrawLeft || info.DrawFront)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, offset); game.Vertices += count;
                offset += count;

                if (info.DrawRight || info.DrawBack)
                    gfx.DrawIndexedVb_TrisT2fC4b(count, offset); game.Vertices += count;
                offset         += count;
                gfx.FaceCulling = false;