Exemplo n.º 1
    private static void _PreAction(ScriptEngine engine, IScriptAction command) {
      var loadCommand = command as LoadFileCommand;
      if (loadCommand != null) {
        Console.WriteLine("Loading from file " + loadCommand.FileName);

      var saveCommand = command as SaveFileCommand;
      if (saveCommand != null) {
        Console.WriteLine("Saving to file " + saveCommand.FileName);

      var resizeCommand = command as ResizeCommand;
      if (resizeCommand != null) {
        Console.WriteLine("Applying filter     : {0}", SupportedManipulators.MANIPULATORS.First(k => k.Value == resizeCommand.Manipulator).Key);
        Console.WriteLine("  Target percentage : {0}", (resizeCommand.Percentage == 0 ? "auto" : resizeCommand.Percentage + "%"));
        Console.WriteLine("  Target width      : {0}", (resizeCommand.Width == 0 ? "auto" : resizeCommand.Width + "pixels"));
        Console.WriteLine("  Target height     : {0}", (resizeCommand.Height == 0 ? "auto" : resizeCommand.Height + "pixels"));
        Console.WriteLine("  Hori. BPH         : {0}", resizeCommand.HorizontalBph);
        Console.WriteLine("  Vert. BPH         : {0}", resizeCommand.VerticalBph);
        Console.WriteLine("  Use Thresholds    : {0}", resizeCommand.UseThresholds);
        Console.WriteLine("  Centered Grid     : {0}", resizeCommand.UseCenteredGrid);
        Console.WriteLine("  Radius            : {0}", resizeCommand.Radius);
        Console.WriteLine("  Repeat            : {0} times", resizeCommand.Count);

Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Parses the command line arguments.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="arguments">The arguments.</param>
    public static CLIExitCode ParseCommandLineArguments(string[] arguments) {
      if (arguments == null || arguments.Length < 1)
        return (CLIExitCode.OK);

      var engine = new ScriptEngine();
      var line = string.Join(" ", arguments.Select(a => string.Format(@"""{0}""", a)));
      Console.WriteLine("Executing the following script:");

      // load script from command line parameters
      try {
        ScriptSerializer.LoadFromString(engine, line);
      } catch (ScriptSerializerException e) {
        return (e.ErrorType);

      // execute script
      try {
        engine.RepeatActions(_PreAction, _PostAction);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        return (CLIExitCode.RuntimeError);

      return (CLIExitCode.OK);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads from file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="engine">The engine.</param>
 /// <param name="filename">The filename.</param>
 public static void LoadFromFile(ScriptEngine engine, string filename) {
   Contract.Requires(engine != null);
   Contract.Requires(filename != null);
   var content = File.ReadAllLines(filename);
   for (var lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < content.Length; lineNumber++) {
     var line = content[lineNumber];
     var cliExitCode = _ParseScriptLine(line, engine);
     if (cliExitCode != CLIExitCode.OK)
       throw new ScriptSerializerException(filename, lineNumber, cliExitCode);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the script engine's tasks to a file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="engine">The engine.</param>
 /// <param name="filename">The filename.</param>
 public static void SaveToFile(ScriptEngine engine, string filename) {
   Contract.Requires(engine != null);
   Contract.Requires(filename != null);
   File.WriteAllText(filename, SerializeState(engine));
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes the state of the script engine.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="engine">The engine.</param>
 /// <returns>A makro to repeat the script engine actions.</returns>
 public static string SerializeState(ScriptEngine engine) {
   Contract.Requires(engine != null);
   var tasks = engine.Actions;
   return (string.Join(Environment.NewLine, tasks.Select(_GetCommandTextForAction).Where(l => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l))));
Exemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Parses the resize command.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="engine">The engine.</param>
    /// <param name="dimensions">The dimensions.</param>
    /// <param name="filterName">Name of the filter(and parameters if any).</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static CLIExitCode _ParseResizeCommand(ScriptEngine engine, string dimensions, string filterName) {
      Contract.Requires(engine != null);
      Contract.Requires(dimensions != null);
      Contract.Requires(filterName != null);

      var match = _DIMENSIONS_REGEX.Match(dimensions);
      if (!match.Success)
        return (CLIExitCode.InvalidTargetDimensions);

      var width = match.Groups["width"].Value;
      var height = match.Groups["height"].Value;
      var percent = match.Groups["percent"].Value;

      word targetWidth = 0;
      word targetHeight = 0;
      word targetPercent = 0;

      if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(width) || word.TryParse(width, out targetWidth)))
        return (CLIExitCode.CouldNotParseDimensionsAsWord);

      if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(height) || word.TryParse(height, out targetHeight)))
        return (CLIExitCode.CouldNotParseDimensionsAsWord);

      if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(percent) || word.TryParse(percent, out targetPercent)))
        return (CLIExitCode.CouldNotParseDimensionsAsWord);

      var useAspect = targetWidth == 0 || targetHeight == 0;

      var filterMatch = _FILTER_REGEX.Match(filterName);
      if (!filterMatch.Success)
        return (CLIExitCode.InvalidFilterDescription);

      var filterParams = filterMatch.Groups["params"].Value;
      filterName = filterMatch.Groups["filter"].Value;

      var useThresholds = true;
      var useCenteredGrid = true;
      var repeat = (byte)1;
      var radius = 1f;
      var vbounds = OutOfBoundsMode.ConstantExtension;
      var hbounds = OutOfBoundsMode.ConstantExtension;

      if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterParams) && !byte.TryParse(filterParams, out repeat)) {
        repeat = 1;

        // parse parameterlist, splitted with "," and assigned using "="
        var parameters = (
          from p in filterParams.Split(',')
          let idx = p.IndexOf('=')
          where idx > 0
          let name = p.Substring(0, idx).Trim().ToLower()
          let value = p.Substring(idx + 1).Trim()
          select new KeyValuePair<string, string>(name, value)

        #region supported parameter handling
        foreach (var pair in parameters) {
          switch (pair.Key) {
            case VBOUNDS_PARAMETER_NAME: {
              var value = pair.Value.ToLower();
              if (value == CONST_BOUNDS_VALUE)
                vbounds = OutOfBoundsMode.ConstantExtension;
              else if (value == HALF_BOUNDS_VALUE)
                vbounds = OutOfBoundsMode.HalfSampleSymmetric;
              else if (value == WHOLE_BOUNDS_VALUE)
                vbounds = OutOfBoundsMode.WholeSampleSymmetric;
              else if (value == WRAP_BOUNDS_VALUE)
                vbounds = OutOfBoundsMode.WrapAround;
                return (CLIExitCode.InvalidOutOfBoundsMode);
            case HBOUNDS_PARAMETER_NAME: {
              var value = pair.Value.ToLower();
              if (value == CONST_BOUNDS_VALUE)
                hbounds = OutOfBoundsMode.ConstantExtension;
              else if (value == HALF_BOUNDS_VALUE)
                hbounds = OutOfBoundsMode.HalfSampleSymmetric;
              else if (value == WHOLE_BOUNDS_VALUE)
                hbounds = OutOfBoundsMode.WholeSampleSymmetric;
              else if (value == WRAP_BOUNDS_VALUE)
                hbounds = OutOfBoundsMode.WrapAround;
                return (CLIExitCode.InvalidOutOfBoundsMode);
            case RADIUS_PARAMETER_NAME: {
              if (!float.TryParse(pair.Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out radius))
                return (CLIExitCode.CouldNotParseParameterAsFloat);
            case REPEAT_PARAMETER_NAME: {
              if (!byte.TryParse(pair.Value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out repeat))
                return (CLIExitCode.CouldNotParseParameterAsByte);
              useCenteredGrid = pair.Value == "1";
              useThresholds = pair.Value == "1";
            default: {
              return (CLIExitCode.UnknownParameter);


      // find the given manipulator
      var manipulator = SupportedManipulators.MANIPULATORS
        .Where(resizer => string.Compare(resizer.Key, filterName, true) == 0)
        .Select(kvp => kvp.Value)

      if (manipulator == null)
        return (CLIExitCode.UnknownFilter);

      engine.AddWithoutExecution(new ResizeCommand(true, manipulator, targetWidth, targetHeight, targetPercent, useAspect, hbounds, vbounds, repeat, useThresholds, useCenteredGrid, radius));
      return (CLIExitCode.OK);
Exemplo n.º 7
    /// <summary>
    /// Parses a script line and adds the action from it to the engine's list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="line">The line.</param>
    /// <param name="engine">The engine.</param>
    private static CLIExitCode _ParseScriptLine(string line, ScriptEngine engine) {
      Contract.Requires(engine != null);
      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
        return (CLIExitCode.OK);

      var arguments = line.SplitWithQuotes(' ').ToArray();
      var length = arguments.Length;
      if (length < 1)
        return (CLIExitCode.OK);

      var i = 0;
      while (i < length) {
        var command = arguments[i++].ToLowerInvariant();

        // skip empty stuff
        if (command.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())

        switch (command) {
          #region /STDIN
          case STDIN_COMMAND_NAME: {
            engine.AddWithoutExecution(new LoadStdInCommand());
            engine.AddWithoutExecution(new NullTransformCommand());
          #region /STDOUT
          case STDOUT_COMMAND_NAME: {
            engine.AddWithoutExecution(new SaveStdOutCommand());
          #region /LOAD
          case LOAD_COMMAND_NAME: {
            if (length - i < 1) {
              return (CLIExitCode.TooLessArguments);
            var filename = arguments[i++];
            if (filename == null) {
              return (CLIExitCode.FilenameMustNotBeNull);

            engine.AddWithoutExecution(new LoadFileCommand(filename));
            engine.AddWithoutExecution(new NullTransformCommand());
          #region /RESIZE
          case RESIZE_COMMAND_NAME: {
            if (length - i < 2) {
              return (CLIExitCode.TooLessArguments);
            var dimensions = arguments[i++].Trim();
            var filterName = arguments[i++].Trim();

            var result = _ParseResizeCommand(engine, dimensions, filterName);
            if (result != CLIExitCode.OK)
              return (result);
          #region /SAVE
          case SAVE_COMMAND_NAME: {
            if (length - i < 1) {
              return (CLIExitCode.TooLessArguments);
            var filename = arguments[i++];
            if (filename == null) {
              return (CLIExitCode.FilenameMustNotBeNull);

            engine.AddWithoutExecution(new SaveFileCommand(filename));
          #region /SCRIPT
          case SCRIPT_COMMAND_NAME: {
            if (length - i < 1) {
              return (CLIExitCode.TooLessArguments);
            var filename = arguments[i++];
            if (filename == null) {
              return (CLIExitCode.FilenameMustNotBeNull);

            LoadFromFile(engine, filename);
          default: {
            return (CLIExitCode.UnknownParameter);
      return (CLIExitCode.OK);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads from string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="engine">The engine.</param>
 /// <param name="line">The line.</param>
 public static void LoadFromString(ScriptEngine engine, string line) {
   Contract.Requires(engine != null);
   var cliExitCode = _ParseScriptLine(line, engine);
   if (cliExitCode != CLIExitCode.OK)
     throw new ScriptSerializerException(null, 1, cliExitCode);
Exemplo n.º 9
    private static void _PostAction(ScriptEngine engine, IScriptAction command) {

      var loadCommand = command as LoadFileCommand;
      if (loadCommand != null) {
        Console.WriteLine("  File   : {0} Bytes", new FileInfo(loadCommand.FileName).Length);
        Console.WriteLine("  Width  : {0} Pixel", engine.SourceImage.Width);
        Console.WriteLine("  Height : {0} Pixel", engine.SourceImage.Height);
        Console.WriteLine("  Size   : {0:0.00} MegaPixel", (engine.SourceImage.Width * engine.SourceImage.Height / 1000000.0));
        Console.WriteLine("  Type   : {0}", ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders().First(d => d.FormatID == engine.GdiSource.RawFormat.Guid).FormatDescription);
        Console.WriteLine("  Format : {0}", engine.GdiSource.PixelFormat);

      var saveCommand = command as SaveFileCommand;
      if (saveCommand != null) {
        var reloadedImage = Image.FromFile(saveCommand.FileName);
        Console.WriteLine("  File   : {0} Bytes", new FileInfo(saveCommand.FileName).Length);
        Console.WriteLine("  Width  : {0} Pixel", reloadedImage.Width);
        Console.WriteLine("  Height : {0} Pixel", reloadedImage.Height);
        Console.WriteLine("  Size   : {0:0.00} MegaPixel", (reloadedImage.Width * reloadedImage.Height / 1000000.0));
        Console.WriteLine("  Type   : {0}", ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders().First(d => d.FormatID == reloadedImage.RawFormat.Guid).FormatDescription);
        Console.WriteLine("  Format : {0}", reloadedImage.PixelFormat);
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the given script file to the source image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file.</param>
 private void _ApplyScriptFile(string fileName) {
   var localEngine = new ScriptEngine();
   localEngine.AddWithoutExecution(new NullTransformCommand());
   ScriptSerializer.LoadFromFile(localEngine, fileName);