Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void Chapter73()
            // 7.3.1 Inheriting Fields and Properties
            HouseCat garfield = new HouseCat("Garfield", 12.0);

            Console.WriteLine(garfield.Tired);   // prints true

            // 7.3.2 Base
            HouseCat spike = new HouseCat("Spike");

            Console.WriteLine(spike.Weight);   // prints 0
            spike.Weight = 13;
            Console.WriteLine(spike.Weight);   // prints 13

            // 7.3.3 override
            // We've been introduced to the override keyword already in a previous lecture when
            // we were overriding the ToString, Equals and GetHashCode methods that are all
            // present in the base Object class.

            // When we want to modify the behavior of a method in the base class, we can override it in sub-classes
            // In order to accomplish this in our Cat/HouseCat example we will require another new keyword, virtual

            Cat      plainCat    = new Cat(8.6);
            HouseCat cheshireCat = new HouseCat("Cheshire Cat", 26.0);

            Console.WriteLine(plainCat.Noise());    // prints "Meow!"
            Console.WriteLine(cheshireCat.Noise()); // prints "Hello, my name is Cheshire Cat!"
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void Chapter75()
            // 7.5 Casting
            // We've seen casting before when writing our Equals methods in a previous lecture.
            // Casting allows us to exploit one of the pillars of OOP, more specifically polymorphism.

            // Note: We are declaring suki as a Cat and instantiating as a HouseCat
            Cat suki = new HouseCat("Suki", 8);

            suki.Noise(); // Meow!

            // Results in a compiler error, since Cat doesn't have such a method
            // suki.IsSatisfied();

            // How do we avoid this? Declare suki as a HouseCat... OR... cast suki to a HouseCat
            // As long as suki really is a HouseCat, this works
            (suki as HouseCat).IsSatisfied();

            // Side note: We can check beforehand to make sure that suki really is of class HouseCat
            // before casting, this will prevent a runtime exception being thrown
            if (suki is HouseCat)
                // Since this is true, we can safely cast suki to a HouseCat
                (suki as HouseCat).IsSatisfied();