Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Finds all the ClassToDataTableAttribute that are decorating the properties.</summary>
        private bool FindClassToDataTableAttributesOnOneProperty(ClassPropertyToDataTableColumnMap newMap)
            ClassToDataTableAttribute ctdtAttribute = newMap.PropInformation.HelpFindAttribute <ClassToDataTableAttribute>();

            // Should we add this column?
            if (ctdtAttribute != null)
                if (ctdtAttribute.Ignore)

                // Is there an override for column name?  If not, we assigned the property name above.
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctdtAttribute.ColumnName) == false)
                    newMap.ColumnName = ctdtAttribute.ColumnName;

                // Did the user specify a column order?
                if (ctdtAttribute.Order > 0)
                    newMap.Order = ctdtAttribute.Order;

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Finds all the ClassToDataTableConverterAttribute that are decorating the properties.</summary>
        private void FindConvertersOnOneProperty(ClassPropertyToDataTableColumnMap newMap)
            var attributeList = newMap.PropInformation.HelpFindAllAttributes <ClassToDataTableConverterAttribute>();

            if (attributeList.Count == 1)
                AddOneConverterToTheMap(newMap, attributeList[0]);
            else if (attributeList.Count > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException($"The {newMap.PropInformation.Name} property on the {_theClassType.Name} class " +
                                            $"specified more than one {nameof(ClassToDataTableConverterAttribute)} " +
                                            $"attribute and is allowed per property on a class.  Please remove one of the attributes!");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Creates the property maps</summary>
        private List <ClassPropertyToDataTableColumnMap> CreateColumnMaps()
            var mapList = new List <ClassPropertyToDataTableColumnMap>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo info in _theClassType.GetProperties())
                var newMap = new ClassPropertyToDataTableColumnMap
                    Order           = 99999,
                    ColumnIndex     = 0,
                    ColumnName      = info.Name, // use property name by default
                    PropInformation = info

                bool ignoreColumn = FindClassToDataTableAttributesOnOneProperty(newMap);
                if (ignoreColumn)


                // If no converter was specified, ignore properties that the DataTable cannot convert!
                if (newMap.Converter == null && _validDataTableDataTypes.IsValidType(info.PropertyType) == false)
                    // Has the user chosen to ignore invalid types on the class?  If so, just don't create the map;
                    // otherwise, throw the exception that follows.
                    if (_configuration.IgnoreInvalidTypes)

                    throw new ArgumentException($"The {newMap.PropInformation.Name} property on the {_theClassType.Name} class " +
                                                $"has a type of {info.PropertyType.Name}, which is NOT supported by DataTable.  Please ignore the " +
                                                $"column using the {nameof(ClassToDataTableAttribute)} attribute's Ignore setting OR set the service " +
                                                $"Configuration's IgnoreInvalidTypes property to true.  Please refer to this link for more information " +
                                                $"about valid DataTable types: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.data.datacolumn.datatype?view=net-5.0#remarks");



            // Sort the columns the way the user wants them sorted or by column name
            return(mapList.OrderBy(o => o.Order).ThenBy(o => o.ColumnName).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>Adds one converter to the column map.</summary>
        /// <param name="newMap">The column map</param>
        /// <param name="oneCustomAttribute">The attribute that specified the type converter.  We need to use it to initialize the converter.</param>
        private void AddOneConverterToTheMap(ClassPropertyToDataTableColumnMap newMap, ClassToDataTableConverterAttribute oneCustomAttribute)
            newMap.Converter = oneCustomAttribute.TypeConverter.HelpCreateAndCastToInterface <IClassToDataTableTypeConverter>(
                $"The '{newMap.PropInformation.Name}' property on the {_theClassType.Name} class specified a converter, but there is a problem!");

            newMap.OutputType = newMap.Converter.OutputType;

            if (_validDataTableDataTypes.IsValidType(newMap.OutputType) == false)
                throw new ArgumentException($"The {newMap.PropInformation.Name} property on the {_theClassType.Name} class is using a converter " +
                                            $"with an output type of  {newMap.OutputType.Name}, which is NOT supported by DataTable.  Please refer to this link " +
                                            "for more information about valid DataTable types: " +

            if (newMap.Converter.CanConvert(newMap.PropInformation.PropertyType) == false)
                throw new ArgumentException($"The {newMap.PropInformation.Name} property on the {_theClassType.Name} class " +
                                            $"has a {nameof(ClassToDataTableConverterAttribute)}, but it cannot convert a data of the " +
                                            $"{newMap.PropInformation.PropertyType.Name} type!");