Exemplo n.º 1
         * For a future expiry date, the default adjusted forward index value is the expected (full)
         * value of the index plus the cash settlement of any defaults before
         * the expiry date, valued on the (forward) cash settlement date (usually 3 working days after
         * the expiry date - i.e. the expiry settlement date).
         * This calculation assumes an homogeneous pool that can be described by a single index curve.
         * @param fwdStartingCDS A forward starting CDS to represent cash flows in the index.
         *  The stepin date should be one day after the expiry and the cashSettlement
         *  date (usually) 3 working days after expiry. This must contain the index recovery rate.
         * @param timeToExpiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param indexCoupon The coupon of the index
         * @param indexCurve  Pseudo credit curve for the index.
         * @return the default adjusted forward index value
        public double defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(
            CDS fwdStartingCDS,
            double timeToExpiry,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            double indexCoupon,
            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate indexCurve)
            double defSet = expectedDefaultSettlementValue(timeToExpiry, indexCurve, fwdStartingCDS.getLGD());

            return(defSet + _pricer.pv(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve, indexCoupon));
Exemplo n.º 2
         * The (default adjusted) intrinsic forward spread of an index.
         * This is defined as the ratio of expected value of the protection leg and default settlement to
         * the expected value of the annuity at expiry.  This calculation assumes an homogeneous pool that
         * can be described by a single index curve.
         * @param fwdStartingCDS forward starting CDS to represent cash flows in the index.
         *  The stepin date should be one day after the expiry and the cashSettlement
         *  date (usually) 3 working days after expiry
         * @param timeToExpiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param initialIndexSize The initial number of names in the index
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param indexCurve Pseudo credit curve for the index.
         * @param initialDefaultSettlement The (normalised) value of any defaults that have
         *  already occurred (e.g. if two defaults have occurred from an index with
         *  initially 100 entries, and the realised recovery rates are 0.2 and 0.35, the this value is (0.8 + 0.65)/100 )
         * @param numDefaults The number of defaults that have already occurred
         * @return The normalised expected default settlement value
        public double defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(
            CDS fwdStartingCDS,
            double timeToExpiry,
            int initialIndexSize,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate indexCurve,
            double initialDefaultSettlement,
            int numDefaults)
            double f         = (initialIndexSize - numDefaults) / ((double)initialIndexSize);
            double defSettle = expectedDefaultSettlementValue(initialIndexSize, timeToExpiry, indexCurve, fwdStartingCDS.getLGD(),
                                                              initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults);
            double protLeg = f * _pricer.protectionLeg(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve);
            double ann     = f * _pricer.annuity(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve);

            return((protLeg + defSettle) / ann);
Exemplo n.º 3
         * The (default adjusted) intrinsic forward spread of an index <b>when no defaults have yet occurred</b>.
         * This is defined as the ratio of expected value of the
         * protection leg and default settlement to the expected value of the annuity at expiry.
         * This calculation assumes an homogeneous pool that can be described by a single index curve.
         * @param fwdStartingCDS forward starting CDS to represent cash flows in the index.
         *  The stepin date should be one day after the expiry and the cashSettlement
         * date (usually) 3 working days after expiry
         * @param timeToExpiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param indexCurve Pseudo credit curve for the index.
         * @return The normalised expected default settlement value
        public double defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(
            CDS fwdStartingCDS,
            double timeToExpiry,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate indexCurve)
            double defSettle = expectedDefaultSettlementValue(timeToExpiry, indexCurve, fwdStartingCDS.getLGD());
            double protLeg   = _pricer.protectionLeg(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve);
            double ann       = _pricer.annuity(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve);

            return((protLeg + defSettle) / ann);
Exemplo n.º 4
         * For a future expiry date, the default adjusted forward index value is the expected (full)
         * value of the index plus the cash settlement of any defaults before
         * the expiry date, valued on the (forward) cash settlement date (usually 3 working days after
         * the expiry date - i.e. the expiry settlement date).
         * This calculation assumes an homogeneous pool that can be described by a single index curve.
         * @param fwdStartingCDS A forward starting CDS to represent cash flows in the index.
         *  The stepin date should be one day after the expiry and the cashSettlement
         *  date (usually) 3 working days after expiry. This must contain the index recovery rate.
         * @param timeToExpiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param initialIndexSize The initial number of names in the index
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param indexCoupon The coupon of the index
         * @param indexCurve  Pseudo credit curve for the index.
         * @param initialDefaultSettlement The (normalised) value of any defaults that have already
         *  occurred (e.g. if two defaults have occurred from an index with
         *  initially 100 entries, and the realised recovery rates are 0.2 and 0.35, the this value is (0.8 + 0.65)/100 )
         * @param numDefaults The number of defaults that have already occurred
         * @return the default adjusted forward index value
        public double defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(
            CDS fwdStartingCDS,
            double timeToExpiry,
            int initialIndexSize,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            double indexCoupon,
            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate indexCurve,
            double initialDefaultSettlement,
            int numDefaults)
            double f      = (initialIndexSize - numDefaults) / ((double)initialIndexSize);
            double defSet = expectedDefaultSettlementValue(initialIndexSize, timeToExpiry, indexCurve, fwdStartingCDS.getLGD(),
                                                           initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults);

            return(defSet + f * _pricer.pv(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve, indexCoupon));