Exemplo n.º 1
 public virtual void Attack(Adventurer target)
     if (weapon == null)
         //We have no weapon equipped, so let's tell the player
         Debug.Log(adventurerName + " has no weapon equipped!");
         //Rather than having a big chunk of code here, we can instead run a different function - which is much cleaner to look at and easier to fix.
Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void DealDamage(Adventurer target)
            float damage = Random.Range(weapon.minDamage, weapon.maxDamage);

            if (damage > target.armour)
                Debug.Log(adventurerName + " does " + target.TakeDamage(damage) + " damage to " + target.adventurerName + " with their " + weapon.name + "!");
                Debug.Log(target.adventurerName + " has " + target.health + "HP remaining!");
                //We didn't do enough damage to get through armour, so inform the player.
                Debug.Log(adventurerName + " could not penetrate " + target.adventurerName + "'s armour with their " + weapon.name + "!");