Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the movement rule of queens to see if a grid can be moved to or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>movement to the destination grid is possible<c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="grid">The destination grid</param>
        /// <param name="cb">the Chessboard currently used</param>
        public override bool CheckMovementRule(Grid grid, ChessBoard cb)
            if (!CheckDestinationPieceColour (grid))
                return false;
            if (IsDestinationSameGrid (grid))
                return false;

            //Checks the case of the destination grid.
            //The destination has to be either directly horizontal, vertical, or diagonal to the queen piece, else returns false
            if (grid.Y == this.Grid.Y)
                return CheckVertical (grid, cb);
            else if (grid.X == this.Grid.X)
                return CheckHorizontal (grid, cb);
            else if (Math.Abs (grid.X - this.Grid.X) == Math.Abs (grid.Y - this.Grid.Y))
                return CheckDiagonal (grid, cb);
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TestCapturePossibility()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Bishop bsh = new Bishop (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece (bsh);

            //Check attempt to capture same color piece
            cb [1, 1].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[1, 1], "B"));
            cb [6, 6].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[6, 6], "B"));
            cb [2, 6].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[2, 6], "B"));
            cb [6, 2].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[6, 2], "B"));
            Assert.IsFalse (bsh.CheckMovementRule (cb [1, 1], cb));
            Assert.IsFalse(bsh.CheckMovementRule (cb [6, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsFalse (bsh.CheckMovementRule (cb [2, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsFalse (bsh.CheckMovementRule (cb [6, 2], cb));

            //Check attempt to capture different color piece
            cb [1, 1].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[1, 1], "W"));
            cb [6, 6].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[6, 6], "W"));
            cb [2, 6].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[2, 6], "W"));
            cb [6, 2].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[6, 2], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue (bsh.CheckMovementRule (cb [1, 1], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue(bsh.CheckMovementRule (cb [6, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (bsh.CheckMovementRule (cb [2, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (bsh.CheckMovementRule (cb [6, 2], cb));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestCapture()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Rook rk = new Rook (cb [3, 3], "B");
            cb [3, 3].PlacePiece (rk);

            //Test capture failure - piece of the same color
            cb [2, 3].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [2, 3], "B"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckMovementRule (cb[2, 3], cb));
            cb [4, 3].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [4, 3], "B"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckMovementRule (cb [4, 3], cb));
            cb [3, 2].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [3, 2], "B"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckMovementRule (cb [3, 2], cb));
            cb [3, 4].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [3, 4], "B"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckMovementRule (cb[3, 4], cb));

            //Test capture failure - piece of different color
            cb [2, 3].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [2, 3], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue (rk.CheckMovementRule (cb[2, 3], cb));
            cb [4, 3].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [4, 3], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue (rk.CheckMovementRule (cb [4, 3], cb));
            cb [3, 2].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [3, 2], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue (rk.CheckMovementRule (cb [3, 2], cb));
            cb [3, 4].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [3, 4], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue (rk.CheckMovementRule (cb[3, 4], cb));
        public void TestIfDestinationIsSameGrid()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Bishop cpb = new Bishop (cb [4, 4], "B");

            Assert.IsTrue (cpb.IsDestinationSameGrid(cb[4, 4]));
            Assert.IsFalse (cpb.IsDestinationSameGrid(cb[4, 5]));
        public void TestIfPieceisMoved()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Bishop cpb = new Bishop (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cpb.MovePiece (cb [5, 5], cb);

            Assert.AreEqual (cb [5, 5], cpb.Grid);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void TestMovementRule()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Pawn testPiece = new Pawn (cb [3, 2], "B");
            cb [3, 2].PlacePiece(testPiece);

            Assert.IsFalse (testPiece.CheckMovementRule (cb [3, 2], cb));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void RookMovementTests()
     ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
     Rook rk = new Rook (cb [1, 3], "B");
     cb [1, 3].PlacePiece (rk);
     Assert.IsTrue(rk.CheckMovementRule (cb [1, 4], cb));
     Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckMovementRule (cb [1, 0], cb));
        public void TestPiecePlayer()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Bishop cpb = new Bishop (cb [4, 4], "B");
            King cpk = new King (cb [3, 3], "W");

            Assert.AreEqual ("B", cpb.Player);
            Assert.AreEqual ("W", cpk.Player);
        public void TestPieceVerticalPath()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Bishop cpb = new Bishop (cb [4, 4], "B");
            King cpk = new King (cb [3, 3], "W");

            Assert.IsTrue (cpb.CheckHorizontal(cb[3, 2], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (cpk.CheckVertical(cb[0, 0], cb));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void TestPieceName()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Bishop cpb = new Bishop (cb [4, 4], "B");
            King cpk = new King (cb [3, 3], "W");

            Assert.AreEqual ("BB", cpb.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual ("WKG", cpk.Name);
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the movement rule of kings to see if a grid can be moved to or not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns><c>true</c>movement to the destination grid is possible<c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
 /// <param name="grid">The destination grid</param>
 /// <param name="cb">the Chessboard currently used</param>
 public override bool CheckMovementRule(Grid grid, ChessBoard cb)
     if (!CheckDestinationPieceColour (grid))
         return false;
     if (IsDestinationSameGrid (grid))
         return false;
     //Checks if both of the X and Y coordinates of the destination is only less thab 1 unit different from the current grid
     if (Math.Abs (grid.X - this.Grid.X) <= 1 && Math.Abs (grid.Y - this.Grid.Y) <= 1)
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here

            base.IsMouseVisible = true;


            this.board = new ChessBoard();
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void TestPathCheck()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Bishop bsh = new Bishop (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece (bsh);

            Assert.IsTrue (bsh.CheckDiagonal (cb [1, 1], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (bsh.CheckDiagonal (cb [6, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (bsh.CheckDiagonal (cb [2, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (bsh.CheckDiagonal (cb [6, 2], cb));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void TestPieceGrid()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Bishop cpb = new Bishop (cb [4, 4], "B");
            King cpk = new King (cb [3, 3], "W");

            cpk.MovePiece(cb[3, 4], cb);
            cpk.MovePiece(cb[6, 6], cb);

            Assert.AreEqual (cb[4, 4], cpb.Grid);
            Assert.AreEqual (cb[3, 4], cpk.Grid);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void TestRookMovement()
     ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
     Rook rk = new Rook (cb [3, 1], "B");
     cb [3, 1].PlacePiece (rk);
     Assert.IsTrue(rk.CheckMovementRule (cb [4, 1], cb));
     Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckMovementRule (cb [0, 3], cb));
     Assert.AreEqual (rk.MovePiece (cb [0, 3], cb), "Invalid move");
     Assert.AreNotSame (rk.Grid, cb [0, 3]);
     Assert.IsNull(rk.MovePiece (cb [4, 1], cb));
     Assert.AreSame (rk.Grid, cb [4, 1]);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void TestKnightInvalidMovement()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Knight kn = new Knight (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece (kn);

            Assert.IsFalse(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[3,3], cb));
            Assert.IsFalse(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[7,7], cb));
            Assert.IsFalse(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[4, 3], cb));

            Assert.AreEqual (kn.MovePiece (cb [4, 3], cb), "Invalid move");
            Assert.AreNotSame (kn.Grid, cb [4, 3]);
            Assert.AreSame (kn.Grid, cb [4, 4]);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void TestKingCaptureRule()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            King kg = new King (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece (kg);

            //Create piece cases within range
            cb[5, 4].PlacePiece(new King(cb[5, 4], "B"));
            cb [5, 5].PlacePiece (new King (cb [5, 5], "W"));

            //Check whether the pieces can be captured or not.
            Assert.IsFalse(kg.CheckMovementRule(cb[5,4], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [5, 5], cb));
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the movement rules of bishops to see if a grid can be moved to or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>movement to the destination grid is possible<c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="grid">The destination grid</param>
        /// <param name="cb">the Chessboard currently used</param>
        public override bool CheckMovementRule(Grid grid, ChessBoard cb)
            if (!CheckDestinationPieceColour (grid))
                return false;
            if (IsDestinationSameGrid (grid))
                return false;

            //Checks if the path is diagonal or not. Immediately returns false if invalid
            if (Math.Abs (grid.X - this.Grid.X) == Math.Abs (grid.Y - this.Grid.Y))
                return CheckDiagonal (grid, cb);
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void TestMovement()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Pawn testPiece = new Pawn (cb [3, 1], "B");
            cb [3, 1].PlacePiece(testPiece);

            Assert.AreEqual (testPiece.MovePiece (cb [4, 2], cb), "Invalid move");
            Assert.IsNull (testPiece.MovePiece (cb [3, 2],cb));
            Assert.AreSame (testPiece.Grid, cb [3, 2]);
            Assert.IsNull (testPiece.MovePiece (cb [3, 3], cb));

            Pawn testPiece2 = new Pawn (cb [4, 4], "W");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece(testPiece2);
            Assert.IsNull (testPiece.MovePiece (cb [4, 4], cb));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void TestMovement()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Bishop bsh = new Bishop (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece (bsh);

            //Test correct movement
            Assert.IsTrue(bsh.CheckMovementRule (cb [6, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsNull (bsh.MovePiece (cb [6, 6], cb));
            Assert.AreSame (bsh.Grid, cb [6, 6]);

            //Test invalid movement
            Assert.IsFalse (bsh.CheckMovementRule (cb[4, 3], cb));
            Assert.AreEqual (bsh.MovePiece (cb [4, 3], cb), "Invalid move");
            Assert.AreSame (bsh.Grid, cb [6, 6]);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void TestKingMovement()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            King kg = new King (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece (kg);

            //Test invalid movement
            Assert.IsFalse(kg.CheckMovementRule(cb[6,7], cb));
            Assert.AreEqual(kg.MovePiece(cb[6, 7], cb), "Invalid move");
            Assert.AreSame (kg.Grid, cb [4, 4]);

            //Test valid movement
            Assert.IsTrue (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [3, 5], cb));
            Assert.IsNull (kg.MovePiece (cb [3, 5], cb));
            Assert.AreSame (kg.Grid, cb [3, 5]);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void TestPathBlock()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Bishop bsh = new Bishop (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece (bsh);

            //Create obstructions
            cb [3, 3].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[3, 3], "B"));
            cb [5, 5].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[5, 5], "B"));
            cb [3, 5].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[3, 5], "W"));
            cb [5, 3].PlacePiece (new Bishop(cb[5, 3], "W"));

            Assert.IsFalse (bsh.CheckDiagonal (cb [1, 1], cb));
            Assert.IsFalse(bsh.CheckDiagonal (cb [6, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsFalse (bsh.CheckDiagonal (cb [2, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsFalse (bsh.CheckDiagonal (cb [6, 2], cb));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void TestKnightMovementOnEmpty()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Knight kn = new Knight (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece (kn);

            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[6, 5], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[5, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[3, 2], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[2, 3], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[3, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[6, 3], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[2, 5], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[5, 2], cb));

            Assert.IsNull (kn.MovePiece (cb [5, 2], cb));
            Assert.AreEqual (kn.Grid, cb [5, 2]);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void TestHorizontalPathChecking()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Rook rk = new Rook (cb [3, 3], "B");
            cb [3, 3].PlacePiece (rk);
            //Test valid path
            Assert.IsTrue (rk.CheckHorizontal (cb[3, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (rk.CheckHorizontal (cb[3, 1], cb));

            //Test White piece path block
            cb [3, 2].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [3, 2], "W"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckHorizontal (cb[3, 1], cb));
            cb [3, 4].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [3, 4], "W"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckHorizontal (cb [3, 6], cb));

            //Test Black piece path block
            cb [3, 4].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [3, 4], "B"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckHorizontal (cb [3, 6], cb));
            cb [3, 2].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [3, 2], "B"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckHorizontal (cb[3, 1], cb));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void TestKingMovementRuleOnEmptyGrids()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            King kg = new King (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece (kg);

            //Check all possible movements
            Assert.IsTrue (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [5, 4], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [5, 5], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [5, 3], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [4, 3], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [4, 5], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [3, 3], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [3, 4], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [3, 5], cb));

            //Check some invalid movements
            Assert.IsFalse (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [6, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsFalse (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [4, 6], cb));
            Assert.IsFalse (kg.CheckMovementRule (cb [6, 4], cb));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void TestVerticalPathChecking()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Rook rk = new Rook (cb [3, 3], "B");
            cb [3, 3].PlacePiece (rk);

            //Test Valid path
            Assert.IsTrue (rk.CheckVertical (cb[6, 3], cb));
            Assert.IsTrue (rk.CheckVertical(cb[1, 3], cb));

            //Test White piece path block
            cb [2, 3].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [2, 3], "W"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckVertical (cb[1, 3], cb));
            cb [4, 3].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [4, 3], "W"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckVertical (cb [6, 3], cb));

            //Test Black piece path block
            cb [4, 3].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [4, 3], "B"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckVertical (cb [6, 3], cb));
            cb [2, 3].PlacePiece (new Rook (cb [2, 3], "B"));
            Assert.IsFalse (rk.CheckVertical (cb[1, 3], cb));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void TestKnightMovementOnGridWithEnemyPiece()
            ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
            Knight kn = new Knight (cb [4, 4], "B");
            cb [4, 4].PlacePiece (kn);

            cb [6, 5].PlacePiece (new Knight (cb [6, 5], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[6, 5], cb));
            cb [5, 6].PlacePiece (new Knight (cb [5, 6], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[5, 6], cb));
            cb [3, 2].PlacePiece (new Knight (cb [3, 2], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[3, 2], cb));
            cb [2, 3].PlacePiece (new Knight (cb [2, 3], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[2, 3], cb));
            cb [3, 6].PlacePiece (new Knight (cb [3, 6], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[3, 6], cb));
            cb [6, 3].PlacePiece (new Knight (cb [6, 3], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[6, 3], cb));
            cb [2, 5].PlacePiece (new Knight (cb [2, 5], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[2, 5], cb));
            cb [5, 2].PlacePiece (new Knight (cb [5, 2], "W"));
            Assert.IsTrue(kn.CheckMovementRule(cb[5, 2], cb));
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the movement rule of rooks to see if a grid can be moved to or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>movement to the destination grid is possible<c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="grid">The destination grid</param>
        /// <param name="cb">the Chessboard currently used</param>
        public override bool CheckMovementRule(Grid grid, ChessBoard cb)
            if (!CheckDestinationPieceColour (grid))
                return false;
            if (IsDestinationSameGrid (grid))
                return false;

            //The path is vertical
            if (grid.Y == this.Grid.Y)
                return CheckVertical (grid, cb);
            //The path is horizontal
            else if (grid.X == this.Grid.X)
                return CheckHorizontal (grid, cb);
            //The path is invalid
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the movement rules of knights to see if a grid can be moved to or not.
        /// </summary>
        ///<returns><c>true</c>movement to the destination grid is possible<c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="grid">The destination grid</param>
        /// <param name="cb">the Chessboard currently used</param>
        public override bool CheckMovementRule(Grid grid, ChessBoard cb)
            if (!CheckDestinationPieceColour (grid))
                return false;
            if (IsDestinationSameGrid (grid))
                return false;

            if (Math.Abs (grid.X - this.Grid.X) == 1)
                if (Math.Abs (grid.Y - this.Grid.Y) == 2)
                    return true;
                return false;
            else if (Math.Abs (grid.Y - this.Grid.Y) == 1)
                if (Math.Abs (grid.X - this.Grid.X) == 2)
                    return true;
                return false;
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public Tower(ChessBoard chessBoard, Color color) : base(chessBoard, color)
Exemplo n.º 31
 private void LoadBoard()
     PictureBox[,] pictureBoxes = new PictureBox[8, 8];
     pictureBoxes[0, 0]         = pictureBox1;
     pictureBoxes[0, 1]         = pictureBox2;
     pictureBoxes[0, 2]         = pictureBox3;
     pictureBoxes[0, 3]         = pictureBox4;
     pictureBoxes[0, 4]         = pictureBox5;
     pictureBoxes[0, 5]         = pictureBox6;
     pictureBoxes[0, 6]         = pictureBox7;
     pictureBoxes[0, 7]         = pictureBox8;
     pictureBoxes[1, 0]         = pictureBox9;
     pictureBoxes[1, 1]         = pictureBox10;
     pictureBoxes[1, 2]         = pictureBox11;
     pictureBoxes[1, 3]         = pictureBox12;
     pictureBoxes[1, 4]         = pictureBox13;
     pictureBoxes[1, 5]         = pictureBox14;
     pictureBoxes[1, 6]         = pictureBox15;
     pictureBoxes[1, 7]         = pictureBox16;
     pictureBoxes[2, 0]         = pictureBox17;
     pictureBoxes[2, 1]         = pictureBox18;
     pictureBoxes[2, 2]         = pictureBox19;
     pictureBoxes[2, 3]         = pictureBox20;
     pictureBoxes[2, 4]         = pictureBox21;
     pictureBoxes[2, 5]         = pictureBox22;
     pictureBoxes[2, 6]         = pictureBox23;
     pictureBoxes[2, 7]         = pictureBox24;
     pictureBoxes[3, 0]         = pictureBox25;
     pictureBoxes[3, 1]         = pictureBox26;
     pictureBoxes[3, 2]         = pictureBox27;
     pictureBoxes[3, 3]         = pictureBox28;
     pictureBoxes[3, 4]         = pictureBox29;
     pictureBoxes[3, 5]         = pictureBox30;
     pictureBoxes[3, 6]         = pictureBox31;
     pictureBoxes[3, 7]         = pictureBox32;
     pictureBoxes[4, 0]         = pictureBox33;
     pictureBoxes[4, 1]         = pictureBox34;
     pictureBoxes[4, 2]         = pictureBox35;
     pictureBoxes[4, 3]         = pictureBox36;
     pictureBoxes[4, 4]         = pictureBox37;
     pictureBoxes[4, 5]         = pictureBox38;
     pictureBoxes[4, 6]         = pictureBox39;
     pictureBoxes[4, 7]         = pictureBox40;
     pictureBoxes[5, 0]         = pictureBox41;
     pictureBoxes[5, 1]         = pictureBox42;
     pictureBoxes[5, 2]         = pictureBox43;
     pictureBoxes[5, 3]         = pictureBox44;
     pictureBoxes[5, 4]         = pictureBox45;
     pictureBoxes[5, 5]         = pictureBox46;
     pictureBoxes[5, 6]         = pictureBox47;
     pictureBoxes[5, 7]         = pictureBox48;
     pictureBoxes[6, 0]         = pictureBox49;
     pictureBoxes[6, 1]         = pictureBox50;
     pictureBoxes[6, 2]         = pictureBox51;
     pictureBoxes[6, 3]         = pictureBox52;
     pictureBoxes[6, 4]         = pictureBox53;
     pictureBoxes[6, 5]         = pictureBox54;
     pictureBoxes[6, 6]         = pictureBox55;
     pictureBoxes[6, 7]         = pictureBox56;
     pictureBoxes[7, 0]         = pictureBox57;
     pictureBoxes[7, 1]         = pictureBox58;
     pictureBoxes[7, 2]         = pictureBox59;
     pictureBoxes[7, 3]         = pictureBox60;
     pictureBoxes[7, 4]         = pictureBox61;
     pictureBoxes[7, 5]         = pictureBox62;
     pictureBoxes[7, 6]         = pictureBox63;
     pictureBoxes[7, 7]         = pictureBox64;
     b = new ChessBoard(pictureBoxes);
Exemplo n.º 32
        public override ChessSquare[] GetSquares()
            ChessBoard b = ChessBoard.GetBoard();

Exemplo n.º 33
 public Horse(ChessBoard chessBoard, Color color) : base(chessBoard, color)
Exemplo n.º 34
 public TestChessPiece()
     ChessBoard cb = new ChessBoard ();
     //ChessPiece cp = new ChessPiece (cb [4, 4], "B", "B)
Exemplo n.º 35
 public Pawn(ChessBoard chessBoard, Color color) : base(chessBoard, color)