//Main code for creating charts
        public void createChart(WinChartViewer viewer, int chartIndex)
            // The value to display on the meter
            double value = 75.35;

            // Create a LinearMeter object of size 250 x 75 pixels with very light grey (0xeeeeee)
            // backgruond and a light grey (0xccccccc) 3-pixel thick rounded frame
            LinearMeter m = new LinearMeter(70, 260, 0xeeeeee, 0xcccccc);


            // Set the scale region top-left corner at (28, 30), with size of 20 x 196 pixels. The
            // scale labels are located on the left (default - implies vertical meter)
            m.setMeter(28, 30, 20, 196);

            // Set meter scale from 0 - 100, with a tick every 10 units
            m.setScale(0, 100, 10);

            // Demostrate different types of color scales and putting them at different positions
            double[] smoothColorScale = { 0, 0x6666ff, 25, 0x00bbbb, 50, 0x00ff00, 75, 0xffff00, 100,
                                          0xff0000 };
            double[] stepColorScale    = { 0, 0x33ff33, 50, 0xffff33, 80, 0xff3333, 100 };
            double[] highLowColorScale = { 0, 0x6666ff, 70, Chart.Transparent, 100, 0xff0000 };

            if (chartIndex == 0)
                // Add the smooth color scale at the default position
            else if (chartIndex == 1)
                // Add the step color scale at the default position
            else if (chartIndex == 2)
                // Add the high low scale at the default position
            else if (chartIndex == 3)
                // Add the smooth color scale starting at x = 28 (left of scale) with zero width and
                // ending at x = 28 with 20 pixels width
                m.addColorScale(smoothColorScale, 28, 0, 28, 20);
            else if (chartIndex == 4)
                // Add the smooth color scale starting at x = 38 (center of scale) with zero width
                // and ending at x = 28 with 20 pixels width
                m.addColorScale(smoothColorScale, 38, 0, 28, 20);
                // Add the smooth color scale starting at x = 48 (right of scale) with zero width
                // and ending at x = 28 with 20 pixels width
                m.addColorScale(smoothColorScale, 48, 0, 28, 20);

            // In this demo, we demostrate pointers of different shapes
            if (chartIndex < 3)
                // Add a blue (0x0000cc) pointer of default shape at the specified value
                m.addPointer(value, 0x0000cc);
                // Add a blue (0x0000cc) pointer of triangular shape the specified value
                m.addPointer(value, 0x0000cc).setShape(Chart.TriangularPointer, 0.7, 0.5);

            // Add a title using 8pt Arial Bold font with a border color background
            m.addTitle("Temp C", "Arial Bold", 8, Chart.TextColor).setBackground(0xcccccc);

            // Add a text box at the bottom-center. Display the value using white (0xffffff) 8pt
            // Arial Bold font on a black (0x000000) background with rounded border.
            ChartDirector.TextBox t = m.addText(m.getWidth() / 2, m.getHeight() - 8, m.formatValue(
                                                    value, "2"), "Arial Bold", 8, 0xffffff, Chart.Bottom);
            t.setMargin(5, 5, 2, 1);

            // Output the chart
            viewer.Chart = m;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Draw the chart
        private void drawChart(WPFChartViewer viewer)
            // Have not started collecting data ???
            if (currentIndex <= 0)

            // The start time is equal to the latest time minus the time range of the chart
            double startTime  = timeStamps[currentIndex - 1] - timeRange;
            int    startIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling(Chart.bSearch(timeStamps, 0, currentIndex, startTime) - 0.1);

            // For a sweep chart, if the line goes beyond the right border, it will wrap back to
            // the left. We need to determine the wrap position (the right border).
            double wrapTime   = Math.Floor(startTime / timeRange + 1) * timeRange;
            double wrapIndex  = Chart.bSearch(timeStamps, 0, currentIndex, wrapTime);
            int    wrapIndexA = (int)Math.Ceiling(wrapIndex);
            int    wrapIndexB = (int)Math.Floor(wrapIndex);

            // The data arrays and the colors and names of the data series
            var allArrays = new[] { timeStamps, channel1, channel2 };

            int[]    colors = { 0xff0000, 0x00cc00 };
            string[] names  = { "Channel 1", "Channel 2" };

            // Split all data arrays into two parts A and B at the wrap position. The B part is the
            // part that is wrapped back to the left.
            var allArraysA = new double[allArrays.Length][];
            var allArraysB = new double[allArrays.Length][];

            for (int i = 0; i < allArrays.Length; ++i)
                allArraysA[i] = (double[])Chart.arraySlice(allArrays[i], startIndex, wrapIndexA - startIndex + 1);
                allArraysB[i] = (double[])Chart.arraySlice(allArrays[i], wrapIndexB, currentIndex - wrapIndexB);

            // Normalize the plotted timeStamps (the first element of allArrays) to start from 0
            for (int i = 0; i < allArraysA[0].Length; ++i)
                allArraysA[0][i] -= wrapTime - timeRange;
            for (int i = 0; i < allArraysB[0].Length; ++i)
                allArraysB[0][i] -= wrapTime;

            // Now we have prepared all the data and can plot the chart.

            // Configure overall chart appearance.

            // Create an XYChart object the same size as WPFChartViewer, with a minimum of 300 x 150
            XYChart c = new XYChart(Math.Max(300, (int)viewer.ActualWidth), Math.Max(150, (int)viewer.ActualHeight));

            // Set the plotarea at (0, 0) with width 1 pixel less than chart width, and height 20 pixels
            // less than chart height. Use a vertical gradient from light blue (f0f6ff) to sky blue (a0c0ff)
            // as background. Set border to transparent and grid lines to white (ffffff).
            c.setPlotArea(0, 0, c.getWidth() - 1, c.getHeight() - 20, c.linearGradientColor(0, 0, 0,
                                                                                            c.getHeight() - 20, 0xf0f6ff, 0xa0c0ff), -1, Chart.Transparent, 0xffffff, 0xffffff);

            // In our code, we can overdraw the line slightly, so we clip it to the plot area.

            // Add a legend box at the right side using horizontal layout. Use 10pt Arial Bold as font. Set
            // the background and border color to Transparent and use line style legend key.
            LegendBox b = c.addLegend(c.getWidth() - 1, 10, false, "Arial Bold", 10);


            // Set the x and y axis stems to transparent and the label font to 10pt Arial
            c.xAxis().setLabelStyle("Arial", 10);
            c.yAxis().setLabelStyle("Arial", 10, 0x336699);

            // Configure the y-axis label to be inside the plot area and above the horizontal grid lines

            // Configure the x-axis labels to be to the left of the vertical grid lines

            // Add data to chart

            // Draw the lines, which consists of A segments and B segments (the wrapped segments)
            foreach (var dataArrays in new[] { allArraysA, allArraysB })
                LineLayer layer = c.addLineLayer2();

                // The first element of dataArrays is the timeStamp, and the rest are the data.
                for (int i = 1; i < dataArrays.Length; ++i)
                    layer.addDataSet(dataArrays[i], colors[i - 1], names[i - 1]);

                // Disable legend entries for the B lines to avoid duplication with the A lines
                if (dataArrays == allArraysB)

            // The B segments contain the latest data. We add a vertical line at the latest position.
            int  lastIndex = allArraysB[0].Length - 1;
            Mark m         = c.xAxis().addMark(allArraysB[0][lastIndex], -1);

            m.setMarkColor(0x0000ff, Chart.Transparent, Chart.Transparent);

            // We also add a symbol and a label for each data series at the latest position
            for (int i = 1; i < allArraysB.Length; ++i)
                // Add the symbol
                Layer layer = c.addScatterLayer(new double[] { allArraysB[0][lastIndex] }, new double[] {
                }, "", Chart.CircleSymbol, 9, colors[i - 1], colors[i - 1]);

                // Add the label
                string label = "<*font,bgColor=" + colors[i - 1].ToString("x") + "*> {value|P4} <*/font*>";

                // The label style
                ChartDirector.TextBox t = layer.setDataLabelStyle("Arial Bold", 10, 0xffffff);
                bool isOnLeft           = allArraysB[0][lastIndex] <= timeRange / 2;
                t.setAlignment(isOnLeft ? Chart.Left : Chart.Right);
                t.setMargin(isOnLeft ? 5 : 0, isOnLeft ? 0 : 5, 0, 0);

            // Configure axis scale and labelling

            c.xAxis().setLinearScale(0, timeRange);

            // For the automatic axis labels, set the minimum spacing to 75/40 pixels for the x/y axis.

            // Set the auto-scale margin to 0.05, and the zero affinity to 0.6
            c.yAxis().setAutoScale(0.05, 0.05, 0.6);

            // Output the chart

            viewer.Chart = c;
Exemplo n.º 3
        //Main code for creating charts
        public void createChart(WinChartViewer viewer, int chartIndex)
            // The value to display on the meter
            double value = 74.25;

            // Create a LinearMeter object of size 70 x 260 pixels with very light grey (0xeeeeee)
            // backgruond and a grey (0xbbbbbb) 3-pixel thick rounded frame
            LinearMeter m = new LinearMeter(70, 260, 0xeeeeee, 0xbbbbbb);


            // Set the scale region top-left corner at (28, 33), with size of 20 x 194 pixels. The
            // scale labels are located on the left (default - implies vertical meter).
            m.setMeter(28, 33, 20, 194);

            // Set meter scale from 0 - 100, with a tick every 10 units
            m.setScale(0, 100, 10);

            // Demostrate different types of color scales
            double[] smoothColorScale = { 0, 0x0000ff, 25, 0x0088ff, 50, 0x00ff00, 75, 0xdddd00, 100,
                                          0xff0000 };
            double[] stepColorScale = { 0, 0x00dd00, 50, 0xffff00, 80, 0xff0000, 100 };
            double[] highColorScale = { 70, Chart.Transparent, 100, 0xff0000 };
            double[] lowColorScale  = { 0, 0x0000ff, 30, Chart.Transparent };

            if (chartIndex == 0)
                // Add a blue (0x0088ff) bar from 0 to value with glass effect and 4 pixel rounded
                // corners
                m.addBar(0, value, 0x0088ff, Chart.glassEffect(Chart.NormalGlare, Chart.Left), 4);
                // Add a 6-pixel thick smooth color scale at x = 53 (right of meter scale)
                m.addColorScale(smoothColorScale, 53, 6);
            else if (chartIndex == 1)
                // Add a green (0x00cc00) bar from 0 to value with bar lighting effect and 4 pixel
                // rounded corners
                m.addBar(0, value, 0x00cc00, Chart.barLighting(), 4);
                // Add a high only color scale at x = 52 (right of meter scale) with thickness
                // varying from 0 to 8
                m.addColorScale(highColorScale, 52, 0, 52, 8);
                // Add a low only color scale at x = 52 (right of meter scale) with thickness
                // varying from 8 to 0
                m.addColorScale(lowColorScale, 52, 8, 52, 0);
            else if (chartIndex == 2)
                // Add a purple (0x0088ff) bar from 0 to value with glass effect and 4 pixel rounded
                // corners
                m.addBar(0, value, 0x8833dd, Chart.glassEffect(Chart.NormalGlare, Chart.Left), 4);
                // Add a high only color scale at x = 52 (right of meter scale) with thickness
                // varying from 0 to 8
                m.addColorScale(highColorScale, 52, 0, 52, 8);
            else if (chartIndex == 3)
                // Add a orange (0xff8800) bar from 0 to value with cylinder lighting effect
                m.addBar(0, value, 0xff8800, Chart.cylinderEffect());
                // Add a high only color scale at x = 53 (right of meter scale)
                m.addColorScale(highColorScale, 53, 6);
            else if (chartIndex == 4)
                // Add a red (0xee3333) bar from 0 to value with glass effect and 4 pixel rounded
                // corners
                m.addBar(0, value, 0xee3333, Chart.glassEffect(Chart.NormalGlare, Chart.Left), 4);
                // Add a step color scale at x = 53 (right of meter scale)
                m.addColorScale(stepColorScale, 53, 6);
                // Add a grey (0xaaaaaa) bar from 0 to value
                m.addBar(0, value, 0xaaaaaa);
                // Add a smooth color scale at x = 52 (right of meter scale) with thickness varying
                // from 0 to 8
                m.addColorScale(smoothColorScale, 52, 0, 52, 8);

            // Add a title using 8pt Arial Bold font with grey (0xbbbbbb) background
            m.addTitle("Temp C", "Arial Bold", 8, Chart.TextColor).setBackground(0xbbbbbb);

            // Add a text box at the bottom-center. Display the value using white (0xffffff) 8pt
            // Arial Bold font on a black (0x000000) background with rounded border.
            ChartDirector.TextBox t = m.addText(m.getWidth() / 2, m.getHeight() - 8, m.formatValue(
                                                    value, "2"), "Arial Bold", 8, 0xffffff, Chart.Bottom);
            t.setMargin(5, 5, 2, 1);

            // Output the chart
            viewer.Chart = m;