private void btnXem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (SqlDataAccessHelper.TestConnection(SqlDataAccessHelper.ConnectionString) == false)
                AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("Mất kết nối với CSDL. Vui lòng thử lại sau.", "Lỗi", 2000);

            MyUtility.UpdateControl(dtpStartGioTruocSua, dtpStartGioSauuuSua, dtpStartThoiDiemSua,
                                    dtpEndddGioTruocSua, dtpEndddGioSauuuSua, dtpEndddThoiDiemSua);

            DateTime StartGioTruocSua = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime EndddGioTruocSua = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime StartGioSauuuSua = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime EndddGioSauuuSua = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime StartThoiDiemSua = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime EndddThoiDiemSua = DateTime.Today;
            int      UserID           = 0;
            var      query            = @"	select	  UserInfo.UserEnrollNumber,UserInfo.UserFullName, UserInfo.UserFullCode,									
									  case when CommandType = 1 then null else TimeStrOld end as TimeStrOld,
									  case when CommandType = 1 then null
												case when MachineNoOld%2 = 1 then N'Vào' else N'Ra' end
									  end as OriginTypeOld,
									  case when CommandType = 1 then null else SourceOld end as SourceOld,
									  case when CommandType = 1 then null else MachineNoOld end as MachineNoOld,									  
									  case when CommandType = -1 then null else TimeStrNew end as TimeStrNew,									  
									  case when CommandType = -1 then null
												case when MachineNoNew%2 = 1 then N'Vào' else N'Ra' end
									  end as OriginTypeNew,
									  case when CommandType = -1 then null else SourceNew end as SourceNew,									  
									  case when CommandType = -1 then null else MachineNoNew end as MachineNoNew,
									  LichSuSuaGioVaoRa.UserID, NewUserAccount.UserAccount ,
									  case when CommandType = 0 then N'Sửa'
									  when CommandType = -1 then N'Xóa'
									  when CommandType = 1 then N'Thêm' 
									  end as CommandType
							from	LichSuSuaGioVaoRa,  NewUserAccount, UserInfo
							where	LichSuSuaGioVaoRa.UserID = NewUserAccount.UserID
							and UserInfo.UserEnrollNumber = LichSuSuaGioVaoRa.UserEnrollNumber "                            ;

            if (checkGioTruocSua.Checked)
                StartGioTruocSua = dtpStartGioTruocSua.Value;
                EndddGioTruocSua = dtpEndddGioTruocSua.Value;
                var temp = " and  (TimeStrOld between @StartGioTruocSua and @EndddGioTruocSua) ";
                query += temp;
            if (checkGioSauuuSua.Checked)
                StartGioSauuuSua = dtpStartGioSauuuSua.Value;
                EndddGioSauuuSua = dtpEndddGioSauuuSua.Value;
                var temp = " and   (TimeStrNew between @StartGioSauuuSua and @EndddGioSauuuSua) ";
                query += temp;
            if (checkThoiDiemSua.Checked)
                StartThoiDiemSua = dtpStartThoiDiemSua.Value;
                EndddThoiDiemSua = dtpEndddThoiDiemSua.Value;
                var temp = " and   (ExecuteTime between @StartThoiDiemSua and @EndddThoiDiemSua) ";
                query += temp;
            if (checkThucHienBoi.Checked && cbTaiKhoanThucHien.SelectedIndex != 0)
                UserID = (int)cbTaiKhoanThucHien.SelectedValue;
                var temp = " and  LichSuSuaGioVaoRa.UserID = @UserID ";
                query += temp;

            var table = SqlDataAccessHelper.ExecuteQueryString(query,
                                                               new string[] { "@StartGioTruocSua", "@EndddGioTruocSua", "@StartGioSauuuSua", "@EndddGioSauuuSua", "@StartThoiDiemSua", "@EndddThoiDiemSua", "@UserID" },
                                                               new object[] { StartGioTruocSua, EndddGioTruocSua, StartGioSauuuSua, EndddGioSauuuSua, StartThoiDiemSua, EndddThoiDiemSua, UserID });

            dataGridView1.DataSource = table;