Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>serialises an outgoing .NET reply Message on server side</summary>
 internal void SerialiseOutgoingReplyMessage(IMessage replyMsg, IMessage requestMsg, GiopVersion version,
                                             Stream targetStream, GiopConnectionDesc conDesc)
     if (replyMsg is ReturnMessage)
         // write a CORBA response message into the stream targetStream
         GiopHeader             header    = new GiopHeader(version.Major, version.Minor, m_headerFlags, GiopMsgTypes.Reply);
         CdrMessageOutputStream msgOutput = new CdrMessageOutputStream(targetStream, header);
         GiopServerRequest      request   = new GiopServerRequest(requestMsg,
                                                                  (ReturnMessage)replyMsg, conDesc,
         // serialize the message
         m_ser.SerialiseReply(request, msgOutput.GetMessageContentWritingStream(),
                              version, conDesc);
         msgOutput.CloseStream(); // write to the stream
         throw new NotImplementedException("handling for this type of .NET message is not implemented at the moment, type: " +
 /// <summary>serialises an outgoing .NET reply Message on server side</summary>
 internal void SerialiseOutgoingReplyMessage(IMessage replyMsg, IMessage requestMsg, GiopVersion version,
                                             Stream targetStream, GiopConnectionDesc conDesc) {
     if (replyMsg is ReturnMessage) {
         // write a CORBA response message into the stream targetStream
         GiopHeader header = new GiopHeader(version.Major, version.Minor, m_headerFlags, GiopMsgTypes.Reply);
         CdrMessageOutputStream msgOutput = new CdrMessageOutputStream(targetStream, header);
         GiopServerRequest request = new GiopServerRequest(requestMsg,
                                                           (ReturnMessage)replyMsg, conDesc,
         // serialize the message
         m_ser.SerialiseReply(request, msgOutput.GetMessageContentWritingStream(),
                              version, conDesc);
         msgOutput.CloseStream(); // write to the stream
     } else {
         throw new NotImplementedException("handling for this type of .NET message is not implemented at the moment, type: " +
 private void SerialiseResponseOk(CdrOutputStream targetStream, GiopServerRequest request,
                                  GiopVersion version) {
     // reply body
     // clarification form CORBA 2.6, chapter 15.4.2: no padding, when no arguments are serialised  -->
     // for backward compatibility, do it nevertheless
     AlignBodyIfNeeded(targetStream, version);
     // marshal the parameters
     ArgumentsSerializer ser =
     ser.SerializeResponseArgs(request.RequestMethodName, request.ReturnValue, request.OutArgs,
 /// <summary>serialize the GIOP message body of a repsonse message</summary>
 /// <param name="requestId">the requestId of the request, this response belongs to</param>
 internal void SerialiseReply(GiopServerRequest request, CdrOutputStream targetStream, 
                            GiopVersion version,
                            GiopConnectionDesc conDesc) {
     Trace.WriteLine("serializing response for method: " + request.GetRequestedMethodNameInternal());
     try {
         bool isExceptionReply = request.IsExceptionReply;
         Exception exceptionToSend = null;
         try {
             request.SetRequestPICurrentFromThreadScopeCurrent(); // copy from thread scope picurrent after processing request by servant
             // reply interception point
             if (!request.IsExceptionReply) {
             } else {
                 exceptionToSend = request.InterceptSendException(request.IdlException);
         } catch (Exception ex) {
             // update the reply with the exception from interception layer
             isExceptionReply = true;
             if (SerialiseAsSystemException(ex)) {
                 exceptionToSend = ex;
             } else {
                 exceptionToSend = new UNKNOWN(300, CompletionStatus.Completed_MayBe);
         ServiceContextList cntxColl = request.ResponseServiceContext;
         SetCodeSet(targetStream, conDesc);
         if (version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // for GIOP 1.0 / 1.1
             SerialiseContext(targetStream, cntxColl); // serialize the context
         if (!isExceptionReply) {
             Trace.WriteLine("sending normal response to client");
             targetStream.WriteULong(0); // reply status ok
             if (!version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // for GIOP 1.2 and later, service context is here
                 SerialiseContext(targetStream, cntxColl); // serialize the context
             // serialize a response to a successful request
             SerialiseResponseOk(targetStream, request, version);
             Trace.WriteLine("reply body serialised");
         } else {
             Trace.WriteLine("excpetion to send to client: " + exceptionToSend.GetType());
             if (SerialiseAsSystemException(exceptionToSend)) {
                 targetStream.WriteULong(2); // system exception
             } else if (SerialiseAsUserException(exceptionToSend)) {
                 targetStream.WriteULong(1); // user exception
             } else {
                 // should not occur
                 exceptionToSend = new INTERNAL(204, CompletionStatus.Completed_Yes);
             if (!version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // for GIOP 1.2 and later, service context is here
                 SerialiseContext(targetStream, cntxColl); // serialize the context
             AlignBodyIfNeeded(targetStream, version);
             if (SerialiseAsSystemException(exceptionToSend)) {
                 SerialiseSystemException(targetStream, exceptionToSend);
             } else {
                 SerialiseUserException(targetStream, (AbstractUserException)exceptionToSend);
             Trace.WriteLine("exception reply serialised");
     } finally {
         request.ClearThreadScopePICurrent(); // no longer needed, clear afterwards to prevent access to stale data during next requests
        /// <summary>deserialise the request body</summary>
        /// <param name="contextElements">the deserialised context elements, if any or null</param>
        private void DeserialiseRequestBody(CdrInputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version,
                                            GiopServerRequest request,
                                            ArgumentsSerializer ser,
                                            out IDictionary contextElements) {
            // clarification from CORBA 2.6, chapter 15.4.1: no padding, when no arguments/no context elements
            // are serialised, i.e. body empty
            // ignores, if not enough bytes because no args/context; because in this case, no more bytes follow
            TryAlignBodyIfNeeded(cdrStream, version);

            // unmarshall parameters
            object[] args = ser.DeserializeRequestArgs(request.RequestMethodName, cdrStream,
                                                       out contextElements);

            // for standard corba ops, adapt args:
            if (request.IsStandardCorbaOperation) {
                args = AdaptArgsForStandardOp(args, request.RequestUri);
            request.RequestArgs = args;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialises the Giop Message body for a request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cdrStream"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal IMessage DeserialiseRequest(CdrInputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version,
                                             GiopConnectionDesc conDesc, IInterceptionOption[] interceptionOptions) {
            MethodCall methodCallInfo = null;
            GiopServerRequest serverRequest = new GiopServerRequest(conDesc, interceptionOptions);
            serverRequest.Version = version;
            try {
                ServiceContextList cntxColl = null;
                if (version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // GIOP 1.0 / 1.1
                    cntxColl = DeserialiseContext(cdrStream); // Service context deser
                // read the request-ID and set it as a message property
                uint requestId = cdrStream.ReadULong(); 
                serverRequest.RequestId = requestId;
                Trace.WriteLine("received a message with reqId: " + requestId);
                // read response-flags:
                byte respFlags = cdrStream.ReadOctet(); Debug.WriteLine("response-flags: " + respFlags);
                cdrStream.ReadPadding(3); // read reserved bytes
                serverRequest.ResponseFlags = respFlags;
                // decode the target of this request
                byte[] objectKey;
                serverRequest.RequestUri = ReadTarget(cdrStream, version, out objectKey);
                serverRequest.ObjectKey = objectKey;
                serverRequest.RequestMethodName = cdrStream.ReadString();
                Trace.WriteLine("call for .NET object: " + serverRequest.RequestUri + 
                                ", methodName: " + serverRequest.RequestMethodName);

                if (version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // GIOP 1.0 / 1.1
                    uint principalLength = cdrStream.ReadULong();
                } else {
                    cntxColl = DeserialiseContext(cdrStream); // Service context deser
                PerformCodeSetEstablishmentServer(version, conDesc, cntxColl);
                // set codeset for stream
                SetCodeSet(cdrStream, conDesc);
                // request header deserialised

                serverRequest.RequestServiceContext = cntxColl;
                serverRequest.SetThreadScopeCurrentFromPICurrent(); // copy request scope picurrent to thread scope pi-current
                serverRequest.ResolveTargetType(); // determine the .net target object type and check if target object is available
                ArgumentsSerializer argSer =
                MethodInfo called =
                serverRequest.ResolveCalledMethod(called); // set target method and handle special cases
                IDictionary contextElements;
                DeserialiseRequestBody(cdrStream, version, serverRequest, argSer, out contextElements);
                methodCallInfo = new MethodCall(serverRequest.Request);
                if (contextElements != null) {
                    AddContextElementsToCallContext(methodCallInfo.LogicalCallContext, contextElements);
                serverRequest.InterceptReceiveRequest(); // all information now available
                return methodCallInfo;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // an Exception encountered during deserialisation
                try {
                    cdrStream.SkipRest(); // skip rest of the message, to not corrupt the stream
                } catch (Exception) {
                    // ignore exception here, already an other exception leading to problems
                ReturnMessage exceptionResponse;
                exceptionResponse = new ReturnMessage(e, methodCallInfo);
                throw new RequestDeserializationException(e, serverRequest.Request, exceptionResponse);
                // send exception interception point will be called when serialising exception response
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// construct a server request info based on the ServerRequest data.        
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>delegates client requests normally to the serverRequest instance.</remarks>
 internal ServerRequestInfoImpl(GiopServerRequest serverRequest) : base(serverRequest) {
     m_serverRequest = serverRequest;