Exemplo n.º 1
        private void WriteAttachmentsGrant(CMWGrant grant, int total)

            if (null == grant.Attachments || grant.Attachments.Count < 1)

            foreach (var attachment in grant.Attachments)
                WriteAttachment(attachment, total);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Add text for Applications Recommendation
 /// </summary>
 public virtual float AddTextAppRecommendation(PdfStructureElement tag, CMWGrant grant, float YPosition)
     var Paragraphs = helper.TextToLines(grant.RFARecommendation, GrantFonts.bf_times);
     return YPosition = AddTextForSections(tag, Paragraphs, YPosition);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void WriteGrant(CMWGrant grant)
            if (grant.isOnlySummary == true)

            if (grant.ActionTypeCode.ToUpper().Equals("M"))
                GeneratorNonRFAMerit gen1 = new GeneratorNonRFAMerit();
                GeneratorNonRFA gen2 = new GeneratorNonRFA();
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes text for Appllication Recommendation
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteAppRecommendation(PdfStructureElement tag, CMWGrant grant, out Object part)
            // Create part
            PdfStructureElement partObj = new PdfStructureElement(tag, new PdfName("Part"));
            part = partObj;

            // Create Header
            content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(new PdfStructureElement(partObj, new PdfName("H2")));
            it.Phrase rpHeader = new it.Phrase("Recommendation:", GrantFonts.BOLD);
            ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(content, it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, rpHeader, document.LeftMargin, helper.CurrentY, 0);

            // Objective
            float YPosition = AddTextAppRecommendation(partObj, grant, helper.CurrentY);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Details for Application Recommendation
        /// </summary>
        public void GetDetailsAppRecommendation(PdfStructureElement tag, CMWGrant grant)
            PdfStructureElement partIndiv = new PdfStructureElement(tag, new PdfName("Part"));

            var table = new tTable(this, "");
            table.ParentTag = partIndiv;

            // row 1
            var cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Application/Grant #:");
            var row = new tRow();
            row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.FullGrantNum));

            // row 2
            cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Principal Investigator:");
            row = new tRow();
            row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.PIName));

            // row 3
            cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Institution:");
            row = new tRow();
            row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.OrgName));

            // row 4
            cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Title:");
            row = new tRow();
            row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.ProjectTitle));

            var numerator = new NICHDMATH(grant.PriorityScoreNumber);
            var denominator = new NICHDMATH(grant.IRGPercentileNum);
            var answer = numerator / denominator;

            // row 4
            cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, @"PS/%ile:");
            row = new tRow();
            row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, answer.Value.ToString()));

            string rHeader = "Recommendation:";
            content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(new PdfStructureElement(partIndiv, new PdfName("H2")));
            content.SetFontAndSize(GrantFonts.bf_times_bold, 12);
            content.ShowTextAligned(it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, rHeader, document.LeftMargin, helper.CurrentY, 0);

            float YPosition = AddTextAppRecommendation(partIndiv, grant, helper.CurrentY);

Exemplo n.º 6
        // creates list of CDDB grants : 2U10JA036790-16 , 1R21JB079260-01
        public static List<CMWGrant> PopulateList_CDDB()
            List<CMWGrant> funding = new List<CMWGrant>();
            var one = new CMWGrant()
                BranchCode = "CDBB",
                BranchName = "Child Development and Behavior Branch",
                BranchSort = 2,
                FullGrantNum = "2U10JA036790-16",
                ActionTypeCode = "s",
                PIName = "GLASS, NANCY",
                OrgName = "JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY",
                ProjectTitle = "Effectiveness of a Safety App to Respond to Dating Violence for College Women",
                PriorityScoreNumber = 24,
                IRGPercentileNum = 10,
                Irgcomb = "CHHD M",
                SRAName = "MICHELE HINDI-ALEXANDER",
                ProgramAdmin = "Haverkos, Lynne",
                CouncilAssignment = "Renee Jenkins, George Rutherford, Bonnie Duran",
                ConflictOfInterest = "",
                SRGDirectCost = 5339854,
                ProgClassCode = "CDBB-LH",
                FundTypeInd = "F",

                Summary = Utility.PdfBytes(new HelloWorld("FundType F - 2U10HD036790-16")),
                RFARecommendation = @"The reviewers noted the outstanding to exceptional quality, experience and commitment of RTI. The data center is well qualified and has provided outstanding evidence of successful past performance, academic productivity, clinical trials and statistical expertise, staffing expertise; capacity and ability to manage data and communications; evidence of reporting capabilities; expertise and experience in logistical and other support services; monitoring experience and ability; experience in technology transfer, data management, and protocol training capabilities; and evidence of management capabilities. The reviewers unanimously agreed that RTI has a 14+ year history of performing an outstanding job as the data coordinating center for the NICHD Neonatal Research Network. Staff recommendation costs exceed PI requested costs in order to fund the protocol specific capitation costs for the 18 NRN centers. Staff strongly recommends RTI to continue as the DCC for the network.",
                FundingDetail = new List<CMWGrantFundingDetail>()
                    new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ SourceName="NICHD", DirectCost = 339854, TotalCost=480000},
                    new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ SourceName="HG", DirectCost = 854533, TotalCost=648111}
                IsSelectedForPrint = true


            var two = new CMWGrant()
                BranchCode = "CDBB",
                BranchName = "Child Development and Behavior Branch",
                BranchSort = 2,
                FullGrantNum = "1R21JB079260-01",
                ActionTypeCode = "s",
                PIName = "WERKER, JANET",
                OrgName = "UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA",
                ProjectTitle = "Multisensory foundations of speech perception in infancy",
                PriorityScoreNumber = 20,
                IRGPercentileNum = 0,
                ProgramAdmin = "Freund, Lisa",
                CouncilAssignment = "Richard Wagner, Paul Wise, Renee Jenkins",
                ConflictOfInterest = "",
                ActionTypeName = "Foreign",
                SRGDirectCost = 0,
                FundTypeInd = "C",
                ProgClassCode = "CDB-LH",
                Irgcomb = "ZRG1 BBBP T 52",
                SRAName = "Biao Tian",

                //Summary = new byte[0],
                Summary = Utility.PdfBytes(new HelloWorld("Fund Type C - 1U10HD076502-01")),
                RFARecommendation = @"<br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est nulla, feugiat vitae tincidunt non, dictum ut dui. Pellentesque egestas luctus nisi quis posuere. Proin at nisl eros, nec fermentum augue. Duis velit mi, adipiscing sed lobortis ac, mollis sed nunc. Integer quis erat at massa dictum luctus id et sem. In odio sem, consequat euismod vehicula ac, suscipit fringilla lorem. Sed tempus urna ac lorem dignissim sit amet adipiscing mauris luctus. Phasellus lacinia augue at mi sagittis elementum. Etiam nec nisl mauris, vel tincidunt metus. Quisque ut nulla dui. In consectetur ultrices lacus, at convallis leo luctus convallis. Vestibulum ullamcorper euismod orci, et mattis augue cursus ut. Nulla eget massa nisi. Aenean vestibulum ante bibendum tellus vehicula egestas.",
                FundingDetail = new List<CMWGrantFundingDetail>()
                    new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ SourceName="NICHD", DirectCost = 339854, TotalCost=480000},
                    new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ SourceName="HG", DirectCost = 0, TotalCost=5339854}
                IsSelectedForPrint = true

            return funding;
Exemplo n.º 7
        // creates a Grant ( normal and merit )
        public static CMWGrant Populate(string ActionTypeCode)
            CMWGrant grant = new CMWGrant();
            grant.ActionTypeCode = ActionTypeCode;
            grant.CouncilMeetingDate = "201305";
            grant.BranchSort = 3;
            grant.BranchName = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m",StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "Fertility and Infertility Branch" : "Developmental Biology and Structural Variation Branch";
            grant.BranchCode = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "FI" : "DBSVB";

            grant.FullGrantNum = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "1R01HD073077-01A1" : "1R01HD073152-01A1";
            grant.PIName = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "HANDEL, MARY ANN" : "DUESTER, GREGG";
            grant.Institution = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "JACKSON LABORATORY" : "SANFORD-BURNHAM MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTIT";
            grant.ProjectTitle = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "Selective Translational Regulation of Male Fertility" : "Mechanism of Retinoic Acid Signaling during Limb Bud Development";
            grant.PriorityScoreNumber = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? 29 : 30;
            grant.IRGPercentileNum = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? 14 : 31;
            grant.Irgcomb = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "CMIR" : "DEV1";
            grant.SRAName = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "Gary Hunnicutt" : "Jonathan Arias";
            grant.ProgramAdmin = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "Moss, Stuart" : "Javois, Lorette";
            grant.CouncilAssignment = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "Yoel Sadovsky, Kimberly Leslie, Diana Bianchi" : "Diana Bianchi, Wylie Burke, Richard Myers";
            grant.ConflictOfInterest = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? "None Known" : "Pon Jola Coney, George Rutherford, Yoel Sadovsky, Paul Wise";

            grant.ApplTypeCode = ActionTypeCode;
            grant.ActionTypeName = "LOW PROGRAM PRIORITY";
            grant.OriginalCouncilMeetingDate = "200510";
            grant.SRG = (ActionTypeCode.ToLower().Equals("m")) ? "CMIR" : "DEV1";
            grant.RFAPANumber = "PA11-143";
            grant.ProgClassCode = "PPB -RH";
            grant.Recommendation = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("e", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) ? string.Empty : @"The Developmental Biology, Genetics and Teratology Branch enthusiastically recommends the extension of this MERIT Award. Dr. Kathryn Anderson is an accomplished leader in the field of early mammalian development who has made significant contributions to our understanding of early mouse development.";
            grant.Justification = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("e", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) ? string.Empty : @"Dr. Anderson is a preeminent developmental biologist whose career has focused on the signaling pathways involved in early development which are conserved throughout the animal kingdom. She holds the Enid A. Haup Chair in Developmental Biology and is the Chair of the Developmental Biology Program at the Sloan-Kettering Institute as well as a Professor in the Graduate School of Medical Sciences at Cornell University. She began her career as a Presidential Young Investigator (National Science Foundation). She has since been elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and most recently a member of the Institute of Medicine. She has served on the NIH Genetics Study Section, the Searle Scholar Advisory Panel, and the Damon Runyon Scholar Panel. Dr. Anderson is a past President of the Society for Developmental Biology, and she received the 2012 Thomas Hunt Morgan Award from the Genetics Society of America. <p>In her MERIT Award, Dr. Anderson is applying the genetic approaches that she pioneered in Drosophila to the study of early vertebrate development using the mouse model. The focus of her mouse work over the past 15 years has been to phenotypically identify genes that control early neural development and mesoderm formation in the embryo using forward genetic screening to isolate mutations that disrupt morphogenesis. Since many human birth defects are due to errors in cell migration and/or intercellular signaling which affect morphogenesis and organ formation, this research advances an area of high programmatic relevance for DBGT and NICHD.";
            grant.ProgressToDate = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("e", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) ? string.Empty : @"For the past 15 years Dr. Anderson’s lab has used ethylnitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis to generate recessive point mutations in the mouse to study midgestation disruptions of morphogenesis. In sum, they have identified more than 100 mutations that have profound effects on early mouse development and the DNA sequence changes responsible for 85 independent mutations. More than half the mutations are alleles of previously unstudied genes. They have focused their in-depth studies on genes that specifically affect cell migration and tissue reorganization during early development. <br><br>During the past five-year funding period, 17 new genes affecting morphogenesis (e.g., gastrulation, neurulation, or heart development) and four new genes affecting Sonic Hedgehog signaling or ciliogenesis have been identified. Phenotypic, genetic, and molecular characterization has focused on three aspects of morphogenesis: migration of anterior visceral endoderm (AVE); the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) during gastrulation; and, the cell biological origins of left-right asymmetry. It is important to note that during this period a number of factors have synergistically enhanced progress. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays are used to map ENUinduced changes to chromosome segments using just six to eight homozygous mutant embryos, thus allowing mapping during the same generation as the mutations are discovered. Next generation sequencing allows identification of chromosomal regions of interest, like exons or splice junctions, and speeds analysis of candidate genes. The availability of single gene knockout embryonic stem cells from the International Knockout Mouse Consortium provides a means to confirm more rapidly the identity of genes of interest. The incorporation of molecular markers such GFP transgenes for particular cell types into the screening process allows identification of mutations that have clear phenotypes but do not globally disrupt morphogenesis (e.g., those affecting migration of primordial germ cells or specification of motor neuron organization). Ten publications focusing on the initial mutations and seven publications of more in-depth studies have resulted, all dealing with novel genes. While most of these mutations are null or strong loss-of-function mutations, notably some hypomorphic alleles have provided unexpected insights on mammalian development that would not have been identified from targeted null mutations.";
            grant.ResearchPlan = (ActionTypeCode.Equals("e", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) ? string.Empty : @"During the MERIT Extension period, Dr. Anderson will continue this research effort on two fronts. First, she proposes to perform more in-depth analysis of two critical morphogenetic processes: specification of the anterior-posterior body axis in the epiblast and regulation of the EMT during gastrulation by apical-basal polarity proteins. The methodologies to be used include marker analysis, high resolution imaging of fixed embryos, live imaging to follow phenotype development over time, and use of genetic mosaic approaches to identify causative cell types. The second effort is a continuation of the ongoing screen for new mutations; but, by using the TOPGAL mouse strain that expresses -galactosidase in cells that are responding to canonical Wnt signals, she will focus on identifying alleles that regulate canonical Wnt signaling. These mutations would affect the full spectrum of processes that regulate patterning and morphogenesis in mammalian development including AVE migration, primitive streak specification and gastrulation EMT. New mutations will be mapped using SNP arrays and the latest DNA sequencing methods to identify the causative genes. <p>Dr. Anderson's approach is appropriately balanced between pursuing several mutations that are already in hand for more in depth analysis and generating and cloning new mutants by modifying the screen to use a reporter mouse line for canonical Wnt signaling. It is an excellent marriage of hypothesis-based research and discovery using the powerful combination of mouse genetics and cell biology. The focus on the canonical Wnt pathway will define genes and mechanisms that are responsible for structural birth defects as well as shed light on tumorigenesis, tumor invasion, and metastasis as inappropriate activation of the Wnt pathway is a key step in these processes. An important and little studied nexus is the association between structural birth defects and childhood cancers. <br><br>At some point one might expect some convergence between Dr. Anderson's approach and that of the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) of which the NIH KOMP2 is a founding member. However, the IMPC effort is currently in its ramp up phase, and any convergence is likely a number of years down the road. Also, it is important to note that Dr. Anderson's approach generates not only null mutations (like those being analyzed by the IMPC) but also hypomorphs that model human disease alleles.";

            grant.ApprovalSignatureBlock = new CMWApprovalSignatureBlock()
                BranchChief = new CMWApprovalSignature { ApprovalDate = DateTime.Parse("08/20/2012"), FullName = "Arthur Tyl Hewitt" },
                ProgramOfficer = new CMWApprovalSignature { ApprovalDate = DateTime.Parse("08/20/2012"), FullName = "Lorette C Javois" },
                DirectorDER = new CMWApprovalSignature { ApprovalDate = DateTime.Parse("08/20/2012"), FullName = "Eugene Hayunga", IsProxy = true, Comment = "It is immportant to bring this to Council discussion.", Status = "approved" },
                DirectorOEP = new CMWApprovalSignature { ApprovalDate = DateTime.Parse("08/20/2012"), FullName = "Eugene Hayunga" }

            grant.FundingDetail = new List<CMWGrantFundingDetail>()
                new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ Year = 1, DirectCost = 101771, TotalCost=134831},
                new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ Year = 2, DirectCost = 201772, TotalCost=234832},
                new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ Year = 3, DirectCost = 301773, TotalCost=334833}

            // FOR TESTING

            grant.Recommendation += (ActionTypeCode.Equals("e", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) ? string.Empty : @"<br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est nulla, feugiat vitae tincidunt non, dictum ut dui. Pellentesque egestas luctus nisi quis posuere. Proin at nisl eros, nec fermentum augue. Duis velit mi, adipiscing sed lobortis ac, mollis sed nunc. Integer quis erat at massa dictum luctus id et sem. In odio sem, consequat euismod vehicula ac, suscipit fringilla lorem. Sed tempus urna ac lorem dignissim sit amet adipiscing mauris luctus. Phasellus lacinia augue at mi sagittis elementum. Etiam nec nisl mauris, vel tincidunt metus. Quisque ut nulla dui. In consectetur ultrices lacus, at convallis leo luctus convallis. Vestibulum ullamcorper euismod orci, et mattis augue cursus ut. Nulla eget massa nisi. Aenean vestibulum ante bibendum tellus vehicula egestas.";
            grant.Justification += (ActionTypeCode.Equals("e", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) ? string.Empty : @"<br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est nulla, feugiat vitae tincidunt non, dictum ut dui. Pellentesque egestas luctus nisi quis posuere. Proin at nisl eros, nec fermentum augue. Duis velit mi, adipiscing sed lobortis ac, mollis sed nunc. Integer quis erat at massa dictum luctus id et sem. In odio sem, consequat euismod vehicula ac, suscipit fringilla lorem. Sed tempus urna ac lorem dignissim sit amet adipiscing mauris luctus. Phasellus lacinia augue at mi sagittis elementum. Etiam nec nisl mauris, vel tincidunt metus. Quisque ut nulla dui. In consectetur ultrices lacus, at convallis leo luctus convallis. Vestibulum ullamcorper euismod orci, et mattis augue cursus ut. Nulla eget massa nisi. Aenean vestibulum ante bibendum tellus vehicula egestas.";
            grant.ConcurInd = "Y";
            grant.Summary = new byte[0];
            grant.Attachments = new List<CMWAttachment>();
            grant.Attachments.Add(CMWPDFDataHelper.GetAttachment(filepath, fileOne));

            if (ActionTypeCode.Equals("m", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                grant.Summary = Utility.PdfBytes(new HelloWorld());
                grant.Attachments.Add(CMWPDFDataHelper.GetAttachment(filepath, fileTwo));

            grant.IsSelectedForPrint = true;

            return grant;
Exemplo n.º 8
        // creates list grants : 2U10HD036790-16 , 1U10HD076502-01 , 1U10HDF076503-01
        public static List<CMWGrant> PopulateList_IDDB()
            List<CMWGrant> funding = new List<CMWGrant>();

            var one = new CMWGrant()
                FullGrantNum = "2U10HD036790-16",
                ActionTypeCode = "s",
                PriorityScoreNumber = 16,
                IRGPercentileNum = 3,
                PIName = "TONASCIA, JAMES",
                ProjectTitle = "Neonatal Research Network Data Coordinating Center (DCC)",
                OrgName = "RESEARCH TRIANGLE INSTITUTE",
                SRGDirectCost = 5339854,
                ProgClassCode = "CDBB-LH",
                FundTypeInd = "F",
                BranchCode = "CDBB",
                BranchName = "Child Development and Behavior Branch",
                BranchSort = 1,
                Summary = Utility.PdfBytes(new HelloWorld("FundType F - 2U10HD036790-16")),
                RFARecommendation = @"The reviewers noted the outstanding to exceptional quality, experience and commitment of RTI. The data center is well qualified and has provided outstanding evidence of successful past performance, academic productivity, clinical trials and statistical expertise, staffing expertise; capacity and ability to manage data and communications; evidence of reporting capabilities; expertise and experience in logistical and other support services; monitoring experience and ability; experience in technology transfer, data management, and protocol training capabilities; and evidence of management capabilities. The reviewers unanimously agreed that RTI has a 14+ year history of performing an outstanding job as the data coordinating center for the NICHD Neonatal Research Network. Staff recommendation costs exceed PI requested costs in order to fund the protocol specific capitation costs for the 18 NRN centers. Staff strongly recommends RTI to continue as the DCC for the network.",
                FundingDetail = new List<CMWGrantFundingDetail>()
                    new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ SourceName="NICHD", DirectCost = 339854, TotalCost=480000},
                    new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ SourceName="HG", DirectCost = 854533, TotalCost=648111}
                IsSelectedForPrint = true
            one.Attachments = new List<CMWAttachment>();
            one.Attachments.Add(CMWPDFDataHelper.GetAttachment(filepath, fileFour));


            var two = new CMWGrant()
                FullGrantNum = "1U10HD076502-01",
                ActionTypeCode = "s",
                PriorityScoreNumber = 26,
                IRGPercentileNum = 0,
                PIName = "ZHANG, HEPING",
                ProjectTitle = "Data Coordinating Center for Neonatal Research Network",
                OrgName = "YALE UNIVERSITY",
                SRGDirectCost = 0,
                FundTypeInd = "C",
                ProgClassCode = "CDB-LH",
                BranchCode = "CDBB",
                BranchName = "Child Development and Behavior Branch",
                BranchSort = 2,
                //Summary = new byte[0],
                Summary = Utility.PdfBytes(new HelloWorld("Fund Type C - 1U10HD076502-01")),
                RFARecommendation = @"<br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est nulla, feugiat vitae tincidunt non, dictum ut dui. Pellentesque egestas luctus nisi quis posuere. Proin at nisl eros, nec fermentum augue. Duis velit mi, adipiscing sed lobortis ac, mollis sed nunc. Integer quis erat at massa dictum luctus id et sem. In odio sem, consequat euismod vehicula ac, suscipit fringilla lorem. Sed tempus urna ac lorem dignissim sit amet adipiscing mauris luctus. Phasellus lacinia augue at mi sagittis elementum. Etiam nec nisl mauris, vel tincidunt metus. Quisque ut nulla dui. In consectetur ultrices lacus, at convallis leo luctus convallis. Vestibulum ullamcorper euismod orci, et mattis augue cursus ut. Nulla eget massa nisi. Aenean vestibulum ante bibendum tellus vehicula egestas.",
                FundingDetail = new List<CMWGrantFundingDetail>()
                    new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ SourceName="NICHD", DirectCost = 339854, TotalCost=480000},
                    new CMWGrantFundingDetail(){ SourceName="HG", DirectCost = 0, TotalCost=5339854}
                IsSelectedForPrint = true

            two.Attachments = new List<CMWAttachment>();
            two.Attachments.Add(CMWPDFDataHelper.GetAttachment(filepath, fileFive));


            var three = new CMWGrant()
                FullGrantNum = "1U10HDF076503-01",
                ActionTypeCode = "s",
                PriorityScoreNumber = 2,
                IRGPercentileNum = 1.1m,
                PIName = "DAS, ABHIK",
                ProjectTitle = "Neonatal Research Network-NRN NICHD",
                OrgName = "JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY",
                SRGDirectCost = 499582,
                FundTypeInd = "O",
                ProgClassCode = "X1RL",
                BranchCode = "CDBB",
                BranchName = "Child Development and Behavior Branch",
                BranchSort = 9,
                Summary = Utility.PdfBytes(new HelloWorld("FundType O - 1U10HD076503-01")),
                RFARecommendation = @"<br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est nulla, feugiat vitae tincidunt non, dictum ut dui. Pellentesque egestas luctus nisi quis posuere. Proin at nisl eros, nec fermentum augue. Duis velit mi, adipiscing sed lobortis ac, mollis sed nunc. Integer quis erat at massa dictum luctus id et sem. In odio sem, consequat euismod vehicula ac, suscipit fringilla lorem. Sed tempus urna ac lorem dignissim sit amet adipiscing mauris luctus. Phasellus lacinia augue at mi sagittis elementum. Etiam nec nisl mauris, vel tincidunt metus. Quisque ut nulla dui. In consectetur ultrices lacus, at convallis leo luctus convallis. Vestibulum ullamcorper euismod orci, et mattis augue cursus ut. Nulla eget massa nisi. Aenean vestibulum ante bibendum tellus vehicula egestas.",
                FundingDetail = new List<CMWGrantFundingDetail>() { },
                IsSelectedForPrint = true

            three.Attachments = new List<CMWAttachment>();
            three.Attachments.Add(CMWPDFDataHelper.GetAttachment(filepath, fileSix));

            return funding;